let's fix that shit
WEBM's Thread
Does anyone have the webm of that blonde masturbating while her parents are downstairs?
take it slow
I was expecting that to play off a different way considering the thumbnail
How the fuck do you put subtitles into webms? I downloaded a few shows that have their own subtitles but when I try to make webms out of them and try to include the subtitles it's out of sync. What i mean is that the subtitles always start from the beginning of the episode even if I started encoding from the halfway point of the episode.
Did anyone WebM that Dark Souls parody from maidragon?
There's definitely a way to set the subtitle timing but I cannot remember what it was. You can also use the slow-seek method (-ss after -i instead of the other way around) to make it time correctly but that obviously sucks, you have to let it encode all video up to the point you want.
Anybody else here have any idea where I can set subtitle timing? This is driving me crazy and I've searched for hours. Everywhere I go people are just giving instructions on how to encode subtitles for an entire video but I already know how to do that.
OK found it. It's done via the setpts filter.
Also consider doing hard-subs instead (add subtitles filter and -sn to remove the softsubs from the output)
Did I mention I'm using Xmedia Recode? I just got into making webms so I can contribute content and I heard this was a good place to start.
wat game?
This meant for
Checking your own trips is like Masturbation: It's embarrassing but you'll feel good doing it.
And fucking depressed afterwards
Hitman 2016, The Japanese Mission where you have to kill the Heart Transplant Victim and the Yakuza Lawyer.
Wear the Ninja Costume when you'll play the game or else Agent 47 is going to dance awkwardly.
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree
Merry, merry king of the bush is he
Laugh, Kookaburra! Laugh, Kookaburra!
Gay your life must be
N-no one?
That was fucking beautiful man.
Sorry brother, I didn't even realize there was something like that out there.
I'm assuming the weapon restrictions are a lot more lax than they were in the older series.
Too bad he died.
Wait what?
I remember those things, they were such bullshit. The gimmick was that it sent music from you teeth to your brain when it was really just a speaker that only got loud when you pushed the against the bush.
I'm pretty sure he meant to reply to this but replied to the one under it by accident.
Oh, yeah. Tourettes guy
Loved Fuck Salt
I thank Tom for these numbers.
No really, Katana guy died. Drown last year, rowing his waifu towards an island to pratice his skils with a blade.
He died trying to save his Katana
Ah alright, thanks for clarifying that.
fucking 10/10 webm
CRAPCUNTS are cancer tbh and it figures that it's a consoleboi playing them
Just got Soldier of Fortune 2 installed. Might make some webms.
Do some killing for me, dear brother.
this is one of those gaming moments that is permanently etched into my mind. god that game was fucking awesome
that's some good shit user.
Oh man do people still play Soldier of Fort-oh, maybe not.
tfw your ex was really nostalgic about having played Soldier of Fortune as a kid and wanted to get back into it but you never got around to putting any games of it together when you were bfs
Is that some Blade Runner? I could never finish it as a kid, I should really find a copy and re-install and give it another go. I had heaps of fun with it.
The new Wendy's girl is hot.
Toonami and Adult Swim have the best fillers
Is this another from the guy who did Liru? looks like the same exact style.
Now I'll upload a webm
Too bad Adult Swim is infested with SJW now.
This is what happens when you let EE majors outside of their cage
I'd try and hit up the share thread or vola if you're that in need of an animu ear slobber fix.
i'm glad to see i'm not the only one who instantly thought "oh man this is going to piss off my cat so much" whenever i got some cool new RC car or whatever
Fresh from the bakery.
I have no idea why I find it so funny
Jesus what the fuck is going on in that first webm. I'm thoroughly spooked.
will this authism ever be beaten?
this is hot but at the same time I feel sad for all the asians who get cucked like that.
It's telling how used to this kind of event the cats are.
That's an impressive compresion on this webm there mate
Holy shit!
I figured dumb shit like this would happen in CA or something since nothing really happens here.
webm unrelated.
Dickheads are pretty fucking talented.
Source: thedickshow.com
What the fuck are you doing OP.
Did you check? Because it's 10 now. It was probably even higher when you originally posted this.
The rule is page 13 or 700.
If you want 12mb per file, then you'll have to accept that the site will be non-functioning as long as implementation of such a thing is in place.
Instead of complaining, compress your webms and such better.
You're basing that on absolutely nothing. You're lying unless you can prove what you say.
I think I know what I must do to get the mods to upgrade the limit
wait I thought the limit was already 12mb
per upload, not per file.
ah, OK.
No but use ffmpeg. It's a standard tool and for good reason.
It isn't my work. I'd like to know what the options were myself.
Favourite Yume Nikki vids since the convenience store one.
Do the math.
12mb per file times up to five files last i checked equals 60mb per upload.
This is a little under what you could fit on a fucking N64 cartridge.
We could upload entire fucking games on the data you're throwing a bitchfit for.
Learn to webm, faggot.
Who is this semen demon?
You need to go back.
Don't have ASM5 unless someone wants to help a nigger out
Yes, Holla Forums webm threads have a lot of vidya in them.
Oh fine
Did dsp finally realise/ admit to himself why people still watch his shitty videos?
More shanty's pls
Was just listening to some old broadcasts and found this gold nugget.
I remember reading outrage about Ethnic Cleansing the game in games magazines even here in yurop back in the day. Had no clue that WLP himself is behind the game. Makes you think, there'd be a whole industry of these types of games had he not died the same year.
OC related.
I love DSP sometimes
i love these things
Cow utters are disgusting trash. This is a universal fact. Putting them on a loli, you're just spitting in the face of the Almighty now.
am i doing it right
Here's something I made some hours ago.
Better version
he does find new ways to surprise me everytime
fucking five stars
Did it myself and got to try how awkward sub offsetting is. Regular timestamps don't work with setpts, it has to be reduced to seconds only.
ffmpeg -ss 00:19:20.786 -i video.mkv -t 00:00:44.043 -vf setpts=PTS+1160.786/TB,subtitles=video.mkv,setpts="PTS-STARTPTS" -sn -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -b:v 2000K -b:a 64K -f webm -pass 1 git_gud.webm
Patchouli a T H I C C. T H I C C.
Dropping some webm's from 2ch.
Why is his blood so chunky?
all the vodka they drink
I drink lots of vodka too and my blood isn't chunky.
gangrene probably
That would make sense considering what his flesh looked like. Though if he had some sort of rot it seems a bad idea to just cut it out as that's tissue he's losing.
The Scuttlebug Rises
You need to do this first to generate an mp4 file which has the hard subs all encoded, and then use that file and clip the part out you want to make a Webm out of
I like how christfag spammer has started mixing in video game webms with his usual shit to try and make it look like he actually likes video games.
This, but don't forget to copy the audio for the initial hardsub. Else there's unnecessary loss of quality.
How the fuck do they ever get anything done?
This feels like he did it on purpose. Like being bad at video games, fine. Living as someone who plays video games for a living and not knowing how cup noodles work? Fucking impossible.
Why American coffee looks like water?
At least we have Moon Doom.
They're Korean.
fucking hell man, that series was a fucking trip.
It doesn't only, awful blends like "blonde" look like nasty watery tea coffee.
Bretty good
Source of the third one.
what game?
I don't fucking speak japanese. Why does no one seem to sub these things?
Because the people who make the webms don't speak it either. They just take the MP3, pair it with an image, turn it into a webm, and upload it.
Or they just rip it right from Youtube.
Where's that Opera thing from?
That's why you just go straight to his MEGA folders.
Yep. Here's a folder with all of his stuff except Liru:
The one in the webm is USAエッチ and it's the best he's done.
liked this vid
wat is that
Remix of the 4th Bakemonogatari OP
what are good headphones or headbandphones for listening to asmr as you sleep? My current pair of headphones is not comfy when I turn around.
All space programs are conspiracies, this was cgi.
Mike Pence's anti-gay squad.
I'm also interested in this.
Are there anymore cute Gondola vids?
That was pretty fucking amusing.
Very Pedro like. Too bad the rest of the movie series sucks.
Will you be his friend?
Why the vast mayority of speedrunners are so autistic?
Appreciate the dump user. Thanks!
Any idea on the name of the background soundtrack?
I'm laughing so fucking hard…
I love that coffee brand. It's as good as it's advertised to be.
/k/ webms are best webms
It's awesome how much detail and effort was put into older anime. It also wasn't all loli trash It's a shame that was all lost.
Seriously, do the Japs do NO research on guns when they make this trash?
Done unless you want the junk I didn't post
I need the specific name of this remix, all I can find on jewtube are meme remixes.
It was a shit-tier mecha anime from 2014. They tried to kickstart a 3DCG reboot, that webm was the promo trailer.
I had the same trouble, but eventually found it. By a guy on soundcloud named Vantage.
Who even makes all these gondola videos? A lot of them seem to have selfmade art and I don't recognize a lot of the music they have as well.
Found the gay
A person who loves you makes them
I'm aware of that, I was just answering that user's question.
Thanks user, I found it.
Oh dear
Don't worry I got you.
What is the sauce on the 4th vid?
this fag is streaming on a friday night lol (leopirate.com/stream)
I don't care about some random normalfag, don't try to promote your buttbuddy
That song sounds really familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
is she okay?
Mafia 1 is so much better it's not even fucking close
sounds like something from Spirited Away.
Agent aika
Thanks for this.
But user, loli is trash.
Many times you gotta be autistic to start a speedrun.
There was a version of yours that changed out the icecream with "college education" or something and icecream robbie was replaced with Bernie and then he turned into a jew.
Aye. Anime was an artform. The problem was that when they were underpaid, it REALLY showed, but when they dosh was present, it was breathtaking.
god damn it.
Check the damn filename, you double nigger.
anymore stuff like this? made me grin ear to ear
I watched that shit when I was 11. good times.
In terms of music or stuff like this?
yeah, stuff like that
has this ever been sourced?
Hey, that's pretty good!
Why am I not supprised…
There is a new thread up.
Thank You
What a fucking champ
Sharing this.