There was a Netflix live action Fullmetal Alchemist adaptation

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did it trigger weebs?

That's just a Japanese movie that aired on Netflix.
Netflix probably would have done it better.

It's a Japanese film.

lmao no

Have you seen this movie/any Japanese live action anime adaptation?

Anyone see this shit? Lust looked pretty hot and the trailer was aight, but Nip cinema is typically garbage so I'm not sure whether to subject myself.

I don't get the rage when bad adaptations happen. No matter how they mangle it they can't change the core work you enjoyed.

It's good for like ten minutes, and then you get the usual rush to cram way too much story into a single movie runtime.

It's not based on the anime.

Honestly? It wasn't a good movie, director Fumihiko Sori tried hard but it's really difficult to adapt a manga with 100+ chapters into a 2 hour movie. It's really faithful, the only issue I can think of is all of the characters are Japanese when they weren't in the manga, but I think that faithfulness actually works against the movie; they should have tweaked the story a bit to fit a film narrative more cohesively.
The manga was released in 25+ volumes over nine years, a film doesn't have that luxury.

something about autism internet entitlement blah blah

Attempting to adapt the whole thing at once was obviously a mistake. It's been a long ass time since I saw this show, and I don't remember if there even were well defined arcs, but they should have stuck to adapting just an early part of the story, leaving the door open for sequels.

Ah, thanks. Figured as much when I saw how much they attempted to squeeze in there. FMA is a huge IP. Why not space the story out, milk it a bit? Boggles the mind. I'll probably still watch it at some point…


mfw weebs pretend that ghost in the shell and death note were good movies

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I actually really wanted to watch a ghost in the shell Hollywood film but they had to cast the fucking frumpy looking kike and I have no interest in looking at that ugly jew

it's not, it's just the most retarded

absolutely disgusting.

nipponese look ridiculous with blonde hair.

Never seen a weeb say that. It's always casuals doing that.

There were. The anime does a good job of this. They could have adapted the first arc with the "false" brothers and called it quits.

No one says that. With Death Note they even lost the target audience, fujoshits, by making L a nigger.

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a lot of people seen death note thanks to adult swim. also most weebs and normie weebs are not white so they needed to pander. also waht they did to L was just as bad. he looked like the average /a/ kike.

as for ghost in the shell…
fucking terrible. they had a whole universe at their disposal on they did a fucking lame ass origin story. also they picked scarlett as the major? and the one guy talking like shodan? wtf?!?!?!

I seriously doubt the majority of the DN audience is made of male niggers or spics. If they were trying to pander to the fujoshits casting a nigger and a skinny kike was the worst choice.

Juden trying to push the idea that one of their own is actually attractive, and not a hook nosed goblin.

Why not just do an adaption of the time the brothers first started to work as state alchemist? You could then end it with Envy killing that one guy with the glasses. Did they really try and include all the shit with the homunculi and all of the shit that Brotherhood introduced after the 2003 anime finished?

If that is true then I am forced to acknowledge that the /a/ BO did the near impossible and forced non whites/asians to learn to spell and punctuate correctly. It was pointless and basically killed the board but it would be a rare accomplishment.

He didn't really force them, he just kept banning anyone without autism until they went away. Holla Forums died because they are cucks that like to pretend Jews aren't responsible for ruining comics and /tg/ died because they are and always were leftist cocksuckers and finally realized they really had no reason to leave cuckchan.



Tabletop grognards are a particularly spineless breed in my experience. They seem to translate their "just ignore it of you don't like it" make believe gaming philosophy to all aspects of their lives. I doubt even 1/4th of them have anything that could be construed as a actual concrete stance on political or social issues. They are basically non entities.


Nailed it in one. I can't remember how many times I had a discussion with them about the corrosive influence leftists have on everything they come in contact with only to have the /tg/ cuck tell me "it's okay because we can just ignore the fluff and come up with our own stuff".

Most are soft leftists. Just go look at their quest threads and it's very obvious with all the dykes, futas, racemixing and minorities. The funny thing is that they're still big enough hypocrites to make sure all their waifus are white, though they are written like the average Western female character, thus missing the point of having a female character in your story.

Pretty much, and much like comic book fans they'll live to see their hobby completely destroyed and sit there and wonder how this could have happened.

I can almost see where they are coming from with that but I question the cost/benefit of that tactic. They are paying people they hate for gamebooks that they spend considerable effort gutting and reshaping so it isn't abhorrent to them anymore. They are basically giving them their money and time so they can do their jobs for them.

They'll usually tell you that they pirate the books anyway, but that still doesn't make it okay. You don't see Holla Forums pirate and play pozzed games, so I fail to see how /tg/ pretending they're not shoveling shit in their mouths is any better.

What they refuse to acknowledge is how this encroachment of Marxism destroys the community and ensures the target demographic, white men, is left with nothing. used to be a gathering point for people passionate about tabletop stuff to come together and enjoy their hobby, with plenty of OC being shared by all. And then the leftists came, started bleeding users as the oppressive Marxist boot was firmly placed on everyone's face, OC creators bailed and now the place is the Neofag of tabletop and the administration has a super secret, exclusive forum where they routinely discuss the benefits of castrating all men.

But, you know, ignore it and it will go away, right?

sounds like all imageboards since the fappening and prevalence of phonecucks.

/hgg/ is hanging in there, I just wish they'd ban NTR cucks on sight.

Ghost in the Shell was an okay movie.

that jap midget is genuinely horrid