Corpse Party

Remake when?

Book of Shadows never should have been made

Please tell me Blood Drive is better?

It isn't

Nothing wrong with Book of Shadows IMO, i liked it.
BLOOD DRIVE ON THE OTHER HAND… THAT >story and >framerate

Wait the frame rate got wrecked?

Wasn't there a comedy spin-off for the PSP as well?

So wait, the first Corpse Party is the peak of the series and it all goes downhilll? Good lord

I heard it had shit framerate with cute 3D models

Book of shadows is there if you want to know the backstory of the characters that appear in the first game, which makes it more tragic. Blood drive had a great start but then it kinda fizzles out and is there if you want to conclude the story. The first one is way superior which is not suprising considering the fact that game has been improved upon for a decade with continous releases.

Yeah, I had times moving around randomly waiting for the next event to trigger, still the character development and gore are great. A must play for VN connoisseur (and you can get a special scene if you unlock all endings…)

Also, Seiko is the best girl. ;_;

Does the game get better after Chapter 1? I'm playing the 3DS version but I'm not sure if I want to keep going.

What you see is basically what you get, if you dont like Chapter 1 I cant recommend it. The only reason I can think of to go back are for the bad endings too.

Well, that's too bad. I guess I'll try Sweet Home instead; it looks a bit more up my alley.

Seiko and the teacher were the best characters.
>that part where they see the texts Seiko sent before she died

But the original is an rpg maker game, so it shouldn't be surprising if it feels like what it was orginally made as.

Mah nigga

Daily reminder Ayumi did everything wrong.

Fucking retard doomed half of her friends over some stupid charm she read on the internet to be friends forever instead of asking to exchange emails and shit like that like a normal person

I still cant get over how retarded this whole scenario is.

Great idea

And all because she loves Satoshi that much that she cant do something simple and less dangerous like asking for his phone number

That would be Naho, her husbando got trapped inside the cursed school and she got the brilliant idea of lying about how to perform the ritual for trapping more innocent people there to be research material.
Shinozaki is simply an idiot with good intentions, but hell is full of good intentions.

It's not stupid. It's like when someone wants to spice things up with friends and brings an Ouija board to have fun.


fucking sold

>the most unstable are the last chapter and a main menu
>turning on flashlight drops fps to a steady 13 frames, just enough for you to enjoy with one eye closed

Thats why you pirate the game and get amphetamine to fix the framerate


Well, at least now I know to only touch the first Corpse Party game.

I'm hard on BoS, but I prefer it to Blood Drive by a wide margin. The ending to blood drive does the We get to save all our friends, but they've forgotten us thing.

While I'm at it, are any of the OVAs worth watching?

Blood Drive feels like a cheap attempt to milk the franchise.
Now there are multiple secret societies competing against each other to see who is the most retarded.
Humans with super powers like magic and telekinesis. Only ghosts or other supernatural beings used to have this kind stuff in the previous games.
The entire world is in danger and by entire world, we mean only Japan. In such scale the entire story gets a more epic (for the lack of a better word) vibe, instead of a group of students trying to survive the horror.
Death scenes lack description, it's more like "My head fell off and I died there.". Not even close to the vivid descriptions in Book of Shadows.
Even with the descriptions, the developers should learn to "show, don't tell". Some scenes would be much better animated, but this would increase costs and time, so I understand.
Some characters behavior and design are CRAWLING IN MY SKIN level (pic related).

Now, regarding presentation…
Graphics are slight better than PSX games, the scenery is plain and empty, the chibi 3D characters style doesn't fit horror at all and it's quite funny seeing a disfigured, but cute, ghost going after you.
There's dynamic real time shadow now, but characters don't cast shadows, only the environment objects do, there's also some eye candy effects like normal maps that react nicely to the flashlight, but all this comes to a cost of a terrible frame rate. It would be better if the developers dropped all this effects in favor of better environment and character models.

In short, I can only recommend this game for hardcore fans.

Multiple secret societies and the entire world being in danger? What the fuck am I reading, is this supposed to be a horror game still in the same universe as the first Corpse Party or is this flavor of the month shonenshit?

I'll let these pics speak for themselves.

You think the corpses are still warm?

Good lord.

The story jumps the shark and goes full anime so fucking hard you might as well consider it a completely different game. I enjoyed the ride it took me on but goddamn this shit takes a nosedive after a few chapters in. You might as well wait for Corpse Party 2 if they EVER finish it


I wish I didnt look deeper into it.

What the fuck is this

Appealing to wider audience

I just realized I didn't save it


What did he mean by this?