Seems neat and easily represented in a video game. Wonder when we'll start seeing it.
Things that should be in video games
Because it's easier to just slap a magnifier/Holodot sight on a weapon, and no military on earth uses these scopes.
Also probably eats GPU cycles for breakfast.
The ability to look in another direction than you are moving like in ARMA III using alt to move your head around with your mouse while still being able to wasd your direction.
I was thinking of Arma 3's multiple optics when posting.
No military on Earth uses half the common video game guns either.
For all the shit ARMA III gets on Holla Forums, it does a lot of shit well.
No thanks.
Good gameplay and WC3/SC2-tier map editors.
instead of binary morality choices that advance a good or bad meter further either way, more witcher 3 style cause and effect scenarios
Just ribbing you m8, saw the same thing in the qtddtot thread :^)
I feel like not enough games get Customization right. Tony Hawk does it great by letting you make anything you pick any color you want and SOTN had Joseph's cloak which did the same. Customization like this isn't in enough games.
Fuck off, newfag. /k/ is welcome on Holla Forums is it's vidya related.
i'm not a violent person by any stretch of the imagination, and i know we exaggerate a lot on here, but his voice honestly just makes my fucking hackles rise, and every part of me itches to just fucking smack that stupid goddamn inflection out of his mouth. i know that what he makes me feel is the emotion responsible for war
It's the sound of a whiny beta cuck that has had zero trigger time and thinks guns are only for killing.
How about you fuck off. We need less Holla Forumsedditor newfags on /k/ who keep stealing and reposting our webms here and around the Internet.
Many games do dual optics, but likely to make optimization easier (Usually due to consoles being shit) they're not co-witnessing.
What short strokes my bolt carrier is when they have canted optics that don't align with the barrel axis.
it's not even what he's saying, it's how he's saying it. i can see the head cocked to the side, the eyes looking up, as if he's imparting some vast and untouched wisdom, eyes half-closed as he has difficulty talking about this hateful thing
Where did I say Holla Forums should go posting on /k/? I said going /k/ommando is welcome on Holla Forums when it's vidya related. Quit fucking sperging out.
That's a feature from Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis from 2001, ARMA III brought little new to the table. Don't think any other series has had it.
Do any games do this?
I completely understand. There's this enormous disconnect between your average effeminate, millennial male who grew up being babied by an overbearing mother, and those of us who either had really shitty childhoods or were raised by strong, masculine fathers. Just listening to them talk for a few seconds is enough to bring up this violent contempt within me.
Oh, I wasn't meaning to imply ARMA III made the feature I was just using it as an example. I know it was in shit like VBS as well as OPFP. It's a neat feature that I think is only in BIS games.
God, Receiver's mechanics were so good.
tfw Receiver is open source (although it's not actually released under an "open source"/free license) and you could be making crazy mashups of it with different games in Unity right now if your graphics card hadn't died on you
Only game I can think of that does that is Unturned.
7.62 does it.
Insurgency and Red Orchestra doesn't lock your aim to the middle of the screen/has free aim but that's it.
Well, there's Receiver, Zone of Alienation and Wormwood (rest in peace ;_;)…
Half-Life 2: SMod and Underhell have that. In SMod it's explicitly called "Red Orchestra aiming", though.
This is like saying that cars are not only for driving. Yes, you can use them for "sport", but it's well know that you're a goddamn faggot if you do.
With all the items you can equip in that game it pisses me off that the character rarely have visible differences. I just want a wedding dress Shanoa god damn it
It's almost like you've never shot outside of vidya, much less gone hunting. It looked like he was going for a heartshot (which you should do when hunting because it makes for the cleanest and fastest kill.) The coyote moved at the last moment and probably got a gutshot, which sucks but only really matters if you're taking trophies (bounties) or eating your kill.
More games need actual procedural gore.
What's the fucking point of adding gore if I can't blast some asshole's face off 1 billion different ways?
/k/ is Holla Forumss greatest ally and i say that as someone who thinks /k/ommandos are autistic retards.
As a fellow? hunter that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. A lungshot is much more reliable, will always result in death and is less likely to result in a crazed animal with a missing jaw running around in pain.
Fuck me i read headshot, not heartshot. Nevermind.
gore and hyperviolence in general needs a big comeback. save for a handful of exceptions, most recent violent games have very tame hollywood violence
ninja gaiden 2 had it down, blood and limbs flying everywhere and fountains of fucking blood and the enemies KEPT FUCKING FIGHTING even with a missing limb, it was awesome. even games with gibbing tend to be really lame, like 3d fallout games where you hit a guy in the fucking torso with an explosive and his limbs and head just pop off, shits just silly
Yeah, honestly, gore has been a bit lazy, but also limited by the way our computers render shit. You can't have truly immersive gore with polygonal models (this is assuming you're not trying to innovate), because it will always have to either be cut up into tinier models, limiting performance, or just be some prefab left4dead/fallout 4 shit where [limb_4] dissapears and a torn limb model is just spawned out of nowhere. Point clouds and soft-body physics is where it's at, jiff related.
I'd at least like to see more of RO's method of keeping track of each mag rather than magic mags or just dropping unspent rounds willy-nilly.
Fucking this, and also, the game should keep track of what point a reload is interrupted and alter accordingly.
As a milfag, I was always taught centre of seen mass. I live in a no funz allowed country so I can't comment on hunting.
That has more to do with the use of man-stopping potential of military cartridge.
And maybe because instructors expect that even the dumbest recruit is more likely to hit a man in the chest than the head.
Payday2 Actually has this and it sucks ass, you'd be miles better off with a laser sight. With the exception of a small map and Theia scope. But you should know it's a small map and bring a similarly configured rifle with a smaller scope
SWAT 4 does this if I remember
Christ, what a whiny fucking baby.
How he manages to get a paycheck for this is beyond me.
That wouldn't surprise me. I think it was also due to so many fucking idiots coming through recruit school thinking "lol I gotta headshot just like in my CoD" that it had to be explained that people will fucking stay behind cover so if you can only see part of their body, aim in the centre of what you can see so you can at least hit them.
Doesn't help that you have to train hundreds of those fucks to kill the enemy. So not really surprising that the miltary wants to train soldiers in the fastest way to kill the enemy in the fastest way possible.
True, but the same things were taught at infantry school as well albeit with some more finesse. Part of what were we taught that was that a "sucking chest wound" was a better outcome than outright killing the enemy as the wounded enemy would most likely draw enemy away from the engagement and to helping him and perhaps withdraw in order to medivac. Granted this is all training and wisdom that is taught for fighting conventional warfare.
military equipment is not designed to kill humans, it is specifically designed to maim and subdue enemy combatants with little regard for their life.
sometimes this means a deadly weapon and sometimes it means a weapon that grants a costly injury and clogs up logistics since healing a soldier is more resource intensive then burying one.
Sounds like you're the faggot for not like motorsport bud.
Apparently it doesn't actually work very well unless you are just sitting in a blind waiting for something.
Replay value