Should I drink tonight
Should I drink tonight
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Yes, as you have no worth
well ur a dipshit
they're like a western nation in the middle east
fighting the good fight
yea they needed a little help
so what
they're an industrious people
great nation w/ great values and they're winners
fuck everywhere else in the middle east
Drink cum.
Like every night.
It's fine, I like ya Scoots.
Dunt gas scoot 😭
Almost as hilarious when somebody told me that Israel is the "bastion of democracy" in the middle east
Laughed for minutes
wake me up
wake me up inside
Cant eake up
Gotta love when your drunk friends knock on your door at 2:30 AM to give you flowers and some beer.
Korea is amazing
Scoots aren't for gassing.
Unless they're scooters, then they need to be gassed to even run.
Are you a scooter, Scoot?
How can you say you love him if you don't even drink his cum.
what are you some fucking """altruistic socialist"""? of course they're self-interested retard.
but what they want is western values and that's what we want too.
Israel is a bastion of democracy in the Middle East
I dont know any more
I would drink his cum every opportunity I get..
first result when you google israel
Israel's treatment of Palestinians is a "major cause" of the rise of Islamist terrorism and Isis, a Liberal Democrat peer has claimed.
it's funny because it's true and like british people blaming others for creating terrorism
what a time to be alive
He says as if he is a spic
No, they want jewish values. They don't give a fuck about your west, they'll take your cash and call you a nazi if you don't hand it to them. (Literally happened, recently too)
They are ONLY self interested. Did you ever seen a real israeli twat? Talked with one? Know a few? If you don't, you'll make an utter fool of yourself if you decide to talk gibberish some more. Because I have REAL experience with them, dozens of them
they're a bunch of losers acting out like children
fuck em
little pansy bitches
They're losers! We only want winners in this country. Look at me, I'm a winner. I'm a winner! You know I'm a winner. We're going to make America great again.
Oh, well then.
Let's not take our chances.
If you stop working though, I might have to try it.
But you don't.
good for them i hope they do that. money is the only thing that counts.
and what because you talked to a few jews you know everything about em? fuck off
scoreboard, faggot
Let's invade another country and form a coup d'etat and introduce DEMOCRACY so we can secure thier ASSets.
We had plenty of them as guests in a pretty badass hotel I worked at for a long time
A few examples
1.: Ordering hookers to the childrens pool while being high on at least 12 different kind of drugs at broad daylight
2.:Arriving from the city at night and literally trying to destroy the entire Lobby
3.: Taking a small plate of food, eat a bite, throw food on ground, get more, rinse, repeat.
4.: Destroying plates, glasses, bottles, everything even sober
5.:Ordering EVERYONE around ALL the time, thinking everyone is their appointed slaves, no exceptions
6.: Harassing other guests 24/7, loud, obnoxious, agressive
Each and every time somebody tried to stop the reaction was: YOU NAZI YOU HITLER MY PARENTS SURVIVED HOLOCAUST I WILL SUE YOU NAZI SS HITLER HATER etc. etc. yelling it at 150dB constantly.
There is more, much more, I'd rather not even talk about it. Jews are insufferable, arrogant, digusting, repulsive, shitass pathetic bitchniggas. Worse than cockroaches, fucking cancer ultimate, walking cesspits, curs, knaves, if a diarrhea could be reborn, it would be a jew
Pro-israel doesnt mean pro-zion
1 dont care
2 dont care
3 dont care
4 dont care
5 dont listen if you dont want. whats your big problem?
6 dont care
and what because you talked to a few jews you know everything about em? fuck off
why dont you go guzzle some more Holla Forums cum jack
fucking fairy boy
i'm gonna go buy some more smokes
If you can't tell the difference between the two, you might have to consider suicide, or at least forget about breeding, for the sake of mankind
"i don't care about facts"
-sci "The SJW king" mcpotatohead
Besides, I don't talk with scum, they had a ritual every night before dinner, put the napkins on top of their head and started praying or some shit
So one time I just made sure to sweat a lot and then introduce those napkins to my balls, was fun seeing it on their head. Only contact I made with 'em
Loco likes potatoes
Scoots is a potato
Loco x Scoots OTP confirmed
Edge supreme.
Sci smokes now?
He smoked before too for a time, I think.
Felt like I did the world a favor
If he smokes pot that would make him a baked potato.
Suckle my tit, Eurotrash.
Really wish Israel would invade lebanon and syria
Hail Hydra
If he were baked in an oven he would be a dead guy that got baked to death in an oven.
Thanks my stuffed animals really liked that one in the show I did at the Under the Bed Comedy Club.
I'm sure it was a hit.
It was so popular I'll probably have to go out and buy some more fans.
Your old one stop spinning?
Why are liberals so damned retarded
More like my dad bought a fancy one yesterday and now I'm jealous of it. Our furnace and AC crapped out, and it's in the nineties most of the week.
Crusades were retarded
westerners had no right
immigrants ALWAYS deserve help
I weep openly for you.
More dolls
Thank you, I'd weep for myself if the tears didn't sizzle and evaporate after leaving the ducts.
Hi ya Belchy.
Would you prefer Drooly?
Kinda, actually.
I bet Snow White would dote on you the hardest.
Six whole people? Better check to see if the world is still turning.
I don't think you did it right.
You aren't allowed to cook anymore.
me neither
That Cadbury mug is also really ugly. Blegh.
What were you trying to prepare?
Imagine if one of your loved ones would be in that "only six"
If you would have any. But you don't.
blame sword, he got it
Sometimes you have to post pretty girls. Otherwise, society will consume you and you will be like Antoine Roquentin.
I want to fall in love....
I think I'll stick to relevant concerns, like the wasps by my mailbox.
I mean, I do blame him, but you should have "accidentally" dropped it by now if you didn't want to be complicit in that atrocity.
Very wise.
Detach the nest safely while wearing proper equipment and move the hive to a better location so the bees can prosper
wasps are sort of assholes, no killing tho
These aren't honey bees we're talking about, they're wasps. I'm going to pour a liter of whatever chemical burns my nose the most on and around their home until they are all dead forever.
Lots of killing. I'd kill more of them if I weren't so scared of fucking awful wasps who need to die. Die by killing.
i'm glad i could bring the alt-right and sjws together this thread heart
im right here baby
Sleepy sleepy
how are you folks
Great you?
Remember, they are only there because the invasive cunt of a race humans keep pushing them out of their natural habitat. Don't add to the sins
I could be better
I oculd be worse
i feel hopeful
what are you up to todaY?
Fuck them, I'm a human not a wasp. They can eat their hearts out. In fact, I hope that ants literally do eat their hearts out.
I am a wasp irl
Cruel. Heartless.
We just need to get these terrorists to stop attacking WASPs and start attacking wasps.
Amen brother
let's make glam metal great again
Not a lot, played some underwatch after work and about to leave soon. What about you?
Could say the same
normally I'd lay around in the dark for another hour but something got me up today
lucky lucky me doesnt have to work tomorrow so that's what I am looking forward too
Any of you fucks want to play Overwatch?
hey you
I see you over there
I tend to do that.
not me
Im not even close to that cool
I'm hardly cool.
Mediocre at best.
u wanna teach me your secrets?
Always good
I think you are wrong on that
I ain't got none.
I think you are plenty cool!
You need to stop talking to me
Cause commitment is scary
wonderful day if not a bit hot isnt it
Good morning~ ♡
But I love taking care of people and cooking
I heard you guys were in a heat dome... I feel sorry for you
How much does Tsuchi text you every day?
idk what that means but thats just part of living in the midwest
Its about normal I dont mind much
I feel sorry for all the puppy dogs houtside and my friends who are a roofer and the other one works on th recycling and garbage crew
they have to go into work hella early to get done beefore the scorch comes out
hey cookie hope you're well
Its not your fault that this age only showed you radical moral degradation
Do you love doing anything else for people? I'm close to sold here though I mostly don't need either, it'd still be adorable
I blame the seperation from christianity
we need jaysus
The enemy team got zero objective time.
Probably a lot. I don't pay attention.
not at all
I'm starting to feel a bit better actually, I need to practice my music for my set tomorrow.
At least they have jobs....
And dogs are pretty much useless, don't worry about them. Just stay home and drink lemonade
I just want to fall in love, I want to know what it feels like first hand
Are you talking about lewd things? I don't really enjoy being lewd but I'll do it for the man I love
Do you want him to text you a lot?
Who would do such a thing?
not feeling so hot here either
got some tummy rumblies
Hope your show goes well
How long do you practice for them?
gotta go 2 work in a hour tho
No, pure things like cuddling but I'm outties now, laters bae
Make sure you drink lots of water :/
What's your job?
-sniffles- v.v bye, lover
I work at a kfc/tacobell
Jaysus too old
We need a new modern deity which the youth can accept. Begin the brainstorm
Love is but a chemical reaction in the brain making you lose common sense, your grip on reality, sober thinking and such. In short, get drunk, take acid, chew on shrooms, same effect I'd guess.
Better hit up the new Tinder thing, lets you organize orgies. Glorious roman times, here we come!
Personally I think it's much too late
Morals and values arent cool anymore
it's hip to be a degenerrate piece of shit slut whore
Nice, do they make you cook a lot?
So you're saying I should continue to not love anyone?
What a time to be alive
Literally music to my ears
No ¯\_ȌᴥȌ_/¯
I just go through my set a few times at home. sense it's just a back track.
♡ ♡ loco~ ♡ ♡
I suck diks at this game ;;
Ican not manage anything anymore
Why not? He's nice
c ♥ ♥ki
Sucks being stuck in a room the size of my bedroom with 4 boiling fryers and steam eeverywhere
the taco bell side ismuch nicer but I dont work up there much
Ive performed like once orr twice with some friends before and it was a super fun time
hard to play music together thoguh the more people the tougher it gets
tell me more
id vote trump
you silly
well sona is broken and lebonk is broken and purple is nerfed and whenver I do bad my team is okai and whenver I do good my team is dildos and it just keeps going
What if we think up some depraved Satan then to make them afeared
Would make it only worse, damn. N O H O P E
Yeah, or at least try not to invest too much in any human. Fragile things, butterfly wings, etc.
I think I'll stop using cutleries. If everyone is devolving, I'm not staying out. Always wanted to eat with hands and feel the meat anyway
Oh wow do you only cook or do you have to take the customers orders too?
But then how will I ever be happy?
I hate when you get a class you like and then it gets nerfed into the ground
See, I've met a few people who are satanists
I mean a satan like deity maybe but
literally every satannist I've ever met just uses it all as an excuse to be a selfish hedonist nihilist cunt
A bit annoying
How are you? I think I'm starting to finally feel better
Oh i think it's much easir with a groups. every instrument, everyone shines.
Lucky for me I am just the cook
I was dishes
clean the fryers
Cook the food
clean the kitchen
Imean this is not even the frist nerf it is one in a long line
i'm doing ok. Watching this documentary about Townes Van Zandt.
i will be sad when you start making songs without your voice breaking and straining. it's cute.
ehh... how?
Damn I want a job like that... I hate talking to people
a long ways back I played guild wars 1
and they had an assassin class with a popular move called shadow form
They piledrived that class and skll so hard into th ground, over and over for years on end
Hopefully you can find the future op class early and not get stuck ith a LAME one
Happiness is a delusion for the weak. Its denying reality. Don't do such things.
Ok I give up, lets stop right there
Yeah, I only know two but its the same. Not even doing rituals or shit, probably didn't even read the black bible or whatever the hell those pricks immerse in
Morality is dead
we live in an age of self interest
But am I cute?
The morality of man is not a simple concept, Bard. It has layers and layers of complexity.
Hi bardo
I do not wish to play anything else ;;
Iwill try to get by
itwill be harder but
in the end I will come out stronger I hope
BEDTIM nana =w=
How should I feel then? :/
I don't know
Layers like an onion, or Shrek.
Like the ones you wear in the winter.
hello mandy how are you today
I only know one person irl left who exhbits moral values and genuinely isn't a self obsessed manipulator
My best friend is generous with food and money, with his time and with drugs, or other commodities
He is willing to sacrifice something he enjoys for others if it came to that and he is willing to give up time to help someone even if it woudnt benefit him
Everybody else I know and once considrered friends Are very stingy with everything, especially money, Greedy with their time, and only out to succeed for themselves, uncaring about how it influences thse around them
I understand there are some ouot there not like this
but my town is ridden with them
nini newru
Sad, since you murdered morality.
i think this is my favourite picture
Mine is the same but instead of hate
it says love ;~;
That will eventually pull apart mankind and we'll die with this planet, luckily without even a chance to corrupt and ruin other places.
Learn to control it and it shall be your greatest ally.
Should have made the rest of your team pick Zen, too.
If everyone's Zen, everyone has a harmony orb. Genius.
Fucking same
I tried to watch it but its way too fucking cringy
its much too relatable to comfortably watch
but you drink every night.
We went against an all Winston team and then and all Reinhart team.
We chose to go all Lucio after a bit.
I like games that are stupid.
Sup, love?
I can only kill you with love and kindness.
I was once against an all Hanzo team. I felt bad about winning but for 75% of the map I just rode the payload without even seeing the enemies. Didn't die, won feeling guilty.
You and your bad games.
I would lovve to die
are you well today?
I was on an all mc ree game the other day it was stupid
not much! just going crazy because my voice isn't getting better as fast I want it too. I'm trying to make it better faster.
you? °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
I love being on the payload with Grandpa and Dad protecting me as Zen.
All these games and you still play me.
Got my 2 hours of sleep. I can feel myself crashing soon again.
We almost won that, they were terribad
Well that is a shame, because I won't let you.
But the day has been well. Finally done with my work week and get to enjoy a nice day of relaxing! Might go to the pub later. What do you have planned?
Well I like playing something I am good at.
It's because I'm so good at overwatch..
I wish you were home so we could play ;;
lol why's that
This is incredibly sweet, even if the mic quality stops me from making out some parts. You have no idea how much I love uke + female vocalists songs and you are just
What is Initial D?
Oh my god, take me now.
I need it bad.
Working all day then uh
w=well I guess I will post all night...
hopefully I have to go see my best friend but I dont think he'll be up later
Still, I may be lucky enough to see someone ii'm hoping too tonight
Do you have plans?
ー( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
nooo you have to stay up and talk with me now.
♥ I do it for you. ♥
Just the tip
I usually pass out in my chair, so you'll have me 'till I lose this fight.
Bite the pillow!
Who are you hoping to see? Other than your best friend of course?
And not really. Just taking it easy!
Sounds very ergonomic.
Be rough.
I want it to hurt.
Just too lazy to roll to the floor.
J-just some user nothing important...baka....hentai.....
Oh dear, you are in a mood. Should I bring the belt?
Ah well, it seems my friends ditched me over pokemon go, so g'night.
Gravity helps those who help themselves.
i'm glad i have a little positive influence over someone.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I-if you wouldn't mind...
Don't get all shy, baka.
Well you don't get a choice.
It's nice to see you around
where have you been then hmm/
i cant help it uuuuu
I can't guarantee I'll be quiet.
A bit anxious?
Who would want you to be?
I wouldn't mind some silence.
My god. Why must you be so far from me?
I'd slap you around a bit to wake you up.but you don't live near me. (≧∇≦)/ plus you're not one for girls so I wouldn't be able to wake you up in any way I know of.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Where do you live?
Oh yes
so very
Maybe it will go away in a week or so
I hope not
Just kick him in the sack. It's not brain surgery.
And you are?
Because being a tease is fun.
Maybe what will?
You are still one of my favorite people to flirt with.
He was a pretty cool guy.
the infatuation
hey bud
psst cooki
if you want to wake him up just put something in his butt
It's obvious
Even though I'm straight?
Don't let it.
Who is that?
What a stupid question.
I feel like you would still oblige tamer things for me.
(⊙︿⊙✿) no! You don't do that to a man you care about.
I can get a strap on σ(≧ε≦o)
That's too far.
you could do that
you wouldnt believe how many friends i have here right now who didnt say goodmorning
such a betraying kind of feeling bard
More importantly, why is your wants important to me though?
furries please die
those are the worst
I hate that feeling
any plans for the day?
Come cuddle me. That's honestly all I want anymore.
You could kind of crawl over him and pretend that you stuck your knee in there on accident. Works every time.
I hadn't prepared a powerpoint presentation or anything, if that's what you're asking for.
none lmao
my cars being fixed
im just gonna music and vidya
what about you nig?
Nice to see you as well.
I've been working out, catching up on anime, and ect.
My watch got a scratch ;___;
you can scratch my watch iykwim
do you keep a monocle as well
Just buy another one for twenty bucks.
I do have a car
It would work for you too, just face you away from me so you don't gotta look. pretend I'm any guy in the world σ(≧ε≦o)
like pretend to be all cute and kissy and cuddily then just jam my knee up, and cause him a world of hurt? I can do that.
boo-hoo you're ok
Drive to me, babe.
Was it a rolex?
yeah I'd need you to grunt for me as well. in a very deep voice if you could.
I started putting in the work to learn this
Its going to probably be like a good 3 days of studying
Ive already got the first like 5 verses down but its pretty dynamic
Gotta work and then gonna hang around like a loser
unless my best friend is freee then I will burn with him
sure hope he is free
But I wouldn't mind being here
Dont got to work tomorrow so I can stay up all night
You sound like a huge fucking nerd lLMAO
I just work and shitpost and hang out with my friend and play guitar
Live has been really unsatisfying for me recently because of how boring shit is
I hate my surroundings and alot of the people around me
I just want to move out of this fuckign house
My room is so constricting
I just want to be able to at least get off my fucking bed
I want a drumset and space to put a couch...
but things are sort of kind of looking up here recently so thats nice
They're not even allowed to be mad about it for more than a minute or two, it's the perfect crime.
I lost mine while hanging the wash out to dry.
can u beleive these fuckin plebeains
Fam, that's hella homosexual
Any respectable man has a nice watch.
It was about $530 bucks.
Well I got scratched up fairly badly too but I heal, my watch doesn't.
guess I'm not respectable
or not a man
What kind of jackass buys a $530 dollar watch? That thing had better suck your cock or something.
looks like it'll be really hard
im sure you can pull through though
then we can finally go platinum
i will be ur manager ok?
that jumble of text i put at the end there stood for if you know what i mean
so that means the connotations are even more sexual than you thought !
If you could live your life in an anime which one would it be?
damn shit sucks bruh.
I have one of those silver ones....can't find it atm.
butt...that sounds expensive still. to me.
how much would you suck a dick for?
i think the lowest for me would be maybe 400
Boo and your filenames.
I'm hopeful and kinda inspired
It's alot simpler than the last one I learned as well so that's great
I love slowe melodic shit its alot easier to learn and play
What you play brruh
because then nothing wouldd change
what about you
Too conditional to state a single price. If we're talking a pussy chode on national television with my mom in the front row of the live audience, it would have to be pretty much money.
What about if it was through a gloryhole
What a dumb bitch
I will (灬♥ω♥灬)
next year. When I'm 18 :D
I can do that ri"n because I'm sick.
yeah because youjust lay on their chest and say "I love you, i'm sorry~" a million times and thy can't stay mad.
did you get in a skufle?
tell moogs baller friday is in 5 minutes
i play videogames and the lady game
im pretty good at biology too
no instruments though
i learned how to play a harmonica in like 5th grade tho
i understand what youre trying to say but you need to understand how aesthetically pleasing that dick was
it was like an 11/10 on the scale of dongs
Stupid fucking bitch I swear
I don't think he's awake or even home.
He wasn't in the living room when I went to find him.
It was mostly a compliment towards myself
A jackass with a lot of money I suppose
It's a nice watch. It's also the only accessory I wear.
But I knew
I just disguised myself as an unknowing innocent anime girl! Now it's even more sexual.
You can have a watch for a lot of years.
A dude rammed into me on his bike. I'd get his number if I had realized my watch got a scratch but he was off fairly quickly after making sure I wasn't knocked out.
Worst is the scratches on my palms.
I hate dumb bitches
That s killer dude you should grab another harmonica
that shit's so badass
also if you thought that was 11/10 cant imagine what you'd think of mine .///.
who dat
i cant believe you moved in with him
such a weird thing
i cant imagine how much odd/questionably consensual sex you guys have had
btw wake him up if he's asleep
You'd better check to make sure he's not in the dying room, in that case.
Just buy a silly band or something if you feel the need for man jewelry.
I know that feeling.
Just a reason would work.
There's no fucking between anyone here other than him and his man.
probably the best thing about living in cali is all the amusement parks
i've been to almost all of them
they're so fucking fun too
what the fuck
call PETA and free this poor cat
Doesn't seem necessary to me.
Is his man whichever landlord he happens to have at the time?
i dont believe those stories for the presses
two super gay furries in the same house?
you guys fucked like animals
Everybody here has a watch.
Fairly shitty meme dude wtf
There are 4 of us.
And we all mostly keep to ourselves.
I work nights so I don't see anyone most days anyhow.
i cant believe you didnt like that
it was really funny imo
i was a little half and half on putting the > tho
And you're all doing the wrong thing. I guess it's a cultural problem.
You underestimate just how viscerally repulsive super gay furries are in person.
Black lives dont matter
Seems about right.
Or that they are in a relationship.
Fair enough.
Because gaining another chance with that pill would be great for a NEET.
True but now a days I just use my phone to keep track of time.
yeah thats the main reason i dont try to fap to furry porn
i definitely could but i dont want to become an ugly degenerate
the femboy-ish porn is a little hard to resist though honestly
badfox is right
i never accounted for the social retardation furries would have
My poor baby :c
Want to show me how a real man fucks then?
Thats a breddy nice biek
you never added me on steam >.>
I've had you added for a week.
Well, if you fall off the wagon, at least there are big mascot costumes that you can use in place of a bag over your head while fucking other uggos.
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