Why is this Ninja Turtles live action in the 80s/90s so fucking good? While the new ones are so bad...

Why is this Ninja Turtles live action in the 80s/90s so fucking good? While the new ones are so bad? Is it just nostalgia goggles or are they objectively good?

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The first one is good, the second one is schlock

I remember as a kid being disappointed we got the weird mutant turtle and dog(?) instead of Beebop and Rocksteady.

The new ones are bad because everything is bad now, there's not a special unique reason

Pretty much this. We're unironically living in a downward spiral to the end. There is no getting better.

True, but the third one was pretty kino.

Second one had the ninja rap though

It's good in the Godzilla vs. Megalon way. The first one is objectively a good film however. I stands the test of time because it stuck to TMNT's gritty roots and because Jim Henson worked on it.

First one is an objectively good film, I've even watched it semi-recently (last few years or so) and it still held up.
Second one was a bit too campy to be considered traditionally good (I'd even say it's bad), suffers from Power Rangers knock off syndrome that was prevalent in the early 90s, and was an obvious vehicle for Ernie Reyes Jr. The focus being shifted from the family dynamic to a Gary Stu protagonist killed it, but it's a guilty pleasure if you're into cheesy 90's comedy/action flicks.
The third movie is def underrated. It's not as good as the first, but it brings back the spirit of it and serves as a much better sequel than Secret of the Ooze in my opinion.
TMNT is technically the same continuity so it bears mentioning. It was not bad, actually, but I don't really consider it part of the main trilogy.

This film came out before Power Rangers. There's no connection. The difference in tone is because they wanted to make it more kid friendly due to the cartoon.

The lack of Jim Henson Productions and violence killed this movie. In fact, this movie was toned down as a reaction to soccer moms being mad about fighting in kids' shows around that time, including TMNT. At least the second one had actual fights.

It's because the movie is faithful to the original source material, the underground comics. There are scenes and dialog in it that are ripped straight out of Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird's stories.

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Wasn't there a story about some kids who beat another kid to death by pretending to be the Ninja Turtles?


I think that was Power Rangers.

For comparison.

I think I remember something about kids using shit like butter knives to attack someone and that was why the second movie didn't have the Turtles using their traditional weapons.

The Secret Of The Ooze was unironically my favorite one.

did the turtles take time banging april o'neil? Did they hire prostitutes after they got famous. What do you think their turtle dicks looked like ??

You just had to ask didn't you?

there was also a comic adaptation of the movie based on those scenes in the comic

wrap your head around that one

By Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird themselves.

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that's pretty cool.
can you think of any other examples creators retroactively adapting adaptations of their work?


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It's nostalgia goggles. Nothing about TMNT was ever good.

t. kike

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The first modern movie was ok.

i truly loved my childhood

the world, as experienced by the average American person, is much shittier today than it was

They gave up trying to make niggers seem human

Makes sense. They realized that you can only do so much with them and that they were never going to make them like civilized peoples no matter how hard they tried. Of course their egos won't allow them to admit they failed so they decided to just drag everyone else down to their level and claim victory.

its really sad tbh. my childhood was shit but at least there was tv and baseball. all i have now is baseball…

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Could be worse. At least you didn't have the crushing futility of being a fan of the 90's Braves.

i know what you mean though

I mean done by the actual creators

That part where April gives a lewdy look at the turtles' dick made me a bit horny tbh

He's right though
I mean, try to detach yourself from it from a moment: ninja turtles who live in the sewer, where they are trained by a giant rat? random shit made to pump money selling toys to kids

The same Ooze that gave Daredevil his powers btw.

It was a fun kids-show, a fun kids-comic and a fun kids-movie. You know back when they actually tried to make products atleast entertaining before selling them to kids.

That is a weird case for sure. I was crazy about TMNT cartoons but they were really bad. Guy shows up to a fight WITH A KATANA IN EACH OF HIS HANDS …. to cut a rope that makes a net fall on the bad guys of course.

It was originally a weird underground comic aimed at older audiences (of stoners, probably).

confirmed garbage

The new ones aren't that bad either.
Well Megan Fox is but she doesn't ruin it.
Bebop & Rocksteady were cool.

why is this allowed on youtube
