Come watch Stalker with us, user!

these two AIDS-ridden, mentally-ill men in wigs and dresses are trying to make you watch a three hour long borefest of three slavs wandering around a forest while talking about life and stuff. If you say no or act hostile in any way, Adam Sessler and Joe Rogan will perform a double leg takedown on you in 0.2 seconds and forcefully inject you with concentrated soylent straight into your blood stream, instantly decreasing your test levels to Buzzfeed-tier and eager to say you have a "boipussy".
what do?

Attached: sue and natalie.jpg (1080x1080, 79.66K)

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Hi sam.

Attached: fight me irl.mp4 (270x360, 1.38M)

powerful movie

i have a boipucci
it's pink and gets wet

What are you, gay?

Attached: DLpFtlZVoAAnPhH.jpg (1200x675, 111K)

Natalie Mars is so fucking annoying

are there any traps that are actually hot? linetrap and sue don't make my dick move at all.


I'll take Sue, you can take the other one.

Attached: 01.jpg (857x1200, 175.4K)

Haven't they gotten BLACKED?

Attached: 1468957392552.jpg (312x312, 42.62K)