Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General
Miqo'te Paradise Edition
Try the game for free for 14 days! (lvl [email protected]/* */) -
Want to stick around? Ask for a referral code for an exp boosting hat and some tokens to give you a jump start on the endgame gear grind. You have to do it before you redeem a time card, but the free 30 days included with the game do not count towards this.
Current Patch notes: version 3.51
Useful resources:
List of Commands (used for macros) -
Gamer Escape -
Garland Tools Database -
XIV Database (It's good now)-
FF logs -
DPS and such tracker (but don't tell anyone you're using it or you'll get banned) -
Ariyala (gear build simulator/hunt-&lighttracker) -
Mithrie's guides -
1. If you're brand new, do hall of the novice. It's stupid and only teaches you common sense stuff, but you get a 30% exp boosting ring and free level 15 gear.
2. Do all of your Main Story Quests - REQUIRED TO GET HEAVENSWARD AREAS/JOBS
3. Do all of your class quests and get yourself a job -
4. Attune to Chocobo Porters, Aetherytes & Aether currents ASAP - it will save you a lot of time & effort
5. Unlock your challenge log, gives great exp and some gil -
6. Do your daily roulettes - they give out good EXP (and tomestones later on)
7. Cooking has an amazing crossclass skill at 37 you need to get for crafters.
8. Hit Tab to [I seem to have misplaced my keyboard]
Get a FC, they give bonuses as long as the people in charge aren't retards
You cannot join a FC if you are currently on a free trial account
Data Center: Primal
Server: Exodus
: An FC with new and older players, running all content from newbie dungeons to current raid progression. There will be banter; you will be called names. PM Aurora Soulwood, Rab Bit, Claws Furalarm, or any other officer for an invite.
There is also a linkshell for all 8ch players on Exodus to congregate, so that people can communicate regardless of what FC they're in or if they're running the free trial. Contact Lyfon Yharnam, Quickscope Easybake, Aloise Astravir, Mhih Wilzuu, or any member of SMUG for an invite.
FFXIV Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General
first for FUCK UMBRITE HOLY SHIT I hope the nerf coming next week hits it as hard as Yoshi smacked Flare
Watch it be some meme like price reduced to 250 or just making the proc happen more often 1% of the time instead of 0.00001%
Or maybe it'll be nerfed as hard as Aether Oils where the price is dropped by more than 50%. I can dream, right?
I don't know what I hate more, the Titan Arc in the story or the umbrite step for anima
I would unironically do the titan questline again if it let me skip the umbrite step, and I don't say that lightly
What did he mean by this?
Too bad, enjoy being a cumguzzling healslut, fag.
Come on man
xth for lewd toned catgirls and memory editing fun
Seeing as there's some bots running around speedhacking and ACT reads directly from memory anyway I'm already pretty sure of the answer, but just to be sure, using this won't get me banned, right?
the future is now
square enix has a dont ask dont tell policy when it comes to memory reading or editing, as long as your not teleporting around (just about the only nonlegit thing you can do with mem edits as all the CD and buff stuff breaks every 2 days) or talking about it in public you will be fine, parsers and reshade work very similar to this program
It still makes me weary since they have such gay ban policies and can change their minds at any moment, but at least people are making really good screenshots with it
i wouldn't call myself good
square cant actually tell your memory editing anyway, they can only see things that need to be ticked serverside, like having infinite sprint or teleporting
model adjustments or outfit swapping are all client side, so square is more likely to see this kind of stuff as unintentional data corruption
Virtual catboi cafe when?
what did i tell you about gay shit
It's only gay if it's between men. If it's just bois then there's nothing wrong with it. The same as sharia law.
I haven't gotten around to downloading this yet but I assume it's relatively easy to fool around with?
Oh you sweet, sweet summer child.
he's memory editing, by default you cap at like a B cup
I know, I meant how easy the trainer's using in general.
my bad, I'm just used to people being surprised by how shit the character creator is
fuck you PS3, give us our 1.0 sliders back
I beat the fucking game why do I have to do all this gay filler bullshit to get to Heavensward?
Bunch of old patches worth of content, it picks up near the end, but the first half is pretty lack luster.
very easy to fool around with but difficult to modify things in a way that's aesthetically pleasing, the sliders allow you to go above and beyond which can result in some terrible abominations so you only need very slight tweaks
or you can go all out and make a dark souls 1 abomination, either is fine, i recommend you play around with it VERY soon as every major patch can break it so it wont work for a week or 2 after a patch until its updated
Just had my first game crash trying to level GLD in a guildhest. I think it's a sign.
So my 1st month of FF14 is about to end. Plan to do the 12.99 sub. Character creator default is a little lack luster but ingame customization is cheap and leaps and bounds better than most MMO's. Gold Saucer is now my addiction.
or maybe its BOTH
plz yoshi
hopefully we get some serious character creation additions in stormblood, its obvious the game engine can support them
i would like an ass and thighs sliders
We had an ass slider in 1.x, and both Miqo'te and Hyur had really nice, well-rounded asses. Then 2.x happened and they removed it due to (((PS3 limitations))). They better fucking add it back now that PS3 is being dropped like the AIDS that it was.
>To be honest, there are currently no plans for such options. Not only is it a burden on the graphics team, but character data is sent between characters by packets – creating more options creates more transmission of such packets, creating further stress on gameplay. But I will ask, you guys really want the butt slider? The textures might end up spread out… Well, the NA players seem to really care about the butt slider, at least, so I’ll talk to the graphics team and see what’s possible.
Let's hope we at least get the slider.
We can only pray.
Did you already watch the 2 hours of credits?
Do the entry sub. Standard sub gives you nothing, just takes away your money.
This. The only advantage to the standard sub is that you can purchase more than 30 days at a time.
I heard there was some new security vulnerability going around. Be careful guys, you don't want to lose 1.4 billion gil.
Gur ebnq sebz yrtvgvzngr fhfcvpvba gb enzcneg cnenabvn vf irel zhpu fubegre guna jr guvax.
Stand-in? The leader never actually changed. The same people that owned it in the past, owned it until just a little while ago.
This is more obvious than Sandy Hook.
This should be a bannable offense
what does it mean?
Oh I like where this is going.
I'm a bit upset you didn't do more with the names.
OwO on suicide watch
I agree.
I'm just taking the 30 minute lockout whenever I get this trial from now on, holy fuck I despise these mouthbreathers
Was it an actual wipe or did you fags just not kill vishap before he did the thing?
The latter. You can't actually die since you'll just respawn and run back. The entire party was dying almost constantly, and I was the only person using any of the cannons.
When I asked them to use the cannons, I got told to "stop being an elitist" so I abandoned when the dragonkillers missed and he was still above 50% HP.
So, for a healer. Is it easier to do kb&m or controller. I did most vanilla content on controller since it is very easy to scroll down party menu for quick regens. So I kinda want to master controller better. But flaw flipping from dps to heals doesn't feel as fast as it should be.
People can give you suggestions to improve whatever input device you choose to use, but the choice itself is entirely personal preference. I personally use KB&M for everything. Some people use controller, other even use only the keyboard. The biggest thing to know for controller is that you can enable expanded bars, like "hold L2 and R2", or "double tap L2 or R2", etc.
I can't wait to see what kind of shitters the expansion will bring.
I've seen tanks quit the group entirely when they were asked to keep the mobs off of everybody. Tanking is already a breeze but in this trial its trivial to keep the few adds there are off of the people going for the cannons.
Go back to /a/ and take your shitty memes with you.
Why does literally no healer gear have accuracy? How come materia is falling off in potency but we haven't had any new materia yet?
Look on the bright side, if the interviews are to be believed accuracy is being removed from the game come Stormblood and you'll be able to hit things as long as you're not underleveled.
Ah fuck, now that bard I know is going to become even more braindead.
I didn't order powerpuff girls.
why even do that? why not just makes a pastebin with a line in the OP that says "go here for 8ch FC info" and then leave it at that? you solve the "lack of FC info" problem while also avoiding any actual FC discussion in the general. this FC shit has ruined like a month of threads already, for no good reason other than to feed the egos of a bunch of genetic dead ends.
No one except for anti-8ch group people care anymore. There's been no trouble except posts complaining about things that aren't happening still.
Allegedly on the discord Mark okayed FC info being added back so long as nobody started any drama. Yet the image in has one FC straight up telling the other to get fucked.
And nobody but the faggots that whined to Mark after he rained on their parade think that wanting to keep these threads free of FC shit slinging is "anti-8ch group" behavior.
inb4 I'm banned for stirring up drama
Thank the twelve.
gay [email protected]/* */ dubs confirm that accuracy is a shit stat. wonder what they're gonna do with the stat budget now though.
full pic pls
Here you go fam. That is the full pic.
That's a goddamn lie and you know it post another homocat lewds then
Don't shit on people for having shit DPS since you can see how bad they are, and you'll be A-okay.
ayyyy have a new coke potato, he's upped his bling since I got some refined HQ coke from maps. Never sa any of the gil from selling it, mind you.
I know the devs don't give a shit about ACT, I was asking the user about the memory editing to do client-side appearance changes (like using the muscle slider that's normally not available)
Oh. No fuckin' idea then, but I guess don't be an obvious jackass, then once again it's back to don't ask don't tell.
Well another POTD with fucking NOTHING good
I don't even know why I haven't killed myself yet. I probably will soon, one day. I have nothing to live for, no true friends, no gf, and my relationship with my family is falling apart and no matter how hard I try to stop it my mental health and sanity breaking down because of this shit game stops me from making any progress.
Throughout the day I randomly hit myself and hit things in my room or make grunts and whimpers because I'm so frustrated and because the sick and empty feeling in my stomach won't go away. I lie in the fetal position and fall asleep because the feeling in my stomach prevents me from getting up. I talk myself to sleep to comfort myself.
I'm going crazy right before my eyes, it's only a matter of time until I start stabbing myself with the knife in my drawer, I've gotten very close as of late.
Oh it's not so b-
[autistic screeching]
Oh boy 6e675f I always love your posts. Such a fun read for me, your blog is becoming my favorite! Have a good day! =)
Nigga just walk away from the screen. Like, nigga go outside.
Translate this for me and I will.
no more gay shit nigga
dude what the fuck I used that memory editor and my character turned into a sprite
i dont know what that means
type in /gpose and then close it, it should reload your character to normal, i only use it to adjust colours, outfits, body and titties
what exactly did you modify
I just showed you a screenshot. Here's another one. I like it, but it sucks when I try to turn.
nice meme friend :^)
What a coy way to ask for more.
Nigger you best be baiting. At least the gay cat guy isn't an avtarfag like you.
Don't be rude. Catgirls are just catbois without the fun extras. It's not their fault they were born the wrong way.
Probably gonna resub once next big patch hits home. Got tired in the wake of the dissapointing final fanfest. t. vivi potato
What happened to the nWo discord?
*t. confused nWo member*
Dave, the now ex-leader of nWo threw a big tantrum after being banned and losing his power over an Holla Forums guild and nuked the discord after faking(?) his account getting hacked and someone fucking with the guild.
He basically got really mad other people were having fun in the sandbox without his permission so he kicked his sandcastle over and stormed off.
Did he blame the Russians for it?seriously only a retard would fall for this shit
Trips confirm.
He blamed the other FC on exodus and then went to board moderators and tried to get them to ban anyone that posted negative things about him and his wife, even though they were the ones that orchestrated the constant stream of shitposting that was happening in the thread in an attempt to discredit everyone else.
Nice triple dubs dude
I did heard of the ban incident after he called someone a nigger according to ffxiv threads and some in the discord, it's unfortunate it all comes crashing down like this, especially after he convinced some of the members to go to gilgamesh thinking we'd have better times. He was pretty helpful to the group overall whether it's raiding, having fun or money funds for the FC, sucks that this is the end result and how he responds to being banned. Whether he faked it or not, this will only bring it down further. Despite shitposting, rumours(?), drama, memeposting and some cancerous moments, there's no other FC I'd play this game with than you guys. Here's a rare mokou for your trips buddy
I guess this is how women feel when idiots white knight for them. I don't know how they put up with this shit is really annoying. Also what the fuck is wrong with people. When someone fucks over the entire party they should get chided for it.
Get your god damn trash mokou out of here.
Patch in like 3 days and we still don't know a bloody thing about it in detail?
How do you get the gear to show up on your character? I'm ticking the box and everything but I can't change the armor I'm wearing, even after trying unequip/re-equip, and nude states.
the lock gear box you fucking nigger retard read the help section
it doesn't fucking work
Unequip/re-equip doesn't work as stated, but /gpose does.
What a waste it's not even the 20 materia week.
Lucky cunt, I wanted to get a 3 row for Khloe.
This looks really good and the music sounds fantastic from what I can gather from the background noise
holy fuck it really is a 24 man primal.
At least it has a cool name. Proto ultima.
Reminder that Aloise provided account credentials to members which they had used to take over nWo (the original one) and steal all that gil.
If you really want to bark at anyone, look towards Aloise. As for the discord? Well, that's what you guys get since you love sucking so much goon cock :^)
Anyone who does this should be banned regardless of what fucking side are they shitting on, this is bullshit that has nothing to do with the game and it's little more than inane middle-school hallway tier drama.
Even the fucking catboi poster contributes more to this thread than you sad fucking autists
Fuck off, retard.
[citation needed]
Fuck off, retard.
This shit will never cease to amuse me. And this is coming from someone that believes in an international jewish conspiracy.
Nope, it was just a rumor. He said it's something they wouldn't mind attempting at some point but it's not even remotely on the table as of now. Even if they did port it, they'd probably pull a DQX where it just streams the game to the tablet instead of actually running it natively.
I think there is a very important lesson to be gained here.
Don't. Join. Holla Forums. Guilds.
Fuck off with that divide and conquer shit, your kind isn't welcome here.
Hello, SomethingAwful :^)
Better remain a rumour. I played from launch of arr to the abysmal Heavensward launch and if they want me to resub then there needs to be no possibility of it going to another console. especially something underpowered.
Fuck off tumblr.
I'm not saying don't be friends with anyone here. I'm not saying don't be in a linkshell. I'm not saying don't post in the threads, but trusting a shitload of currency, equipment, and property to leadership that is ALWAYS emotionally comprised is what ALWAYS happens.
Holla Forums and leadership NEVER mix well.
Holla Forums guilds on any imageboard website has nothing to do with leadership as the reason it's shit.
It's because of guilds being surrounded by circlejerking ERP femcats/femdragons
Keep practicing. You'll get there one day.
Just not today.
…and what sort of pool do you think you're pulling from here? We're a bunch of fucking social misfits and spergs.
Whatever you say, furgoon :^)
Kind of wonder how geared they were to make that fight go by so fast.
I'm a social misfit and sperg, doesn't mean I need to be a humongous faggot online and circlejerk with other men being humongous faggots online
Nor am I, but don't be shocked when our people are more likely to be degenerate sacks of shit that would be in a gulag in a better society.
pic related
Yoshi teased the butt slider coming back, he better not be lying or I'll be pissed.
I mean you're free to feel that way if you want. Just because I'm aware that social outliers are an odd bunch does not mean I fuck my dog/cat/pozpig. Shit man, I don't even play on Exodus for that very reason.
Can someone post the enmity multiplier lists for each tank job?
checked for disco dubs.
you mean for the skills? it's what's listed on each, so defiance for example, at 25%, adds a 1.25 mulitiplier to threat generated. individual moves are 2x and 5x respectively from what i remember. so skull sunder/savage blade/spinning slash are 2x the damage dealt in thread, while BB, RoH and PS are 5x. this is then multiplied by the tank stance emnity bonus.
so a 500 damage attack from a non-tank generates 500 points of threat. a 200 damage skull sunder normally generates 400 points (this is assuming combo obviously). with the 25% bonus from defiance, that 400 becomes 500.
i think ranged pulling skills (lob, toma, unmend) are 1.3x, and aoe threat skills (OP, flash, unleash) are 1.5x. steel cyclone is 2x.
my numbers may be a bit off
wat about DRK shit like dark arts boosts
Dark Arts boosts the base potency, which is then multipled by Grit if applicable
There's an additional modifier used soely for DA Power Slash but it's fucking pointless and a waste of MP so I don't even remember the specifics. You will never be so far behind in emnity that you need to DA a Power Slash, and even if you do it's not enough of a boost to be worth the MP when you can just Provoke instead.
I feel like believing the "Lyfon/Quick/Aloise hacked our accounts guys!!!" story requires more leaps in logic than the idea that they pretended to get hacked to sell all of their gil, considering they want Mark to wordfilter "exodus" and ban FF14 threads from Holla Forums.
they're literal goons, so they're straight cancer
they'll most likely make alts and infil the other FC to start shit, ban then if you can
Are you fucking retarded?
If the leader of the guild doesn't log in for a certain amount of days it gets passed to the next highest rank. Aloise was only 4 days away from taking over the FC, why the fuck would he "hack" the guild when he was about to take over it anyway? Are you fucking retarded?
So you healer fucks in here, what job do you main? I've been looking at the three and so far I've come to the following conclusion
>still the lowest DPS of the three even at max level, only mainly contributing by making everyone else do more damage
I'm leaning WHM, but I'd like to hear some opinions from people who've actually played the jobs.
AST's niche is being a better WHM in almost every single regard.
Yeah fucking right, dude. Maneuvering for optimal DoT spread and managing Aetherdam while throwing down zone control shit and keeping shields/buffs/debuffs up while also controlling your pet is some cuhrazy times. Also, BROIL. You are always busy if you're doing it right. WHM seems like the boring one to me. Haven't fucked with AST at all yet.
WHM is my favorite because stoneskin II, that push spell and the insane fucking burst healing that outdoes anything, but it's biggest downside is that it's mp efficiency is SHIT.
AST and SCH can pull mp out of their ass any time they want and never run out, but all WHM gets is one really shitty mp refresh with a long cooldown
Tanking in this game is so meh. You're basically playing a dps who has to periodically activate cooldowns. It's like playing a dps class that includes unnecessary annoyance. Tanking is not focused on defence at all and good tanks are valued because of their dps, not tanking. Like, go fucking figure, no wonder no one wants to play an annoying dps class, so why not just go pure dps and not have to worry about annoyance.
I've played all tank jobs and PLD is the most satisfying. Not because other jobs are harder (they're not), it's because you somehow feel like a tank instead of a gimped dps (I don't cosider WARs as tanks in any sense of the word). I feel like playing a MNK but I can't stand the dps queues. So I might just drop the game.
Tank's job is to hold enmity, being a damage sponge is secondary
Liked and subscribed to your blog, buddy.
You're right about tanking not being focused on the actual tank part. WoW did at least one thing right in that it made tank dps just enough below actual dps and gave them active abilities that actually made them tank. But no one would give a fuck if you quit.
A literal chimp could hold enmity playing as a tank in this game.
I'm disappointed, that's all, I really wanted to like this game.
you're going to be permad
Is there any more information on the supposed combat revisions for Storm?
From what I recall last time playing, combat was so fucking dull.
None that I know of. They've been extremely tight-lipped about it. The only thing we know so far is that "players will have about the same number of buttons to press at level 70 in Stormblood as they did at 60 in HW"
Happening on Shiva right now
Is Excalibur a good server?
Also, I've read some posts saying that the Aether data center is best for NA, but I don't get why. Care to explain? I don't want to choose wrong and regret it in 3 months.
It's alright. Doesn't suck and doesn't stand out.
Kinda ded though
It was less about all of the buttons cluttering the hotbar, and more about most fights being team jumprope tank and spank
based on data I've seen by checking pf, aether ~ primal, almost no difference, and if there is one, in terms of raids, it's in favour of primal, but I am going to collect more data so that what I'm saying isn't based solely on memory and looking at pf every 4 hours for a week
just play on the server your friends are on, or one that's easy to get friends to play with you on etc, data center doesnt matter much because it's pretty much even regardless, and it's going to fluctuate both ways anyway
You could do a lot worse than Excalibur. People say Aether is better because that's where Gilgamesh is, but it's bullshit because Gilgamesh is a meme.
"All the best raiders are on Gilgamesh!" This is not only untrue, but all of the top raiders on Gilga are already in their own statics, so you'll only find people who are there because they want to get carried by top-tier players, not any actual top-tier players.
Basic shorthand of internet communities:
Balmung is where tumblr trash and ERPers go
Gilgamesh is for reddit and clueless tryhards
Exodus is where the current two 8ch FCs are located
Tonberry is where Australians play
and then there's several communities spread out across the other servers.
Just join whatever server has people you want to play with; there's datacenter-wide parties and duty finders.
Aether is better simply because you will never run into Ultros and Exodus faggots on crossPF there
And the other one that does aoe heal and damage. Fantastic panic button burst heal there if you royally fucked everything else up or you wasted all your MP raising the DRGs
Main BLM, actually get shit done before I die of old age as a WHM. THough ex roulette queue times are about as long as healer as they are DPS some days.
All those things are mere annoyances, not an actual skill requirement.
Wow, so much fucking skill dude
I mean yeah, being on Aether means you'll never run into Aurion Pax, so that's a plus
Trump would disapprove of that
trump may not drink, but he sure as hell isn't going to stop anyone else from enjoying delicious culture.
You don't raid, do you boy?
But I have to 60 at least one healer to get my burger king crown so that one day I can be as garbage as Pax!
also I want to learn the role so I can become a better player, just like I learned tanking so that I know how to play around them without being a nusiance
its ok user, im sure if you put up a pf advertising your first-time bonus, all the big boy raiders will take you through and tank for you.
How to not be a pain in your healer's ass: Don't stand in the fire. If lots of you are hurt, group up for a cure3, if the boss is winding up a big unavoidable attack that hurts everyone and you have something to mitigate it? Use it.
You'll run into Aurelius Maximus instead who is just as fucking bad I'm convinced this fucker is Aurion on an alt
You're calling me boy and yet you obviously consider tanking in raids as some super duper hard shit. Fucking hilarious. The hard part in raids comes down to doing as much dps, not actual tanking, which is exactly what I'm criticizing you utter moron.
This is a very bad insult aimed someone who's basing his argument on how easy tanking is. Fucking 5th grade reading comprehension right there.
According to pic related Excalibur is one of the least ded.
Appreciated. Still confused though. I don't have any friends to play with, and in one hand I have Reddit and Tumblr trash with a LGBT community(Faerie) and in the other hand I have ebin memelords servers like Exodus, Ultros and Famrit, and a huge BR community in Behemoth.
Worst part is that if I want to go to Aether I have to go to Gilgamesh because all other servers are ded and eventually everyone moves there.
I stand corrected. I hardly see anyone outside of a city or quarrymill though.
Balmeme is the least dead server and the tales of rampant ERP and faggotry are largely exaggerated. Just turn off shout chat and avoid the fucking uldah inn and you'll hardly ever see bullshit.
That's the case even on populated servers. Everyone's either in Quarrymill or Idyllshire, a handful of people here and there.
Ultros isn't too bad as long as you find people that aren't massive faggots. Greg is a very good server, and you generally will have a much easier time buying from the marketboard due to its size. Just don't be a cunt and you should be able to get along with anyone. Keep in mind that there are turbo faggots on every server.
Also, keep in mind that we're at the end of an expac. The same thing happened back in arr and it was pretty dead all around. It's pretty dead right not, but we can expect another major surge of players when 4.0 drops. The larger servers got packed back when hw dropped, so it may be hard to play if that's where you decide to play.
It's a shithole of unwarranted elitism and autists that boast about how pro they are while wiping to the same fucking mechanics over and over. I have NEVER seen anyone from another server wipe on fucking unsynced garuda like these clowns
What server are you on then? I've been searching and I can't say there's a good option if it's not Gilgamesh, at least on Aether.
I'm agreeing with you, you double nigger
You fucking liar. You can't be seriously saying Gilgamesh is shit while being on Balmung. You're memeing me.
It's a lot better, I'd rather take weirdos and homos than absolute shit players since at least I can just mute the former
When you talk about dealing with shit players, what exactly are you referring to, because DF, PF, RF, and pretty much every instance aside from PotD and Aquapolis I think are cross-server. So unless you're just really into those two things, server specific PF's, or Hunts and FATEs, than I don't see what you're getting at?
Wanna guess what's the little word next to every single shitter over here?
I know I'm late but
Not soon enough.
I know this, I just wonder how it plays into what server you join? The only time I heard of people getting kicked for being from certain servers was when they were on Balmung, but even than people here from Balmung have said that they just don't type, so no one ever sees where they're from
Also it only says that on PF, not in DF or RF
literally no one uses that, and DF is 99% roulettefags, newfags leveling for the first time and spergs that got sick of potd
What a surprise, biggest server that attracts all the "hard core raiders" turns out to be filled with the biggest shitters.
I know. Maybe with the ps3 limitations being removed we can have more sliders for our catbois.
Quick Question
I want to solo Palace of the Dead since I'm very slow and suck at this game
Can I do a fresh run 1-100 and learn as I go
Or is it a REQUIREMENT to do it with party members for 99/99 THEN I can solo after that?
If you suck at the game floors might wreck you, and I don't think you have to have a party at first.
1-30 will probably be as far as you'll go there solo. Palace can be very unforgiving solo if the game decides to fuck you. The green slime in the 20 range need to be burned down quickly or stunned or else they will one shot you. The chirping birds will ruin you if you don't burn them down in time and not because they are dangerous, but because it will give pats plenty of time to gang bang you. If you get aggro and froged at the same time, you are most likely fucked. If you take a mine to the face, then that can fuck you as well. Mines got changed to hurt enemies as well, so it's possible to recover if the enemy is nearly dead as well.
If you suck at the game, you may not be able to burn through the bosses in time before they run you down. You also have the same time limit, so if your dps is too low then you'll time out and fail that way. POTD has been done solo after level 100, but not every job is capable of that and it requires at least a bit of skill. I highly suggest that you go into potd as a team with friends preferably. They'll hopefully be able to prepare and watch over you. Go df if you don't have any friends. Also, it's really easy for one or two player to carry the group in potd if the others are new or weak.
I-I'm gonna make it.
Heavensward soon lads.
we're all gonna make it user.
Any idea on which server has a decent economy? Most materia IV used to sell for 20k a pop here on faerie, but it's dropped down to 5-2k for some. I want to make enough gil to try and get my own house when the new ward opens up. I should also get working on leveling up and doing the MSQ
IV materia is worth pennies now. Only V seems to be worth anything at all anymore
Yet people still can't be bothered to meld IV materia.
Just finished A Realm Reborn main mission. Is there any pussy better than Yda in the other content? I'm going to miss her
Elemental IV has massive price spikes sometimes because you can use it to get sands for the umbrite step, so all the lazy fucks that can't bother to grind will pay whatever you ask for it.
Good pussy like that don't go far.
When you farmed your alexander savage what is it you do all week? It seems like I do nothing except clicking on the squadron and do daily roulette.
Level more jobs, level crafting, collect minions and mounts (ALL THE BIRDS FAGGOT)
Is this mmo any good? From what I've seen it looks comfy but I'm still on the fence
Nah it's shit, the dozens of threads that have been happening for months are entirely dedicated to shitting on it start to finish
It's okay for dps classes. Healing is passable, but tanking is absolutely shit. So if you want to play dps, spend weeks leveling it in a deep dungeon and deal with very long queue times, but still find the gameplay fun enough, then go play the game.
i see a lot of people saying "tanking is shit" in ff14, and i gotta ask; what would *you* consider "non-shit" tanking to look like? make a detailed comparison to what you want vs. what's present in ff14.
Nigga you can level a DPS to 50 in a day or two if you're spamming deep dungeon runs.
Earlier in the thread it was compared to WoW tanking. Where in FF you're a DPS with mitigation cooldowns, in WoW you're a tank.
I don't fucking get it either.
Free trial lets you hit up to level 35, which is more then half of the base game, though I'd say the level 30ish part is probably the slowest part of the base game, and I say picks up pretty well after that point, with the only other real slump down is the first half or so of the level 50 post game quest. (Though, I think they plan to let you skip them when the next expansion drops, could be wrong though.)
Yeah if you're NEET who can spam them for 10 hours a day.
Non shit tanking would be tanking that is not evaluated according to how much dps it puts out. Adding complexity to cooldowns and defensive and support skills and attacks that bosses do to targets with most aggro. Like, the game should make tanks be on their feet and react to shit all the time instead of going to shit a middle school kid can memorize.
As user said
That's literally it, no reason to play a tank. Their dps rotations are retarded anyway and tanking is merely nominal. I don't know about Wow, but it's hard for me to believe that tanking there can be worse.
I'd rather tank in XIV than WoW, and I wish PLD felt like a dps.
That's all well and good user but it seems to me that almost no one wants to tank in XIV and shit is really really gonna hit the fan when Stormblood and new dps classes come out. It's gonna be a huge fucking shitfest. Since they don't want to address tanking, it would be better if they just switched 8 and 24 man content to 1+1+6 and that's it. DRK and WAR are only tanks in name.
Tanks still need to do mechanics. You'd also be surprised how many people can't do something as simple as hold hate in their tank stance.
Can you provide examples or explain what you mean a bit?
Doesn't that explain all raiding in a nutshell? Memorize a series of events and their appropriate triggers, a well organized party able to just hammer it out?
A lot of people can't hold hate in their stance, don't know what their stances are, and maximizing DPS as a tank isn't that simple.
Maybe it's just me, but I like tanking in FF more than I like to DPS. The only DPS class I really could get into was *dragoon*
I'd second this. Tanking in wow is pretty boring and only a few fights actually make the tanks do something other than sit in one spot and tank swap. At least in XIV what you do matters a bit since its always a dps race.
Pretty sure the people who have always tanked will keep tanking at release of stormblood. The ques might go from like 12mins to maybe 25mins on Aether.
Hardly anyone wants to tank in any MMO, they'd rather see big numbers or heal. Not a lot of people want the responsibility of taking the hits, and the blame if something goes wrong. That's just how it is.
Yeah but so does everybody else and the fact that most people suck is not really relevant for discussing the basic structure of tanking in this game.
Well, start with basic stuff such as aspected damage and aspected cds.
Sure, but you can always put in stuff that's not reliably predictable or random or increase the number of possible patterns. But I meant like putting in more tank specific mechanics so you have to be concentrated the entire time.
Well that's exactly the problem, people go in to play dps and tanking is just an afterhought. I've encountered many tanks who at level 50+ didn't even have provoke but they went in into extreme fights. Yes, maximizing dps as a tank or any other job is not easy, but doing solid dps isn't hard either. But that's beside the point, we shouldn't even be talking about this when discussing tanking.
I don't know about responsibility I feel like people who mention it never tried tanking in this game. Holding aggro is very easy to do, popping cds certainly isn't hard. Tanks don't get to make mistakes, that's true, but people shit on tanks mainly because of how little dps they do, not because of their actual tanking abilities.
DRK has Dark Mind. Which rarely gets used outside of Alexander. Aspected damage would require significant reworks though, for casters and maybe some healer abilities.
In my experience tanks have just as many mechanics to worry about as DPS/healers, maybe one or two fewer.
Mate, I have personally torn people new assholes for how shitty they are at tanking. Emnity first, DPS second.
There's shit players universally as well, healers that can't heal, DPS who can't do a rotation, and shitass tanks that only want faster queues.
I mean you're not wrong here. I'm a tank main and I'm going to be trying out Redmage. If I end up liking it, I'm going to switch to being a DPS main.
The only reason I even became a tank in the first place is none of the DPS classes appealed to me and I was sick of dealing with shit tanks, so I just became the tank myself.
already exist in game. there are several bosses where certain priority targets, whether aggro based or class based, are chosen for unavoidable damage that has to be placed correctly. you want a tanking challenge? do the 13 turns of BcoB synced with appropriate ilvl gear.
as for "complexity of cooldowns" there exist tank busters and tank swaps and proper tank positioning mechanics already. stuff where you need both tanks to soak damage, or to trade aggro in a narrow window or else wipe the raid etc.
already exists user. youre just in the tail end of an xpac where everyone, even on welfare gear, out levels shit so hard that a lot of mechanics can be ignored. take Ravana EX for example; very challenging, mechanics-heavy fight when it was first released. now it can be solo healed/tanked because higher dps allows you to push past the mechanics with ease.
all of that stuff you want to see already exists in this game in some form or another, often times with multiple challenges in a fight. look back and ask some people what it was like raiding gordian and midan savage when that was the end game at the time. shit was brutal, for every class. anyone fucked up, just a little bit, and you were done.
Gordian and midan savage were bullshit not because of some clever and deep mechanical challenges, but because they were an unbalanced clusterfuck that required absolutely insane dps checks to not wipe. This is why they got nerfed into the ground and now are laughable even with minimal ilevel
yet, somehow, people still beat them, even pre-nerf.
also, you say nothing about the mechanics.
I'm keeping in mind that thanks to the general player base "insane DPS" means "an acceptable knowledge of rotation and opener"
The mechanics weren't anything special, the entire challenge of those two at launch was meeting the absurd dps checks and that's it. And this led to bizarre situations were party members would autistically check each other's gear at the start and throw a shitfit if the tank wasn't wearing str gear or someone came with even one ring that wasn't BiS at the time.
Nowhere else this sort of faggotry ever happened to this degree
it scares me how few people in this game seem to realize the importance of the opener.
Can I turn off the chiptune?
that good feel when someone is struggling, you give advice, and they do well
Even with all that, the fact remains that good tanking = good dps. I've never heard anyone say that tanking, and I mean the tanking part of tanking, was anything but easy. The things you describe serve and are seen as nothing but an annoyance interrupting dishing out dps.
that feel when someone is struggling, you give advice, and they tell you to shut the fuck up, mess up again, ragequit and party dissolves all within a minute
PLD does fuck all dmg and it still can hold aggro and survive just about anything, and DRK can hit hard but needs to drop the tank stance (and thus can't hold aggro for shit anymore) to do any remarkable numbers. Only tank that actually can top the dps chart while doing his job is WAR but that's because warriors are fucking OP
The game is built around dps, consequently, people in the meta don't care about anything else than dps. They'll still outright discriminate against PLDs, they'll still insist that WAR is in the group and that it maximizes dps, they'll still give you shit if you tank in grit. It's just the way how it is, I don't like it either.
The only people that boot PLDs are the most massive minmaxing autists that no one should be playing with unless they are desperate for e-peen. There is not a single instance in this game that can't be cleared with only PLD with shield oath the whole time on all tank slots
Well, exactly. I'd also add that there isn't a single instance in this game that actually hinges on healer or tank dps to clear. But still, most people will give you absolute hell if your dps doesn't enable them to clear 2 minutes faster. But even if the emphasis on tank dps went away, you'd still be left with underwhelming tanking gameplay.
user, i….
i dont know what to say man. of course its built around dps. every mmo is "built around dps" to an extent. but no, tanks are not exclusively built around dealing the most amount of damage. maximizing damage, sure, but there are plenty of mechanics where a tank should be in tank stance or else shit can go awry. parties will wipe on SephEx Da'at if the the wrong classes are at the top of the threat meter, and soaking a tank tower is much easier (and less stressful on the healers) when done in tank stance.
but of course dps will matter. killing stuff faster is always good. but there are also plenty of times where adding more mitigation is more important. if youre coming across a bunch of shitters who think everything needs to always be maximum dps at all times, then call them what they are; shitters. then move on, cause they're not worth your time.
In my opinion, if the defensive part of tanking was so demanding, there wouldn't be such an insistence on them doing dps. The community is basically saying you have plenty of time to focus on maximizing dps since you're not doing anything else. Again, if you no one ever expected you to leave tanking stance, you'd still be left with underwhelming gameplay. I don't know, Black Desert is 50% off, I might try it, I can't bring myself to play ff anymore.
user, I'm going to be completely serious here. Do not purchase Black Desert Online. If you absolutely must try it, get someone who owns it to give you a 7 day trial pass. BDO is such a steaming pile of dogshit that I don't even know where to begin describing how bad it is. It's the ultimate example of wasted potential: the game.
that's just the tip of the iceberg
I'm about to buy the game, only thing keeping me is choosing a server. Is Sargatanas a good place to stay?
I've never seen anything bad said about that server, or anything good, or anything at all really
What about Cactuar? The only thing I heard about servers is that Gilgamesh is tryhard center and Balmung is an ERP freakshow.
still i'm inclined to go to gilgamesh if nothing else appeals me
Come to Exodus and join us. Gilgareddit and ERPmung are for faggots.
Cactuar is halfchan /vg/ server, Gilgamesh is tryhard autist central, Balmeme is autistic but also oddly the most bearable of the lot as long as you never go into any inn.
Exodus and Ultros are both shitterland and memespewing combined and no one can tell which one is worse
No thank you. I don't play with goons
Pretty sure halfchan /vg/ is all on ERPmung.
On both actually, but their presence is a lot more blatant in Cactuar
How long does it take to get to heavensward after beating the vanilla MSQ?
1 0 0
quests of stupid shit
Have fun :^)
About 100 quests, 2 Dungeons and 6 trials.
Also fucktons of long retarded filler cutscenes. Just skip them all.
Neither of you are telling me in terms of a time estimate and I know how many quests you have to do.
24 or so hours depending on how fast you find a group
If you blast through them and don't actually skip any of the story, it'll probably take you about 2-3 days.
I'm a WAR and I am skipping all of the cutscenes.
Oh god, I just picked that server because I wanted to be on the Exdeath server
Do the people who play on Exdeath like it? FCpeople or not
It's alright, just know the novice network gives you complete garbage for advice
"Maim isn't important for warriors"
"Fracture is a DPS loss"
and the like
open with provoke
Pulling with provoke wouldn't even be needed in some cases if the weapon throw abilities had greater range.
Because square enix hates you.
Go back to wow, shitter.
Wow, git gud, shitter.
Come on bruh
so im a DRG with, i think, im not able to sign in atm, with 220 gear level? can i solo palace of the dead?
I-level doesn't matter for POTD
wait it doesnt?
It has its own system. Level your gear up there, get the right cross class skills and don't fuck up.
Why I haven't seen any Au Ra love in these threads?
No, in PoTD your Aether Gear level which is increased by opening silver chests is the equivalent of ilevel.
You're probably not gonna be soloing PoTD as a DRG though.
Please explain as to why you would want to ever solo potd.
whats the best class to solo PoTD?
I went Hyur
I had fun going in as a warrior, but going in as a class gives you more cross class options and I haven't attempted that myself yet.
Cuz they're inferior to catbois. Catboi x Au'ra male would be QT pairing tho.
checked for those trips. the current highest solo in potd i think is held by SCH. pet + dots + unlimited mp goes a long way. SMN does the best for dps, but tanks and healers in general tend to do better than all others (with SCH and PLD at the top).
That's kinda gay.
That was some monster hunter shit.
It takes him twice as long to break the final gate as it does the other gates. It got nerfed so hard you can kill it with like a group total of 1.1k dps, and as long as you hit both Dragon Killers you have no excuse not to kill it.
Well shit didn't know that but people in chat were sperging out how hard this thing is and the guide I watched said it would be hard too.
It used to require you to be average to kill.
yes, it is gay. stop
No but last one for now.
that's kinda cute
still gay tho
aura male are the worst thing in the world, they are ugly as sin, they are SHIT players, their personalities are trash, they are everything that should be destroyed
even fucking potatoes are a thousand times better than them
you SUCK
They make perfect DRKs though
Post edgy Au'ra DRKs tbh
say what nigga?
Nigger they announced it weeks ago and already confirmed the maintenance for TODAY. But they have not released one goddamn detail beyond "zhloe, proto ultima and anima step"
i want to kill myself right now
That's what ya get!
I think you're just angry. Male Au'Ra boast some of the highest skilled players in the world like Aurion Pax.
You're right, I deserve this. ;_;
It's weird that these people impress me but at the same time it makes me kinda sad thinking about how they're most likely NEETS playing 24/7
He's also a complete retard who pulls sub 600 dps half the time with his i270 drk.
How does even manage to get that low?
He didn't get any class to 60 by playing skillfully, he literally got carried over and over through every single instance hundreds of times
Just because someone is good at a video game does not mean they don't have shit tastes in aesthetics.
I've not been NEETLYFE and I've almost got everything to 60. It is hardly a sign of skill if you played in 1.0 or from launch even casually.
Pretty much this. Just running daily leveling roulette you can easily get 60 on a bunch of classes in a few months.
Or do a few potd 51-60 and you can hit 60 with several in half that time. Since 15mins is better than waiting in queue and then doing a dungeon which takes like 20-30 for slightly less xp.
That works too. Fuckin Palace of the Full Clears at lvl60 though.
Just get a group together on pf or just tell people that you want to speedrun and 7/10 times they will just rush through 51-60 in 12-16mins. At least on Aether.
hah plebs
bet you don't put death blossom on MRD either you fugging scrub
Does anyone have screenshots of the burial chamber in Ul'dah post-2.00?
Any warping chinks around willing to investigate?
Redpill me on professions. Should I start at early levels? I intend to go Black Mage.
There is literally no reason to not use your job crystal the very instant you hit 30, besides using meme crossclasses and being the guy in this pic
I see you just quit wow.
Anyway crafting classes are a money sink and if you wanna do crafting late game you will have to level them all 50. Gathering classes can get some good stuff but its extremely boring to level. I wish I knew which gathering class to level but my highest one is FSH level 56 so I wouldn't fucking know.
wait you mean jobs? no you should absolutely take those as soon as possible. in fact do all of your job quests immediately so you always have all of your abilities.
Being a thaum with raise and protect is better in potd than a BLM and not having a healer like 70% of the time.
Shieeeet. True, but I never subscribed to retail, I only played in Nostalrius I fucking swear.
I meant crafting. I see that I shouldn't bother with it until later on.
Crafting can be bothered with in direct proportion to your willingness to schlep around creation finding shit/ your willingness to pay for extra retainers to store it all.
I tentatively recommend botanist if you're starting in Gridania anyways because of the likely hood that you'll not be on a meme server and some of the lumber sells pretty well. (At least on Tonberry)
made six million leveling a couple classes, not bad
Considering the rotation changes drastically at 60 any "learning to play" before then would superfluous anyways.
PotD has exactly the same amount of mechanical training as any other part of game outside the Class quests.
Try playing past Copperbell Mines bud
I would like for you to outline for me, what parts of the game train you in your Job any more than PotD does, aside from the class quests which are class mechanics oriented.
The environmental mechanics featured in EX Ravana, are exactly the same you find everywhere else in the game, namely a pose shift in the monster, highlights on the ground, and occasional auditory queues.
This is so incorrect it's not even funny.
Outside of potd you have ample time to get used to your rotations and adjust as new abilities get added. Inside potd those abilities come quickly and you'll have maybe three encounters before a new ability gets added. And if you're jumping into a new class at 60 you're just flailing about trying to keep your head above water and not wipe the group with your subpar performance.
why are white mages such sluts
Potd doesn't have: stack mechanics, tethers, shrinking, prey marks, tank swaps, ringouts, environmentals, floor switches, mode changes, towers, cardinal callouts, dps stop checks, kill orders and this is just from the top of my head. I would dread seeing you even attempt any Savage content, or even the ARR EX trials
Why are you guys acting like retards. It is literally impossible to only do potd and then go into shit like savage. MSQ babies you and explains all different sorts of mechanics and prevents you from jumping immediately into endgame content. You are literally forced through hours of content outside of potd that teaches you how to deal with dungeon and raid mechanics.
While yes, those are valuable to learn, they aren't about the BLM itself. Many of those can/should be encountered through the MSQ forced dungeons anyways. Not that they shouldn't do them more as practice, but that's besides the point.
Yes it's good for them to get familiar with all their skills at a steady pace (since they'll have to go through MSQ they'll be helped with that anyways.) But going back to the first point, pre-60 BLM and post-60 are very different, while some skills carry over, such as good use of Aetherial Manipulation, none of those things require a specific leveling path.
Diligent and focused players will learn, scrubs will drag their heels if they need to read anything more than 3 words long.
All i'm sayin is, if he's already got his head on straight, and is paying attention PotD will not suddenly create a sub-par player.
If he is a shitter then PotD will delay his confrontation with said shittiness.
I prefer to hope he's good, and just wants a quick pass.
Where did I say that MSQ was hard? In any case even people new to MMOs are able to pickup on mechanics just by doing the MSQ. You keep ignoring the fact that the MSQ has tons of tutorial shit early on.
Nice try friend.
Then we're on the same page. Holy shit, learn to read.
the point is potd is shit
Except for making money and leveling up jobs and getting elemental 4 materia oh and 255 weapons for your other jobs.
I admit the weapons take a lot longer than Soph or Zurv, but my other points are pretty solid especially if you want the materia for the anima shit.
no, your points are all good. potd was still a mistake though because it gives people a shortish route to 60 that prevents them from learning how to play their class in an environment true to the rest of the game
30? Isn't it at 2AM? like normal?
please no
Fuck you're right I just got booted off
When you literally JUST TODAY threw out all your white bones, pennies, and ECT from the best tribe quests because you thought you'd never use them again
When you're running low on crystal sands
when you forget to add the prelim notes to your post explaining your fucking pain
Being a hoarder finally pays off.
fucking SHOOT MY ASS
So 4 items = 1 sand? I wish the fucking Ixali oaknots were good for something I have like 5 stacks from leveling up all my crafting shit.
I've been stockpilling those bones, just because I got tired of turning them into retainer tokens.
Data Mining just came in. It looks like the final step is another tome grind. It's going to be 1000 poe and 1000 lore per 1 item needed in the final step.
At that point why even through that shit away?
Looks like it, and I need to step up my crafting game. Need to be able to make my own shit when the samurai storm comes in.
Wait, we're actually going to need poe again? I'm gonna be grinding fist of whatever all day tomorrow it seems.
because im a fucking moron who decided at the wrong time to cleans inventory
also 270 accessories? guess whos farming the fuck outta proto ultima
lol. Get ready to join Primal Flames and Aether Mael.
That's what I've heard. We should find out soon enough though. The creator of Garland Tools is that one that dropped that nugget.
You'll catch up soon enough, user.
It looks like it got nuked from several recipes. I wonder if the other aethersands will eventually receive similar treatment?
Can we trade them in for the other gender? I know each character on an account can choose either.
Grade V prices are going to get fucked.
The price of aethersand got fucked on my server anyway, so that's no big loss. I can't wait for whatever new items to show up to share the same fate though since everyone has to undercut each other.
Wait so if this is Zhloe then who the fuck is that pink-haired loli that's been in idleshire forever?
Finally, that one girl at the gold saucer will have something new to se-
Yeah, nah.
I'm disappointed in the lack of new dungeons though, so fucking sick of the goddamn wall everyday on Expert
What the fuck is this bullshit?
So what do you need to do for the final relic step? I'm still on umbrite. Is it something I can plan ahead of time?
Do all hard primals when they ask you to (yes, not even EX primals) and then stock up tomes like crazy because the next upgrade item costs ONE THOUSAND LORES PER UNIT HAHAHAHAHAH
1 unit
New event coming up.
you only need one i already finished
have a celebration cat
Oh I thought it was more. Well shit I might actually finish this bullshit this week then
ill switch you, im always getting fuking sohm al
What the hell is the point of "reseting" a9s?
Ok, so since i fucked up and discarded all my beast tribe shit, ive got 53 leve allowances.
was it Dance Magic Dance that had the easiest time to search for vilekin coffers?
I'm glad I wasn't looking forward to this garbage.
new bread
khloe's friend. the one she talks about losing her parents, and the one you can sometimes see by the fountain with her topaz carby.
It's one of them. Yes.