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plus what?
Just plus
Like it's better now.
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my threads are awful though.
hard to fall asleep sometimes.
ban gets it.
Massage my shoulders
I get everything.
I refuse.
You cant spare not one square?
Why are you even here?
Fraid' not
to distract myself from myself.
You're pretty garbo, I know.
this is fact.
hello, desu
aren't you one of those mlp guys
way way back in 2011, early 2012 yes.
I thought you were a pony lenko san
figured as much, which of those autists are you?
no bard, don't be a nigger
uf ufufufuf
KEK, what are you doing here, with us of all things?
bard pls I was from before your time son, call me father
I think I covered that earlier.
yes but WHY here?
because I know people here. and knew about this place.
Name names
pledge your allegiance to me
rin, tsuchi, grim, colby, elma, tp, others. a lot of the people I knew from the anime threads back on Holla Forums seem to have moved on though.
I will not.
You will soon enough cuppers.
I am the greatest poster of all time. You will come to appreciate my humor in all it's splendor.
Nice, recent?
we shall see, I suppose.
I just got my mic up today had to get the mac out for it : 3
nice Yui
What are you up to today lonk san?
a-and dont judge based on that one I just learned it >//
Thank god they moved on.
post more
good for them. but no one leaves forever.
That aside how goes life?
Niceu and sure. I'm just trying to fall asleep but literally could not for the life of me. Applied to a bunch of jobs just now too.
I could leave forever.
I'd prefer not to talk about that.
hey dont call my community dead dude
of course.
I do not have that many butts
no wait
You are one depressing guy you know that? Cheer up.
I know. and no.
rate this one then,
Your community is a dead dude.
Okay then don't. Wallow in your self pity. On the bright side you could do things to occupy your time.
Youre not employed?
where are you interested in working at?
Also I know that feel, hopefully the tiredness gets you soon
Staying up is anever a bad option if you are tired and trying to sleep tbh
Youll get there eventually
there's no wallowing. I just exist as I do.
lol you really think lenko can hold down a job
I dont know much about lenko
well boo dislikes you. that's definitely a point in your favor, lenko.
me neither
all i know is he's a butthurt mega neet who wants to drive to see bloodchan
Well I am, but I need another part time job. Plus since I moved to the east coast I have way more free time and less people to see, so I need something to occupy myself. Nice vocaroo.
Seems rather empty if you ask me.
probably because when I call him out on being a faggot he gets all butthurt
does anyone actually like him
Post a merry nightmare butt.
that vocaroo reminded me of that one song btw
the simple man one
is this thorgrim guy boo?
yes he does tend to not like any negativity towards him, in spite of how eager he is to dish it out to others.
empty is a perfect description for it.
holy shit your crazy observant dude...
yes. he changes his name a lot. I suspect so people can't filter him effectively, but he also seems happy about the ids, which would make that easy, so I don't know for sure.
but i dont think ive literally ever insulted you bernsa
unless calling you bern is an insult?
i actually hope this isnt about me calling you bern
very ridiculous
This just more so stems to the fact that I am really abrasive towards people like him. At least the ones that post here. I personally dislike the guy and want nothing to do with him.
Assumed as much. I always filter him when he changes his name.
Thats good one you
I couldnt imagine working two jobs at once
You actually moved
Normally this song is in C but I didnt have a capo on hand so I put it in G and its v ery comperable to simple man
Same chords even
It could have fooled me too
I never said you did, although I'm quite certain you have. I couldn't care less, I'm merely offering what I've observed.
I find being called bern quite the compliment, actually.
seems like a fair enough take on the situation.
with the ids filtering will be easier than ever. I never filter anyone though, so it matters little to me.
all the good posters just make fun of you all day lenko
what kind of perspective are you speaking from
then if you dont have a problem dont get mad over it????????????
hey i dont know anything about guitar but you should do the vocals do
lets hear you sing bardsa
nothing that happens here has the capacity to anger me in even the slightest fashion.
then quit acting angry?
im not your therapist
Nipples and butts
i want to sing...but it is late at night
almost 2 a.m
Yeah lmao, I got up and drove 1900 miles east. There have only been a few occasions since I got here that I really enjoyed. Apart from that I'm just working or working out. scored a date for this weekend
also post more like that guitar vocaroo
Yeah it does. I never filtered people in the past but after a certain point you just don't want to bother with it. Out of sight out of mind, right?
i cant wait till we meet up and go on tour and hit platinum
i honestly dont know what lenko does here besides creep on girls, get rejected, then leave when people start making fun of him
there are probably better ways to get buttimages than from me thoughh
Then what do you two do in that room with the big padded lounge chair for an hour every week?
it doesn't really concern me how you perceive my emotions. I will continue to act as I please at all times.
I've never had a problem ignoring things without the filter, but I see nothing wrong with using it. much better than letting yourself get upset or even annoyed by something, and I can certainly understand why one would filter him in particular.
You're probably right but this is still okay anyways.
i just call him bernsa and tell him to go back to the fields
but he keeps disappearing to train with kaiosama
wow thats really cool
so i take it youll stop being angry then
take it any way you please.
wait your second post was literally just passive aggression towards me
lol whats the point of pretending to not be angry when you act salty in the other reply?
pickle in my left, meat in my right, and a damn good combo in my mouth. I'm content,
What an abstract hobby.
Indeed. Unfortunately there are quite a number of people like that here. Back when we were on Holla Forums things were much different. Everything was way more civil.
yeah i think i typed it all out right too !
there cannot be passive aggression when there is no aggression there at all.
so everyone who makes fun of him he just counts off as annoying and filters?
Thats pretty crazy man
are you enjoying it out there?
Im glad to hear you arrived safe
And thank you for asking
I will use myu interface instead of a mic so it doesnt sound so shit
very sad
i will pray for you bernsa
I don't remember it being all that civil there either, but the crowd was bigger so the same amount of incivility there could be easily ignored when here it takes up large chunks of threads at times.
thank you, boo.
That pig is pretty cute. Ham is cuter, though.
cupcake is so paranoid about how people perceive him here lmao
it's hilarious
Yeah, I'm almost completely stress free over here. The weather can be a bit crazy at times but overall it's a nice place, at least for the time being. I'm slowly making things a lot better for myself.
I just meant how everything was pretty uniform. Yeah the drama was pretty scary at times but it was part of that place's charm.
this is true.
of course. the drama is a big part of the reason that this place provides such a good distraction.
I thought it was the softcore Pokemon pornography.
Also, pay no mind to what sci says. If you're already feeling like crap then reading his posts will just upset you further. The kid is literally more autistic than boo.
pigs and dogs are dum sneks are the best
does that get posted often here? most of the porn I've seen is your gfur stuff.
sci and I get along just fine. and as I mentioned before, nothing here really has the capacity to upset me. I'm just here to amuse myself and distract myself, it all tends to work towards that end.
he really is actually
bernsa is actually a mental wreck unfortunately
pigs make great dogs
To each their own I guess. Anyways I think I'm going to head off to bed. Goodnight.
goodnight, lenko.
word on the street is lenko has to spend a whole hour gossiping with a guy just to get 1 (you) on his nini post
It's fun to watch them eat live mice.
I mean, a lot of the stuff that gets posted here is pretty much softcore pantsu pinups. Not sure if you missed those.
Dogs don't make great hams, however. Although the orientals might have something to say about that.
I've seen that, but it never seems to be of pokemon.
I couldn't imagine living so close to the ocean in a big city
especially one with such high crime ratees X:
my dad used to live in seaattle and he said alot of bad things baout it
but he said it was very prettty there
you have to be a pretty savaghe ant to eate a doggo
dont u think
i better get more than one nini or else i'm gonna kill myself
We need to institute gladiatorial combat.
There will be a metric that measures your autismal prowess, and we can defeat each other in hand to hand combat instead of verbal abuse.
There were when everyone was playing Pokemon GO on release, at least.
Sweet dreams Lenks good luck sleepering
you dont know who ur dealing with kid
Don't give him any ninis.
He's unworthy.
seems risky. there are some here who would have a pretty sizable advantage over others.
ah, that makes sense.
Not really. But I guess I'm not a dog person.
sleep well.
I am whipped
I was talking about Ban.
I have an idea of the autism at play.
Natural Selection
seems unfair. so I guess you're right.
omoe wa mo shindie-retard
you srue are
thank you jeysus
The weaker among us will be subjugated by the autism, that rightfully owns this broad.
It's already done.
No one deserves to be deprived of nini's
that almost seems like what is already happening.
Good thing the people who don't get any are all nobodies, then.
hey that was pretty funny kaybe
youy should go into comedy
Why would you make fun of me like that
"Death by nini deprivation" isn't considered "cruel and unusual".
ye haw partner
how could you possibly think it's anything but?
It should be
Did you ask James Madison himself
I'm sure he'd have something to say about that
bard is actually really good with that musical string thing
nini ♡
There's more dignity in being unemployed.
Because you have weird nipples.
I need Bard to play for my next song now.
I have the best nipples actually
L-let's see YOUR nipples
Death before ninis.
tuck me in piglover
I feel disgusted to have even considered you a friend.
When was this?
Thank you alot boo I appreciate it and it helps
I get pretty self conscious tbh but is nice to have reassuring thoughts like that
here is the absolute best I can do
dude you too?
i considerde him a frined like last week and he started being all mean to me
it hurt my achy breaky heart
achy breaky heart cover when
I've got a few hundred pounds of equipment
if you can find the van Id be down with driving hundreds of miles to score some free drinks at a bar or whatever from playing with you
thread band rockbadnd now
are you sleepy?
yes! I'll come to you and we can tour around, I'll get you free everything since Imma girl!
Your nipples look like pencil erasers made out of ham.
pretty ambitious song to try and play.
the severity of the wind and rain hitting my window is starting to worry me
Last Thursday
according to my diary
No one knows what it's like to be the bad man
to be the sad man
behind blue eyes
Are those meant to be my nipples
Because those are not my nipples
For the record Kaybe only has a picture of my collarbone
which I think is a nice photo
Those are my nipples, you can tell by the way they don't look like pencil erasers made out of ham.
not his nipples nvm
do you rike this gifu
I love ham so you're making me more hungry than insulted
My nipples are aesthetically pleasing and ketchup-free
yess it is me when I get head pets.
I dont want to havea daughter who masturbated on stage to weed pipes
haha just like lizzy hale from halestorm
She even got sponsored by Gibson
What do you play cookie chan
Its really inspiring, But I can't di it much justice
they can't be both.
The wind should worry you, a tree is currently leaning on our house. Good thing it's the neighbor's tree so that it only fucks their insurance.
I bet you're the kind of guy who would pick his nipples until they scabbed over.
it definitely could use some work, but the fact that you were able to play something so technical even that well speaks a lot to your potential. how long have you been playing?
I sing mostly, piano, drums, uke, guitar, drums.
i would plow miley cyrus
i think i fapped to some of that super suggestive dancing she does at her concert once
good fap would recommend
the contract is sealed then
no wtuck me in
I defy all expectations
I don't think I've intentionally touched my nipples in years.
*tuck* there. kissu sleep tight.
unacceptable. you must be boring and predictable.
+1 grim nips mentioned
It's important to give yourself regular checkups in the shower. It could save your life. Migrating Nipple Syndrome is fatal if left unchecked.
Thank you so very much I appreciate the compliement
Ive been on Guitar for about 4 years now, and took up Bass about 6 ago, but I sold it a couple years back in favor of the 6 string
Ive been putting in work learning masquerade recently but its coming along slow sloww
Are you into any intstruments my friend?
Thats quite the reportoire, and exactly what you will need in this business!
I am not so good at singing ahaha, I wish I was better
I would trade all my musical ability to play except guitar to be able to sing well
Any links o anything you've done?
Not me
she's so trashy
This first one is "Family"
I'll show you my next one after you're done
not really, no. I think I mentioned I tried to pick up guitar once but I just didn't have the drive to stick with it. I played clarinet from 5th grade until I graduated, so there was that.
learned saxophone as well and played in the school jazz band for a couple of years.
This isn't fair
I knew you would appreciate it
Good. Make them go somewhere else.
I need the real estate for wicked tattoos of erasers made out of ham.
life is not fair eisen. it is time you learned. now put ketchup on your nipples.
What equipment did you use in this? Sounds pretty Ken ASHCorpy :3
It's all you?
Saxophone is one Id really really love to play, I love the sound of their wailing.
haha I gotta apologize for asking the same old questions, I have a pretty fuzzy brain
Did you get very far into mmusic theory? Jazz band sounds pretty trying
a friend of mine who was a bassist wa in the highschool one we had and it was always a joy to watch him on the upright
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
I hope your sick nasty tattoo brings you comfort when you are gagging on the rogue nipples wrapped around your uvula.
no no I'm just singing in these, my band plays for me heh.
This one is Save Your Love. it's older and my vocals are a bit quiet.
saxophone i think is your destiny dude
im pretty sure its what youre meant to play
don't worry about it, I'd answer your old questions all day long, bard.
never been a big one for music theory, I just enjoy music. the saxophone was definitely fun to play. I had a few solos here and there, and that was pretty cool. I always wanted to get a soprano sax, but I guess it's good I never did since I stopped playing instruments.
I believe your momma covered that.
Ah the gaydovar posting.
How long have you been working in music? especially with a band thats wayyy difficult
I couldnt hold one together ;~:
LMAO what makes you say that
thats just straight goofy
playing some
careleess whisper
cup you're perfect
so disarming and comfortable
Hopefully one comes around , I couldn't imagine being stuck without an instrument
Theory is a real bog for real, I was super slow getting into it and didnt want to for the longest time
makes things so complicated
What are you doing up so late?
I'm not entirely sure why I'm up so late. I only just realized what time it was. usually I am sleepy about two hours ago. I don't really try to sleep until I'm sleepy though. the thoughts that I don't want to think usually make their move when I try and sleep before I'm very tired.
We're sharing self made music
Enjoy this peice of garbage
I need to make more horrid stuff
Is that..?
since last year! I'm new to this all and I've got a few studio songs.
Because you're a degenerate.
Run ;~; mean
that can't possibly be the answer behind all I do, even if it's a true enough assessment of my character.
Thats very mean of you, though the meme is on point
holy shit BARD i am watching the craziest movie ever
itts called the ones below
i thought it was gonna be boring at first but HOLY FUCK
on a scale of one to noob how bad am i
I hope sleeep washes over you like a wave soon
Thats oneof the worst feelings
I couldnt imagine how it must actually feel in the moment...
Sweet dreams when they come to you And I hope the night treats you well
when you were younger did you have such long nights?
That's really good, way farther than I've gotten
do you folks do shows?
What's it about?
I've had bouts of insomnia all through my life. things had been a lot better but recent events certainly would explain why I'm having trouble sleeping, or sleeping for any good length of time when I do sleep.
your kind words are very appreciated.
certainly not the worst. better rank than I have, but then again I suck at fps games and I also got some truly horrible luck in my placement matches.
cant explain
just wach it ok?
it has the gubna from the walking dead
What are your dreams like?
i dont like scary movvies
yes! I've done so many and I have one this saturday!
usually I don't dream. when I do they are either a confusing mess of fragments from things I have in my brain, and on rare occasion they are nightmares of a psychological nature.
replace and with or
Whats your band called?
Cooki and the Oinks?
hello again, desu
That's great, I hope you have a good time with it
Do you have fun?
I wish I could be performing I gotta say I'm
a little jealous :p
Do you have ones that repeat?
Sometimes when I dream
they come in episodes
one night one part of the dream
the next night the other
actually yes, that does happen sometimes. although usually it happens all in the same night, where I'll wake up many times through the night and each time I sleep the dream resumes and keeps going.
oh shut it. It's called AMP
yeah i have lots of fun with music, it's the only thing I'm good at.
I'll take you on stage with me
I was trying to make an amusing band name out of your posting name. Sorry. And okay.
That's depressing to read.
Enter Master Tsuchi and an 80s training montage!
Hopefully some uninterupted rest finds you, waking up and falling back asleep is one of the most disorienting feelings I've ever felt
Sometimes before work I will get caught up in like 1 to 5 minute little sleep things where I ill dream bits and pieces of dreams and it feels like the dreams are irl and when i get back to irl i am wholeheartedly convinced the dream si happening
I do so adore sleeping and dreaming it's one of my favorite things on earth
it really s, music is a passion and i'm great at it. at least I thiknk so..
sleep has never really been my favorite thing before. it feels like such a waste of time. it stands to reason that now I have trouble sleeping when it might very well be the only thing I truly ever want to do.
Brain charging when?
my eyes do feel tired now. must have been thanks to you, bard. you're still my favorite.
just because it serves an important function doesn't make it feel like less of a waste.
Ni Ni
Invent a brain charging unit, become and billionaire
Why was there an OP about me?
W O W.
Go eat a dick, Cuppers.
You're shipped with Grim.
I can kind of feel you and understand there
why be asleep when you can be awake? Early early early in the morning round abouts 5 or 6 some mornings I get into that mentality
if it wasnt for work I might go a few days withhout sometime
Do you enjoy the feeling of sleep deprivation?
Thank you too for brigtening my spirits tonight please have a wonderful rest
GogglesxGrim are canon.
Desu posted Nue.
Grim got all tsun over Desu reminding him of you.
Grim's tsun for you.
Grim x Goggles OTP
Fuck desu.
isnt that subtle's thing?
I have better offers.
Who am I shipped with
No one until you're not underage.
Isnt it Forty still?
now I dont need breakfast, thanks for the reminder of garbear
I've got a year. Watch me meet soto and we'll become best mates and hang out all the time and do collab cosplays.
I'm hyped to meet soto. he's the funniest Asian that I know.
He's the most asian lookin unasian then
Makes you hungry for
a hot dog burger
Thats true, a friend of mine thought he was chiinese... so... I will admit that.
Why would you say that -_-
You are on the phone?
What is a soto? He's cute enough to make the jail bait wanna hang with him/
I am happy
I feel so welcomed and wanted and accepted
idk if i even deserve to feel so nice
I've got a pretty big scoop
anybody interested?
hell yeah my dude
me me me
scoop's a weird name for your anus
Tak bro
you know what time it is
you expected an anus dumbass
its them real speggghy hours
you little.
? are you engaged to someone?
I miserable pile of.... traps and coke... but enough talk, HAVE AT YOU
Everyone deserves happy. Enjoy it.
call me a fag but I think nostalgia critic is one of the best things to happen to the internet just under newgrounds
Its not gonna be for long but I'm really thank ful
thank you very much scoots your'e genuinely kind
what do you mean by "you are on the phone"?
unofficial at the moment but really we're just waiting for things to be in place before we make it official
No fags here
I quite like NC
that last "nigga"
Congratulations. Seems a touch whirlwind but its nice that people are happy and getting on with happiness things.
Well, if you are on the phone or if the phone line is busy we say its engaged here. "The number is engaged".
I try, within the constructs of the shitposting machine.
that's some strange fuckin language you got there.
and yeah, it is happening really quickly, but then again I'm bonkers for her but SHE was the one that brought up marriage
Got my fingers and toes crossed.
And yes, English is weird. We are weird. YOU CAN'T CATCH ME IM OUTTA THE EUnion
But did trump pump the rump stump or did he dump a lump o trump gump? hump wump trump slump never will they clump
EU are wanting free movement of people?
I totally haven't started planning who I'm going to invite and who my bridesmaids will be and where it will be and what music I'd like and how I'd like to set up tables and shit...
totally haven't
No rush really, no need to worry about that. It'll fall into place.
then again the power was down and I'm big into journaling and I didn't have anything to write about.
(((projectile vomit)))
Just keep u sposted!
Erryone getting engaged
I'd slam that kuus
still not haikuus
literally 0 proof
What's it even matter if it is
Doesn't matter how good she looks
The personality was enough to ruin it all
what a self centered cunt