Now that Jenny is dead, who shall be the new queen of Holla Forums?

Now that Jenny is dead, who shall be the new queen of Holla Forums?

Rejected candidates:
Maisie - too ugly
Emma Watson - her time is up
Margaret - lol
Spics, niggers, chinks and other subhumans

Attached: u.jpg (1750x2500, 436.91K)


Attached: queen bliss.gif (1755x1779 2.3 MB, 155.44K)

Oh sweetie, you thought your little poll was for real.


Attached: cc2f5c239d6533fcc8a776da1070f0fcfb6bf3258a8fce76214fb10ed4d887b0.png (723x723, 718.55K)

I think we all know the answer to this question.

Attached: chloe-bennet-just-jared-spotlight-of-the-week-exclusive-02.jpg (1222x780, 178.23K)

can you read?

I'll allow it

Attached: terry_rules.jpg (1014x844, 170.16K)

Bliss is Divine Slore but I'm sure that's not a real poll given that zach has a chinese botnet to to rapidvote emma if he decided to use it for that reason. Instead he just ddos's the boyfriend of the 14 girl he wants to fuck IRL

Attached: 9e3bf2f88.png (595x760, 349.53K)

What happened to jennay?


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Attached: kristen_stewart_image.jpg (500x282 138.77 KB, 24.06K)

All I saw was OP being a faggot.

Attached: tPVyStG.jpg (2000x3000, 406.81K)

eyesight gets worse after racemixing


This, we already had an official vote and Bliss won. This thread is pointless.

Nothing, her year simply ended. Holla Forums's official queen changes every year. Jenny was the official queen of 2017, Bliss is the official queen of 2018. That's all there is to it.

haha, nice one

I concur with Daisy

thank you, loyal subjects

Attached: Alexa_Bliss_as_Raw_Thigh_Champion.jpg (1265x2201, 680.46K)

stop talking to yourself faggot, nobody voted for your autistic shit

Nope. We had the vote, the vote ended with Bliss, there's no room for further discussion. If Daisyfags want to be the new Margcucks, that's on you, but the vote happened and it's over with. Deal with it or don't, doesn't matter. Queen Bliss is in until 2019. You losers can vote again then.

Anything for you, Your Majesty.

Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson

Attached: Screen Tests.webm (640x534, 5.58M)

Queens are not voted for. Queens are. Queens exist. Queens upset the peasants often.

Attached: queen.jpeg (610x426, 57.03K)


Hi zach

I did

Hey Zach.


Nigga, Bliss is Queen, Maisie is princess.
Only in the eyes of heathens

Attached: you there.jpg (223x249, 15.87K)

Attached: hey pardner.webm (1280x720, 1.71M)


Maisie, at least she isn't a jew.

Kend tán magyar?

Attached: omg look at that thing.jpg (321x348, 38.2K)

In your head, maybe


Attached: laughing fashion.jpg (1080x607, 31.13K)

Also she is wonderful

Attached: hi M.jpg (1280x720, 44.71K)

No, in reality.


Proof? Screencaps? Anything?

Attached: Maisie in a hat.png (800x450, 602.17K)

I want the subnormal slav to fuck off this board

I'd honestly pay for a wristwatch-sized championship belt. preferably this one

Attached: dusty01[1].jpg (960x632, 258.74K)

Hungarians are not slavs, you uneducated peasant!

Yeah, that would be cool

Attached: i hate losers.jpg (613x696, 80.57K)

Okay newfag, back to cuckchan with you.

I'm here since 2015.
I've hidden all of your no-chin eceleb's threads on sight, like any person with better taste would

Attached: grrr micro.jpg (90x87, 5.18K)

Attached: OFFICIAL.png (1400x1480, 1.95M)

Sure thing, sweetie. Shoo shoo now.

That third word prooves your a troll. Trolls have no opinions around here.

Attached: saddish Maisie.jpg (359x452, 37.81K)

don't worry, you're not that far behind. maybe next year will be your year

Attached: bliss vs becky.jpg (1920x1080, 282.5K)

Maybe 2015 or 2016 was the Maisie Year

Attached: Maisie painting.jpg (710x1024, 341.97K)

Maisie needs a new solid hit. GoT put her on the map, she needs another zinger. None of her current projects has had the same impact yet.

Maybe New Mutants and the Fire Maisie movie

Attached: Fire Maisie3.jpg (640x655, 60.21K)


Attached: Kristen-Stewart-Feet-167706.jpg (2667x4000, 2.26M)

((( )))

Where's her career? The gutter? Oh.. sad..


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that's Mickie James, former six time Women's Champion. she and Bliss are basically frenemies

Attached: bliss and mickie.jpeg (850x560, 73.18K)

What is she, 40? Dem wrinkles.

40 next year, apparently

she's done professional nudes

Attached: i like my butt.mp4 (1280x720, 10.7M)

She also has roast beef

and how!

Attached: mickie james.jpg (1024x1563, 449.8K)

Attached: d846533fa79fea59ff67821257b68841a2458e9d1a024f2c5d493f6a2a06fa0d.png (275x283, 137.34K)

Attached: 3C02A99100000578-0-Millie_Bobby_Brown_looked_lost_as_she-m-94_1484030612367.jpg (634x766, 101.21K)


sorry kid, you gotta be at least 18 to be a princess

Attached: bliss and kid 2.jpg (736x981, 78.58K)

Or a girl

Attached: trollin.jpg (233x240, 20.71K)


maisiefag savage af

Attached: bliss omg.jpg (480x480, 39.27K)

Then why is Maisie in the there?

Attached: smoking Maisie4.jpg (480x270 34 KB, 1.49M)

That kid is taller than her

You are the same guy who posts the smoking Emma Robertses, huh?

Attached: B_HvLbEWsAAYMEv.jpg (576x1024, 81.57K)

slavs are whiter than amerimutts, stay mad


Attached: 4c2af2382132734.jpg (350x148, 10.43K)

literally who?

Attached: 6t54rf.png (484x335, 140.54K)

she's kneeling, dude

Attached: world's most giant bliss.jpg (629x720, 151.39K)

Bro, don't tell me it's a coincidence that you wanna throw dirt on my waifu the same way as that other dude does with the girl he dislikes. It's obvious that you are him, everyone else just says Maisie is ugly

Attached: 8af861382133215.jpg (350x148, 8.05K)

She's still a womanlet

Attached: 4843.gif (301x305, 2.92M)

Does she have a benis?

Attached: Emma_Robert_2016_Comic_Con.jpg (220x295, 10.88K)

Attached: 315534e40114713a52aa33b64a08bf3e.jpg (612x612, 99.36K)

t. manlet

Attached: 5a1b11b286961640836897.gif (400x368, 3.38M)

186 cms of height here. In your weird American system, 6.1 ft.

Attached: 1403095170093.jpg (2832x4256, 1.14M)

user plz

Attached: 4568u6.png (365x617, 431.06K)


yea, that's basically what I just said..

Attached: 2017101715325715d744448c.jpg (750x471, 163.67K)

Sure, m8, I get you. You say she is irrelevant. But wait, this is Holla Forums, which is basically the Maisie Board, so your agurment is invalid in both ways.

Attached: hello this is the Maisie Customer Service.jpg (456x255, 27.17K)

Attached: psych.gif (392x262, 2.16M)

Maisie is actually good though, Bliss isn't.

Would think triggered autists spamming their pretender cancer for 13 months would be a bigger hint.

Attached: A694B2C6-A7F7-4B85-9F8E-5A4A697DB202.gif (320x320, 3.53M)


Attached: 756tu5.mp4 (432x780, 1.34M)

That's pretty cute for a midget :Y")

Attached: Millie.png (481x333 17.97 KB, 17.78K)

Attached: 4836.gif (500x284, 494.87K)

You can't supercede the previous winner by not including her.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1080x1440, 120.48K)

Attached: new pic.png (327x241 119 B, 23.63K) sells pop-culture shit. Try the search results, and see which series has more shit. More shit = more popular. In addition to this, I have about 20 screencaps, each containting lots of posts from GoT Live Threads from this very board.

Attached: o rly.png (1196x1448, 479.95K)


yes, hello

Attached: all bundled up.jpg (736x919, 82.3K)



I'm sure you do user..

angourie rice best girl. your waifu deformed and shit. angourie is perfect.

Attached: 1499813426423.jpg (619x349, 27.66K)

Pls fuck off back to reddit and stay there

Attached: DE36AB51-279C-48AB-8909-E3382ACF0FC9.jpeg (195x188, 7.28K)

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (399x384, 19.14K)

It's 16. Close to 20.

Because? I thought things which are popular are sold in bigger numbers. Correct me if I'm wrong!

Attached: 16.png (1170x924, 487.3K)

Try going a week without getting caught in a lie then start pushing that one again, smiley.

Attached: 7F7B94A5-4C57-48DE-9493-BFF982C57E49.jpeg (640x569, 75.45K)


Why do you keep replying to him?

I just want to see him sperg out like the old days. Is that so wrong?

Attached: 1389690713114.jpg (200x300, 12.14K)

So you want to see that ugly mug posted everywhere? What is wrong with you

I vote for Margaret

Attached: b&.PNG (963x794, 222.28K)

Attached: check em Maisie.jpg (1440x986, 354.9K)

Attached: check em.jpg (2505x1939, 849.84K)

ya'll niggers are gonna have to do better than that…

Attached: 7e1bdcb82742ff57d657724078690913.jpg (640x1136, 86.46K)

Attached: singing Maisie2.jpg (417x594, 43.14K)

If you can’t wait one minute to reply to yourself at least try and wait 30 seconds.

Attached: 8CF0C735-E42E-489B-AB70-950FB66E9EF5.png (319x306, 248.3K)

Don't worry, I have this.

Attached: 1235325435436537656536537547654.png (608x691, 734.4K)

You're posting that to make fun of her, right?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (995x589 339 B, 618.85K)

Samefagging is for the weak.

Attached: o rly2.png (770x309, 12.33K)

Get in!

Attached: 1447552296774.gif (345x259, 2.34M)

Your screenshot seems to have a deficiency in Margaret. Let me help you.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1080x1080, 62.19K)

Attached: e01174e13a4663b4a6616694f0dcd8d81216c61781f1ad89492ac066b9a98910.jpg (255x253, 12.79K)

make me

Attached: knuckles.jpg (1200x1200, 164.89K)

we meme this hundreds of times every single day, but I think margaretcuck is actually autistic

There's clearly 3 of us in this very thread.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1920x1080, 1.23M)

oh gee, ya think?

Attached: down margcuck's hole.png (1192x3292, 1.59M)


Attached: Jew Btfo.jpg (1200x675, 109.05K)


Attached: 457u5464.jpg (100x107, 4.82K)

Attached: how dare you.gif (500x239, 1.96M)

tell me more about your trollface munter, bellydancing chick from gamergate that shits in a bag and fecal alcohol syndrome braindead disney shill. Tell me about your overrated wrestling whore with dumb pink hair, your gay netflix nostagliafest girlyboy and your uncharismatic lead in a dead franchise that can't act for shit.

Attached: 57136a8ce91b7e07b6c1d702d466fcea.jpg (650x1000, 64.38K)

At least ours are characterized by something. Yours have a bland face, I can't name any of her works, and her name sounds like some dish.

Attached: listen here buddy.jpg (1920x1080, 170.15K)

IRCing is just as bad.

She doesn’t shit.

Attached: 97481439-FA7C-447C-BEFB-97EC81596825.jpeg (1080x608, 55.68K)

Attached: suck it.jpg (1644x944, 230.53K)

All these 4/10's posted here can't compete

Attached: DStQqv5V4AAVS6V.jpg (900x1200, 167.86K)


Attached: CdT2zJlUIAAvW5J.jpg (600x868, 107.63K)

bland is better than fucking ugly.

Worse than being a manlet.

Really? You don't notice bland. If you don't notice it, it's like non-existing.

Attached: beautiful blurry Maisie.jpg (749x738, 50.7K)


fuck is she ugly

Would kiss tenderly :3

trailer trash

user, maisie hasn't been attractive since the first couple of seasons of GoT. I like things plain. I like margherita pizza. A simple combo of tomato and cheese without any toppings ruining the texture and muddying the flavor. Life isn't about being noticed, being the centre of attention. Keep it simple. Attractive is attractive. Trollface is not attractive.

Attached: Angourie-Rice-Height-Age-Weight-Measurement-Biography-Wiki-Affairs-Net-Worth.jpg (700x994, 112.2K)

that is a face so bland i already forgot any details it may have had

Who could have ever guessed that the mods were the worst posters on the board?

Look again. Look closer, user.

Attached: angourie-rice-headshot-june-2017-1.jpg (1280x1599, 171.7K)

Indeed, user. Bliss might be the princess but there's only One True Queen.

Attached: The Queen Of TV is GORGEOUS.png (755x755, 56.66K)

ugly as shit

What happened, Jennaycuck dox'd himself?

Attached: Margaret laughs at retarded Jennay.jpg (1080x1080, 68.06K)

i bet she can suck a mean dick
if she hasn't turned into a dyke yet

So we all agree on Daisy?

Daily reminder

Attached: 1458518070183.jpg (876x1791, 320.67K)

and her name is angourie

Attached: 26322061_147673432561834_2002330250364583936_n.jpg (1080x1350, 1.47M)


Then why does she need a bag?

Attached: 1344177706902.png (2688x2688, 141.56K)

Attached: 06075B8E-B966-4437-ACE6-9838A95E43CE.jpeg (426x571, 46.03K)


Is it the femininity or the lack of facial deformities that bothers you?

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2048x1678, 425.03K)

she looks like a dog

Take it back

Attached: A60960B0-552F-4F42-8030-708FD5A1ACE4.jpeg (640x631, 88.72K)

I could floss with her eyebrows