Is a good Dune adaptation possible? The book is very dense, with almost all of it essential to the story...

Is a good Dune adaptation possible? The book is very dense, with almost all of it essential to the story, characters and/or themes.

Lynch's version feels like a montage of the book, despite the version I watched being near three hours. Even with three hours, a good deal had to be skipped and rushed. Is there any hope for Villeneuve to do it right? That's not to mention the shit Hollywood will do to it. Chani will be a nigger, all the Fremen will be.

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Watch the tv series

The book feels like a goddamn montage. (((Hollywood))) is trapped between loving and hating the themes of the books, and the full power of humans when free from (((machines))) (bad goy) by taking mind altering substances (good goy) and eugenics (oy veyyyyy). Also the book has the most abrupt fucking ending it could only be worse if it stopped mid sentence.

Worse, they'll be sandy and not the aryan kind.

The book is complete autistic, only a completely autistic director could adapt it but they already said no to him

A single movie isn't long enough to do it right and multiple films is too much of a financial risk, especially since the first half has too little action for (((them))) to be willing to give it a chance. The only thing you'll ever see if a big, dumb, stripped-down, CGI-heavy action vehicle.

Depends how much a good adaptation has to be a faithful adaptation. You could Peter Jackson it. Transform it into a well made, crowd pleasing action adventure, with a lot of the more complicated themes conveniently left at the door. Depends if you'd be satisfied with that.

Is is ultimately about the most perfect autist becoming the Emperor of the universe.

Villeneuve has said he wants to do two films for Dune.

The first one is.

Leto II is more autist than Paul.

I think ultimately what you want from a good Dune adaptation is to see the world of Dune realised on screen. The Lynch movie did this well for the most part, but it fell down by keeping the script too close to the book (too many internal monologues).

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Star Wars is the adaptation of Dune which worked on the big screen.

i thoroughly enjoyed lynch's dune and i liked both miniseries

rip westwood

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No, Star Wars is a rip off of Flash Gordon

Dune's cinematography is some of the best there is.

Overall, it's best served as a selection clips and not as a whole film. Then it's a fantastic experience.

The Spicediver edit actually does a pretty good job making it a functional movie. It still has problems, but it's a big improvement.

I liked them tbh, I want film to be more theatrical.

The theatrical cut was fine tbh.

Does that differ from the version most people are familiar with?

Extended Dune cut is perfect. Political sci-fi is my specialty so I'm right at home here, your typical normalfags would hate is of course because it's not Star Wars.

If he turns the first four books into two four hour kinos then maybe. Even if it crashes and burns I'm sure he will make it look amazing.

No, Lucas is up-front about saying it borrows from Flash Gordon. He won’t acknowledge how much of it is based on Dune because it was basically Dune.

Beyond the desert, and the sand worm in RotJ, not really.

I'm not sure, I've only seen that, the crappy extended TV cut and the most popular fanedit at the time and I don't remember if that was the spicer cut or whatever.

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Have you even fucking read Dune or watched Flash Gordon serials? Bar few visuals he lifted elsewhere, like Metropolis, Hidden Fortress etc., Star Wars is just Flash Gordon.

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Star Wars is very much Dune too. And some European comics.

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Jabba and Leto couldn't be more different wormmen though.

George mostly just borrows concepts and stuff he likes to make his very own unique thing. Tatooine isn't exactly Arrakis either. Nor is the voice exactly a jedi mind trick.

Right. Which is why I think calling Star Wars Dune is a bit dumb.
You could say Dune was one of the many things Star Wars borrowed from.

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I always wanted a good Dune RPG. Probably shouldn't ask for that now. Your choice of Bethesda or Bioware.


Spiders could make a nice low budget Dune rpg tbh.

The movie is fucking fantastic. I think I watched it like 3 times last year.

Lynch's adaptation is probably the best one we'll ever see. The Sci-Fi Channel miniseries had more content but was pretty forgettable. Plus it looked cheap. I'm honestly not sure a truly faithful adaptation is possible, given how important descriptions of relationships, thoughts, perceptions, and ideas are to the novel. I just don't know if that could be translated to the screen.

Can a film do it justice? Never, it's a different medium and thus can't be the same. But I am looking forward to see what sort of imagery Villeneuve will conjure up. Dune was always rather vague in its descriptions and thus the vision the reader gets can be very different, it was no LotR. So it lends itself rather well to visually creative directors.

It really is.

I know you're memeing, but you're still a colossal faggot.

Don't listen to that other faggot, I agree with you 100% I think they even cast the right actor as Paul he had the young look and by the end of the movie, he'd grown into commanding respect of his enemies and you'd believe it. Not bad considering he'd never done movies before.

The tv series are bretty good.
But there are still no good adaptation of The God Emperor of Dune.
IMO even better than the first book.
Well maybe Grim Adventures.

The desert, spice mines, sandpeople, moisture farming, jedi/bene gesserit, the voice/jedi mind tricks, stormtrooper/sardaukar, noble houses in space, ‘navigator’ on a space freighter, precognition, melee combat, an emperor, landsraad/senate.

30 years ago, amerimutts bashed Lynch Dune for not being close enough to star wars. Today, it's in the top 3 scifi kino of all times.

What are the other two? I'd say Dune is easily the best.

probably solaris or 2001

The movie is a good adaptation of the book. Ofc Lynch had to cut a lot as the book spans 10-12 years or something. For a perfect adaptation you'd need a TV series with 15 one hour episodes and a giant budget.
I hope that in 15-20 years we'll have a perfect VR version of the Dune universe we can explore for ourselves.


Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049?

Not all game studios are SJW chuckle fucks, new studio Warhorse is definitely not SJW, they just released Kingdom come deliverance as their first game, they got a lot of shit because of not putting nigs in their game.
CD project red also aren't SJW's and have very generous dlc practices, giving out most of them for free.
In fact most slav studios aren't SJW it's more a case of which one is. Jap studios are the same, they can't stand the Amerimutt SJW shite that infects western gaming.

I wish Brian Eno had done more tracks.

There's like a 7 hour or something version that exists that Lynch projected for Frank Herbert. Hopefully, when this movie gets scanned in 4K, they scan everything so they can reconstruct longer versions.

Yeah this seems to be the killer. Too much unspoken dialogue and too much violation of 'show don't tell'. Without the monologues everyone is just standing around staring at each other.

Without the monologues viewers wouldn't get half the shit that's happening.

When will we get a director's cut of Dune?

lynchs dune is unwatchable garbo

you misspelled absolute kino

Probably never. Lynch disowned Dune because he's a pretentious faggot. Despite its flaws and the box office failure it's a huge cult hit.

They can just base the edits off the original longer versions of the movie like was done with Alien 3 and some other films.

I don't believe that. You just have to be creative. Get your actors to act. An expression can tell a lot.

Dune also had the best momfu ever tbh.

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kys reddit

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Such as…

It's a sizable sub-genre. Stop being a pleb.

Too replete with literary, historical and theological references, impossible for the ticket box

Out—out are the lights—out all!
And, over each quivering form,
The curtain, a funeral pall,
Comes down with the rush of a storm,
While the angels, all pallid and wan,
Uprising, unveiling, affirm
That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”
And its hero, the Conqueror Worm.

If Shakespeare can be adapted to film, so can your little space book.

Othello, the musical!

Who would have thought?