Men in Black reboot
Are we getting Nordic Jay this time?
No, more like this
This time nigger is smart and experience and white guy is a comic relief
Forest Whittaker in…
Or Morgan Freeman
there are only two options
I'd like a straighter adaptation of the comics, though it would probably work better as a TV series. Two shady Government agents doing day to day work, sometimes involving the paranormal, like a more darkly humorous X-Files.
it's going to be Michael B. Jordan
You mean John Boyega
you spelled Key & Peele incorrectly
You made 9 mistakes in Bill Cosby
I wouldn't even be mad.
They're going to cast one of the young comedic negroes as the serious, too-old-for-this to show his depth.
You see Jaaaay. When. The ALIENS. Comeattackinggg…. All, you, got,ta, do. is.
Giveemabitofthe weaponized BLACKDONG. for their HOOTYHOLE.
More like Men in Blackface.
I would like to see a shot-for-shot remake of Men In Black with Bill Cosby playing every role.
Is PunPun raysist?
No, he's a bird.
Kevin Hart is going to be in it.
Why are they reboot new shit though? I mean it was neither a failure or made in an era with shitty technology.
how new are you
Don Cheadle and Michael B. Jordan as agents
Chris Hemsworth is going to be the jewish dog's voice over
man in black? more like black in women am i right ladies????