There was a Netflix live action Fullmetal Alchemist adaptation

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did it trigger weebs?

That's just a Japanese movie that aired on Netflix.
Netflix probably would have done it better.

It's a Japanese film.

lmao no

Have you seen this movie/any Japanese live action anime adaptation?

Anyone see this shit? Lust looked pretty hot and the trailer was aight, but Nip cinema is typically garbage so I'm not sure whether to subject myself.

I don't get the rage when bad adaptations happen. No matter how they mangle it they can't change the core work you enjoyed.

It's good for like ten minutes, and then you get the usual rush to cram way too much story into a single movie runtime.

It's not based on the anime.

Honestly? It wasn't a good movie, director Fumihiko Sori tried hard but it's really difficult to adapt a manga with 100+ chapters into a 2 hour movie. It's really faithful, the only issue I can think of is all of the characters are Japanese when they weren't in the manga, but I think that faithfulness actually works against the movie; they should have tweaked the story a bit to fit a film narrative more cohesively.
The manga was released in 25+ volumes over nine years, a film doesn't have that luxury.