
Hurrr, this offends us! Change it, producer-san! Truly no game is safe from politics and propaganda being injected by the scheming hand of Zeon. Fucking zeeks. Fucking shills. Fucking zeekshills. I seriously hope none of you guys give a cent to Yoko 'A CHAR' Taro.

Please contain your autism OP.

nice click bait faggot.

So was it censored in the west and japan?

Also do you know if anything actually signifigant to the story and plot was changed? Because ime not defending it but this kind of minute shit

And you thought that Japan was without censorship too. Reminder that 100% of genitalia in Japanese stuff gets censored, and it has to be "decensored" by fans who basically demosaic or even draw it themselves.

Can't outrage them Nintoddlers though.

I fucking love moonman.

I got scared for a second, but then I realized that OP was being a faggot.

Read the op. Also take your underage consolewar shit back to cuckchan

Nice clickbait, buzzfeed should hire you since you'll easily pass their interview process of guzzling several gallons of nigger and arab semen.

Are you shitting me? Is neo-Holla Forums completely fine with Zeon propaganda being shoved into their games as they only need to whine in order to get it changed? Back in my day we'd show the developers what for if they only caved in just a little by spamming their fax machines and mail boxes, but now neo-Holla Forums has become so complacent thanks to Zeon shills that they're completely fine with a colony up their ass. Not exacting justice over shit like this will only set an example for future faggotry. If you aren't with us, you are with them.

I swear to god Sonyggers are radicalizing and organizing

Calm your mantits my little manchildren, this little joke is getting edited out specifically to not trigger your flabby anuses.


Uhh… This is a nintendo 64?
Gosh nintendo japs must be really taking the mario cock hard to get riled up about this. Either way not a particularly serious issue, if a game tried to reference a piece of garbage and called it a Mikey M0US3 as a play on the name of a real weapon I wouldn't exactly blame them if they wanted to change the name before the cartoon jews got wind of it.

You're not very bright are you?

Wow, Great thread OP

Eh, better than tumlrwatch general.


This thread is like a portion of halfchan found it's way over here.

These nigga can't be serious. I'm sure as fuck not getting it now.

well, it's not like the game is wrong. The N64 was the worst console of its gen. It was the marked decline of nintendo consoles period. Pic related is the best 5th gen console.

What fucking potion

This precisely the sort of the sort of shit I was talking about when I said contain your autism. Holy Fuck.


We all know what OP intended.
What he is hoping happens, is that retards see this thread or just scan it and then spread the rumor that Neir is censored.

This shit happens all the time.

Like when retards claimed Steam was giving SPECIAL refunds for people who bought NMS.

Not really, the thread barely started and there's rampant shitposting and autism

how many layers of chromosomes are you on?



Fuck off back to space Zeoniggers, this is a FEDERATION thread. Don't complain when your shitty Zaku gets annihilated by the power of the Gundam and the fucking sun.

Top kek m8.



I'm sorry, but at this point I see no reason to not roll for dubs in this thread. Congratulations, OP, this was YOUR doing.


To only thing to get upset about is the fact that its the n64 which was superior to the PS1 in every way instead of literally any nintendo console.

Nice clickbait. You'll make a fine Buzzfeed writer one day.

Why does this sound like a fake news story to make real censorship seem like a joke? Remember a achievement was """""""""""mistranslated""""""""""""

So Japanese nintendrones are as autistic and thin-skinned as the Western ones. Who would have said it?

That has nothing to do with censorship

Disposable weebshitters btfo!

BOTW is out soon and they have to justify trying to fit the switch into their boxes a.k.a apartments.

Calm down, nintendrone. You'll get your switch soon enough.

federation? more like fageration

They need a second round of nuking.

people think this is a Nintendo 64.

Gonna mod it back in, fuck those gooks.

Nintardos, it's over for you.
The N64 was a piece of shit.
I should know.
I had one.
My dumbass brother convinced me to get one before a Playstation in 1998.

Good, the PSX was a nogames console with nothing but multiplats and movie licensed shit.

Are you retarded?
This is how fucked up you nintardos are.
Hey, how's the Switch looking?

why no one is posting nier ass?

Just kidding, hard drive's empty.

what is the problem? the nintendo 64 is a piece of trash since it's inception.

And not a single exclusive worth my time
It's not even out yet and it has more exclusives planned than the entire Playstation libraries combined.

Not sure if trolling or…

Go back to Reddit

pretty spot on, the 64 was trash.

Dubs confirm

I'm gay

People in this thread talking shit about the N64 or the PS1. A time where 3D games were in there golden age. where every game felt unique because the rules for 3D weren't written yet.

Go back to heck.

Sour grapes if I ever heard it.

Seriously, what is wrong with those nips? Holy shit.


Oh wow, it's fucking nothing.

This, those were good times.

Wow, nevermind. On top of being thin skinned babbies, the japs are also retarded. Grorious nippon.

I miss when this board was good


End your life

The Mickey Mauser! The German Rat Rifle to end all other guns!

he said portion

What the fuck? This is the first time Japs have complained about something and made it censored is Japan alright? Please dont tell me too many westerners migrated there?


You're a massive fucking weeb if you believe this is the first time japs have called for censorship on something.

You're in for a rude awakening

japs censor violence
while americucks censor sexuality

thats why japan is the superior country.

Eat shit, you degenerate kikeloving son of a bitch.

This is far from the first time shit like this has happened, in recent memory their bitching made Senran Kagura 2 easier, the Berserk Musou less violent, Resi 7 less scary, and Nioh less challenging

Hey fuckwit, ever wonder why you're precious anime titties have black lines on them or are rendered into pixelated masses? Because japs censor all the genitalia in their porn because they have their own share of leftist faggots you dumb fuck.

hi Holla Forums, how's that racewar of yours coming? still losing? k thx bye

I was about to say that maybe it's due to how Japanese developers try their damnedest to be respectful to one another usually because Japs, and this was probably seen as an unintentional low blow taken the wrong way

But nah, those nip players are just downright fucking missing their brains if this is supposed to be the N64 to them.

Also OP is a faggot clickbaiter.




The issue is OP is a fag and nips are soulless casuals.

post cute androids

I'd rather take armchair Nazis than weeaboos.
At least one group isn't completely delusional.


At least they're offended by something actually related to video games rather than pitching a fit over unrelated cultural marxist shit like privilege, patriarchy, microaggression, mudversity, womyn, etc.

Regardless, this is stupid & OP is being a hyperbolic little flaming faggot to trivialize actual problems.

was going to ask how the classwar was going over at Holla Forums but I think it's more likely you're from reddit, go back to where you came from faggot.

The N64 is trash though. It's by far the worst Nintendo console and yes I'm including the WiiU.

nintoddlers and SJWs are the same

its not.
all of you should fuck off.

this was a silly thread but you took it to the next level of cancer

Faggots all of them but at least 2B isn't censored.

Internet was a mistake.

It's not even referring to the N64, read the thread you ninny.

You know, I would complain about political shitposting but this thread has been shit from the start, so please continue and crash this thread with no survivors.

Don't give a shit, the N64 is garbage and I will not be happy until every retarded nostalgiafag accepts this fact.

Reported for shitposting, d&c and derailing.

Well have fun with your meaningless endeavor faggot, but you could at least sage if you're gonna be off topic.

Were they offended because it was a reference to the missle or because they love the N64 that much? Either way its fucking retarded

holy fuck nostalgiafags actually offended by a stupid joke, this must be fake

just nintardos

I think it's mostly because of Japan obsession with politeness and respect, especially considering it's a japan console and it will be sold overseas and also their extreme love for Nintendo

Well, another one bites the dust.
Also funny to see how many plebbitors found their way in here to defend censorship.
Or almost everyone forgot what happened 2 years ago.

it's because you had like several thousands textured triangles in a single screen to spare. each game needed their own specialized graphics management algorithms because just dumping a model and level data into a memory wouldn't cut it at all

Wait a sec why are nintendofags playing sony games instead of wiiu and switch???

Can I just have the game on PC already?

nice bait thread can you fuck off now

You PCucks and Sonyponys have no right to insult Nintendo like this.


lurk more.

OP is an autistic faggot and chinks are retarded.
In other words the sky is blue and grass is green.

Actually fuck it since it's vaguely on topic I'll unsage
So, do people really care that much over absolutely minor censorship and things like that? I've never cared for it at all yet have been told by a lot of people that it's a 'slippery slope,' yet haven't really been presented any solid evidence besides shitty companies being shitty, shocking no one at all.

The best way to summarize it I guess is, why do people get so high strung over stupid non-issues like censorship of names/changing lines and so on?

You really need to go back to using 4chan. The sad, neutered excuse for Holla Forums over there seems to suit you better.

The actual change I do t think anyone really cares about, but it is most definitely a slippery slope.

Yes, people post on both Holla Forums and Holla Forums, everyone knows this. The problem is the retards who think the boards are one and the same just because other retards do.

They're not wrong. Old Nintendo hardware was actually decent, they should've used a WiiU instead.


Holla Forums can't talk about video games without correlating it to entry-level politics, of course Holla Forums isn't Holla Forums. You really should stay on your own board instead of infesting everywhere else and screaming about "CTR SHILL CUCK JEW D&C SHILL CUCK CUCK CUCK" when told to fuck off.

Pretty much this. Holla Forumstards have a nasty habit of making it REALLY fucking clear that they're Holla Forumstards. Holla Forums threads on Holla Forums are way easier to spot just from the general mannerisms of the posters than, say, a Holla Forums thread (unless it's some super obvious shit like "man i sure love communism" or "trump is a jew xd")

They're trying to make the whole argument against censorship into a joke. The point is to make all outcry against censorship a joke you don't wanna be a joke and lose reddit karma right goy? Like I said earlier a achievement name was changed because it had the word pervert in it.

To be fair a lot of the outcry over minor shit really is a joke. People exploding over a dumbass nintendo thing or minor changes like hiding panties are exploding over what's honestly a non-issue. If it's not gameplay, who gives a shit?

Holla Forums is easy to spot because you're always cucking for SJW faggotry and then sperg the fuck out when someone has a right wing opinion.

Example: this thread. Notice it's you lefty faggots who can't contain your autism.

Alrighty then, can you show me where I'm "cucking for SJW faggotry" and where I "sperged the fuck out" over a right wing opinion?

Remember that slippery slope user? Well it's happened, fire emblem dates removed a head patting mini game because it was mysoginist or some shit. Or maybe how DOA didn't get an official western release because of SJW faggots, is taking away a game wholesale enough for you to care?


Don't talk to me or my wifes Holla Forums ever again.

wow, that sure does ruin the entire game's content that's still present
You mean DOA Xtreme 3, the shitty beach game? Sorry, I was talking about video games, not ecchi shit. I think literally everyone here knows no one bought that game for the fucking gameplay.

So can you make a legitimate argument as to why I should care that a line or two of text is being changed?

OP we don't care about items name being changed.
We care about fanservice and sex jokes.

I get that threads like "Good Communism Games" and shitting up threads with political opinions are a problem, but then you have calling out Holla Forums over calling someone a kike lover. Last time I checked, calling someone "kike" or "jew" wasn't exclusive to Holla Forumstards.

Well, it doesn't look like the "MIM-46 Mauler" that the article mentions, but it certainly does not look like an N64 from any angle. It looks more like a bazooka-type weapon or perhaps a very long and inefficient rifle scope. Japs are just retarded.

Holy shit i'm speechless. Please tell me it's fake.

I still want to know where this actual shilling comes from.
Every thread goes as usual until some obvious newfag spurts the word "Holla Forums", 4 new ids suddenly appear in the thread to support him, make 1 or 2 more posts unrelated to the thread itself and never come back. Then a few more come in to complain that Holla Forums is the devil and doesn't let them have their video games. Rinse and repeat, every time.

Yeah, it's pretty fucking dumb, I'll agree there, but I mean if it's not "ugh, saying kike? looks like that stupid NAZIS are here XD" or some other thread derailing shit I don't see much of an issue with it. People on the internet have different opinions from each other. Some of them just happen to be retarded (like pol and leftypol)

Fuck off, censorship is unacceptable and you are a dumbass faggot for believing otherwise. Christ it baffles me that anyone in Holla Forums could still be this stupid after how many times we've had to go over why censorship is ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION bad.

Uh, where in the fuck did I say either of that? See, you seem to be blind, what I said was:

wow, that sure does ruin the entire game's content that's still present
You mean DOA Xtreme 3, the shitty beach game? Sorry, I was talking about video games, not ecchi shit. I think literally everyone here knows no one bought that game for the fucking gameplay.

So can you make a legitimate argument as to why I should care that a line or two of text is being changed?

When I ask for an argument as to why I should care about censorship, "fuck off it's always unacceptable and you're stupid for thinking otherwise" isn't an argument, it's a whiny retard screaming and stomping his feet.

Go to bed nerd.

And then there's also this guy, the redditor going full retard and saying something along the lines of "both sides are dumb i'm smart".
Whereas a normal thread goes on as usual and is unpredictable, whenever the shills i mentioned on appear it's always the exact same thing every time.

The moment you can get one thing changed to suit a crowd's agenda, you can get anything changed to suit a crowd's agenda. When the waters become muddied with taboos and oopsies it means that you are beyond the reasonable point of conscious thought.

Whether the reference is, this was a shit console, or "this console is so old it's rotted away but god damn that nintendium really held out for 10,000 years" or whatever, it's art therefore it should be safe from being altered to suit the comfort zone of the masses. Art is not meant to make you comfortable.

When a generation of NEETs (both Western and Japanese alike) complain that someone has insulted the name of Nintendo and it should be changed, it means that we're at the tipping point where everything has become endangered. Preservation of art should take precedence over preservation of a fucking brand name.

Oh no, I never said I was smart for not being extreme for either side. I just think both sides have massive retards on them. There's cool poltards and leftypoltards who don't try to derail threads or make stupid threads to start shit with one another. Miscommunication on my part, sorry.

Because it ruins the experience and shows you have no respect for artistic vision. Single changes can change a lot, and while in this specific case it doesn't, it can and lots of changes have been to remove religious elements or change gender, and sometime outright remove dialogue. If you don't care that you're version is missing parts then maybe you should go back to Reddit and suck the translator's dick.

They're right you know. As much as you don't like other people's opinions you shouldn't get to turn every thread into a Holla Forums thread. And no I'm not a "cuck sjw faglord liberal communist", I'm just not a huge dick who thinks that everything has to be something political. Honestly I have no idea why you people think you're any better than any other preachy, ideology driven group of people.

Well me personally I was just scrolling down when I saw people raising this point and I agreed with it. Not everyone is paid shills, some of us just want to talk about video games and not Holla Forums's autism.

Gaijin scum get so dramatic over nothing.

At least we're not too busy having our women cuck us with foreigners. How's that declining population going for ya?

No you nigger, like I said it's a slippery slope from small changes to whole scripts being revised and sections removed, as well as the other user where you get things being meddles with so a thousand different crowds don't get their jimmies rustled. Eat shit.

I disagree entirely. For starters, games aren't art. I don't know why this meme keeps coming up but there's nothing really art about games. There's a lot of great experiences in them but I've never considered DMC3 an art just because it's one of the most fun video games I've played. Calling a hobby an art is stupid. It's like saying D&D is an art. It's a hobby. Sure, you can make art with it, like some more artistic games like flower and what have you, but pulling the 'ALL GAMES ARE ART SO DON'T CHANGE A JOKE' argument doesn't make a lot of sense.

I highly doubt that just because one stupid line was changed that the entire game is going to be gutted by retards now.

It's not a slippery slope though. It's never been a slippery slope. The worst that happens is that a few more lines are changed but I've never seen legitimate gameplay parts removed because of the overly offended crowd. The worst I can think of is maybe the airport thing from MW2.

Whether or not games are art is irrelevant, they have their own integrity as a media and shouldn't subject themselves to the whims of bitching faggots who can't handle a joke. If a song or movie or book you liked had some lines changed because you faggot whined and complained would you not being mad?

Please explain yourself and tell us why games are not art. How are games "nothing really artistic?" It's a collection of all of the arts combined to make a game, music, writing, painting/drawing, movie… All rolled into one package with a fifth dimension of agency. So how does agency suddenly reduce all of the art involved in a game to not be art.

You know if Japs ask Yoko Taro to change it, he will just make it more aggressive just to spite them, the absolute madman.
Everyone is literally getting mad over nothing.

Post more green-haired whore.

No, I really wouldn't be mad. Why would I? it's like, a line of text or some shit. If the original intent is still conveyed, why would I give a shit? Even if it wasn't, who cares? I'll just read what the original was like.

If a game is fun, I don't care what 'censorship' it may have. Simple as that.

Because art is subjective and gameplay isn't. A buggy unplayable game is still shit


can you provide evidence for that claim? Because I wouldn't be surprised if squeenix went over taro and just changed it themselves.

Yes it is, we've gone from crosses being removed and female characters having jackets put on them to, like I already said, mini games being removed and entire games not being sold it in the west for the express reason of not wanting to deal with localization fuckery.

Sure, just look at Taro's other games.

You dense nigger, the whole point is that the changed text does change the meaning, maybe taro was making a joke about Nintendo or referencing a missile launcher, but that joke or reference will now be removed so that those whining faggots won't get their feefees hurt.

Holy fuck do you live under a rock ?

Sorry, but you're not the arbiter of what is a "legitimate gameplay part." If your logic is "I don't care about this dating simulator, therefore it doesn't count" then you show that you have no valid opinion or criticism.

That don't deny you anything from the actual gameplay besides maybe dumb fanservice
You mean, ecchi porn not being sold?
Sorry, I was talking about video games.

Yes because the entire plot is dependent on the shitty N64 joke right

But it's not a fucking video game, it's like saying Custom Maid 3D 2 is clearly meant to be played as a video game and not a hentai simulator just because you have incredibly shallow elements to it. I mean by that point you may as well call a kinetic visual novel a video game. It's not, nor is CM3D2, nor is DOAX. When DOA5 is brought over just fine, and the fanservice game that can be imported just fine isn't brought over, this isn't an issue of 'slippery slope,' it's an issue of 'who gives a shit, it's not that big of a loss.'

You roll in front tumblr?

Ah, now you do show that you have no idea what we're talking about. We're talking about things like removing dating simulators from a Nintendo tactical RPG game called Fire Emblem. Censoring a full game like DOA X3. But instead you think I'm talking about a literal dating simulator, which is still a video game, like it or not.

Except that's not what I said. Please try reading before you reply, alright champ?

Stop posting.

So you even if the main intention isn't conveyed you don't care. You just outed yourself like every other motherfucker who comes into discussion about censorship and doesn't care, swearing up and down that it doesn't happen but when shown cases of it happening you brush it off your high horse like it's no big deal. You niggers never really care until it affects you, why are you even in this thread, who are you trying to convince if this is such a minimal issue it shouldn't even being bothered to be addressed?

That's exactly what you said, if a game with gameplay has the focus of being ecchi it is still a game you dumb faggot, you can still play volleyball in DOA 3 it's still a game, but you deny that because it also has the intent of being sexy. Get the fuck off this board and site.

After you start reading :^)

Yes because the vast majority of the fucking discussion of censorship is dominated by 'WAAH THEY CHANGED ONE LINE, THE WHOLE GAME IS RUINED, FUCKING SJW CUCKS, UGH' or over dumb shit like removed visibility of panties and what have you. I highly doubt that massive cleavage, a joke about niggers, jokes about shitty consoles, or a minigame with no real fail state have any legitimate affect on the story or gameplay, let alone to the point the two become ruined.

There must be something legitimately wrong with you if absolutely minor changes like this somehow 'affect' you.

No need to be so mad, nerd. Your dumb ecchi shit isn't a video game just because it has minigame shit to it. You, and absolutely everyone else here, knows it's just ecchi and that's the only reason anyone plays it. They KNOW that's a limited market here and they didn't release it. I'm gonna keep having different views from you and staying on this site, guess you're gonna have to just suck it up :^)

Truly the GOTY.

to you. Have you ever thought outside of your own little bubble? Have you ever thought as to what might happen when someone gets offended as something you like? Of course you haven't, because you're degenerate scum. You've never cared about anything except yourself and your own tastes in your entire life, and provide nothing to an actual discussion. You can only see inside your own perspective.

Oh, and

here you go you sack of shit who knows nothing. Get the fuck out of here.