So tell me, anons. Did you fall for the "dark souls of multiplayer brawlers" meme?
For Honor
then why do you post about it ?
Eat shit, shill.
I don't think you know what that word means, user-kun.
Fuck off shill, everyone is seeing through your ruse.
So, this game is a complete disappointment? I was hoping it would be a lucky strike from Ubi.
It's got some interesting combat for 1v1 duels at least which could use some balancing to really stand out, but the connectivity issues really fucking killed it
Except he's not shilling anything. For Honor and the rest of consolecuck games suck dick.
Fuck off, shill.
So stop posting about them.
If we didn't post about games that suck Holla Forums wouldn't have a single on-topic thread.
Is your highly specific definition of Shill : "discussing things I don't like"?
Continuing to push this meme is why people call you a shill
If you weren't a shill you wouldn't be lying to people about the price of the game to make it seem like you have to pay more for it like a goddamn used car salesman in danger of being fired
Reminder that there are ubicucks on this board that were pushing this game as being good.
One of my chairforce friends was desperately trying to get me to buy this shit show. He unironically used "it's basically dark souls pvp" as the selling point
You actually bought it on steam?
how retarded do you have to be to buy a season pass on something you can earn ingame.
Core idea seems good but it just comes short in so many ways. Peer to Peer probably being the biggest problem that most people bring up. When your gameplay requires precise button presses and you've got shitty connectivity, the game really does fall apart at the seams. Overpowered gear combined with that rage mechanic can really break the game.
Probably better than getting the console PS4 version where it runs at 30fps which makes the game even worse combined with its connectivity.
I was expecting Bushido Blade online and I think it got halfway to that point and just stopped to make very stupid decisions.
Yeah that pretty clearly says the game is 60 dollaridoos
I don't see you complaining about being "forced" to pay more when other fighting games come out on release day with dozens of skin DLCs that jack the price up into the hundreds
Holy shit, you actually bought the game didn't you. Your first post makes sense now. That wasn't you accusing me of being a shill for promoting the game. That was you suffering from post-purchase rationalization and being extremely defensive about your purchase, accusing me of being a "shill" in the context of me shitting all over the game you just blew 60 shekels on. Like I'm affiliated with a rival corporate entity to Ubisoft.
I think you might be suffering from a touch of schizophrenia
1) Fighting games for for niggers.
2) I routinely call out DLC jewry whenever applicable.
Fuck off retard
Fucking whores, the lot of you.
No, I didn't buy the game, because it's not worth 60 bucks
Which is the price of the game, and saying any different is lying out your ass
You're a "shill" in the sense that you're trying to convince people that the game costs more than it actually does
Orochi is an overrated meme. People still to new to games and some fags came up with a tier-list already. Lawbringer is secretly OP though.
You keep using that word, and I know for a fact you don't understand what it means.
Fuck off retard
You do realize you don't have to buy the season pass to unlock the DLC characters, right?
Full Game
If there is exclusive content in the season pass/gold edition that cannot be otherwise unlocked in-game (there is), then you by definition must bay ~$100 for the full game.
I don't know why you're trying to argue this.
Okay, so you're just a retard then
Like someone passing out fliers for a store with swastikas drawn on them "ironically" because they think the poor advertising will hurt the store
Adding "full" game on as a clarification doesn't make it any less of a lie
And how is that bad?
like what, name one
The only thing I can think of are some emblem outlines(aka fucking nothing), which have actually been given out as event rewards
I dont know where sony got their for honor shills but this is emberassing, I guess shit like this still works on reddit.
I avoid dark souls anything as much as possible.
Here, have 3 :^)
I know you bought it you nigger, you wouldn't be defending it this hard otherwise
Already mentioned the emblem outlines, but the effect is purchasable with in-game fun bux
There are plenty of valid reasons to call the game shit, you don't need to be retarded on purpose to try and prove some unnecessary point
user, you claimed you didn't buy the game here:
Yet you're claiming extremely intimate knowledge of the game including the in-app purchases which are not externally documented. Either you own the game and you lied in your previous post, or you're a genuine ubishill.
Which one is it?
His next line is "my friend bought it"
I played the beta and am interested in the game
I didn't buy it because I didn't think it was worth the full price, which is absolutely true
If it had a few patches and at least a 50% price drop I would buy it
Now that you've "outed" me as a relatively responsible consumer, how does that make you more right?
I mean, you could have mentioned the egregious problems with their p2p system, or the always online preventing you from playing single player if you can't connect, or them banning people for "cheating" that haven't even played the game, or hell even the microtransactions which would have given you a better point than you have now, but the hill you chose to die on was "game costs one hundred big boys" and I'm really confused as to why
YOU were the one to focus on that point
Fuckin ayy. I knew it.
That's not what moving the goalposts means, user.
Oh, and you still haven't proved that you can obtain all of the items listed as "exclusive" on the season pass in-game, nigger.
You intentionally moved what the goal of your argument was by accusing him of buying the game instead of responding to his claim of being able to buy the stuff with in game money. But now that you're asking for proof you're good cunt.
negative publicity is still publicity
keep to your containment thread
The sheer idiocy of the statement astounds me. I get the impression you're too retarded to grasp the difference between controversial publicity and negative publicity.
Hatred got its 15 minutes of fame thanks to controversy, people looked the game up to see what all the leftists were screeching about, SimCity sold like shit because word of mouth kept saying what a broken piece of shit the game was.
There's a difference between the two, so please, learn it, and stop embarrassing yourself trying to be a tryhard. If I want to discuss how shit a game is I won't let a whiny faggot like you get in the way.
tl;dr pls
It wasn't always like this
It was beautiful once
Fuck off, shill.
You're a faggot and your mother is a whore.
You're giving game exposure to the people who would otherwise won't even hear of it.
Even if you shit on it, now people know it exists and will look into it, possibly buying it.
So yeah, fuck of with your shilling.
Hell yes I nitpicked that issue, because it was bullshit thrown in with everything else to make your thread seem more legitimate
And you're still defending it
Though you know what, looking into it, I was wrong
That sun effect can't be bought with in-game money
It's actually a reward you can get through "ubisoft club", a service which I didn't know existed and seems to handle some of the achievement reward shit that uplay used to handle
So there you go
Oy vey.
Why do you think shit games sell in such quantities? Because of publicity, both good and bad.
So yeah, shut it down schlomo.
Because uninformed cucks buy games without doing the proper research.
You're a complete imbecile that thinks talking about a shit game being shit is shilling.
Marketing and press. Contrarians are loud, but not numerous. But yeah, good luck following that logic and being pretend /vr/ with the way this industry is going.
The only retard here is you, holy fuck people shitting on a game is not shilling how nu r u?
Fucking shills I swear.
Why mods aren't doing anything?
This is why this place has gone to shit, this thread should have been deleted 2 hours ago.
user, what are you doing?
Right, I'm sure the suits at Ubisoft are are just overjoyed at the fact that they're getting negative publicity (Bethesda shorted Obsidian for not hitting a certain metric on metacritic). You are such a fucking retard that it hurts. Giving it exposure? It's a fucking AAA game, you fucking idiot. It has a shitton of exposure by default. my mocking it here isn't elevating it in anyway.
Funny thing that you are so apeshit about people not shittalking the game since that is what the goal of most shilling is. I'm going to keep talking shit about your shitty game, ubicuck, and I'm going to enjoy your tears in the process.
>m-mods why aren't you deleting this thread that's saying bad about this game that i'm being paid to defend
Fuckin ayy lmao.
Mark keeps complaining about how people don't report things so he has no idea what to do. He's looking to avoid doing any work, so he blames the users for not doing it for him.
You know that they just paid a bunch of steamers just to play their game? Not advertise it, not praise it, just to fucking expose it in any light they wanted?
That's what you're doing there presumably for free.
I really fucking hope you get paid for this.
You'll never fit in, no matter how hard you try. Just fuck off to whatever shithole on the internet all the short bus school goers end up in because you merely breathing is making this board shittier.
Nice going shill
Its pointless arguing with these retards they really believe shitting on a game will somehow sell it.
Just like when we shit on gone homo and all those anons bought it :^)
They are more then likely high schoolers who stumbled upon the saying about bad publicity, which was used in the context of people.
So if a person reports on a brand of soap that melts your skin off, according to you that is still shilling because its giving it publicity?
Are you starting to understand why you are a retard?
I see what this is. Trying to shame AAA lynching.
For Honor is a shit game full of shit Ubisoft propaganda.
Tell your yid paymasters they'll end up in the oven one day.
This is seriously one of those games where more is worse. Ubisoft really shouldn't have made this into a triple-A product. They should have let a small team work on it as a Portal-esque side project. A neat little game that focused entirely on 1v1'ing.
It feels as though while they were making it, they had something genuinely good. Then a Ubisoft exec walked in and demanded a bunch of modes that don't even work with the core of the game. If they had just made a game with two modes, 1v1 and 2v2, the game would be a lot more focused and better.
It's triple layer, at least
Then you have the Steam version. So FOUR (4) layers of DRM are possible.
I don't have to offer proof that they're purchasable in-game, you seem to have forgotten what this argument was about
You know, the whole you lying about having to pay 100 dollars to get this stuff thing
And I've proven that you can get this stuff for free for no extra effort, unless you want fucking screenshots of a public ubisoft website
The bigger issue here is that the product information text includes a half truth, namely that "exclusive" in the description doesn't mean that the item is "exclusive" to the season pass, just "exclusive" to this other shit which you can get for free
Essentially, you fell for a dirty jewish trick and are now spreading that trick to more people, doing their marketing for them
Yes you do.
I said you needed to pay 100 dollarydoos for the full game. Full game meaning all content, and since you have not proven that you can obtain 100% of that content in-game, my point still stands.
Funny how you're choosing this hill to die on, user :^)
No, your point doesn't still stand, rabbi
The fact is that you don't need to pay 40 extra dollars to get your worthless cosmetics
If you want to argue semantics so bad, then the "full game" requires use of the ubisoft services, essentially making them an extension of the game
He's right you're wrong.
report shill threads like this one faggots, don't be the part of the problem
They're more than likely shills trying to derail the thread (one of them is even defending the game). An aspect of shilling that people often overlook is trying to shutdown negative discussions of a product (aka this thread). Just keep shittalking the game and watch the ubicuck salt pour in.
But you still need to pay $100 for all the content, not just the cosmetics. That $40 season pass is there for a reason.
Fuck off kike.
No, no you don't
The season pass is legitimately worthless, a trick to get people who don't know much about the game to give ubisoft more money thinking they'll miss out on stuff
Good job son
You guys are becoming synchronized with your shilling.
I'll have to trust you on that one Ubishill, I don't have access to the planned content for the season pass :^)
Well shit, now I'm curious as to how far these ubicucks are really willing to go.
He's trying to make the game look good in a roundabout way. The shills are learning.
Instead of sperging out when people point out the outrageous price for minimal content he invents this story that everything can be unlocked by simply playing the game.
I mean, it's not like Ubisoft doesn't have a history of shitting out DLC with overpowered content all the time, the $40 prince tag is just there for shit and giggles.
And yeah, still no fucking evidence to validate any of his claims.
Yes you do actually
It was posted in a screenshot further up
Nigger are you fucking high?
I want to main this class so fucking badly but Jewbisoft made him so lackluster and underpowered compared to all the other classes in the game. Hope he gets a well needed buff in the future.
ha, that wordfilter
But seriously though there's no legitimate reason for reddit formatting
Geeze are you like a captain in the Ubishill ranks?
Christ almighty, the shill paranoia ITT
I'm about to close this thread. All I wanted was some fun AAA shovelware bashing.
Sorry OP, that's all I wanted as well.
But I really do think some of this is damage control or idiots who bought the game when the first threads shilling it came up.
If I were you I would keep it open just as a fuck you.
Considering that's what I'm arguing against, yes that's what you're saying, shill
I was just looking for an excuse to post the new crowbcat video, and the previous FH thread fell off the board, tbh :^)
I didn't think it'd turn into an ubishill magnet, but I can't say I'm disappointed. Hopefully this thread keeps some anons from wasting their money on this shitfest
I am not OP
Lock the fucking thread already. Nobody discusses the game in there.
How dense are you? Check my ID, compare it to OP.
I was referring to closing the fucking tab, you retard.
Because of you two faggots shitting up the thread.
I think you are SJW or some butthurt liberal trying to shutdown board discussion.
Whose brilliant idea was that?
I was hoping you were a mod that decided to pull his head outta his ass for once.
My bad.
And do what?
The only person breaking the board rules here is you.
Man, and I thought 2016 Holla Forums was bad.
It's all the backseat moderation that's going on I tell you.
Its two faggots who come into every thread screaming console war or shilling, then demanding mods ban everyone and delete the thread.
They are here to stop all discussion on the board and try to return us to 4chaim.
The entire gaming industry
The p2p itself isn't the issue, watch the video in the OP, it's plagued by a bunch of inexplicable bullshit like extra lag out of nowhere because ubisoft is filled with incompetent retards
I remember when they were hyping the game.
Shit load of buzzwords including advanced netcode and tech to allow unparalleled competition with no advantages.
Been stomping with him though. Maybe I just got matched only with newbs or scrubs. For duels and one-on-one, I will agree that he is lackluster right now solely because he cannot flip then follow with top heavy reliably, but he is a beast in Dominion though. I like how he plays though, deliberate and powerful.
There should an explicit anti shilling rule tbh.
I aint breaking shit, and you're bumping shill thread.
Go kill yourself goyboy.
Honestly half of that would probably be true if the tech actually fucking worked like it was supposed to and wasn't full of security holes
I don't know how RTS players put up with this shit for so many years
Top kek, you really are brain damaged or an outsider.
apply yourself
Not an argument.
Where's yours?
Ironically, you're the biggest shill in this thread
That video is already in this thread, in the OP, as a webm
You're directly embedding it, and that fucker has ads enabled
He's still at it.
Does it make you mad to know your game is shit?
Which dark souls have people been playing for that to be a compliment?
PVP is the worst part of most souls games. The only reason it gets any play is the novelty and memes.
Pvpfags latch on to anything that has the option, you can even find a whole pvpfag community for minecraft
No, it makes me mad to know you can just show up in a thread and shill your shit game like that and still be able to sleep at night
At least minecraft has dedicated servers
For Honor and Dark Souls don't even have those.
You niggers seriously can't be this illiterate.
Your tears are so delicious, ubishill. Please, give me more. For honor is a shitty game and no amount of shilling you do will change that.
what the fuck did you people honest expect from nubisoft?
the only good thing that came out of this piece of garbage was a meme.
Yeah, I know that
You're just a faggot
Locked characters on Day 1 that can only be unlocked with DLC.
Why do you shills keep lying to people to convince them the season pass is worth it
This one's not even a good lie
Wew, warhammer got shit on for cutting out Chaos faction, but I'm guessing that was shilling too right?
The characters that are currently in the game are playable out of the box, with a meager fee of 500 in-game monopoly money to unlock for customization
The six characters that will be released as DLC throughout the year will also be available for free for everyone, with the people who bought the good goy pass just getting to use them a week early
You're pulling shit out of your ass and even if nothing else. it makes your position look worse
So actual shills defending at the game can point at faggots like you as proof that everyone decrying their game is just uninformed about it
War is Peace, son.
This is literally shilling. I think the most entertaining part is how terrible you are at your job.
You're so bad that it's entertaining, though. It's like watching some retarded kid flailing around and shitting himself. Unnerving, yet entertaining as well. What third-world shithole are you from?
Can't send off without quoting my favorite parts of this post
Totally not a shill.
Well that's because I don't know shit about the game.
Yet here you are so well versed in their business tactics and now telling people that its really not that bad GOY, they get the DLC characters eventually.
Amazing that you claim I'm shilling for the Season pass which would make you shilling for the base game.
Looks like everyone here has seen that same youtube video as well as the 'gaming news' articles copying it where the dude has wal mart internet and doesn't even show his NAT type blaming it on the servers/game/people.
I'll forgive you for that post if you tell me what anime the camera guy is from.
my only question is : why would anyone buy for honor when you already have something called "blade symphony" for 5 bucks ?
pretty graphics ? i understand consol faggot who need it for their consol war but PC user ?
call me a shill of B.S if you want but i don t care since i dont like thoses kind of game i dont even own any of them.
Accidental green text.
Unfortunately it is just an ad about movie pirates. Enjoy none the less.
Well for one its not an anime.
because they're playing the shitter 4v4 modes where it's probably not good enough
Ayy. Now that we're done with that, does anyone here think they're actually going to patch this shit to be fully playable, or is the playerbase going to abandon it, causing the devs to leave it unfinished and broken?
Has Ubishit shat out anything even remotely good since Driver SF?
I liked FC3, which fixed every problem I had with FC2.
Depends on how well the release goes for consoles. If it sells well there, then there won't be any reason to try and fix the PC version.
They've said something about "working on it", but that's probably just corporatespeak
The playerbase will dwindle, but that's more because the game offers little to keep people playing for a long time, the connection issues only make the game truly unplayable for a few, people who are already in the shit seem to be putting up with the occasional disconnection
Something weird happened with me and this game. I have an Xbone and got the beta key for this like a month ago. I do not have Xbox Live yet was able to play it online. I have the game now and am still able to play it online without Xbox Live. I can't play any of my other games online though.
I found the problem
Ubisoft is good at marketing. Check out the cuckchan /vg/ For Honor thread and tell me that 80% of the posted content there isn't pic related, let alone every other normalfag video game discussion board.
R6: Siege is fun despite Ubi's best efforts.
Watch out, don't want to be called a shill
i guess you are right, else how could they say with a straight face "we will use p2p network instead of dedicate server"
You bought it didnt you.
No Man's Sky
because it's fucking dead and the only people still playing it are the turbo autists.
For what it is though, it's fun and you can customize most of everything.
well if all thoses who bought for honor simply bought blade symphony it wouldn t be dead.
BS never got add so obviously it s not played
It's still top seller with Ghost Recon Cuck Lands.
Fucking normalfags still can see a Season Pass scam game when it jumps right in front of them.
You fucks deserve everything you get for being retards destroying video games by continuing to buy these shit products from terrible companies.
1v1 duels are fun.
If this game were any more broken, it might actually start to be fun.
They don't give a fuck, the goal was to build hype and sell season pass to gullible faggots with a game outsourced to some third world studio that isn't even in the credits. It's free money.
but WD2 wasnt bad, R6S is doing better than anyone expected, and apparently lots of people are liking wildlands.
I never thought I'd see the day that there is a UIDF
I didnt say I liked either of those games, and yet that makes me a Ubisoft defender now?
what was bad about it then? I had WD1 and it sucked so I didnt get 2, and I've seen no complaints about it.
You're either the worst shill I've ever seen or you're an absolute retard.
You forgot about the sjw padering found in the campaign.
commit sudoku
I'm genuinely curious about which dimension that you live in.
Both games have be shitted on non-stop.
Fuck I hate that halfchan /vg/ is more active
What's there to talk about? I mean honestly there's only so many times that OP's greentext can be posted.
Discuss favourite characters, green text shit that happened in game, post emblems, post webms, you know, discuss the game.
But barely anybody bought the game
The few that are are playing it and pop in every now and again to make random comments about it into the void with nobody to reply to them, but everyone else just argues about how shit the game is, throwing out accusations of shilling when the opinions don't match perfectly
I know and halfchan bans anyone who tries to have fun while discussing the game, it sucks
Well that's halfchan for you
But I doubt you're going to find what you're looking for here either
This place isn't as populated as halfchan, which lowers the pool of people to talk to in the first place, and 60 dollaridoos is way too much for most people here to justify buying a game with this much bullshit baggage
every time
I'm Australian so it was a hundred dollars.
I only got it because despite Jewbisofts best efforts the game is good and I have enough money to throw money like that at things I want.
Nobody cares, and anyone who does should be lined up and shot along with all of Unishit.
You're the reason no one posts on 8/v/
Go back there.
And while you're at it, go back to fucking Melbourne you kike.
from what i saw: the multiplayer kind of remind of of gundam 00
where you can see people disapear then reapear on behind your back .
they say it also happend in prison ( ° ʖ °)
Because newfags mistake funny failures with any obviously shit game.
That "beta" was not a beta at all. It was a demo.
Fuck Ubisoft.
lol okay
I dont lime the aethestics. If i wanma play robot samurai i got play warframe.
I like the old time theme for honor has but again they dropped the ball on this one.
Not sure who the genious is that green lights this shit
wtf ? how warframe get any close to blade symphony?
warframe is to blade symphony what diablo is to for honor … (well in this situation: more like japaneese musou due to the 3rd person view)
means i'm asking if the game is good when I've clearly said it's currently shit
Reading comprehension, ubishill.
I'm allowed to not like the game but also think you're retarded, that doesn't make me a shill
You pretty clearly asked if the game was going to be better eventually, no amount of "but I think it's shit as it is now and probably will stay that way" changes that
There's no reason to ask if it will be patched if you don't want to know
No amount of desperately defending the game or attempting to twist an extremely straightforward statement I made is going to make you appear to be any less of a shill, ubicuck.
I love the fact that Ubisoft has started to make all their games online, purely for the fact that they seem to always have open demo weekends. Real nice to be able to play a game like For Honor for an hour and feel pretty satisfied with the download
Given what the first half of this thread looked like, I could say the same about you
But no, you're not the shill, everyone else is the shill calling each other a shill because they called someone else a shill
This goes nowhere OP, no matter what you say you're still a faggot
And then there's fuckers like this
I think they are just shills user. The actual ubicucks are on the shitty rainbow six threads, but if you look at the for honor threads an user summed it up pretty well saying they're pretending to have an "organic" discussion about the game but if you compare it to gameplay videos it's nothing like they talk about and most of them don't mind the draconian business practices. Like this guy for instance .
They also use the age old "LOL CANT DISCUSS VIDEO GAMES ON Holla Forums" tactic to shill shit games, some pretending telling faggots and their shit to fuck off is somehow a new thing.
What? People that take advantage of silly business decisions to play a thing without having paid for it?
Your post may as well have had trademark symbols in it
There are plenty of ways to say that without making yourself look like that one scene from the truman show
go back cuckchan you and every fuckin faggot that has that reddit spacing. either assimilate or get the fuck out. and get some fucking taste instead of buying fucking trash.
Already wrote the game off when I saw it had female vikings
What? If that's the case than 99% of all games that feature humans are shit because they normally portray women as equals. Plus it's fantasy.
It's a shit game getting shilled, but there are better reasons to reject it.
they arent, they are male who identify as female who still want to do what male does
It also has black vikings.
Think about that for a sec.
So what? It's an online multiplayer game.
so what about it?
They simply are black who identify themself as viking, nothin' wrong with that.
You're a Biggot
>double-layer DRM
>shit connectivity
>100 dollarydoos for full game with no content
>steam score rapidly tanking
>ubicucks on suicide watch
i havent seen any black vikings, actually im surprised there's no black characters at all it seems. i thought the mace fag was a black guy but he just looks like he's covered in dirt.
It has single player, as well as bots
Always online is fucking ridiculous
fuck off
Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with character customization, or unrealistic anything in a fantasy game
Bots are based on data from other players.
I mostly play against bots because I hate lag-switchers.
You can change the vikings' skin tone.
Are they?
I've heard that each bot seems to have it's own playstyle, but specifically basing it on that seems weird
Thanks Ubishit.
That's what I think, given their various playstyle and also because each bot name is "[AI] Gamertag".
As far as I'm aware, those names are consistent for everyone, even across platforms
They could have based it on data from the earlier betas and alphas, though I didn't play those so I don't know when exactly bots were introduced to the game
It's bad because then we might as well just go on Holla Forums you fucking monkey.
I'm a br and i take offense in that. We're much more sophisticated shitposters.
The concept on this thing seemed cool. I am sad.
i bought it on xbox for $40, and have already like destroyed a controller. i can't fucking do this shit. it makes me so fucking angry.
playing against other people is the fucking worst. everyone is a fucking assassin, there are like 4 classes (an entire 1/3 of the cast) that are never played.
to make it worse, everyone is a no-honor ganking, cheesing piece of fucking shit.
git gud
Faggots whine about 'muh honor' because they don't have the strength to enforce it themselves
It's got single-player too.
Cham stop making threads on your shitty game
Who cares? The campaign is a bonus, the game was made to be multiplayer only, then a bunch of fags wanted a single-player story and they had to shit one with stronk female warriors.
Everyone who has even a slight interest in the game when they find out they can't play it anymore because the service went down
Peacekeeper fix incoming, get ready for a massive shit storm about bleed.
I like this game. :] I could honestly care less about the DRM and deluxe edition. I just play for the fighting. I would've gotten gold if you actually got anything useful you couldn't grind for. But I'm a whore for sword fighting.
Its such a shame because this looks like one of the best PVP games released in over a decade, but lol p2p. Wait until people figure out how to DDOS drop people out of games, if they haven't already, the salt mines will be working over maximum capacity.
Ubisoft can't make good games.
On a scale of one to kike this is menorah tier.
The conversation went around a bit like this :
The worst part is that the season pass and all those microtransactions are fucking worthless
If they gave them actual value, the customers would turn on them, as even normalfags have a line, and pay2win microtransactions in a pay to play game is it
So they went in the opposite direction and made them so trivial that slightly informed people won't even care enough to hate it
I can't imagine the money they're making with it is larger than the money they've lost by including it, though I've been surprised at how retarded people are with their money before
motherfucker you have no idea. in canada the base game with no DLC or season pass is eighty fucking dollars before taxes. i played in a couple of the betas and really liked it but there's nowhere near enough content to justify spending eighty fucking bucks on this
The only half decent game Ubisoft have made in recent years is Siege.
I was just reading through the reviews of this thing. Christ the shilling is real at bad review comments defending P2P and all that crap. UIDF is out in full force.
what anime is booby wrap banchou grill?
Sounds like people are buttmad they arnt gud and they probably even dont know how to counter a guard break
This is what happens when you let circlejerking containmment chamber generals run loose like the Siege general.
that vid … no way ..
played the invite only beta and it was average at best. Certainly not worth buying. Sage for bad game.
To summarize my experience, it was pretty simple; Once you know how to play as a character, and know how to play against every other character as that character you win every game.
it's not about the trap in itself who clrealy have the face of a man; its about … everything:
dam …
I bought a gtx 1080 and got a code for either a free copy of this game or wildlands. Which game should i get?
depends. for honor's combat is genuinely interesting and might be a good buy if you're into one on one melee, although its design choices are pretty retarded and i have zero faith that it will continue to be interesting or good
wildlands' beta was actually fun in a kinda mindless mgs5-with-down's-syndrome way. it's basically the division without the bullet sponge enemies and a super-hard mode where you have to operate hard. if you have friends who will play it with you that'd honestly be my pick. failing that, if you can't make a decision, just fuckin give it to me
get this shitheap
get wildlands
We've been over this user
This is a thread for this game so clearly more people will be marginally more interested in it
Dude, did you even look at the face before clicking?
Yea the season pass isnt worth it at all. Maybe if they add more to it like Siege did.
Yea it's pretty bad, right now you can see everyone's ip's in the game you are in easily.
I hope they stay worthless, but I think they are making a semi decent chunk of cash from the Mythic outfits.
Yea the p2p is fucking shit, I cannot imagining playing the game on console it has to be a shit show.
I'm sitting at 56 H, having fun but all the criticism is mostly valid.
Wildlands is fucking boring, your choice, stable boring coop or unstable fun multi.
Can't you just buy those with in-game cash
It couldn't take that long to get, that shit piles up fast
I played the beta on a ps4 and it worked perfectly fine outside of some disconnects
I wouldn't be surprised if they fucked up the pc port somehow
Yea but i've just seen them to commonly especially on like day 1 or 2 that chances are they bought it with cash. Pc is alright but P2P becomes shit when people are playing over wifi which is less common on PC. The port is fine in stability.
I should mention I was also playing over wifi
If there was any lag, it was super consistent and not noticeably different than playing against bots
Maybe it was just the beta
and here is another example where my previvous post
can be apply, and again: its not about the fact that it s a trap, its about the video on a whole.
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