hot general
sleep bye
why not? they are fun to cuddle.
I don't see myself minding much. you're pretty cool.
Thanks fam.
goodnight, emily.
You've given up on life.
NGNL was good though.
Too bad the anime skipped, like, half the story.
Only after dinner and drinks, though.
I still have to make airs at exclusivity.
I'd rather cuddle a person than a pillow
because they cuddle back
just got home from a performance. It went well, and now I need to sit around and draw for like an hour.
Odd. I could have sworn I was misleading spoiler.
yes, that's a very good way to put it.
naturally. that's just common sense.
cuddling with people is fun for a while, then it's just plain annoying because people are too warm, they move too much, they are difficult to hold in a way that doesn't put your arm to sleep, and many other issues.
you are also misleading spoiler, yes.
Thank goodness. I was worried for a sec.
worlds fattest guy, right?
did he die or did he lose his weight lmao
some of those niggas need cranes like literally
Well, that's why you move positions, nigga.
Also, >not having your arm around them
I'm also off. Good night
I suppose covers can be deceiving. In both ways, sometimes the cover is the best thing about the whole doujin ;;
I have no idea what you've given him, I just saw others saying you did
Sounds good! You've picked up drawing? Maybe a little influence from Loco here :3
I'll take care of dinner.
I'm actually pretty handy in a kitchen.
rip best dane
mhmm, His drawings are amazing, I want to b as good as him soon. It's really hard on the computer however.
thats pretty sad
worry no longer.
it's better to be the little spoon, less to worry about. I covered the arm around them scenario though, it's when your arm falls asleep.
so you keep going on about. but all I hear from others is that you make ramen and ramen only.
goodnight lewds.
I just noticed the filename there. very nice.
Highly suspect.
Nah that was just boo trying to make fun of me I guess
i wish i was in a relationship with a yukkuri
they probably are really tight if u think about it long enough
lol heat baby
im wearing a long sleeve and its 105 out right now :-) and i was out half of the day
ownded kid
elevation baby now too jeez
another day serving and protecting... dog bless ameriga :DDDDD d
in what way?
I don't know.
Have some porn.
not just me fyi
not sure kek
i got that yif u ned man
I'm a very funny person.
I'm good for now thanks though
I also don't share when I'm cooking or what I'm cooking very often.
Nor do I cook for random assholes on the internet.
Nor do I take pictures of my food to show people.
very seems like a strong word.
are you taking shots at chiri or something? I'll have you know that she and I are actually getting along, and I won't stand for this.
Why is Ice Wolf so cute
oh yeah well youre gay
because he isn't you gosh damn degenerate.
Are those quips exclusive to Chiri?
I felt they kind of applied almost universally.
I like Chiri, so...
Nah he is
I just love being the big spoon
maybe it's my whole dad complex
I like to be little spoon.
I am content without any porn at the moment. I'll be sure to come straight to you when that changes.
seems like an even stronger word.
I dunno. she was posting food pics the other day and it made me hungry.
what will you cook for me then?
his torso is entirely too large.
well that works out just fine then, doesn't it.
everyone does. makes you feel safe.
papi the harpy is literally perfection.
Sorry but I can't think of anything higher.
stop smoking so much.
Where did my BadFox go?
he died.
I like my boys like that. My last boyfriend was huge up top, skinny and shreded waist and then fit legs. ♥ I loved it so much.
Then he broke up with me because he is always so serious and can't handle a fuckin joke my god.
I'll hold you to it.
i bet Smiles killed him...
people who can't handle a joke are the worst.
I vape
If I tell you it'd ruin the surprise.
But I was thinking of trying a nice Tortelloni for once.
It's been a long time since I had that.
actually this sounds accurate.
you're so cool holy shit
wasn't that the one I was supposed to make for you?
now I'm sad again.
BadFox was right, Smiles is a sociopath
The problem with being faster than light, is that you can only live in darkness.
tell me about your day BC
I would make a joke then he would just get mad and I wantd to strangle him because the bloat didn't understand what I was tryin to do.
Make him freaking laugh.
He was always serous..
That was tortellini.
But you said no, so I said spaghetti would be fine I guess.
most likely. we're all just so crazy here.
stop it I'm literally crying right now
you'll find someone to appreciate your humor eventually.
I'm pretty sure I changed my mind and agreed to your ridiculous demands.
I distinctly recall changing my mind and saying spaghetti would be fine before you said that I was being reasonable and agreeing.
I'm so confused. I think I'll just make both and you can deal with it.
Keep telling me how great I am.
I spend most of my day hung over a toilet throwing up... I don't know what the F happened... and no I don't drink..
How was yours?
You guys are crazy. I'm perfectly normal
Please, I may like pastas, but too much is too much.
I just have a tiny little tummy.
I wouldn't want to cause you too much head swelling.
you're being unreasonable.
this seems correct.
no one says you have to eat it all. but you have to eat it all.
I am the only sane one.
you are pretty great though.
i had to ford my dog through the lake
not after I NERF THIS
Time to raise my DPS.
what's your main avatar?
"ford" your dog? what's that main?
do it and I'll just walk behind you and shoot from there.
I don't have one right now.
I make no promises.
Good luck. My controller is super good.
none are needed.
put a wagon of goods on him and make him cross the shallow part of the lake so i have enough food to survive winter
and now I'm legitimately angry.
because I flit from folder to folder like a dainty butterfly.
Also, if you're a bad cook, I can't promise to finish.
Madkatz makes great controllers.
I am a very good cook. at pasta
if you don't stop this I'm going to break something.
How strong is your dog? o.0
Do you get bored of your pictures that quickly?
My controller is very durable. You would have to break something else.
I get bored of everything quickly.
okay. now I'm livid.
Even pastas you've apparently never heard of before?
We can't be friends anymore
My controller lights up.
It is vivid.
Do you get bored mid-fap?
I have heard of everything.
squash please. I'm begging you.
constantly. but mama didn't raise no quitters.
It also rumbles.
Off to sleep.
God you guys are fags.
good riddance.
I'm sure I could find some super ultra obscure pasta that would make you learn something.
Especially considering you didn't recognize tortelloni and tortellini as two different things.
because they are not different things.
and if you make me learn something so help me
hehe, I would love for you to finish on my face
get in line.
They actually are.
Tortelloni are bigger, and the fillings are a bit different.
You just got learned.
This is a strange game we are playing
This isn't a fucking game
I refuse to learn. because I read your post I deliberately unlearned something else.
You are a strange one.
You still learned something.
Even if you forgot something else to try to break even.
Search your heart, and you know it to be true.
error. heart not found.
It's too hot outside ;~;
If that were true, you wouldn't give me head pats when I ask so desperately.
Or pin me to the bed a la
Why even live?
I do that because you won't leave me alone otherwise. and I've never done anything of the sort that you are implying.
the fuck is going on here
My dick just committed suicide. thanks a lot
You're a jerk, taking advantage of a poor maiden's heart, and then denying having any involvement.
Literally the worst kind of people.
Everyone died, so it's just us.
Everything in general and nothing in particular.
you haven't figured out by now how horrible I am? you're being willfully ignorant at this point.
well knock it off.
But how?
I'll let you figure out the details.
I wanted to believe in you.
In your words.
Were they all lies?
All those sweet promises you whispered in my ear as you had your way with my poor innocence?
rin you are going to give people a very false impression.
*heart melting*
Why are you still denying me?
Denying our night of passion?
That night you took away my innocence, and made me into an adult.
look what you're doing to poor tokai.
you. drink.
who u
it's really cool here~
Gimme cool pls
I actually am
oh. well good.
Good song.
I knew it, grim.
I knew you had it in you.
I knew you could fit right in.
fantastic song, you mean.
You told me that phrase was reserved for my voice on that lovely night...
Nigga tht came with my fucking amiami order
rin for crying out loud
wow pussy
excuse me?
okay I take back a little
Too hard.
The one to the right.
Looks like she might be a loli.
Need a better picture to verify.
Am I seriously the only one enjoying this?
She has a complex about her flat chest, remember.
Like how Taneshima has a complex about being short.
like grim at all times.
that was very rude.
you're enjoying it quite a bit too much.
I'm still gonna doubt
what was
I don't believe you didn't enjoy it at all.
She's still one of the most likable characters.
this works for both of you
I'll just cling to you to keep me steady.
You can't bring me down!
stop trying to melt my ice cold heart.
you are beautiful, no matter what they say
Lesbians are innately unlikable.
I literally can not this this enough.
Annoying bullshit stuck up feminazi tumblr queens aren't, anyway.
Pet me and I'll think about it.
oh I'll pet you alright.
Your hand and my head have a date you filthy slut.
you think I won't do it? I'm a real OG nigga.
Shit... Cupcake has a pretty big dick
it gets the job done.
what are these backstories oh my god
owh thank you~
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo triggered right now
bitch I won't even use a spoiler.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? etc.
I'm going to do it. this is your last warning.
life is literally nothing but a series of disappointments.
it was ironic pablo
Can I post it? Please, please, please?
that picture is public domain at this point, you can do as you please with it.
tsuchi please stop. it's getting hard to see through the tears.
so big...
yeah it's massive
Would you at least cut off his greasy ponytail?
Stop talking about it, and just post it if you want to.
I know this thread likes to talk about dicks, but it's just an uncomfortable feeling seeing someone praise someone else's genital so openly.
never. a man's pony tail is more important than life itself.
smiles makes a good point.
Don't encourage others to post genitalia.
post yours.
I am literally wearing a ponytail right now.
-pets your stupid head-
I don't know how to feel about this thing
That's because you're a homosexual masquerading as some poor imitation of a woman.
Tomorrow it probably will be.
I actually kind of don't like her.
I'm very comfortable with the fact that I'm not a woman.
told you I would.
I want to suck it so much.................
You slut you're not allowed to see it
I only let people do that if they let me cover it in hot sauce first.
Am I the only person who doesn't want Cupcake's massive dong inside them?
the only one who doesn't wanna polish that knob until it sparkles?
To gag themselves on his massive load while he face fucks them?
Do it some more...
I am okay with those things not happening to me.
no. don't get greedy.
Every single one of rim's posts make me uncomfortable
Wouldn't that hurt?
yes. but it's my fetish.
Fine, I'll wait 'till tomorrow.
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
it is important to have patience in all things.
she's such a manipulative little cunt
I love it
I didn't mention his gender though
Fine, fuck, I get it.
She isn't even manipulative.
Like, at all.
She's just lazy and incompetent, and complains when things never improve, despite not putting forth any effort at all.
Until later. She gets a bit better.
Anyone watching the UFC fight on FOX?
-pets a little more-
yes hello cupcake
Fair enough.
and to you, sci
I wish Sci were dead
Goodnight everyone.
Tsuchi is abusing me
Someone call him a meth head!
sleep well, ika.
haha gn dear
stupid music
low hanging fruit is not really worth picking.
Rest well, love.
Not a rare occurrence.
why not?
you have stumped me.
I'll see how it is
this is my only goal
you did it
I still don't like her much, though.
you do not make sense in this post.
what kind of leisure is most productive? real q
productive leisure? for what purpose.
Referring to salad tossing.
u really dont get it?
I am aware of the many euphemisms for a rimjob, his post makes no sense when directed towards the picture I posted.
suppose i wanted to be as productive as possible in my lifetime while retaining some form of leisure
Pokemon licking the center of another pokemon, the latter resembling a starfish. A stretch in pun, but sound regardless. Better question would pertain to why he made the connection at all.
sell things online, I guess.
quite the stretch.
and yes, that is an excellent question.
do I finish season 1 and make a good start on 2 or because I have nothing to do tomorrow and just need a nap or try and sleep normally.
(also the local little café is hiring and literally the only thing that makes me wanna try there is this show)
It's a brown starfish, ergo a chocolate starfish.
it's tan at best.
Everyone here but Tsuchi knows that Tsuchi is a blatant closet homosexual.
That show makes customer service seem a lot better than it is.
I'd try to get some rest in, personally.
I'm gonna sleep soon anyway.
even tsuchi knows
idk do u really think thats productive tho? unless im creating the items i sell in which case it is absolutely productive.
I'm sure you could find something to make. maybe beads.
i guess
katana-chan disagrees
but nah I feel like going there anyway, I wanna work.
I suppose in daytime it's more fun.. fiine I'll finish this episode and then go
You're probably right.
I just wanted to cover my bases for the inevitable denial.
Once I transfer the current load of laundry to dry and finish my drink.
Thanks, love.
blatant and closet homosexual?
I don't see how that's an oxymoron, though.
He's obviously in the closet.
I'm not an expert on this shit. I don't know what you expected from me.
promises promises
i was just looking for a few ideas maybe
like how about this question: is reading as a hobby productive?
i just wanna know what it means to be productive
yeah, I suppose it is. stimulates the mind, gets you to learn new things. plus it's fun.
Is that the correct term?
Customer service is the literal worst.
I make none.
nis 6s bruh
oh boy
probs is, but I gotta find out noh?
but can something so self-serving really be called productive? is posting on animus productive?
We need some A E S T H E T H I C C in here.
I suppose you have a point.
And it might just be better in a smaller place.
Got any A E S T H E T H I C Cs?
Hell yeah, ghetto lvl-up.
it was a king
room for him, Ian, AND me
I'm sure Sci has those somewhere.
those arent pillows
but I'll quit about it until I actually have the job.
what a nutjob
Nor was that someone's "phone in their pocket" poking against each other.
The question is: was there any spooning involved?
these are
no, it is not productive.
something self serving can be productive. after all, how productive can you be if you don't look out for your interests?
I warned luke if he tried anything I would break his face
I may or may not be enjoying it.
I'm sure more than just Sci has them.
If I were Jun, honestly, I'd've hammered the breaks, then gone back up to speed.
She'd've learned her lesson real fast after that.
why am I even trying to prove myself to you shitters? I know nothing happened and I have 2 witnesses to it too
fuck you
its my ringtone
if that is the case then why isnt posting productive if it's in ones own interest??
What happens at AX, stays at AX.
who cares? even if something did happen there would be literally nothing wrong with that.
You don't need to prove anything, love. It's all said in jest, like when people call me a bible beating sociopath.
Most likely, but Sci is probably the vaporborn, fus-ro-aesthetics and all.
I habeeb you if that matters at all.
I did coke and it was fine
I wonder.
I swear so far this episode has just been transport
I guess it would be up to your own subjective interpretation.
I do not approve of hard drugs, but my approve is worth jack shit.
The issue with that in your case is that there is a good chance it might be true
Oh, I know you do by default
no issues
I believe you, Grim.
Oh. Point taken.
Mahiru's episode.
It's overrated
prescription amphetamines are so much worse
this is true.
You might be right... maybe we need to take the charges levied at both of us more seriously.
I have to work on my brow beating, and you should work on that being in the closet thing.
It's impossible not to make out when it sounds in my pocket, or in a pouch in my bag.
Unlike half the other shit I'd be able to set it too.
*eccentric excitement*
The penis only makes it better.
sure you could say it's up to your interests but even correcting for that i think it's fair to say it's more productive to read great books than post on 4chan
even if the person hates books and loves 4chan
I claim no ownership to that image
I feel this is good ringtone material
That's what makes them a R E A L girl.
Tbh, anamanamanamanamanaguchi is better than Chipzel, though.
It makes it seem like a general everyone gets some episode.
But Mahiru and Katanashi take up most of it.
Anamanaguchi gets a pass in general, IMHO.
Which Touhou lesbian is this girl shipped with?
Yeah, dehydrates you, but the lasting effect is super useful
I've had some near slips, but I remain hetero
I claim it.
The penis means a 100% chance of anal.
Who are you?
the bridge scene was so sweet
Well, still had to make sure.
Explains that old trip he uses sometimes.
Man, I recall when they released this song
And Holla Forums was going full autismo due to Moot.
sure, I can agree with that
It's fine to be bi-curious, love. I was that way for the longest time until I finally decided to figure it all out.
dont know
That wasn't bicuriosity, that was sheer surges of testosterone attempting to overcome common sense and boundaries
Are you sure? she seems a lot older.
Are you Sci?
My brown belt.
Every scene where Mahiru gets clear character development is too much.
I am sure
so you would say theres something outside of an individual's likes that makes some things productive and others not. yet some totally self-interested activities can be productive so it can't be society to which it must necessarily appeal. so what does productivity appeal to?
I think they only gained relevancy in 2013 due to that song.
well yeah
Not even once.
it appeals to yourself.
Where are the proofs?
I love this series.
and I'm done with that one so I'll get ready and stuff.
in what way?
closest thing to a friendship with another 2hu she has
Katana bitch is the only decent girl from the show.
you should be the only person you truly answer to.
Love, I'm not trying to be rude, but that is the most almost stereotypical with how dudebro "no homo" that was.
this is my tripcode that only i know and that ive used for two years
I'm not even kidding.
That's what it felt like
so are you going back on lower forms of entertainment being less productive?
2010 they did the soundtrack for Scott Pilgrim Vs The World: The Game
That's when I really found out about them.
I'm gonna go check on laundry, so yay.
Poor tsuchi
He will never know the pleasures of eating ass
I can do all of these things
so if I throw cucumbers at you, you'll run off?
I honestly can't remember if thats true or not.
I've become confused.
Replace that with girl penises
it's tru
Were you lifting mad weights in the gym shortly before this happening?
I dont even lift yet
But it was a while before I had some "release"
about 2 weeks
more like 23 years
Post hand as proof.
Jesus what is this?
why are you on my dick today
I'm not really imaginative, and vodka isn't helping.
True, I forgot about that.
lmao i did it again
no but for srs just think about it
productivity is not determined by enjoyment
and neither is productivity (in the sense of leisure activities) necessarily determined by benefitting society
so what makes an activity productive?
2 week ago?
what the fuck
coolio, ill steam
Is Nazrin supposed to be like Nazarene?
Is the mouse Touhou literally Jesus.
No cirno is
2 weeks before that whole coming close to the line thing happened
mind won out in the end phew
I guess as long as the activity serves a purpose beyond mindless recreation it would be productive. but you could probably argue that sometimes what a person needs is exactly that, mindless recreation. so I guess anything can be productive, it's all a matter of when and where.
I think gay porn is disgusting.
It's the mouse 2hu Chii used to post, who also is an alien, well kind of, at least flies around with an UFO.
Not tired currently, and not drunk enough yet.
its lit
your second attempt was good enough
who is neko lads?
Because trap porn isn't gay.
cute girl
You're very close to being a vampire you know.
I'm the king around here
You might as well start kissing my ass so you'll fit in
A'ight, Laundry's set to dry.
People are awake in case the worst happens.
I'm gonna go get ready for bed.
G'night thread fags.
they probably feel the bern though
if he was a cute girl you, sci, and grim would be swarming him with replies
goodnight rin.
fair enough
I feel like you might actually be a little bit confused, love. There is nothing wrong with it, we actually live in a great time of acceptance of the Gay/Lesbian Community. I for one am also bi-sexual, and only came to grips with that in the last couple of years.
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I want you to know that there isn't anything wrong with liking the same gender. Just to repeat what I said earlier, you just seem a little confused, not a whole lot.
Ah well, I wish I would have had a better joke for it, but I'm really bad with those.
Pretty much, but it's not like I have anything I need to attend to.
I don't even like girls.
its called a brojob dude
im pretty experienced with these terms
Sit the fuck down, Smiles.
Right fucking now.
i think you said earlier to BC that nobody talks to you
doesnt that kinda counterract this
In the same situation this website is bloated piece of shit.
Stop paying attention
look at it
tell me i'm gay
ur gay
I digress. I just wanted to be nice and accepting.
How are you otherwise, love?
ex dee
That's just life.
i hope youre at least cute and nobody knows yet
you can be braindead stupid but if you look cute everyone will want to dick you
including me
He's a damn ape.
Soon being everyone will be gay
I'm going to take a break frommy NEETism and watch Star Trek. I hope its good .
post the pic
Ah well, have a good one Fox.
Don't worry about it~ ^ ^
Aren't you going to watch the movie?
God I fucking hate colbs
It's 10PM. So, not now.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
I hate myself too, it's okay.