Wii U Thread

The Nintendo Switch is coming out in a few weeks but damn it. I liked the Wii U because it had a couple good games when compared to the PS4 and Xbone.
The Wii U had good games like: Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Nintendo Land, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8.
Unlike it's competitor and successor, It had one vital thing that made this console appealing if it wasn't for the abysmal marketing along with poor third party support was the fact that it had free online, that feature is going to be soon missed.

Also you can pirate shit on it

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It's good for couch coop. Nintendoland is amazing when you have friends and alcohol. Mario Chase especially so.
I wish Sm4sh was a little smoother. It's fun as a party game, but I feel like I'm fighting the movement a lot of the time. I wouldn't be against something like Project M or Brawl- for it.


I'm telling you, playing local co-op with your son on the WiiU is where it is fucking at. Yoshi's Woolly World is compfy af.

It turns out like garbage. Nintendo has to outsource everything to get any games right.

Is Devil's Third any good? Looks kinda bland IMO. Also any idea how many gb Zelda BOTW will be? I'm hoping to fit it on a 32GB SD card for Loadiine.

I was about to ask the same thing. I played a little bit of it and it's pretty dull so far.

DT has a lot of neat ideas with it's controls. You can go between FPS and brawler pretty seamlessly. I played a bit of it and thought it was alright, but haven't bothered to play it since. There's a good game there hidden under bland level design. It's the sort of game where you'd wait for a sequel to iron out the creases, but I doubt it'll get that.

Fucking cuck

I wouldn't recommend it if you were looking for good gameplay.

Epic meme, very proper use of the word. Silly goyim shouldn't be having their own sons, they shouldn't even reproduce!

sorry, but that's pretty cucked

So let's make a list of worthwhile games on the wiiu, all I have are
what else?

…That Lego City Undercover thing was breddy good.

Fatal Frame
Mario Maker despite the price

Oh, and Hyrule Warriors with BotW I guess.

Rayman Legends
Mario Maker
NSMBU if you can get the disc with it and the Luigi expansion
Mario 3D World
Xenoblade X
Hyrule Warriors

Game & Wario

Sanic Lost World
Paper Mario Color Splash
Devil's Third?

Some ones I had fun with:

Nice try, Schlomo.

This game is not good,fuck you

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
Game & Wario
Meme Run
Fast Racing Neo RMX is going to be on the switch
Nano Assault Neo

believe that if that makes it easier to sleep at night

Just a heads up some dipshit on reddit figured out how to fix the AMD bloom issues for Xenoverse Chronicles X on CEMU

how can Xenoblade X run at semi-stable 30FPS on my 2012 rig

what the fuck is up with that name?


I don't really care about the texture resolution in BoTW because it's a third person cartoony games where you're likely to be zoomed out half the time so you won't really notice like you do in Skyrim.

What does irritate me is that for about 3 fucking years they told Wii U owners they're making a Wii U Zelda game (so much that we called it "Zelda U" for 3 years) and then they not only make it non-exclusive, but also gimp the Wii U version and basically turn it into a Switch port.

So the Wii U doesn't get any original Zeldas. Just 2 ports from an old console, and another port from a future console. Honestly, I'd like to think that the Wii U would have sold pretty well had they released Breath of the Wild in late 2015 or mid 2016. BoTW alone has probably sold so many Switch units to those who skipped the Wii U, not to mention spoiled rich kids who own a Wii U and are upgrading to the Switch day one just to play the definitive version of BoTW.

Bad marketing in the Wii U's life time gave its sales a pretty bad cut. But the complete neglect was the salt they rubbed in the wound when they could have given more attention to its releases in order to bandage it.

I love my Wii U. My favorite games on it are Xenoblade X, Starfox Zero, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. But holy shit, even as someone who got it on Christmas 2015, I still feel kinda cheated on its releases.

Mario Maker was fun and gave it pretty big boost, that with Splatoon seemed to give it a lot of life in 2015. Then 2016 came around, and we had an entire lineup of games announced for the Spring. HD Twilight Princess, Pokken Tournament, Tokyo Mirage Sessionswhich was butchered to shit, and Star Fox Zero. Not to mention Zelda U and Yooka Laylee were supposed to come out that year.

Then the spring lineup was done they should have spaced the releases a bit more and we waited for Zelda U. Nothing but an E3 telling us it had been delayed YET AGAIN. Oh well, maybe we have some more games coming out in 2016? Nope, just Color Splash. That's it, party's over, no more Wii U. Also Yooka Laylee's coming on the Switch now, remember to SWITCH your platform, goy!

I think they should have kept the Wii U going up until late 2017. BoTW should have been the beginning of the end of the Wii U, not the final nail in its coffin. Maybe after BoTW in Spring, they could have released Super Mario 3D World 2Not Mario Odyssey because the Switch actually needs that title and maybe something half-assed like Arms on the Wii U. I know Skyward Sword came late in the Wii's lifespan but at least it wasn't released while the Wii U was in production.

Hell if I know.
Its free man you have nothing to lose trying.

Same. One of the main reasons I initially got a Wii U is because I knew there would be a new Zelda game for it. Didn't realize it would literally be the last game released on the console.

no I was just wondering at the fact

I got it in late 2015 because of "Zelda U". My console came with Mario Maker, which was actually another selling point for me, and I was like,
Then we see Breath of the Wild, it looks cool but instead of being the Wii U's happy finale it's like a sad ending. They cut the gamepad support to sell more Switch consoles, and I'll shit my pants if they print the Wii U copies for longer than maybe 2 weeks.

Zelda U my ass.

If anyone hasn't tried out Fatal Frame wii u I'd recommend it, doesn't seem to get too much praise

Thats because it was censored.

A lot of the ill will comes from it being censored. There might be a workaround like with Xenoblade but I don't know

I played the demo, and I'd love to play the full version but
NoA was a mistake.



>will never be able to school some kid as machampor braixen and savor his tears while he's right next to me

forgot about that, it was the costumes right?


Fuck nintendo for all the censorship but I'm not complaining about that ZSS ass

They also reduced the jiggle physics on all the girls

Was this on the PAL copies too?

The PAL copy was exactly the same as the US version.

Damn. Any anons play the 4th one on Wii? it had a translation patch but ive heard mixed things

Are these any good?
Also, damn shame we didn't get Yakuza 1&2 HD for Wii U in the West. I feel like that alone might have gotten a few Sonyggers on board.

Do you by any chance know the name of the artist who drew that picture you uploaded in your post?

heard mixed things about warriors3, tekken has nintendo costumes if you're into that

Y-you too…

Whoa m8




That's cheating.

I just looked this up since this is the first I've ever heard about Yakuza HD ports being on the Wii U and holy shit I'm mad.


You should be banned

WO3 is pretty okay as far as musoushit goes




Might pick it up, then. No harm in expanding my library, at least. By the time I get all the Wii U games I've been looking at, I'll likely have a library of around 20+ games.

C-C-C-Combo breaker

My main problem is that they never made a new Wario Land game, all we got is the port from the Wii…

Where is that Waluigi from?

Controls are garbage, and too much aim assist. It's also buggy, you probably won't be able to do all the optional missions. 2 Wii is a lot better.

It's a reused costume.



When I played the demo, I found the camera controls to be so bad it was a deal breaker for me.

Neither Nintendo nor Game Freak have anything to do with Pokken, you dumb fucking cunt

The new version of cemu is out bois and there are some improvements.

This thread got dropped harder than the Wii U in 2017.

A decent game but the port was really bad, for an action game with i-frames ranging from 6-20 frames, having such huge input lag is really unacceptable

Monster Hunter 3 ultimate, Pikmin 3, Wiifit U, New Luigi U, Yoshi's Woolly World, Game and Wario.

NES Remix is okay as long as you don't go for rainbow stars. Those are nearly impossible to get due to the game's clock being faster than the remixed game's clock. It makes some challenges like Killing King Dodongo in less than 6 seconds nearly impossible.

Lego city: Undercover is a great game, but it's being ported to other systems and the pc.

There are a lot of Wii U exclusives that are only available in the Nintendo E-shop.

It's poor low quality textures on that log that look like they are from a low budget ps2 game. They are being purposely neglectful to the WiiU version.

From what I understand, it's an alright game once you get the hang of it. Whether you enjoy or not may vary.

Nintendo bad marketing hurt it, especially the Wii U e-shop games. They have a mario vs donkey kong, Dr. mario and dr. luigi games that barely got mentioned. I never knew that MvsDK was released.

They seem content to treating the Wii U as the forgettable step-child.

Does that mean you could emulate the only good Nintendo Switch game on the Wii U?

Biggest design clusterfuck with the Wii U is how the much promoted "Off-TV play" can't be used by any title that goes out and makes use of "simultaneous two screen" gameplay like Zombie U or Splatoon.
Off-TV play allows you to play console games without a TV! Except for this one, that one, oh and that one . . .

Is that Suzy?

testing to see if im retarded

Maybe I need more practice with TW101 but it just aint clicking with me. Making bridges sometimes doesnt work, combat doesnt seem Bayonetta tier, and this is one of the few action games where I have problems with the camera because of the character perspectives, sometimes it feels too close or too far. Its a shame since I love the idea and concept.

It's a fucking wiiu game user, of course it will run on 2012 machine. I'd wager if not for hardcoded FPS lock, it would run at 60+ no problem.

They might not be common in big cities but only an autiste supreme wouldn't be able to find a suitable woman out here.