Uh-Oh, diversity doesn't work, abandon the ship
Uh-Oh, diversity doesn't work, abandon the ship
It was high years ago, today it's average.
look at wonder womyn, nigger panther and other forced diversity garbage, retard
Oh sweetie. Diversity isn't a female lead. Diversity is a cast full of transgender PoCs.
no, everything that isn't evil white man is a diversity now
When you force the bar lower, everyone eventually sees it and raises their standards in response.
This didn't even play at my local theatre. Nobody gives a fuck. Make a Spyro movie if you're that desperate for an IP, you stupid kikes.
jesus fucking christ, can you push it even harder? They literally have to mention that she stronk and wommyn in the synopsis
She's blacked in the film, right?
it's a little low considering the film has just come out and in general on imdb a movie has an higher score in the beginning that gets progressively worse with time.
The movie will be a financial success thanks to Vikander's sex appeal alone. Nobody is seeing the movie because Tomb Raider has a great plot, they're going to see Vikander. It's the same reason you went to see the Transformers movies to see Megan Fox.
fuck off nerds
lol no
get this gay shit off my face
even I have bigger hips than that
That's terrible form. He's not even using his muscles to lift the weights, he's just swinging them up with his back.
If I push her, she will fall down. 95% of women will stay weak even if they work out. She either needs to be taller or gain weight. Best if you have both and be at least 5'6"
Abs on a woman are pretty sexy. She has an amazing body. There'd be less soyboys like
in the world if we bred women like her instead of fat cows like JLaw.
She's faster than you. You wouldn't do shit, fat ass.
I'd fuck her up with one hand tied behind my back.
Jenny is aging like shit
It's almost like you can't go against biology or something.
Amy Schumer.
That's nothing in fight. I'll pick her up and throw her on the floor.
women are meant to be fat cows
NO they aren't They look weird on men too.
That's some of the worst form I've seen of anyone doing pushups. Elbows go in and back. Fucking crossfitters.
Wrong. I watched the transformers movies for the robot porn.
Yeah I can cheat curl too, very impressive.
that's very stunning and brave of them to cast a tranny as lara croft
If Lara Croft's chest keeps getting smaller in each new more soy-based incarnation are her boobs eventually going to collapse in on themselves and create two black holes?
lara croft becoming a tranny is actually really kino when you think about it
a person that does a lot of running and jumping wouldn't have huge tits.
some people just can't let go their 13 year old fantasies.
go eat dirt, you fucking cunt
t. 13 year old
t. homosexual
Someone completely missed the point of the franchise, they thought Tomb Raider is literally about tomb raiding.
The IP was bought by SJW soyboy manginas who think chopping of a woman's tits and making her into a man is female empowerment.
I wish I could smell her
first you're saying being attracted to boobs makes you a 13 year old, and now you're saying, no it's because I want my sexy women characters to look like children because that's what gets me off, are you jewish perchance?
Who is this? she looks familiar
better pedo than gay
Opening less than a 8.0 is considered a very bad sign as most titles usually drop 1-2 stars once they go to the public. Godzilla opened at 9+ and then sank down to a fucking 6.9 within about 3 weeks of being released to the public.
NuGodzilla was horrible.
Looks like a 10kg dumbbell.
Skeletons also don't go around swinging swords but here we are.
This "you want to see this because it's your fantasy and it's EVIL TO HAVE A FANTASY" thing needs to stop.
boobs rule
It was given to a psychotic and probably Jewish feminist who has, as far as I know, since abandoned it.
This is Lara Croft.
funny joke OP
It should be. We truly live in the worst timeline.
We don't want you here faggot homosexual.
Allison Carroll was official real life stand-in.
Gymnast Alison Carroll, succeeded Adebibe in 2008 and featured apparel based on the character's appearance in Underworld.[116] Similar to Adebibe, Carroll received special training—Special Air Service (SAS) survival, weapons, and archaeology—to fill the role.
Do they not understand that doing pushups like that just make them harder for you?
do you even know how women work you virgin soy faggot
You're implying that everyone is saying that Laura Croft should have massive tit, whereas that is not the case at all.
The person playing Laura literally does not have any tits at all.
Take off the hat, the dunce needs it back.
Why do they keep doing this?
For what purpose?
it dropped to 7.5
Easy money.
She's obviously 13 dumbass.
Hollywood is floundering and they need another entertainment industry to piggyback off of. Jokes on them though because video games hit the saturation point years ago and is due another collapse.
get out
Truth hurts don't it faggot?
being fucking by a nigger in jail will hurt, alright
kys narcisistic shallow faggot. you're a waste of resources
Hey Zach.
good, now fuck off back to >>>/tumblr/ you soy homo
Why does every 17 year old girl look like Avril
Literally the same thing
It looks like it's gonna be a mess though.
crotch raider
get lost, homo
you're so in the closet m8
Look Zach, just because girls go into a pseudo-menopausal state when they get within eye contact of you and lose all energy and motivation to live doesn't mean that women with big tits don't move a lot. For fucks sake do you think cheerleaders have no tits?
Sorry, I'm not familiar with Amerimutt "culture".
cheerleaders aren't real, it's something they made up for tv and movies, you 13 year old virgin
Japan also has cheerleaders, because they got BTFO by America.
It came from Britain you retarded hapa faggot. Jesus Christ.
You're putting words in my post
stop lying, it's something made up for tv
goblingoon you just keep on surprising me with how fucking retarded you are.
It's idiots training idiots, user.
I only hate them in impractical situations, idiot