Nightmare into Movie

Nightmare into Movie

So hear me out Holla Forums I had a really cool nightmare that ended up sounding really entertaining when i thought about it. Dont care f someone steals the idea, but i'd love to see it become a movie.

Main star is Tom Felton (oddly specific but thats who it was) and he has to visit his clinically insane brother. its a normal hospital and he is bed ridden (brother can be any actor didnt put a face to him) Tom felton's character asks about his condition and how he is doing, to which the brother tells him how he is losing his patience with the doctors and they are slowly disappearing from the hospital.

The staff doesnt seem to notice anyone missing, the brother then goes onto explain that the hospital is not normal and that at night he see's a very grotesque creature with 2 disfigured arms that travels in the air vents and murders the staff.

Felton's character then proceeds to brush off the conversation, cut to 2 weeks later Felton's character gets a phone call about his brother missing and he proceeds to go and locate him somewhere in the hospital.

pic related, its what the monster would look like but alot smaller and more of a flash sack

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Part 2

basic premise is Felton's character enters the hospital but it leads to another version of it, kind of like silent hill but in the sense that everything is warped and covered in black rust.

I woke up before the dream could come to and end, but it can go either way, I just really liked the sound of something original in terms of a horror movie featuring an actor not familiar with the genre, and have the sense of danger throughout the hospital considering the monster can travel above its prey.

no one cares about your shit dream

Fun fact Terminator was based on a nightmare Cameron had fun fact. Write a script. Spend at least an hour a day on it and in a year there it’ll be.

Write a script fag

I had a dream I was hunting monsters in a haunted house and got ahead of my squadmates in a dark room when something grabbed me and knocked me out. Rest of my team busted into the room later but didn't find me because I was locked in a cabinet with a puppet hag up against my head trying to eat my eyes.



keep going

I’d watch. I’d like to see Tom Felton in a horror film. I think he’d do it pretty well.

"It's in the vents" is cliched as shit. It should just be a weird crawling flesh sack, maybe not even have arms.