6000 players online

Why does everything I love have do die? ;_;

Because you deserve it.

God doesn't love you.

Trips and dubs confirm.

You can thank EA sabotaging it for that. They were retarded enough to launch it between BF1 and CoD

How can one argue against those numeric values?!



For what purpose?

I hear the single-player is great.Not worth giving EA money but I'm still curious.

It's a singleplayer game you doofus

You're able to play cracked games multiplayer you know, which has been the case for decades

Because for once, shit taste got punished. It's a thing to celebrate, not revile.

on what platform or across all of them?


Both in the sense of that there are still people not willing to buy games with an EA logo on them, and because of EA releasing TF2 at the same time as BF1 to double-team CoD: IW

On PC or PS4?


If they wanted to double-team COD, maybe they should have released TF2 on the same platform as it. They want TF2 to die so they can pick at it's corpse for people to put on Battlefield.

Why do I keep seeing people say this shit like it's impossible to have servers for cracked multiplayer games? How new are you niggers?


Right now on PC it only says 3000 online and I can only seem to find modes for Attrition which is sad compared to PS4.

Not impossible, just in my experience very rare.

Can't argue with that.


I play decade old games with 100 players online.
You're a faggot OP, theyre going to release a new version2 years down the line anyway.

That is, like, almost mainstream - get on my level.

Is that really bad? I'm lucky if the games I like get 100. Do you want 200,000+ CoD/Dota levels of numbers, OP? For an AAA game publisher that may be the goal but for the player anything that's not a fucking ghost town should be fine.

Problem is the game has a lot of dead game modes with this many players.

It probably doesnt help that there are so many multiplayer games out now that its easy for many to just stick with their preferred one.

That's the real kicker.

I am sure it has something to do with the sound stuttering the devs are forcing sound emitters everywhere in the game with no option to turning them off, even PS4 and Xbone are hearing those scratching noises.

The fuck did you expect to happen?

How is that bad? 6K is pretty good for a map based FPS, what's the max number of players 24? That's 250 possibla matches at the same time

I think it's 12 with a couple modes that allow for a couple more players.

You don't know what a dead game is, you shitter.

most gamemodes are 10 with a couple going to 12 and 16

All the main modes are 6v6, pilot vs pilot is 8v8.

lts is 5v5
Unless they changed it since last patch i haven't been able to get a match for a month and a half

Maybe titans vs titans is 5v5 but I just played some rounds and it's 6v6 for hardpoint, attrition, 8v8 for pvp.

It's literally Call of Duty with mechs. I wish I was joking. Played the original in 2013 or whenever it was.

Say no more fam

titanfall 2 changes it into a unique parkour/jetpack/advanced movement game.

I want to play it but I don't want to give $60 to EA kikes.

You're playing mixtape right? attrition and mixtape are the only modes with players for my region

No I pick modes. Those 3 are pretty active.

Really? what region are you? I can't find a match on anything other than attrition and mixtape. Mixtape i can only find at peak hours

Damn, op. You been talking shit about Kek? These repeating digits and your misfortune really screams out Kek aint happy with you right now.

Because you're fucking stupid, that's why.

For starters, the software needed to host a server might not come bundled with the game. You just have a client and that's it, the server might be strictly on the company that made the game so it's not even a matter of cracks but rather that you don't even have the right program.

And even then, where the fuck do you think you're gonna play? How do you even think this shit works?
There's a master server at a specific address that your game is instructed to check when looking for lobbys because that's where they are either hosted or simply advertized, that's how you connect with people playing other games.

If you don't have a master server, you are restricted to LAN gameplay or singleplayer.
Unless you start a master server on your own, but then everyone that wanted to play on it would need to change their game to connect to you as well.
But then any schmuck could do it and you'd have a ton of autistic master servers everywhere full of 8-9 people per each one.

You are a fucking retarded, go check the AvP2 scene for a while, they had to set up their own master server and distribute a patch for anyone that wants to connect there instead.

It's more like tribes than cod.

t. someone who has never played tribes
get the fuck out of here with that slow as shit casual garbage

Needs more free weekends,and perhaps not on a platform such as origin,that nobody wants to use.

shooter elitists are like arguing over who is king of the garbage dump

Sightlines in tribes were huge so the speed wasn't even that much.

I play bc2 vietnam, and that game has like 30 people online. 6000 sounds great.

This isn't tribes man, but its not cod either. Find a better game as an example. Also, cool webm

I'm enjoying the game, but goddamn that lobby is shit.
Why can't I see how many games are "open" for each mode?

you just described the first game

Real talk bra, Tell us your load out and shit. and if you aren't using the thunderbolt, your a retard.

Last I checked the MGL totally outperforms it. Did it get buffed or something?

thunderbolt has high splash damage and better range although its pretty slow

6000 that's low, especially for a game that has no season pass or paid map packs to divide the playerbase.
Most of the game modes aren't really interesting (1v.1, really?). They could've added the horde mode Frontier Defense.

I agree. The Titans are now killstreaks, you can't really customize them. It wasn't like that in the first one.

What I really want is a proper mech game with mechs designed by whoever they hired for Titanfall. That would be pretty fucking fun to play.

This is how retarded you are

It's a AAA game that was released 3 months ago.