Is it possible to build a small battery pack to power old game consoles? I mean, it's not so crazy because I saw years ago a battery pack for the GameCube made by Intec (pic related). Apparently it gave the GC 2 hours of power. They also seem to have made batteries for the PS2.
So what I'm saying it, given that we now have better batteries and stuff it could be possible to rig rechargeable batteries to power, say, a Super Nintendo. Right?
Dunno, maybe I'm talking nonsense.
Is it possible to build a small battery pack to power old game consoles? I mean...
Because they have wireless controllers for old consoles now, and for what I hear they're very good.
I like to have my old consoles in use, and the less cables the better. If I could plug things wirelessly to the TV I would.
Wireless HDMI when?
Why would you need the console's AC adapter to be wireless if you're playing it in your living room? In what universe would attaching an ugly, DIY battery kit (which is also going to have a cable) to it worse than just routing your cables properly?
to it be better*
Anyway, wireless controllers are the only thing that even remotely make sense, and even then those shitty 8bitdo adapters have additional input lag that isn't present in a wired controller, so I think that right there would sour your quest for a better 'original-hardware faggotry' experience.
I'm constantly short of outlets, and a short cable running from a battery pack (which wouldn't necessarily be ugly) to the console would be much better than having a cable running from the wall to the console. Specially since I'm turning my living room and most of my house into a manchild cave to impress I don't know whom due to mid life crisis, and I'm designing a neat rack on which to put all of my old consoles (or most of them) for exhibition purposes, but also for use. You should know exhibition is usually incompatible with usability, and I wanna fix that.
I'm actually a pretty decent carpenter.
I wanna get me a real jukebox and everything, but that's expensive. One day, though. One day…
I play every single game I have ever wanted from any generation for free without having to worry about too many cables because I emulate on my PC which plays games better than your collection. Sell your stuff and put it in to a Roth IRA.
Fucking poor people are so dumb, they waste their money, want new toys all the time, don't invest, and use drugs/drink/smoke cigarettes as a bottomless money vacuum for nigger levels of temporary satisfaction.
Download snes emulator for android and buy a bluetooth gamestick faggot.
go be transcendent somewhere else
Get a fucking UPS, especially since you're going plugging thousands of dollars of hardware in. Nice ones are like $100-$140.
You can route your cables to it, and obfuscate it under a custom made stand or something. Multi-purpose that shit.
yeah lad let me know how that works out for the original Xbox
In theory, it's completely possible to build a battery pack that could do the task, though it's pretty fucking wasteful unless you're using LiPo cells, and then you had better have your cell balancing game on tight, or you're going to wind up with a house fire.
All satisfaction is temporary, friend.
Collecting is a hobby, building is a hobby. In this case they're around gaming, which is also a hobby.
I love how poors bring up shit I don't care to play. Why would I want to touch anything on the xbox?
Wrong, a good investment earns by the day. Being a successful person is always satisfying.
"Success" is not oneconcrete thing that applies to all equally. It's subjective.
For some people success is having a family, for me is having a business. It's very demanding on weekends so I've lost many of my friends, because during the weekends I can't afford not to work, so when they're hanging out I'm minding my own business; but it's very satisfying to me even though others wouldn't make that sacrifice.
You seem to think money=success, but I say it's true what they say, money doesn't make happiness.
It sure does keep a lot of unhappiness away, though. I mean I don't earn a fortune, but every penny I make is mine, and it's pretty nice.
Theoretically yes.
But theoretically you could build a battery for literally anything.
For anything? Like, a human brain?
Go ask your dad. Oh wait, you dont have one. But at least your mom always told you how smart you are.
Although simple electricity wouldn't satiate the necessary nutrients needed for the brain to function optimally.
Couldn't it be a hybrid battery pack of nutrients and electrical impulses?
I don't think so, but you could probably set up the brain to receive nutrients somehow and also electrical impulses. The question is, what would it feel?
Theoretically yes, in a pragmatic sense not really.
Incredibly little if it was just the brain, very slight ability to detect and interpret electric interference either by ambient static or deliberative currents.
Indeed that is the question.
But we usually find uses for those things after we've started building them. I imagine it would be a chamber with the brain inside rather than a simple pack or set of packs.
Couldn't we keep the brain attached to some of the parts of the head that enable senses and speech? Then we'd know what it feels and thinks, because we could ask.
At that point though, you might as well become a cyborg. Right now rat brains can barely run a two wheeled machine for a while before dying (unless that webm was very fake), so it's not really practical yet.
You would need much more than the head to enable speech. The Cardiovascular, Muscular, and the skeletal system, at that point it would probably exceed the value of reanimating a brain. I mean maybe you could hook up some of the "thinking" parts of a brain to an i/o system, but as research has led most to believe most of "Perception" is unencoded garbage data that wouldn't really be useful in any sense, nor would anything you send into the brain as "communication"
That video is a fraud.
No, not yet, but it sure does show the path we're in.
I'm not saying I wanna have a RoboCop body, but I'm not saying I don't.
Good to know.
I'm planning on living forever, so I'm probably going to wait until they develop a process for digitizing brains before I even consider getting a robot body. If I'm going to die, then I'd probably go for a more primitive technology.
Why? Eventually it'd get to the point where it's boring/painful and you wouldn't be able to die.
Dude, but then you'd die anyway and a computer that is a copy of you would keep on living.
Which solves nothing.
Put many batteries in series in a pack to get the voltage you want (Total_V/Battery_V amount of batteries). Then put many of those packs in parallel to get the amperage you want (Enough so you don't stress the batteries much). With a SNES and a 5x4 AA battery setup it should last 8 hours, since it needs at least 10 volts, draws 0.8A and a AA battery can last 2 hours at that rate.
Although back on the topic of the actual thread, OP Handheld mods have been a thing for a very long time, and it would be very easy for you to set up a handheld version of a game system, and there are some currently actively marketed hardware that is essentially with sacrificing some of the authenticity of CRT for an older system and color depth for a nice low price small sized LCD.
8 hours is more than enough. I mean, I'm not an animal.
Thank you.
Not really, at least he'll be dead
But he wants to live for ever, I mean if that's his problem then what he has for a plan is not a solution.
Do you plan to look like yourselves when you have your robot bodies?
What are you talking about? The universe is probably full of cooler shit than there is on Earth, although the transit time between interesting things might be a giant pain in the ass. I'll figure something out, I'd have all the time in the world. And if I really want to die I just fly into a sun or something.
The way I see it I'm already a completely different set of matter than I was several years ago, and I don't think I'd really mind multiple me's running around. Gives me more of a chance to do things before the end of the universe, you know?
Good question, I'd probably go with something Transformers style. That is, I can turn into a vehicle or something. Maybe I'd do a Headmaster type thing where my core consciousness is in a smaller part that I attach to a larger body. If I had the resources I'd probably build bodies at several scales and with different alt-modes, for variety's sake. I have a rich fantasy life.
Yes, but it wouldn't be you doing the cool shit, it would be a copy of you that right from the activation point starts developing it's own tastes, ideas, beliefs and experiences; but with a completely different IQ and neural function. After a short while it wouldn't even resemble you, mentally.
You look the same, but you're only five feet tall.
I don't understand the difference. A person is initially defined by their brain do to genetics, but it's experience that defines how we react to it. Should the technology be good enough, what is the difference between biological me and technological me? Is it any different than me growing normally? Also, not clear on the joke you're attempting to make there at the end, sorry/
Do the Ship of Theseus thing with your brain: replace one neuron a minute with a mechanical replica, repeat until brain is entirely mechanical, you'll never notice the difference. Or if you do, you can tell the rest of us before you disappear entirely and we'll know better than to try that ourselves.
Yeah, that's replacing bit by bit. But if we're talking about downloading your entire consciousness into a machine then it's not bit by bit.
The thing is, at our age we've replaced all of our original components more than once, but the slow process allows for the perception (perhaps illusion) of continuity. With a Star Trek teleporter there cease to be a you where you stood and suddenly there's a you somewhere else, with an uninterrupted perception of continuity, but by downloading your consciousness on a machine there are several problems.
And you can't expect that the support for your consciousness could operate the same as your organic brain. In fact I'd demand to get a support that makes me (and I use the word "me" for simplicity) smarter. That alone would radically change things for my consciousness.
And at the end of the day, I'd still die when I die, no matter how many computers are there living it up with a consciousness that was once based on my own.
Yeah you could build a battery pack for it, there's nothing standing in your way other than knowledge of electrical engineering and money for infinite batteries.
It's a fucking dumb idea though, it is highly impractical to run anything on batteries if you can just plug it into an outlet. Batteries get to be really fucking expensive, or if you use lithium ion cells, will fucking explode if you don't know what you're fucking doing.
batteries are freakin expensive
it's called an UPS
They make these things called surge protectors that have multiple outlets.
Because Blinx the Time Sweeper exists
Because it has Unreal Championship 2.
Sure it's possible, but for a battery powered SNES, there are options that require less effort. If you're just looking for a project, just make sure to follow the basics of Ohm's Law (You're working with just DC, so not a tough one) and figure out how many cells you'd need to power the unit. (It's basic arithmetic)
You may be the dumbest user I've seen on Holla Forums this month.
Clearly you've only browsed Holla Forums once this month.
Look, I have a very specific and cool design for my living room and I will minimise the number of cables no matter what. It's gonna look sweet.
You're cool.
Thanks but, I wasn't bullshitting you. The milliamps and the voltage is displayed on batteries, make sure you have enough amps to satisfy the SNES control deck and take caution with the voltage as to not break anything.
Because Metal Wolf Chaos.
There. You now have a universal battery pack to power any console ever.
I wasn't bullshitting you either, you're cool.
Jet Set Radio Future.
SNES isn't super picky about voltage. Get it within a volt and you should be good to go. Under better than over.
So engineer some cable management into it, you moron.
Cognitive dissonance is strong here.
Ever heard of the Bible verse that asks what good is it to gain the whole world, but lose your soul?
Because some faggot on reddit lost possibly the only source code that will every be available, which means xbox emulation never ever… ;(
So basically the only reason not to just p,if it into the fucking wall is because you're sperging about cables. Get cable managers and twist ties you double nigger, a battery pack isn't necessary.
That's not what happened at all, you fucking retard.
Then why don't you explain what did
Yes. Find out the voltage the console requires and splice a battery pack to a power cable. Pretty much your first pic. Use AA batteries in series. Each battery is 1.5V, so to power a 12V system you use 8 of them.
As for whether it's worth it, home consoles aren't generally made with efficiency in mind. Just because you can supply the voltage with a load of AAs doesn't mean you'll be gaming for long.
If you just want to play old games on the go and don't care about the original hardware, get a PSP Go and mod it. If you want to rig up an old console to make a ghetto handheld watch videos from embed related until you get the gist of it.
There has to be a better way.
I completely fucked up the math, it is 7 not 5. 7 in series.
It depends how much power they draw, the snes draws roughly an Ampere, an AA battery can give 2A in an hour, that means an entire series should last two hours. Put many series in parallel and you are good to go.
This is some real Reddit-tier shit. Go there, they might know better how to deal with this kind of senseless autism.
Atusistic pop-sci worship & eurphoria
What kind of thread is this?
Back to reddit you faggot
Enjoy your subpar experience, jaggies, framedrops and clipping sounds
I don't see why not. Of course if you don't watch it, you could fry everything by trying to connect your system to too much power at once.
Back to 0.5chan, you cuck.
git gud
I'd like to believe someone will fall for this.
You can't post .mp4 on captchan though.
hi Holla Forums
Look up portable "INSERT_CONSOLE". They usually have some sort of rechargeable battery pack.
Yes you can.
get a car/marine battery and hook it up to one of these..easy peasy
they have them for all consoles
or get an inverter
or stop being a faggot
I'm sceptical, but also not very smart.
That may be true from your perspective but others aren't catered to by this mentality. Some titles can't be emulated, you can go 'Hmph didn't want them anyway' but that's weaksauce. Also one can collectionfag relatively cheaply with resold titles if one is enough of a mug.
I don't particularly care for emulation as it's often a bit janky or, from my perspective, not worth the effort, people tend too readily to look back in rose tinted sepia at titles that are actually clunky childish shit when we revisit them but I understand the want for the odd jem that's lost to miserable bastards not releasing code even when the console is dead.
the quality bait in this thread coming from all angles, OP included, are astounding.
My fav JUST moment in the xbox original's lifecycle was when Andrew 'Bunnie' Haung discovered a glitch in the Xbox's code that got him the private signing key so you could insert any cd burned with a game signed with that key and it would read just like an official copy. Instead of releasing it anonymously he reported it to Microsoft and they quickly patched it in later revisions. No ones been able to figure out the key since.
Short answer, OP, is yes you can make a battery pack to power a SNES.
Question is, why would you want to?
Because yes, we can look at what the SNES is outputting and its level of tech and realize that we have had BETTER things being powered for 6+ hours on small batteries.
However, the SNES and other old tech like that suffers from exactly that, being old tech.
It is going to be power hungry so you're not going to get even remotely the same mileage.
Battery packs aren't going to last long as all. Batteries haven't improved in a thousand years. This is pretty much the stupidest idea ever. I don't even know where to begin explaining how bad this idea is.
If you really want to do this, they build 12v devices specifically for boats and cars. The gamecube just so happens to run at exactly 12 volts as well. If you want to be super autistic, as well, try running your gamecube off a solar panel built for a boat.
Not to slap my cock and balls off your chin or anything, but solar energy is expensive.
These things are mass produced nowdays.
$115 is cheap shit. You can play your gamecube for 3 to 6 hours a day. Wow!
SNES requires 10 volts exactly and 850mah to run
You're better off buying a tablet/phone and just emulating games, 10volts and 850mah is a huge fucking power draw of 8.5watts, a tablet emulating SNES will only require at most .3 watts
8.5 watts per what? Hour?
Yeah per hour
I mean your average GTX 1050 laptop only draws 35 watts an hour full load
Hrm. So if I have 3 solar panels, at 100 watts each… I could power a TV and an SNES for 16 hours? In the end, though, I think it would be cheaper in the long run to just pay the electric bill. I don't know what the price of 300 watts of power is, but I bet 300 watts/day for 3 years still costs less than $350.
I had one of those battery packs for the Gamecube, and a monitor that went on top.
That shit was great on roadtrips.
Don't remind me.
"Moral" hackers are fucking retards, and I hate them for that shit. Like that fucking faggot GeoHOT. These smarmy cocksuckers who think they're altruistic by knifing other people in the back like that.
It's like if someone had found the encryption key for Blu-Ray and instead of releasing it to the public they quietly let Sony know to change it, and then we wouldn't have an open sourced medium in the form of Blu-Ray. Thank god not every "hacker" is a cuck fuccboi.
Depending on where you live, 1kWh typically costs around $.15.
There is good reason why solar panels and other small scale power generators aren't really too popular.
I do not believe a tablet will run on .3 watt.
atleast 1 watt, and probably double or triple with wifi or other wireless connections.
that said, the ac/dc adapter on the snes is not very efficient so that would double power draw too.
watt is an instantaneous power measurement.
a solar panel with 100watt output could power perhaps 1 old crt tv for as long as the it has direct sunlight.
anyway, buying it is usually done in kilowatt hours, 1000 watts(1kw) for 1 hour of use.
powering a 10 watt SNES plus a 30 watt modern lcd monitor continuously 24/7 would costs maybe $50+ per year.
Op, if your going to be using Batteries to power your consoles, I recomend getting rechargable batteries so you don't have to constantly buy new ones.
Of course you'll power the battery charger, so make sure you buy a crate of duracells to run the battery charger.
And of course you'll need to make sure the batteries are completely used up before you throw them out or recharge them. So get a meatcleaver to cut them in half (buy one specifically for this, you don't want battery acid in your food), and then buy a sewing kit to put the batteries back together.
hope that helps.
Was the battery decent then?
This begs the question, can we make an exact SNES clone with modern chips consuming less power?
I know the NES PPU and CPU are pretty much on verilog (And was cloned to hell and back). The SNES seems to have a less stochastic design, and a bigger autistic fanbase behind, so it seems plausible at least.
Its thanks to shit like that why people jumped on the PS3/Vita hacking scene, people got assblasted moral hackers were stopping access to free video games.
Poorfags/third worlders need their video games.
Solar panels are mostly to sell power back to the grid or reduce daytime energy costs for shit like air conditioning.
Meeeh, I mean, cool, but wasn't the GBA out already during the GC era?
Go back to /r/gaming OP.
the closest way I could imagine is if people made miniturised versions (kinda like die shrinks but with more correct terminology) and more energy-effective alternative parts
older equipment may be more reliable and well-constructed, but holy shit those old fans draw more energy than a fucking Microkorg.
you're going to piss off all sorts of conservatrash such as
sorry buy emulation usually is better, and fuck giving money to game companies. Fuck Donald Trump and George Zimmerman, too, you faggots. Game collectors hoard junk and waste money.
The library isn't the same on those.
I guess, but GC games on the go? Well, to each their own.
I don't think the GC has many games I'd like to play on readtrips.
Best case Scenario, you're short one GBA for Four Swords Adventures, so someone just brings a second Gamecube with an Gameboy player and LCD screen.
But wait. Isn't the point of the roadtrip to enjoy the trip and road, almost as much as the destination?
Wait, what?
I'd like to read more about this.
Some dude gutted an XBOX devkit to put PC component in, laimed the HDD was empty when it's pretty obvious to anyone familliar with XBOX it likely used XFAT which you can't read normally on your PC.
I'm sure people are exaggerating the actual benefits of having that thing still usable though, devkit aren't the magical jkey to emulation even if they do help, docs are just as helpful and those are already floating around.
meant to quote too
Stop being a faggot.
Go buy a Super Color Volley X RIGHT NOW.
Go buy RIGHT NOW a super cool what then?
Goddamn kids.
To troll, yes. I am sure there is.
I know right? They're called joypads.
whitehats are great for foss/unix/linux
But in this case you are 100% correct
I don't even like XBOX that much but holy shit reading this makes me so fucking angry
that's some low energy bait there, jeb.
Or the faggots that ran the Vesperia PS3 fan translation that forces you to have both a CFW ps3 and a japanese copy of the game.
Like, what's the fucking point. You're already pissing sony off by hacking the fucking thing, and Bamco Namdai isn't going to see a red cent of any of the used sales that shit generates.
Fuck off and kill yourself, you insufferable faggots.
Consider the above suggestion.
Which ones are good?
Which ones are good?
Am I wrong?
I'm sure you have an explaination as to why…
That's probably already happened
Right? Why would someone sell their collections?