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I guess.
Hello everyone, how's it going
nah not really
do you play any fun vidya
id love to play with you~
who cares
okay im with u
what about the alt right ideology specifically
You could just go for it. Nobody has ever regretted posting a picture of themselves on the internet before, right?
That's eww.
God, it's almost time for another nap.
It's chock full of people who are thoroughly convinced that the more unacceptable or unusual your beliefs are the more likely you are to be correct, and they go around calling it redpilling.
Maybe tomorrow, then, I intend to get wasted now, and it starts out funny but you don't want to be on mic with me for long when I'm wasted.
okay im with u
what about the alt right ideology specifically
That's not even bait, that's like straight up homophobia.
Man, he had the closet door on lockdown long before Lenko and Grim even started posting.
these are pretty much all I have saved. I didn't cap very much.
Yeah, it gets really fucked up and depressing when you get really drunk. Like that time you spun around in that chair. That was fucked up, dude, really shows the depth of depravity your liquored up brain is capable of.
he was a fun guy.
yeah that drama was pretty funny
scarlet made fish go to a mental asylym
but fish got a footjob from another inmate and now fish is waiting for his girlfriend to get out
scarlet and ui are "self diagnosed sociopaths"
would make a nice realty show
I guess I just got the Blues
tied between drowining in self loathing and self pity
And all the thoughts of death
My death wouldnt be that bad but how would the ones left behind feel?
What if my best friend or my mom or grandma died
or Victor wooten?
How would the ones close to them feel.....
I can get annoying.
I cant understand why anybody would want to be tied to such a disparaging title
why isn't it possible to filter specific posters' images rather than their whole posts?
that needs to be added
Poor Nezi.
You're just mad you don't have a pony tattoo.
You don't need the alcohol for that.
Yeah you can :^)
You're one to talk.
have you ever talked to ui?
nigger gave me a virus
no joke
You're supposed to ask them to filter.
Basically the same thing. Big business and big government are out to get you, don't tread on me nonsense with a little less redneck veneer to it and a little more pasty white kid.
he doesn't. does he really?
Yeah I talk to Ui sometimes
we get along pretty well
garee was the only one to land nezi perfectly
bodies are not easy
The fuck made them think it would be a smart move to do that?
when ever i talk to based test i forget he is practically a midget
then remember
and chuckle
love that lil guy
pls spoiler ur images thank u
suppose u hate government but love big business
but you know, maybe there's tv or something else that you can do? sometimes i read when i get tired of vidya
tildes are suspicious
never ever ever
i need to take more not slut pictures though, and uncute pictures as well
everything goes on
they'll die too, and you'll die, and our bodies will all be in some form of matter as the universe cools/heats up
so don't worry about it, everything continues on in it's own way if you speak in the meta-est of terms
you missed a lot of funny things
what you been up to?
how was your move?
Shall I model nude for you, my muse?
Life is so fucked man
It went well. I'm gainfully employed and need to sleep more. Past that I just kind of miss home again.
It's not nonsense. You're just jealous of how awakened they are.
Oh okay thank you for asking so nicely Sci.
I don't know about all that, now.
Get burned. It was like I threw you out of a second story window into a superheated dumpster and closed the lid.
what games do you play?
also damn, you caught me. i secretly want to make you my cute maid girl
Fuck I dunno, guess you're a libertarian. Or an anarcho-capitalist.
'self-diagnosed sociopaths'
oh, that's just cute.
4 johnny rip
You've constantly played the "xD i diagnosed myself as a sociopath off webmd" card, too.
Poor one out for Johnny.
no, that's just gay.
ty ;_ ;
what do u think of anarcho-capitalism then? and what do u most align with? im curious
No it's sad
Why would somebody want that label
1st question: where are you
2nd question: where is home
you move a lot
It's not my fault you bought it.
sometimes i just want to sign into steam to see the familiar kill yourself TP
love that dude
Attention maybe?
I think people sometimes want to define themselves by their afflictions or personality disorders, just to be unique, special, when really all along the painful truth is that they're just normal, ordinary people.
No one bought it.
Just like no one bought that you were a kung fu master 10/10 asian lesbian girl that collects cans from the side of the road for a living.
I was just trying to agree with your disdain for their self-diagnoses. Don't read too much into the man in the roller skates.
Be careful, we're getting into sudden massive heart attack meme territory.
Home is back in Missouri.
And I might move again next year.
Depends on how my current attempt for a relationship goes.
Does he even sign in anymore?
Johnny was just...kind of autistic.
it's beautiful
think about it this way
when you die you become soil
and a beautiful blossoming tree will rise from that
and feed the children of your children
make me into a girl?
this has several implications
i don't waaant to be a camwhore though
I ccan d understand that need for attention
but wouldn't being labeled a psychopath make people less likeley to socialize with ?
I studied wing chun, I used to go for 50km bike rides collecting cans to return for recycling money, sometimes can collecting got me through a month when I didn't have food money, that's all true.
and I'm half asian, and I identify as a lesbian.
i want to believe chiri is a cute gril
how close are you to gaylord?
this is an honest question and a real town
Why is everyone gettin so edgy?
A moment of silence for the beard I just shaved off.
same :\
it still hurts a bit
I think I will just stay happy with feeling like a lead brick
Thank you daisy, You've helped to cheer me up a bit
Why the fuck do you keep moving for?
How does that work? If you don't get a relationship in a state within the first year, it is deemed barren and inhospitable?
Nobody WANTS to be a camwhore, but if nobody did it, there wouldn't be any camwhores. And that just wouldn't do.
not if there were internet channels where psychopaths thrived.
not sure. i sign in once like every 3 months to see if wish is back
It's a hopeless pipe-dream. There will always be regulating bodies with regional monopolies on "acceptable" violence, aka governments to enforce society's rules. Or just whatever the government feels like.
I'm just a man who thinks that democratic republics seem non-functioning, but at least it's not any of the other systems. They kill more people with different systems.
yeah but why take me seriously?
all it implies is that i want you to wear a skirt while i bang you
that way its NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!
No idea.
Personal reasons.
No, just that I would move in with them after a while if it works out.
I'm considering keeping the stach...
No seriously I think I keep coming back here because the posters here aren't fucking idiots.
i'm going there in august with my bro
we're not gay but there's a lake
[seinfeld theme music plays]
it'll pass
don't worry about it bard, you'll feel better in time
i wish i was there to hug you
oh ok
i'm just helping a bro out, right?
but in theory it's the best tho right..?
come on man just gimme a good approximation of your political ideology
i wont hold u to it for all time i promise
Whoops. I forgot I refreshed the page.
Do you have someone in mind, or are you just talking generally?
eww. no.
i rock a Soul patch myseelf
to each their own
facial hair is a bit nice
thank u ;_ ;
you got it all right
just dont forget at the end to say no homo
that why we're perfectly straight males engaging in the very simple straight act of brojobs
mm that comedic bass lick.
and the synth. dada-dada! so jew.
Post your latest beard.
that would be gr8
i wish I could meet up with so many people from here tbh
At least the weekend is round
any plans for it?
Cuppers, go for the Jesus look.
tests power beard was pretty respectable
That's on the opposite side of the state from me.
ur responding for other people now? what is this?
I mean, I do have the hair and can grow the beard. but I'd rather keep the face shaved.
Thank you. That makes me feel better as I rub my baby face.
It sucks having such strict regs on facial hair.
oh well. like my dad's wife's family have hella property up there and we just go up there and canoe and shoot and watch birds and shit (at least those are my favorite parts)
[laugh track]
don't worry bro, i got you covered
double protection- i'll wear girl's clothes and say no homo at the end
working on saturday and sunday
i get weekdays 'off' because i'm a student
I can always count on you for a clear answer.
I want you to die for my sins.
i dont think i like u anymore
As it stands, the United States of America is a republic, and it gives rights to land owners so that their land cannot be seized through any 'democratic' vote of a majority of people, local or national. however, giving government more authority can result in the government infringing on the citizen's rights and can result in illegal trespass and seizure.
I would imagine
what are they?
lakes and shit are always fun.
eh? why?
That would be perfect ♥
I'd rather just live a life of sin.
I don't care.
we have been widdled down to an insane, dedicated few
our average IQ is probably 120
yeah man there are maybe 8 houses on this lake and they have a huge chunk of it
it's so relaxing
I'm joking, babe.
Don't be a fag.
You'll end up in a lake of fire.
I don't know all the regs by hand, but for a beard you have to be medically cleared to have it, and it can't exceed 1/4ths of an inch.
More like our combined IQ
my iQ is 500
But what excuse will we make for the kissing
we better find a way to make this straight before it's too late
what's your point?
it was a joke
oh great
I'd kill to go to a lake for a weekend and just sleep a lot.
so guys i have a confession to make
i recently checked my credit score and it's 776
for those without credit that means excellent
pretty pumped
No. In theory, humans are assholes. If people were like ants or bees and entirely predictable and controllable something like socialism would likely be in place. But in a system that is meant to account for humans' "self-interest" and admit that humans are selfish anarcho-capitalism fails, because no large or sufficiently advanced society can possibly police itself for internal threats, criminals, or protect itself from outside threats, invaders.
Read Leviathan.
oh dude thats so high
that number is super meaningful
we're all smart!
My IQ is 69.
Would you literally kill? Because you could probably make that arrangement work.
think about it for a second. most of us are very low, true, but your iq is so high it brings us up to a very high average.
lol yeah that's what i end up doing
like on a bench by the lake
i can't help it
we kiss and cuddle for warmth, bro
any guy would do that with his bro in a survival situation
you're a joke, nerd
Lucky lucky
I have no credit
See if you can get a +1 so I can come and just set up place to roost for a weekend.
Books are hard. Is there a 3 minute youtube video sponsored by a third party organization that I can watch instead?
Everyone here is a goddamn moron that thinks they're a modern Renaissance man.
Emphasis on the "everyone".
then get more credit cars
except you. that's what I'm saying.
I'm just saying that the law used to be simple.
As the country evolved over time, new local bills came into jurisdiction for every stare and not everyone is caught up on what is and isn't legal, and what the government is allowed and not allowed to do..
even then, if you think you have it good, any number of people in power can conspire to take you down just for looking at them funny, America is like its own prison system, everyone's stuck in the system and they're just eyeing up other inmates to fuck, fight, screw over, and generally try to get on top.
It's the American way.
that's why i brought it up. i was hoping you would be on the way. my brother is driving and wont care
and you say I'm no fun.
Are you warm?
im pretty warm
but i think at this point the girl clothes could just be optional
I'm in the south part, but I doubt it would happen.
meet adn fuck
meet and fuck
meet and fuck
meet and fuck
shrug it wouldn't be easy either way.
you can't take from me what I do not have in the first place.
Good evening, threaders~
If you actually cared you google it.
anyone rocking Nonon would know what kind of fun I like.
'Sup Drooly?
wouldn't us being warm make us a little gay?
and girl's clothing gets a little uncomfy if you wear it too long anyways
Like a V A G I N A?
I'm easy.
hey hey there how is your night?
You're right, I would if I did.
i say
what's wrong with a little chaos?
but that book presents an authoritarian stance... it might ruin the perfect anarchical system in my head! i should read some john locke instead. im sure of it...
yeah i'll get to that some time
wow that really cuts deep
i see no problem with this
vaginas are gross.
Do you know that from experience?
take it up the ass, your vote doesn't matter anyway.
what town?
i want to platonically watch birds with sqish
sue me
maybe smoke weed
Not gunna say.
the hell is ur deal dude?
what? u want everyone to prance together in a field?
no way homo. life is business and losers can get fucked.
sorry man, it's just the way it is
i would read locke and the political philosophy that came out of the french revolution too but it takes so looong
the opposite, girl clothes feel weird but get comfier as you wear them
It's dry, basic, long, and rambling. Enter at your own risk. A spark notes may serve you better.
Dicks and assholes are grosser.
hi elmers
hahaha oh man i forgot how many exes are in that state
I almost met squash irl
The Weather wasn't having it though
shut up
you can tell
shut up
Are you currently in the getting fucked stage, then?
Are you a comedian or something?
he seems trill
When have you worn girl's clothes?
It's fine.
I'm driving back through around Christmas.
Want to meet then? I've actually been to your town multiple times growing up.
I wish you were here Irl i'd Vomit all over u
I've noticed ♥
they definitely are not.
weeks ago
why do you ask?
this is the most wrong thing i've heard
Small town
small world
Maybe if the weather works out man I don't have anywhere to go so we'd end up just walking around really
nothing else to do here
You should only have sex LIKE GOD INTENDED.
queen cooki this illustration is wrong on several levels
Hi there~
Wassup, Bardo?
Doing nice. Happy Friday!
It's a date.
u gotta do it
HEEELL NO fuck that shit
i read the originals or i don't know about it.
nah i'll probably never be there
there is a slight chance but i have a golden path ahead of me
i'm confident
while a comedian gig sounds really appealing to me
i am in fact not joking.
every part of life should be run like private business. private business is perfect.
absolutely flawless
With the corpses of your enemies and their cowering wives?
who even does that
like lenko
it's because it's a human anatomical model with an oval shaped head and somebody put a wolf's face where the human face should be.
Yeah you too, it's been a looong wait
Waiting for my friend to hit me back up
Are you up to much tonight or just hanging around?
n-no I'm s-saving myself .///.
you'd better. for me.
just because i bet you look really cute in girl's clothes
why were you wearing them?
A man and a woman who happened to be married.
I'll break you like a piggy bank.
i was more thinking about that she is like 15 drawing kyle porn
Didn't you two already meet up?
Confidence is good. So is the financial backing of stable parents. Get fucked the poor.
What strange phrasing.
I bet you'd like that wouldnt you sissyboi
tfw i will never ever cuddle and hug bard
this is a painful feel
gotta get through mein kampf, communist manifesto, and the bible first
was going to read the magna carta along with all this but holyshit i never have enough time/determination
to take pictures
to save
for a special moment
We were suppose to.
very much, yes. I will have you, bard.
And the goal should be to knock that bitch up.
And no anal.
Then you're a republican.
Fuck the poor. Fuck anyone who isn't you; don't vote health care, don't vote welfare.
It's nice to have an ego, but you're going to die eventually, and if you don't have family, then you'll have to rely on the government you voted for, and if they're keeping their own money to themselves like selfish pricks you'll die on the street. in pain. lots of pain. you'll just want to kill yourself. nobody will care about you. you're nobody. Everyone is looking out for themselves.
hear hear
would it help if i told you "you can do it" ?
I'm going to go nap.
This feeling is making me alll queasy again
i know i can
just things like videogames and shitposting get in the way
this is procrastination
do that. and think of ways to be better at overwatch so I'm not always carrying your bitchass.
oh cool
yeah all of that
not if i make good financial decisions early in life. people who don't do that deserve all that awful stuff you described to happen to them.
as a seinfeld fan how do you feel about his car show
it's insane how much he made off of literally one show
was it really for the material? or was it for the feeling you got when taking them?
either way i hope i see them soon~
What if it slips in on accident?
one of these days I'mmna earn your affection
okay well let me tell you something my friend
you can do it
i've only watched two seasons so far and i dont know anything about this car show
but i'm interested if you want to explain
Do I seem like a person who makes good financial decisions early in life?
I'm on fucking animus. and so are you.
Sweet dreams squosh
It's for squash, it has to match ♥
seinfeld is unequivocally the best show ever
That doesn't happen unless it's a bad porno.
Playing some games. n2m
Gonna go vape more?
I wouldn't take anything Sci says seriously
uh yeah but i'm 19 so i think i'm still cool for now
too bad for you though
should've thought ahead sorry my friend
you're crazy
I guess you've never tried really, really hard to make a baby before. Don't worry, Tsuchi, you'll get there.
it is hilarious
whats the deal with shows about nothing
Man I've just been sitting here for like the past hour waiting for my friend to hit me up
Starting to think won't happen tonight
Probably gonnna break into my owwn personal bowl here in about a half hour if he doesnt get back to me
Hope your games goes well allma
what ya pplay?
don't worry bard
if we're going to see each other, we will, and if we don't, we don't
either way, i'm sure you'll be able to do cute gay things with some very nice people
i'm still exploring my turn ons damn it
if exhibitionism is one of them, that is going to suuuuuck
i will
just gotta get some laziness out of the way first
manual job stuff can be shit
you already got it, baby.
Yay showers
Bathing is relaxing
it is actually objectively the best show ever
And let me guess, you answer your door in the nude when the pizza gets delivered because you think it'll end with a happy ending.
what manual job stuff
do you like lost?
Why not? He thinks he has good points on topics, he'll play the villain, and it gets my points out of my system; he's a cathartic release.
If I'm still desperately clinging to my scraps 5 years from now and you're rich as shit, would you give me 10k to buy me 2 years of free rent and food to let me just go nuts on whatever ideas I wanted to realize?
wash off those incest lusts
Is this place real
oh yeah bard i know youre one of those who wants to prance around in a field
fuckin hippie
fuck off
Showers kill people.
for sure. i broke up with a girl because i was too busy catching up
why am I being so mean lately
tokai be nice. and drink.
are you my family?
The pizza man recoiling in shock and horror IS a happy ending, Tsuchi, make no mistake about that.
LOL that's awesome
i love that show
you are dating literal cancer
forestry service which i like, mcdonalds which is not as bad as everyone says it is but still sorta meh
gotta save up that money, so i can buy things/have security
i keep telling myself i'll go get a desktop for gaming and such with the money but i don't know if i play vidya enough to justify such a cost
not mean enough, I say.
Tbh, this would be more of a roller-coaster of emotion if it weren't for the one fucking character constantly pissing me off to hell.
answer's no, nobody gets my shit
I know. and thats ok. it's why I'm here.
nobody said we had to bang in public daisy
but if you like it i'd love to try it
You wanted to be a girl, being a huge bitch out of nowhere is a part of that. Reap what you sow.
is it me? please tell me it's me
it's 5 in the morning
I don't recall us going out
That's really sweet Daisy, I appreciate it
and you too
Heck I'd even say you're probably gonna do even gayer things than me : ^ )
At the risk of sounding cringey and autistm
Youre one to really cheer me up with such simple words
it means more than I can put into text
are we still making fun of garee
you're just on your period.
hahahea yes
keep going
more garee memes
I never wear clothes in my house but I at least put on goddamn pants when something is delivered because I'm not a registered sex offender.
You're being extra machismo to compensate for Rin being extra bitchy.
Enjoy the sex crimes, I guess.
:( Yeah man, just be high with me^^
I think I was gonna try out some TF2 lol Maybe my net will cooperate^^
seems like prime drinking hours to me.
I knew forestry workers, damn tough summer jobs planting trees .. every week they'd roll back into town on break, I was a laundromat attendant at the time, there was soooooo much laundry and everything was full of pine needles, there were pine needles everywhere
i didn't get hooked until like season 4 i think so it was a scramble to get caught up
great fucking show
funnily enough i tried to rewatch it and was like this show is dumb
it was only good the first time
Honestly though I'm not surprised he hasn't had a girlfriend since like high school
He's really not very attractive
Like his frame is trying to do something besides the macho manly alcoholic thing and that's what he's all about and it looks awkward on him
But maybe he figured it out idk I haven't seen him in a while
working was great
I love working
missing out on a good time, man.
no but yeah, it's good to wear clothes when you answer the door.
yo mcdonalds looks chill. i dont get why people complain.
my advice is quit video games altogether
yeah i can see that being the case
i only watched it once
still though
really cool show
Uh... no.
Working's 10/10
could I elaborate on a proposition that you could consider an investment instead of a handout?
I mean, any sensible investor would like to see up front that a property could indeed accrue value, yes?
it's what I do, baby girl. stick with me and I'll always make you happy as a clam.
Take a look at Lexi
like I said. just wait a couple more days to keep watching and you should be fine.
yeah well what kind of track record do you have?
I'm pretty sure you order lube off Amazon just to try and get the delivery dude to fuck you with it.
where is this coming from
I think we can both be pretty bitchy
milk drinking yes
how's your acting things been going anyway
even ironic e-dating is still obnoxious e-dating
there were two camps
the 24fags
and lostfags
suck a dick 24
damn it, boo
now you have me thinking of various schemes to be gay in school and not be shitted on for it
and who knows, you seem to be into a fair bit of things as well
we'll be the gayest people out there
planting trees sucked a bunch of fucking shit
though removing barbed wire was probably the most damaging to our clothes
All the caps lock lol hey Rinny
Yeah but like
So does everything
this post is definitely grim
hey what's wrong with 24? i used to watch that with my dad.
Nowhere, I'm just bored watching youtube videos.
You're the devil
autists really don't get the clue huh
not true. although I did get a giant thing of lube off amazon because it was cheap as hell.
Well, what kind of track record do YOU have as a producer? any credits? how do I know you even have money at all?
I'm the talent here. You're nothing without me, and I know marketing better than you do, but none of this is going to happen without your money. If you don't have the money, none of this will happen at all. I need a proof of investment to kickstart the basic ad campaign.
give me a chance and I'll show you just how fun sin can be, bard.
What fags.
Holy shit.
for some reason between my group of friends, lost and 24 were diametrically opposed. cause we didn't have time to watch both. there were two clear camps
k i'll give u a dollar
go nuts ya loon
TP, Tokai was calling you cancer there.
The classic turn-around.
I really like to try everything once
i'm not trying to turn you into a huge fairy though daisy, i just wanna see how far we can go
it's massive, tsuchi. and it was like 20 bucks. if I bought lube from a store the price for this much would be like 200 easy.
hey that's pretty cool
i was probably still a little kid when u were doin that
More Lexi
I mean, it's not like I feel empathy or anything so I don't have a problem thinking about that
And one more for good measures!
That's just fucking disgusting.
The hell do you need that much for?
Somebody needs to make a tally of the self-diagnosed psychopaths at this rate.
I can't even spend it on booze, that would buy you about 3 minutes of time from me.
With the going inflation rate as the USD puffs itself up against CAD and Euro before it pops.
I'm notorious for 'making other people make money', for the things I've done. If you're a businessman like you say you are, you'd figure out how to use me to make me money, and you money, in the process.
im so sad lexi became post-op
i dont want to put my dick in a surgery vagina
Literally everyone.
Because somehow that's "cool" to do.
For...some reason.
it's like buying anything else in bulk, tsuchi. it doesn't go bad, so I have it whenever I do need it. it's not like I'm just lubing up every minute, I've barely used any so far. it's just nice to not have to ever worry about if I have it or not.
hey dude you're the guy pretending to cyber fucking rin
whose the autist
sorry what i meant to say is
im not investing in u cuz u are clearly fucked in tha head
Might be faster to mark everybody from the start and then erase tallies from there.
of course
don't worry about it, my man
at the end of all the experimentation, we reserve the right to say no homo
I have aspergers though
I can feel empathy in very specific cases
People are just completely unrelatable
I'd still do it :^)
god damn I wish my dick was that feminine
Quit shoving things that size of baseball bats up your ass and you wouldn't need that much.
let me make your dreams come true.
I wish you were younger so your mom would've known to get you to a special place, but I suppose you don't get that reference either.
still though, qt dick
No hard feelings if I come back here later when I'm successful and roast you for pretending to know what you were talking about?
yep you were probably watching hey arnold
it's blurry as fuck, 99% sure that's photoshopped
Well, that explains a little of Revy's behavior.
you do understand that even small things need lube, right? I have no toys that anyone would consider outrageous by any means. you still need lubrication.
knock yourself out bud
lol i never watched that show
i thought it was dogshit
i thought most cartoons were dogshit
now i think they all are
you tease too hard
b-be back l-later
don't start crushing on her
we don't need another board change
His dad can't know about it, dude. Cut him some slack.
fug man I just wish I had thighs like that but I got streatch marks like a motherfucker in middle school because I started doing sports and grew fuckin fast. After starting wrestling within a month I had horrible stretchmarks all over my inner thighs
That's why you should always go vaginal: it doesn't require lube.
Well, unless it's not a fucking grandma.
you'd better be back later.
i cant believe bulma just lets them run around and do whatever they want
she even stopped calling them trunks friends and just freeloaders
honestly i dont care about lying to myself about my sexuality
idk why everyone is so tripped up over it
do you consider yourself gay? or one of those super complicated tumblr words?
u mean not unless
Never shower again.
I care to much for your safety.
You have stretch marks because you're obese.
it's more pleasurable and safe to use lube even with a girl who gets wet easy. this is elementary stuff, tsuchi.
would you get off to see me actually use my energy to positively reinforce myself?
if so, I have a huge porn folder for you to watch, of other people enjoying things I've created.
It's a huge fucking folder, and they're all praising me.
Who is running this board?
I was told Bebop but bebop is hardly ever around.
Like what?
Why would that happen
Tfw Lexi isn't a cute trap
yes, yes, very impressive...
Not really. A pre-lubed condom is fine.
Anything more and it's just nasty.
i drink de bloed of de whit man
thanks for the offer but no
to tell u the truth im not even remotely interested in others' success
have a good one tho
can we just all take a moment and appreciate that fucking swedish fish is alive
he went through a lot the last month
got evicted by scarlet for eating too much ravioli
threw up blood on his parents carpet
got a footjob from his new girlfriend (soon to be released)
What a crazy bitch kind of thing to say. No offense. You crazy bitch.
Now they are a REAL girl.
alright, but-
do you have any more stuff similar to that? cum dripping out and all
i want that person dead
you're hard to converse with sometimes.
then again, I'm not much of a talker either.
dat is niet erg smakelijk
I think we should more lament he's not dead.
I get nothing but praise whenever I log in, people see my name and I get fans surrounding me and I can't even concentrate on work because there's so many questions being asked and I take the time to help everyone too,
so what I do is I just neglect my fanbase entirely
and let them sit on that
while I watch anime
Please, she already gave me that one long ago.
I still can't believe it's not Burter seriously though Trunks hair being blue and everyone on the cast just accepting this as what had been since day one is confusing
water based lube is insanely easy to clean up. just because things get a little messy doesn't mean they are nasty.
WHAT THE FUCK???????????????
I got em in middle school fam. all the weight I have right now is from when I was bearmode in high school because of football, weight lifting, and track
youre a crazy person
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I just don't log in
I bet porn of tunks fucking kid Mei exists.
how will he ever recover?
she's so fucking cute though
idk about you neokanra but that face is definitely my type
and faces are like the most important part on a girl for me
Yes, but this folder is absolutely unsorted agony, so I will probably never find it.
Yeah, but it's so unneeded.
Sure, there's girl that are drier than average but as a whole, it'll never be uncomfortable without.
The worst I remember was a girl who was on some medication that messed with any mucous membranes and even then, just a lubricated condom was enough to not make it uncomfortable for her.
ek trink die bloed of die vlanke mann kaffur