I don't really care about the texture resolution in BoTW because it's a third person cartoony games where you're likely to be zoomed out half the time so you won't really notice like you do in Skyrim.
What does irritate me is that for about 3 fucking years they told Wii U owners they're making a Wii U Zelda game (so much that we called it "Zelda U" for 3 years) and then they not only make it non-exclusive, but also gimp the Wii U version and basically turn it into a Switch port.
So the Wii U doesn't get any original Zeldas. Just 2 ports from an old console, and another port from a future console. Honestly, I'd like to think that the Wii U would have sold pretty well had they released Breath of the Wild in late 2015 or mid 2016. BoTW alone has probably sold so many Switch units to those who skipped the Wii U, not to mention spoiled rich kids who own a Wii U and are upgrading to the Switch day one just to play the definitive version of BoTW.
Bad marketing in the Wii U's life time gave its sales a pretty bad cut. But the complete neglect was the salt they rubbed in the wound when they could have given more attention to its releases in order to bandage it.
I love my Wii U. My favorite games on it are Xenoblade X, Starfox Zero, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. But holy shit, even as someone who got it on Christmas 2015, I still feel kinda cheated on its releases.
Mario Maker was fun and gave it pretty big boost, that with Splatoon seemed to give it a lot of life in 2015. Then 2016 came around, and we had an entire lineup of games announced for the Spring. HD Twilight Princess, Pokken Tournament, Tokyo Mirage Sessionswhich was butchered to shit, and Star Fox Zero. Not to mention Zelda U and Yooka Laylee were supposed to come out that year.
Then the spring lineup was done they should have spaced the releases a bit more and we waited for Zelda U. Nothing but an E3 telling us it had been delayed YET AGAIN. Oh well, maybe we have some more games coming out in 2016? Nope, just Color Splash. That's it, party's over, no more Wii U. Also Yooka Laylee's coming on the Switch now, remember to SWITCH your platform, goy!
I think they should have kept the Wii U going up until late 2017. BoTW should have been the beginning of the end of the Wii U, not the final nail in its coffin. Maybe after BoTW in Spring, they could have released Super Mario 3D World 2Not Mario Odyssey because the Switch actually needs that title and maybe something half-assed like Arms on the Wii U. I know Skyward Sword came late in the Wii's lifespan but at least it wasn't released while the Wii U was in production.