#MeToo BTFO in China

Feminism is on the run again in Based China

chinks are good for something, at least

"Sexual Harassment" is actually much worse in Asia than it is here in the states, believe it or not. I don't know if it's the Yakuza or the negative stigma against unpure girls, but Idols in particular are almost guaranteed to be HARVESTED.com/jp
It's a damn shame, and I think the insect-like mentality that Orientals seem to have are ought to be blamed for this. They keep to themselves, even when someone is in danger. If one of the idols came out and said she was getting raped day by day, nobody would lift a finger except the Yakuza that own her.

I like anime and JRPGs and shit, but my Lord, get your shit together, Japan. I should nuke you once more.

Hey, you're the chink from the Mulan thread. Fuck off, chink.
nice slippery slope, slanteyes I totally believe you


Hey, you're Zach. Fuck off, Zach.
Nobody cares what you think, Zach, you're an autistic faggot.

Christ Chan is so beautiful 💙💚💖

Trump should help the legitimate Chinese government retake their country from the reds tbh.

Trump and America should just leave the world alone, they have already did fucking dreadful decisions detrimental to Christians worldwide and favouring Muslims and Jews.
America is an enemy of Europe.

The chink government views Western leftism as an actual threat to China and actively suppresses activists and NGOs. The left here has gotten so pozzed countries around the world treat it like an infection that needs to be eradicated.