"I require only that you kneel"

"I require only that you kneel"

Well you heard him Holla Forums, get on your knees.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why? He doesn't even have a gun.

who was in the wrong here?



absolutely disgusting

Didn't Greece basically goad him into attacking them?

Better than Cuckstians.

They were muslims

you wont either in a couple months, Trump will take them away. MAGA!

The greeks for being wh*te

Top Kek!

american education, ladies and gentlemen

Yeah, totally. How dare they refuse to accept a foreign emperor as their ruler? They were totes asking to be invaded. Buncha shitlords.

Amerimutt, don't drag real Americans like Canadians and Mexicans down into the gutter with the subhuman ZOGbot trash.

who is this semen demon?

Michael Obama


Problematic cultural appropriation tbh fam.

Shut up Trudeau


Why did they make him out to be an insane, bald, half-naked guy with piercings everywhere ?
He was a king like many southern kings before islam and is usually shown to be quite respectable in looks.

It emphasizes that the Greco-Persian Wars were about proud nation states defending themselves from a multicultural mongrel horde that controlled most of the inhabited world. That way the movie gained more applicability to modern day.

Yeah in retrospect, it was a pretty based movie.

True. It's rare to see such movies that are anti-American for the correct reasons.

The Persians were the most advanced civilization in the world at that time. Period. It built a canal through suez, made a gigantic pontoon bridge to cross from anatolia to greece and had a unified government. Persepolis was not built by slaves but by free men because Darius I considered it beneath a 'king of kings' to have his capital built by slaves.

The greeks were a bunch of autistic city-states fighting each other over sparse resources if they weren't busy fucking boys or having men dress in drag in their amphitheaters.

There you have it, the original 'its not gay if X'


The greeks were a bunch of degenerate faggots.

I bet they also thought that traps aren't gay either. Truly the eternal debate.

So it's not gay to fuck a trap as long as I don't cum in the bum? Nice!

Persians were steppe-niggers that got lucky and walked into a ready set of empires ripe for picking due to their internal problems. They snowballed until a bunch of village dwelling faggots at the brink of the civilized put up some resistance unlike the peoples the Persians had conquered. And then a few generations later the Persians got destroyed by one man-loving pretty boy and his posse of village dwelling ass-bandits, from which the Persians never truly recovered before sandniggers finally put end to the charade by finally assimilating them completely.

Built the greatest Empire of its day.
Collection of city-states after being unified by a macedonian
They didn't. The Greeks were not numerous enough to Hellenize the conquered Persian empire and so ended up being assimilated.

Some people need to feel a bit important, they feel the need to be heard no matter how stupid their opinion is.


Yes, daddy.
t. white "man"


Xerxes was pretty based in that movie tbh fam.


It could have still been a multicultural horde, just one with a less retard tier ruler who doesn't scream evil when you look at him.

But you just quoted things he didn't even say.

tasty tbh

But that is part of Muslim thinking. According to them Moses was a Muslim


I miss the Persians, lads. They made middle easterners almost seem like people.

You are a faggot.




Thank you for confirming that the West was founded by the coolest people ever to exist. Greece invented theatre, which consequently making it the birthplace of Holla Forums

Modern homosexuality is an invention of the 18th century. Achilles was 'gay', his lover being Patroclus, but that doesn't mean he was a fag: he was an aryan (blonde, blue eyes) hercules who valued his male companion, above any female slave he could have demanded. Romans weren't like that, at least until the late empire, but even then the betas and girly men simply couldn't exist in the harsh world of antiquity.

I’m so glad your role model aniki is dead.

And this is why we can't go to the gym anymore. It's full of muscle-fags like this always trying to casually swap head.

Work out at home.

Gold medal for mental gymnastics right here. Faggots like you are why the whole world thinks western 'civilization' at this point is a threat.

Never, I'll never let you steal my whiteness.

That visual ASMR hurts my eyes.
