Konami announces Bombergirl

Why aren't you talking about Bombergirl, user?
Are you mad because is going to be an arcade release only so is going to stay in Japan?

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She's not a cute shota like Cheerful White and the gang.

Forgot to add the website.



She looks pretty cute, game looks pretty lewd.
Wouldnt mind it getting a console port, but very unlikely.
Not like bombermas gameplay changes too much so its not a huge loss

Are there any lewds yet?

Because fuse up the butt isn't my fetish. Never heard of that one before tbh.

It's still somehow not as weird as the coinblock fetish.

This seems to just be the nip version of Bomberman Act:Zero. People will probably defend it just because it gets their dicks wet.


You what now, son?

So mobage or pachislot?


I've seen some shit on /d/, man. yuki.la/d/6049313

It still won't be as good as Saturn Bomberman so why the fuck should I give a single fuck?

I'm trying to see why you would even post this because it has no relevance to the community.

They're not even cute. How the fuck did Konami screw up making anime girls that badly?

notice there are 4 classes too, they fucked up the gameplay


Don't make explode inside her jokes. Everyone already thought of it, it's not funny.

This is not okay. None of this is okay.

Like pottery

Of course they did, it's fucking Konami

I want to mount her louie, if you know what I mean.


I wish anime would just get buried already.


Everything must be made moe

the real question is
is hudson turn in its grave?

Holy fucking shit m8, my sides are orbiting alpha centauri right now.

They went on for weeks, too. New OC was produced for that fetish. I am still in awe. Now we have newfags on /d/ who still think the mundane, every day shit is somehow weirder than coinblocks.

Sounds like a typical post on those shitty 'gobalized fetish' threads. One time I shitposted with some earnest and malice why futa society would not be the fucking amazonian fantasy they imagine it would be; they got really butthurt when I said that society and nature values women more than men.


Just wait a few years and nipland will be deserted soon.

God dammit, somebody shoot me.

So when you cum inside her you yell FIRE IN THE HOLE right?

That is the perfect merchant fetish, the more you bang her the more coins come out.

I don't know what you are talking about, this is fucking hilarious.



if this does well you can bet konami will milk this shit forever.


not even classes they just moe'd up the other bombers

Those are already saved for Konosuba's Megumin.

Thanks for reminding me. That and Ghibli's on a CG show now.

They should just change the title to 2 Bombs weren't Enough: The Game


Dude, i don't understand why you are whining about this when there's a lifetime supply of Bomberman games to play. You and Megaman fans really blow my mind

Dude just play 94 or Saturn, there's no need to be upset. But I must admit it's a bit of a kick in the nuts when they do this.

Sounds terrible but i'd play it anyway due to how shit i am.

that is true, just dont want this to be the direction going forward

Konami needs to let hudson go.

nigger the regular series isn't fucking dead

Nah, dudebro faggots are the lowest common denominator. Weebs are slightly above it.

Hudson is completely dissolved. They do a meet and greet in a bar in tokyo that gets a lot of foreigners visiting from time to time, we talk about it on the hg101 forums. They left and went to other companies or straight up retired seeing as the original staff would be in their 60s by now let alone the founders.

You don't know what you're talking about, Bomberman R is not like the main series.

Because I want a Bomberman game with character designs like this again.

The fuck is this garbage? It'd be one thing if the girls at least looked decent, but the first one is the least shit of them all.


We can play Saturn and 94 forever do not have fear.

The pink haired one is cute

But neither of those have character designs like 64 and Second Attack or Max. And I don't know why you keep repeating that we can keep playing the older games when it's clear people want new games.

Who are those people you talk about?

I'm buying a cabinet for my house.

Everyone who was previously complaining that Bomberman was dead and everyone excited that we are getting a new game on the Switch. I'm not sure what's so unbelievable about people wanting new Bomberman games.


The R in bomberman R is literally for "Retro"
It's as main series as you can possibly get. Unless you define "main series" as things like bomberman hero


Same reason why it's so unbelievable that people want new Megaman games when you already have several of them and the franchise has been done to death

great. pron when?

For what purpose?

Because technology constantly progresses, and new things with the franchise can always be done. Imagine if Mega Man never continued past the NES. Yes, there would always be plenty of Mega Man games there for fans to play, but there would never be Mega Man X, Zero, Legends, ZX, or Battle Network. All that potential untapped. Plus, you'll eventually get to know the games so well that that there's nothing left to discover about them. The feeling of playing something fresh, discovering things you've never seen before, experiencing events for the first time is great.

You dumb nigger it isn't retro at all. Go watch gameplay of all the previous games. R is a departure from everything but Generation which was little more than a shitty anime tie-in but possibly the last thing the jews at konami can look back on.

That is some boring anime shit. These bombergirls are way cuter


That's me! Give me the cute girls bombing cute things!

Not as cute as the original bombergirl, though.

At least have some standards when it comes to Bomberman girls.

psshh, ISIS C&D soon

As much as I like the old japan packaging I kinda like the US one here in a satirical sense. Like Megman 1's US cover.

The original series had a lot of bombergirls and they were thicc'r

Here I was thinking they were on the right track with Super Bomberman R.

I get the feeling any ip owned by konami will be moefied one way or the other especially with gradius being otomedius

[citation just post thicc, I'm not picky]


Hudson Soft died for this.

You happy?

it's shit

Why are there so many milfy characters?

He truly is anime George Lucas

Does this mean there will be loads of new guro soon?

Jesus christ, user, spoiler that sh… oh, you did. WHY DID I CLICK? Pic related.

Get this misogyny out of here.

It's a fetish for all of two people, [spoiler]myself included.

Now to go tell the other one.[/spoiler]




>weebs and people on this board will defend konami's actions even after what they did before with MGS
This shit is Otomedius all over again. Decorate a shitty game with generic anime girls, and weebs will give you their NEETbux.

Well shit, i had one that i thought would blow everyone away

Ah yes, everyone knows how all megaman games are the same and everyone likes the entire franchise


It's like you people don't know the entirety of the vidya gamindustry rests solely in japanese hands.

Miia a best, Papi a shit

I don't hate games that have cute anime girls in them, I just hate it when that's the only thing they're selling in a shit game you fucking faggot.

But original Bomberman is Japanese and has cute girls without being generic anime schlock.


Still no reason to care about Bomberman after the DS one I see.



You are human garbage.

Go back to your shithole, newfag.

What's that?
Some scumbag at Konami actually remembered that they bought out Hudson more than a decade ago and is trying to do what the people have been asking for all this time but all of it fell on deaf ears?
Fuck konami forever.


thats not the worst part, can you imagine if they got into the adventure island series or bonk?

A reminder there's now weeb vidya >>>/wv/ where you can discuss vidya waifus and lolis without normalfags

who gave neptune explosives?

I guess I am picky.

she also has bombs


What's the anime?

Are you fucking kidding?

I only took interest in actually watching animus quite recently. So - yes.

I want to cum on delicious brown's abs.

You realize that he never said anything contrary to either waifus or 3D animation, right?

Please go back to reddit, you aren't a special snowflake for liking anime, no matter how bad your taste in it is.

Because Medabots was dying in Japan long before it died off here

If you don't know what that show is by now you are new and underage, fuck off.

Turns out Bomberman Hero as the same trippy chill music as Saturn.


Just tell me the name of the fucking show, I have not been following weeb stuff at all


Disregard, I should just drink less and use google

I do want to fug the green bombergirl though. Is she nuclear?

Bomberman Hero's the real shit. Glad I picked that up when I did.

How long have you been online? It's an extremly popular show and has been memed to death for years.

absolute disgust

It feels a little scarce of detail but it has great mechanics and level design for a 3D platformer.


Online since 2007 ish. In the old country we only had dial up.
I only saw the images and gifs, never bothered with names. Just like Umaru onlygot around to it this January.

Also I am going to nipland for 3 months as an exchange student. Anyone has knowledge about Hokkaido?

I want her fish taco

They're sexy, you faggot.



I want to see the butthurt flow


There's something about this that feels…too manufactured. We all love our cute anime girls and the archetypes behidn them, but is the magic just wearing off for me?

Maybe they shoulda gone with Bombershota; it wouldn't sell nearly as well, but at least it'd almost be novelty.

Have you been living under a rock or something? Shoehorning cute anime girls has been a marketing strategy since at least the late 70s.

Yeah, but nowadays it feels like it's fucking everywhere.

Asspained normalfag detected

Can i post regular Bombers here? Dis' one is my favorite.

Literally kill yourself.

My nigga

10/10 taste

Best Bomberman here.

too blurry and I don't have 3 hands, also no 10 player and not a competitive standard

It hurts.


Fuck off

no louies.


Congrats you made a thread about an arcade game that is Japan only and likely will never come to America (just like all the other eAmusement games!)

Tsubaki is cute though

Her name's Tsugaru.

Nyah best IIDX girl, anyway

They can't keep getting away with it.

allah snackbar


Last time i checked muslim girls are literally throwing themselves at that BWC, as even they can't stand their men.



it's not the worst, but it's up there in confusing/hilarious

I want cute girls bombing cute things, fuck the sonic tier autism and their ms paint deviantart bombergirls


The problem is, is that the bombergirls are not cute. It is generic weeb shit and you're fucking retarded if you like that over the original unique design. You only like that shit because you're a weeb.

Fucking clockwork.


Malice is always healthy, user.

Pissing off retards is quite satisfying, most of all, making the shits break down eventually.


When are we getting propaganda about niggas cucking mudslimes into nothing?

Fuck off.

Blue Bomber is my spirit bomber

Wait, this is just a Japanese exclusive arcade game? Why would anyone give a fuck about them making a Bomberman for waifufags then?

This is never going to get an english patch, is it?


Literally nobody gives a shit about Medabots anymore.

I give a shit!

I only give a shit for porn

This is more like it.

Other than that these are much better.

A part of me wants to collect the only the ones I like the most out of the originals.

Of course, that takes a backseat.


Who gives a shit about MGS? The series was always trash and MGSV is mostly Kojima's fault.


Why is this hipster faggotry so rampant?

Because most of us don't slurp on Kojima's tiny chode.


Retard detected.

Retards everywhere can't use weeaboo properly in 2017 and force shit assumptions anyways. News at 6.

That's because it's usually covered over by the hijab.

The butthurt is real, keep crying weeb faggot.

I guess you could say her ass is the bomb.

I can actually see that. Although that'd probably be some kinda stand-alone thing rather than a rebbot.
Imagine 'SD Metal Gear'. Doesn't sound so bad.

This is why otakushits need to be gassed.
I don't care about how much it triggers SJWs or how Japanese it is, its pure fucking cancer and I say this as a faggot who play Neptunia and Princess Maker.

Ironically enough I didn't even look at this awful post.

Cute girls blowing each other up? Neat.

what happened to Megaman here

I want to fuck him

Fuck off, now.

Did someone just talk shit about megaman!?, say that to my face sonicfucker I'll fight you IRL bra.

Stop that shit. It sounds completely forced.

Sex sells and so do waifus, so I 100% do not give a fuck seeing as it does absolutely nothing to Bomberman itself and isn't even for anyone outside of their country. All that matters is if the game's good to make that completely irrelevant.

And I'd gladly welcome cute girls everywhere in whatever the Japanese make just to trigger retards to death once and for all. I absolutely seriously fucking would at this point purely out of spite.

If the gameplay is shit and just pandering, then it's cancerous shit. Stop moronically sperging out over absolutely nothing and bitching about markets, especially when we're literally getting a Bomberman game soon.

Autism: the post.


SD Snatcher is a thing and it was pretty good, it was basically the sequel to Snatcher but done on a chibi RPGesque artstyle due to the low budget. Worth checking out.


I'm just glad we are actually getting a real Bomberman game (SBR), even if it is on the Switch. If Konami only released this one, then I think there would be a huge shitstorm.

I wish this is what GuP was about.

You were one of those kids who only played mortal kombat on the Genesis/SNES right?

theres a louie, what do you call the pink one?

Absolute fucking disappointment.

I want to post female bombermans but there's no fucking porn for it.


no porn of the new game

But their designs are generic as all hell, just look up porn of any anime from the last seven years instead.

Bomberman R you reatard
That's what the R stands for, Retard, cuz that's what you are.

louies break the game, and they figured that out after 94 or possibly even before that. To rectify it they removed him and added the pink dino to only jump over blocks.

I think he wants louies so you can jump over your own explosions that break the super bomberman and 90s collection games. If you can jump over everything on command you have not fear and beat levels in a flash.

Granny really rustled my Jetters.

oh right those. i thought he was intentionally misspelling loli

Keep Reagan out of this you fuck

they suck anyways


What are you gonna do, bomb him?

Literally kill yourself, you fucking degenerate.

God bless you, Gipper.

guro is the warrior's fetish.

nice try user


I'm mad that Konami gutted hudson like a fish then threw all the parts that weren't bomberman in the trash.

They threw the bomberman parts in the trash too.

Got any more, user?

Get a load of this pleb right here.

This the sequel to Biohunter?