Ghost recon wildlands beta

Alright, so ubi is hosting an open beta for wildlands, and I decided to try it and see how it is. I'm gonna make a pro/con list and anyone else feel free to add to it.

-gun customization is pretty good, same as the other recent GR games
-teammates don't seem to get in the way
-turning up the difficulty helps, on the second hardest you die in a few shots and enemies have pretty good detection range
-ghillie suits
-online co-op, game even has matchmaking so if you don't have friends you can find people to play with
-binoculars (weird one I know but I like them)
-scopes do not restrict your FOV completely, and leave your peripheral vision
-terrain is varied and has lots of hills and mountains
-helicopters are more useful because of the terrain
-sprint is not unlimited, so you can't run for miles on end
-game looks pretty good, and is mildly optimized, medium graphics averaged 45 FPS on my laptop
-shooting works well, and enemies go down fairly fast, but there's enough of them to easily fuck you up
-large selection of weapons, can hold 3 at a time
-can interrogate enemies
-character customization gives you a fair amount of choice, so you can look fairly tacticool but also be in jeans, a wifebeater, and ball cap if you want.

-the customizations seem pretty accurate, but the stats of the gun do not reflect it, ie damage increasing with a heavy barrel
-writing is standard ubisoft awfulness
-voice acting is terrible, lines are delivered like a middle schooler in a school play
-bolivians sound more like spics from Los Angeles than bolivians
-teammates won't shut up, especially about their shitty life
-target marking
-teammates can revive you once per fight, and when they do so enemies forget where you are but are still alerted
-escorting AIs can be a pain when their path finding fucks up
-the various hills and mountains make driving a pain
-the cartels dindu nuffin
-some skills sound gamebreaking on paper, like the ability to have a drone that can go and revive people, but I'm not far enough to know if this will be the case
-most likely uses denuvo because it's ubisoft
-obnoxious radio, with wannabe GTA humor that falls extremely flat
-regenerating health
-weird "enemy sense" that will show a red "haze" over your mini map where an enemy is likely to be, making it easy to know where enemies are
-facial customization is poor and only has presets, albeit a fair amount of them
-preorder bonuses and DLC

-game is trying REALLY hard to be a 4 player MGSV
-can be a male or female
-skill trees for some reason, even though most of it is equipment rather than "skills"
-different factions with different reactions to you, rebels, the cartel, and the government
-the "sync shot" is back, so your AI friends will kill up to three other targets when you fire
-AIs don't seem to help you in firefights
-the rebels can help you and send in mortar fire and fight with you
-fast traveling

What do you guys think? I'll probably pirate it when it comes out, just because I can wear a ghillie suit and hunt spics for a few hours.


No one's even gonna sage bomb, or try and get dubs, or call me a shill, or tell me how much of a cuck I am? Nobody cares at all?

shit game not even worth the bandwidth kys you ubicuck

happy now faggot?

here's your (you)

we already had this retarded thread back when the close beta came out
the game is shit outside of customizations

the game's gonna be dead within a month of release like the division
actually, it might even be quicker, because this game doesn't even have PvP

Yeah, I guess

I played it today with my brother, it is painfully mediocre. We had a lot of bugginess, like cars morphing into the ground. There also doesn't seem like there is much to do. You do a few side missions that are all the same, either stop the convoy or steal a vehicle/supplies.

The main story missions seem to just involve move into heavily guarded compound and kill all enemies and leave, repeat ad nauseam.

Also the vehicles control like ass.

I can get either this or For Honor for free 'cause I bought a GTX 1070. Which should I get?

go for honor
this game will be dead before you know it

not to mention, performance is ass compared to for honor

Thanks m8.

shit thread, just fucking kill yourself

Unlimited sprint would be good, games like this don't work well with limited sprint.

the game has some huge amount of product placements
pretty much every category in character customize have 5.11 products and the camos have a shit ton of Crye® precision Multicam™
I understand that's what comes with the modern military theme but it's still pretty disgusting

also I found the whole level/skill thing really doesn't match your character

and I really can't see the whole "take down the cartel however you want" thing they been marketing
the only choice you had is either outright shoot your target or be the ultimate autist, sneak in grab and interrogate your target then knock him out

so how many gajiggawatts is it?

Got severe motion sickness playing this for some reason. Played with 2 friends and we were immediately bored

I just powered through the whole beta with a couple friends. Our only two thoughts are that it's basically The Division but in Bolivia, and the vehicles are hilarious, especially the van.
Once you collect everything, there's really nothing left to do. But good on them for not have bullet sponge enemies this time.

I don't know how I can convince this retard that the game looks like complete and utter ass in every regard.

Pozzed Rectum: Wildlands
It was fun for the first to hours, but it got boring and repetitive. It was a step from Future Soldier (Army of Two Clone) and their online game, but it was still weak because it was a watered down version GTAO and MGSPW.

You're better off getting Arma 3, Squad, GRAW, or GRAW.

I can understand this in a way. Too bad you will most likely have a functioning brain so you can just keep that kind of info in your head.
Who am I kidding, people who will play this game probably can't think.

paying 60$ for a glorified Rock, paper, scissors game.


Game needs more GORE-TEX product placement and I'll consider pirating.
Looks massively generic.

Someone posted a video here with a stronkwomyn protagonist yelling some virtue signalling cringeworthy shit. It confirmed my suspicions. But hey, what do you expect from Ubisoft. If that picture that floats around is accurate and they're actually all women/tranny freaks, then this is exactly what you get.

Boycott marxist games. Just don't fucking buy them. Vote with your wallets you faggots.

That summary can be applied to a lot of games, you know.

It's okay user. You tried. I'll download this shit and try it for myself lad.

Retards like you should be forcibly castrated so they won't pollute the genepool further.

Does Wildlands use the same engine as Watch Dogs? Seems like they share the same bugs.

Demo is worth fucking around in, but if you buy this shit you're clinically retarded. Also that red haze goes away on the highest difficulty.

Christ almighty

Are you talking about download size or a price?

23.55 gig I should specify End my life

What is happening

Not that bad honestly, considering nudood was in the 30-40 range IIRC, and the game has a large map. Also gotta have that uncompressed sound :^)

I find it funny you can get 3 different sniper rifles in the beta, yet no actual sniper scopes to find and use besides the default ACOG looking one. And what the fuck is it with some of the vehicles having varying speeds? I was able to outrun two other players on dirt bikes using a tractor because of how slow the bikes went.

Tractors are tactical

Not going to read any of that, it's a ubisoft game so it is automatically bad. I boycott all their shit until they drop their sjw bullshit.

Also I used to play ghost recon back in the days and it hurts seeing a new one getting released and knowing that it will suck donkey dick. All the big publishers ruin good series.

I am pretty sure that they are storing uncompressed files on purpose to make the game look bigger. It's a dick measurement contest, just like megapixels on cameras.

This game is sucking 5.11 Tactical's dick.

I figured I might as well give it a try too.
-So far, I like the gun customization a lot, but I don't like that you have to go around the world looking for parts.
-Character customization is great, maybe if they add some more facial presets and clothing for the final release it'll be 10/10 on that part.
-The writing is fucking awful, especially with the swearing. It seems like this shit was written by a 12 year old. Who the fuck says "shitballs"? Don't expect enjoyable interrogations.
-I went straight into the highest difficulty with most of the HUD off, but somehow that also disables syncshots.
-Syncshots themselves are just a neat little trick, because you can easily down 4-5 enemies yourself if they're close to each other.
-AI may as well not be there most of the time and only function as a way to heal you if you're downed or as gunners when using vehicles. Better than having them be annoying as shit and fuck up your playstyle by randomly getting into firefights though.
-Shooting doesn't seem too bad, had to really crank up the sensitivity, because you moved like a snail while aiming down sight, enemies usually drop with one shot to the chest on highest difficulty.
Skilltrees are a needless addition and I wish people would stop tacking them on every game. It's just there so that you explore locations you otherwise wouldn't feel much of a need to explore. It's just padding.
-Driving is absolutely terrible. Most cars have ridiculous sensitivity and just feel weird. Same with the helicopters, but not as bad. Probably because Ubisoft is developing it for consoles first and they're shit at porting, because it really feels like they want you to play with a controller.
-There's fast-travel and I would normally give them shit for it, but because the vehicles are so bad it's actually nice to have it.
-your "boss" is apparently too good for uniforms, fucking "special snowflake lookitme imagurll xD" nonsense.

The game is incredibly pretty, has a lot of flaws and downsides and if it wasn't for the character and weapon customization I wouldn't have bothered at all.

absolutely the only thing that needs be said about any modern ubisoft game.

Ubisoft can kiss my ass, and this should be a dubs thread. It would be more valuable.

I don't know what mental gymnastics you did to extract that particular meaning out of what I wrote.

We've known that Ubisoft is shit for years now, and those videos proved it once again so why even have threads for this garbage? We're not halfchan, so we have to take for granted some critical sense.

We knew enough from that leak already to deduce that it's a crock of shit. But you're likely a shill anyway so who cares.

Yup. Retarded.

FTFY dumb fuck


Play it extensively over the period of 3 days, its the most buggiest, shitty game I ever played.
Why the fuck does the vehicle handling feel like shit?
How come I can't run over an animal?
How can you called this an online co-op when everybody just do their own thing?
Why the fuck do I need to land this plane on the side of the mountain
Why the fuck do I need to be at the correct door to get in a vehicle?

I'm not even trying to find bugs in this game, its everywhere. Ubisoft should stop making open world game because they're such lazy dev. I have more fun playing GTA online than this piece of garbage.

People keep using that as an argument but you know that this board doesn't necessarily need to allow ALL vidya, right?

If the majority of Holla Forums decides that Wildlands is shit and not worthy of discussion, then you can go suck a dick and go to Reddit or 4cuck or any other place that allows discussions.

Oh the majority you say? Is that why we now have nudoom, fallout 4, and more overwatch threads?

The FO4 guy was bullied into leaving.
The Nudoom threads were dedicated to shitposting (although that didn't really work).
Overwatch is a "Protected Game" because Mark is a big fat jewish cuck.

Don't confuse bad moderation and idiot BOs with the userbase.

My point was we have been getting cuckchan refugees more and more for the last few months. With more shit taste and good threads getting derailed because of autistic shitposting the whole majority thing wont mean matter in the future.

you actually can run over an animal, your just more likely to bounce off it for some reason

i suppose you could say this game is fascinating, im having a lot of fun laughing at all the stupid shit that happens
the only impressive thing about this game is the number of miscellaneous farm animals that can be on the screen at once

Abandon all hope.

This legitimately upsets me, but I don't even know why I'm surprised in [CURRENT YEAR+2].

True. 4Chan has changed so fundamentally that it takes Redditor normalfags and spits out half-educated shitposting wannabes now. All the more reason to up the natural self-defense against faggotry.

Played it for four hours with a friend. We discovered one new bug every 30 seconds. The gameplay is just a generic third person shooter broken up with an utterly lifeless open world. The vehicle handling is so bad it's almost impressive. All in all it would be an incredibly boring and soulless game even if it weren't so buggy and didn't run like shit.

It's garbage. You like dreadlocks too? Go play that newly released feminist shit game that's praised to the skies by normalfags and you can watch emo nigger facial expressions all day. I guess you like that too.

You know, the blatant marxist propaganda could be somewhat tolerable if the game was decent. But it's not. Besides the contrived bullshit they put in there, the games themselves are shallow as fuck.

It's a big colorful cardboard playpen that's decorated to look enticing but when you play there is no incentive to do anything. I haven't even played Wildlands, but I already know that that massive open world is going to feel absolutely meaningless. Nobody will be arsed to do anything but the objectives, which will be boring and repetitive as fuck.

Feminist multiracial marxist sandbox games are fundamentally shit and need to die already.

I love how this guy is talking about FC2 but then conveniently forgets about the enemies being pure bullet sponges, those god awful checkpoints always respawning, the vehicles breaking because you hit a tree at 40 km/h and other things.
I love the game but come on, this review is biased.

Anybody on PS4 have problem not being able to "delete" the game? I delete it to install Nier but an error pops up telling me I dont have enough space. Which is weird since I just deleted 20GB of shit. When I check storage management to see what the list of games I have, there's 20GB data under "other" that I can't click or delete. Anybody on PS4 experience this problem?

still need 30 uplaypoints to unlock the El Jefe cigar though

Tell me this, Ubishill, why is it that EVERY TIME I try to update piece of shit UPlay, it fails to download TWENTY FIVE FUCKING MEGABYTES WORTH OF DATA?



What do female characters wear if you take off their clothes?

Completely understandable.
This is dogma, don't be fucking retarded. You don't have to buy the goddamn game but at least try it out before calling it shit. Chances are, yeah, its most likely shit. But you have to sift through shit to find the diamond in the rough, even if it is mounds and mounds and mounds of shit.

Honestly, goddamn, there is no greater stupidity than that shit. It's on the equivalent of sjw's saying
Seriously, cut that shit out. It makes you look fucking dumb.

The car physics are the most terrible thing I've ever had to endure, and I played NFS 2015.

t. ogc

I dunno I kinda like being able to Initial D it all the way up a mountain in a panel van; helicopters are a new form of cancer though holy shit why.

They really do handle like ass, because as soon as you go fast your altitude plummets.

Face it, it's shit, mr shill.

No fucking shit its fucking horrible you insufferable twat, it is. I've played it unlike your dumbass, because I'm not a fucking retard who judges games before he plays them.

I messed around with it for a while.

As another user mentioned the driving is atrocious.

Gunplay isn't terrible but doesn't really excite me. I can see mechanically they want you to be more stealthy with the "ghost recon" mechanics but what this means is everything is peachy until you alert the base and then you have to edge around very carefully to avoid getting blottered.

I didn't try it with other people because I felt like I was playing like shit.

I played the closed beta on Xbox One, it was bad (not 1080p, horrible framerate, motion sickness:the game). I tried the open beta on PS4, it was way better but it doesn't run at 60fps so the experience wasn't that great.
During the closed beta I got hit by a grenade that I didn't hear or see. I died because the AI teammates were close to me but didn't give a shit.
That's a good thing to me.
Does it still have friendly fire on? I heard stories during the closed beta about people getting killed by other randoms only to get teabagged.

2 big negative points though:
-The levelling system. You earn tokens (by levelling up or picking them up on the map) but you can't unlock certain traits unless you have collected enough ressources.
-You can't upgrade your weapon the way you want unless you get the parts scattered around the map.

I hope the PC version is better.

Thanks. Now I don't have to experience a shit game.

Once your altitude goes down let go of W and just hold Shift or the Spacebar. That way you'll keep going fast without lowering the heli.

I have no clue why they are being this retarded with the controls.

I feel the AI is only there to do the little syncshot trick and nothing else. I was on the first floor of a building with one AI, AI goes down the stairs first and I go after him. Immediately I get blasted with bullets because an enemy was walking up and the AI didn't take him out and just walked past him.
They're absolutely useless. Hope you have a buddy to co-op with or expect to play lone wolf while you tell the AI to sit their asses on a hill somewhere.
You can't even shoot them in singleplayer so I think they disabled it.

You are the reason why this board is shit.