for honor beta is out and it's got the same set of network connection issues that rainbow six siege STILL has. the game is ultra finicky about NAT type and connection so it is completely unplayable on the vast majority of university networks. other companies don't have this restriction, fuck, other ubisoft games don't have this issue. the division connects just fine over connections like this. the only difference as far as i can tell is that i actually want to play for honor. there's no way my university is gonna change the NAT type on the ethernet connection and seeing as ubisoft hasnt ever bothered to change it for siege i guess i'm just fucked. anyone else dealt with this issue?
Ubisoft fucking me again
Alright, you massive faggot, you're probably going to have to forward your ports for this specific game, but that's moot unless you have access to the network router. Another thing, there are likely more people trying to play the game besides you, maybe even other people on your campus, which means that network congestion is going to play a factor in your ability to connect, even if you have a decent connection.
Ubisoft must have some shitty servers or something, because I always have trouble connecting to their games, but only during open betas.
Well I guess that open beta and all the downloads partly explains the issues on Siege.
Like I care, I already got the nippon charm challenge
Really, user? Really?
Why would NAT type be an issue ? Source or you are talking bullshit.
There could be banned connections or limits on your campus. Especially if you are a burger.
i've been through all this already, it is 100% a function of the restrictive university network. there are dozens of threads about it with siege and it is a telling issue because it gives the same error code and drops connection in the same place to the second. error code in for honor is "Can't connect to servers (7-00000004)".
not talking about playing siege today, i'm talking about an issue that i have had since i bought it on this network. i even went through the god fucking awful ubisoft support process only for someone to tell me it was 100% the university connection and they wouldnt do anything
i'd love if i were talking shit, prove it's a solvable issue for me and I'd be real happy. error code for siege is 0-0x00000312
yeah no fucking shit thanks for the news update
You deserve literally everything bad that comes your way
Matchmaking this beta seems to be about on par with matchmaking two betas ago, i.e. it rarely works at all, which is weird since the last beta was actually okay for matchmaking aside from some people constantly getting dropped from games with no error messages given. Gameplay wise it doesnt seem to have changed from the last beta, still doesn't have the last three characters that were in two betas back even though there's loading screen messages about them, and the only mechanic change I've noticed is they moved warden's counterattack from his top heavy to his top light and warlord and probably conqueror have like a 5 second delay before they can start regenerating stamina after using their all-block stances which means holding points and winning outnumbered fights with them is going to be even harder than it already was and they were already the only classes that could do it.
played like an hour this morning
already got bored from how repetitive the game is
should've lived off campus faggot
not a matchmaking issue, it drops during the opening cinematic and again in the menu. same thing as still happens with siege, the connection only lasts a few seconds then drops at an identical point
I've been in custom games where people were dropping at entirely random times throughout the match so I guess what I was seeing was a different problem than you
so, uh, what's the point of this thread?
Seems to be an old error, but nowhere do they mention NAT.
ok, do you have any ideas that don't involve port forwarding?
Nope, these errors tend to be highly specific to the game netcode. Look up more possible solutions.
This is a ridiculously stupid error to get though. And across all their games to boot.
Uninstalled after two matches.
But it's free lad!
Couldn't even get Uplay to fucking run now
Thanks Ubisoft
pushing players off cliffs are pretty fun
but they really need to fix the fucking servers
i think this game would be way better if not for ubishit
Deus vult brother.
Have some OC, the only good game type is brawl everything else sucks, game was clearly not designed to handle more than 1 opponent and reviving in 2v2/4v4 feels so fucking cheap it's silly. It also doesn't help that nobody is playing 1v1. If this is the state the game is going to release in, and we all know it is because it's ubisoft, then this game is dead on arrival.
10/10 webm, for real. that jumping slash was fucking awesome
It really is a shame that everything around this game exists solely to justify it's price tag, it could've been a fun game if they focused on the 1v1, 2v2 scenarios and released the game for about 20$ and it would've grabbed a decent following from a dedicated group of people.
I think Ubisoft is trying to bank this the same way siege worked, but they are forgetting that siege has some depth with it's operators, map knowledge and the indoor destruction novelty, this games novelty is the combat system that was built for 1v1 engagements, and so far they're doing a very piss poor job at making people look for the depth in it, if there is any.
i think there genuinely is depth in the combat. each hero feels different, and not just a little different but like, i went from absolutely wrecking ass as the conquerer (or whichever one has the flail and shield) to absolutely sucking ass as the viking. i like that you can mix up combos to keep people guessing and all that. but you're right, the players themselves play like complete fucking faglords and either zerg on a nigga or just run away as soon as you land a hit, and it just plain isn't fun. even duel mode doesn't have a good flavor to it due to this, and i always wonder: what possesses a developer to come up with a genuinely decent melee combat system - war of the roses comes to mind - then immediately encourages you not to fucking use it? in wotr's case it was archery being the silver bullet and completely ruined the pace of every single game, and in this it's being able to just sprint away from danger no matter what and to enable players to just throw grenades or zerg rush
all new ubisoft games have the same problems. Dedicated servers died with Rainbow Six Vegas 2, which used unreal engine.
The new ubisoft games, assassin's creed, splinter cell, watch dogs and whatever the fuck they released all use p2p for multiplayer.
how do you program a game so poorly that when someone on the winning team dies while the losing team is breaking it ends the game in defeat?
only in ubisoft games can you find netcode and programming so bad that it can't even keep track of of people who literally aren't even moving.
nothin personnel, kid
what is this gay shit? you can play as a woman in that game? This shit looks truly gay as fuck.
From this beta people that play Orochi usually just try to hit you with light attacks, they don't even attempt to block, it's retarded.
Who gave this idea and why is he still employed.
If the team working on this game is anything like the one on Siege they'll probably end up changing shit like that. Though I dont know of any dev team that actually updates their game when it has such a low player-base other than them.
Yep, stamina and stamina usage is completely fucking arbitrary and pointless and the whole game is just decided by who's guard breaks work more often which is decided by netcode as much as by skill
Oh that's no meme that shit really does happen in here.
I've had multiple instances of doing perfect deflects on my Orochi, beginning the riposte animation, and suddenly having the large sweaty Norseman i was about to impale teleport into decapitating me.
This coupled with the fact that perfect deflects sometimes seem to outright not work is terribly aggravating. There isnt some particular attack type that cant be deflected, is there? I've pretty much only played Orochi.
vikings have an unblockable attack, and i think the conquerer does too. haven't played any others enough to say
Everything can be deflected except unblockables and guard breaks, you're just running into the well documented Ubisoft Shit Netcode.
Is there some way to tell whether an attack is unblockable? Or do i just need to "Know".
Enjoy paying a fortune in student debt for that closet you call a dorm room. Go get a fucking job and some roommates.
they have a huge telegraph. try playing as each of the free heroes and hitting light/heavy strike at the same time and watch the animation, and file it away under "fuckin dodge this thing"
Big orange glow and lightning bolt on the icon
Holy Christ why can't western devs figure out how to make responsive controls?
Yet another fucking game where your character controls like the retarded offspring of a forklift and an ice rink.
Oh also since I forgot to mention it earlier, another gem from the minds of ubisoft:
You can queue up for matchmaking and then get kicked out of queue and have to start again because it tries to put you into a game that's already full.
Aha, thanks.
Thing with the Orochi is that his Deflect is mapped to perfect dodging in the direction of the attack, and dodging away from attacks doesnt always seem to work, sadly.
The content of your post is correct, but you still deserve to be bullied.
The connection issues are starting to piss me off. It's current year+2 and Ubisoft still uses P2P? Is it the same on R6 Siege?
I died 2 times because of the host who left (or got disconnected) during a game, leaving me between 2 enemies with no time to react.
Also I'm not a fan of the loot system/micro-transactions.
That happened to me too.
shit game -11/10
R6Siege is server-based, not p2p, although the invite system and party queueing in the game was p2p for whatever reason until recently.
For Honor is completely peer2peer as far as I can tell.
Knights, and Skyrim got one too, just not in the beta
R6 has different network problems, mainly that what you see can be up to like half a second behind what's actually happening so you'll see someone pop around a corner for a tenth of a second and fall over dead instantly when the kill cam shows he was standing out in the open dumping rounds into you for almost a full second.
It's retarded but nowhere near as bad as For Honor where you'll hit someone and then be transported into an alternate universe where he parried the blow.
yeah from what i know the tank and guardian knight can be womyn and the spadassin is womyn only.
Why are you even posting here. How did you even find this place.
Sometimes I wonder how some users that post here manage to breathe unassisted.
these wasted trips, holy shit you dumb motherfucker
If I didn't know who the game was made by, I wouldn't have any problems with it.
Fucking "grorious nipponese steer forded one thousand times" faggots have to ruin everything.
The fucked up shit is that Ghost Recon Wildlands which is 4 player coop has none of the connection problems that Siege and For Honor seem to have.
It's like you want to lose
the samurai aren't any faster than the berserker or the peacekeeper, they just have very fast but very predictable dodge attacks. If you want to crush the shit out of them just pick warlord
This one simple combo is fucking bitches right now
Looks like you've reaped what your shit taste has sown. I hope this keeps happening to you.
When you say Samurai you are only talking about Orochi right? Since all the Sins have the same movespeed. Although I made my Nobushi faster than a Sin in CBT since I got lucky with a blue sprint based chest which I got up to like 70% of the sprint bar filled and I could outrun pretty much anyone if all they did was chase behind me.
It also applies to the Kensei, Kensei and Orochi have pretty much the same dodge attacks though the block direction on their side dodge attacks might be reversed and the Kensei's forward dodge attack is a lot faster. Nobushi is a bit trickier because her spear pokes come out so fast and from so far but all it means is you have to start your jump attacks from further away and after one combo cycle you'll probably not be able to go into a second jump attack since they can get a poke in before the unstoppable part of the jump starts so instead you just go straight to the headbutt.
What doesn't kill me is this shit game or the shitty anticheat that kicks me from even the TUTORIAL
what kills me is knowing that memefaggots and normalfag shitfucks will continue to buy ubishit games and forget them in a month, bitch and moan, and then buy the next thing no matter how terrible it may be.
This game looks somewhat fun, but I guess Ubisoft have done something bad on it.
Besides the beserker and the fat samurai grunt is there any other big guy character?
Also, how is the big fat samurai guy? I see noone playing as him.
Siege is a lot of fun for 15 bucks. For Honor also is fun but you shouldn't pay more than 15-20 bucks for it.
Shugoki, Valkyrie and Lawbringer aren't in the beta tests. In the Alpha Shugoki was pretty okay, Lawbringer was too slow and Valk was op but was nerfed and is not as good as Nobushi, but she can defend a lot better.
I just wanted to go on a holy crusade and not meme on people with nippon steel like everyone else
I see. Also I've heard you can join any faction with any kind of hero. Could you make, for example, more knightly or asian berserkers?
Warden is pretty great once you realize you can cancel a shoulder bash into a regular guard break for godly mixup in your main combo and your zone attack is lightning fast and probably the best one in the game.
You're misunderstanding the faction system. There is a constant faction war waging on the little map. Each time you finish a game you can pledge your forces to a specific region of the map be it defending against invaders or invading a different faction's territory. I think it just gives rewards for whoever wins for that week, but the faction doesn't mean much outside of the faction war map and the borders and symbols for your custom emblem. The characters however ingame remain the same although you can change their gender or skin color and obviously their armor and shit.
If you want to warden main just keep practicing with them. Friend of mine wanted to be a Conq, but kept getting shit on for like most of the CBT it wasn't until the last day that he actually realized how to play em and started shitting on kids with the rest of us.
Yeah. I was asking if you get more faction oriented armor customization as you fight in the faction war.
You first choose a faction. Then you can play whatever the hell you want. Faction is only for persistent in game world territory claiming game a la Planetfall 2.
I wanna say get good but, it seems people have different knacks regarding classes. I want to go Warden as well, but I also suck. Turns out I am a lot better at Peacekeeper being a stab and run faggot. One thing they did right with this game is how classes really resonates with how players like to think and fight.
The for honor beta is 45% on steam. Even the normalfags dislike it.
Naw at least not from what I have seen, but Ubi likes adding in neat looking cosmetics so you never know.
Just how gullible are you? Try things out for yourself and formulate your own opinions instead of blindly listening to the normalfag masses.
I see…
It might sound wrong, but can I shave my viking beard? faggots have corrupted beards so much I learned to despite them.
Women vikings have no beards
Have you actually read any of those? Most of them are pretty fucking retarded
45% sounds about right though for the quality of the beta
I don't have a high opinion of a 4v4 multiplayer game with mindless npcs for cannon fodder. I don't need to try it to know it's not much on the inside. But when even normalfags hate it I can tell it must be pretty bad.
So I take it you never enjoyed the dynasty warrior franchise?
Never played them. Then again that's unrelated to this clunky denuvo multiplayer only game.
They went out of their way to develop a retarded single-player campaign for people like you
You know damn well how bad it is.
It is slated for a singleplayer based on its description and the intro cutscene, but yes I agree it shouldn't require you to always be online and denuvo is completely uneeded for a game that revolves around its multiplayer.
Still not multiplayer only
Yes if you only care about labels. No if you care about content.
There is a lot of single player content
Have some more cheap gameplay
What? This is far too silly to take seriously.
Is there even a way to avoid getting tossed off a cliff?
guard break before your opponent does or perform counter-guard break
It depends on the kind of "beard" that you're talking about.
Get good. Counter his guard break by doing what said.
My advice to you chums. Go to the hero page, and watch the darn gameplay videos. They are not just how to walk to guard. They are actually useful in demonstrating how each classes play (yes, they are different for each class), movesets, and general strategy. Hack and slash dumbcunt weebs are getting smashed like noobs and they are complaining about how combat is bullshit. L2P.
I'm starting to get matched against people that can consistently parry and guardbreak counter while I still cant do either for shit. How the fuck am I supposed to get a hit in when the other person is playing completely re-actively and can parry and throw-counter almost 100% of the time?
Wait, what? How? The amount of women in this game bothers me deeply. Especially the Warden. Women are not fucking knights, ESPECIALLY not ones in full heavy fucking armor.
He's right, rolling in plate armor is completely bullshit.
Peer to peer networking bullshit is unacceptable in a game like this. That alone is enough to avoid it like the plague, but it would seem that Ubisoft also want to sell access to gear with in-game benefits for real money, so that's another deal breaker. Finally, it's fucking Ubisoft, so even ignoring the first two points this should send you running and never looking back.
Do not mistake this shit for hack and slash game. It is a bloody fighting game in disguise. So yeah, if you are not usually into fighting game, you have your work cut out for you. I am not going to spoonfeed you, but you can find how to in the game and how to freely put it into practise (tip: HOW TO PLAY).
Once you know how, the fun just start because those guy also know the same thing you know. The rest is on your wits and skills alone.
But it's a fighting game that controls like a bus full of cement, user.
Hell even quick attacks are a good way to stop a guard break in progress and open shit up. Or even be midway into a heavy attack. Crusader's little charge windup can be a good way to bait them to try to guard break (since for some reason people don't notice you spinning your flail around) and then smash them for close to half their health.
It's like you can't even into Western culture user.
Hello Surfinstalin1
It's a video game not real life
Is earthworm jim too silly for your tastes too?
Where were you when Shillbisoft turned out to be Trump supporters all along?
Apart from the fact that it pushes the stronk womyn meme and doesn't even make them attractive, the game itself is garbage. Even the blocking in the game is "push the mouse in a certain direction and then let a scripted animation block the attack for you". Also there's lock on combat and AFAIK you can't block without locking on. You also need to lock on to do special attacks like breaking a guard.
And I was enjoying the 1v1 too, fuck.
I want to like this game but there are just too many flaws.
It genuinely feels like there is a good game here, made by a good development team, and then a ubishit developer started demanding a bunch of things. I like the idea of what it is trying to do but it desperately needs another year of development.
and thats exactly why you dont buy AAA games on release.
True. Sometimes I have a hard time figuring out where my team mate is, especially when they're down. It's a big icon but it doesn't really say where.
I agree
Its called a GUARD break you fool. lrn2parry
I agree
You would rather you fight against 8 classes instead of the full 12? why
ANYBODY can be black. its a feature
I do agree that it feels like it needs another year in the oven
Or you could play the two tutorials. Like what the fuck, are you both 10 years old? Guard in the same direction as the attack, dodge out of unblockables, learn spacing for guard break/throw, and use the same button + timing to counter it. Parry telegraphed attacks, learn what each guy does, and git gud.
That's literally it. Oh, there's the game mods, I guess. Either beat a motherfucker, or steal his motherfucking land while you are in the process of beating a motherfucker. You two present it like it's fucking rocket science when it's literally every fighting game control scheme ever, with a directional element.
That's how I feel about it too. You can tell that there are some people that really wanted to make a good game until some suit came in and gave them a shorter time limit.
What's the verdict Holla Forums? Worth a pirate? New Siege?
There's plenty of shit the tutorials don't properly cover or that the movelists say incorrect things about. For example, warlord's movelist says he has unstoppable startups of heavy attacks when it's actually only unstoppable at the very end of the animation.
Didn't you know user, Knights were worse than Hitler ! Ban knights and vikings from games !
hey buddy, chill out
It's multiplayer focused and the AI bots are pretty retarded, so it's only worth a pirate to demo it, though it'd be simpler to just download the beta
This won't be the next hot shit unless they add in a load of content and drastically slash the price after launch, as is it's one of those games many will enjoy at first but then get bored of even before the free weekend's out
They need to start slashing content and redesign the game from the ground up. The only gameplay mode that works is 1v1, and it should have been built around that. The game is worse-off for being an AAA title.
What content? New maps? New characters? That won't make the game better.
They seem to want it to be the new R6 Siege.
Like said, they would have to redesign the entire game.
The whole faction thing makes no sense if in TDM/whatever 4v4 mode you have gooks and vikangz on your side.
The only time the game truly doesn't work is in 4v4 brawls, where teams are free to group together and destroy game balance as long as they get the upper hand early on
Even the shitty assfaggots ripoff mode doesn't handle that as badly
2v2 battles and even the occasional 2v1s have their place, this may seem like a fighting game, but it doesn't quite have the same depth, so it can't afford the lack of variety
Want to get this on PC but Ubisoft crashes my system. Guess the Bloodborne machine needs more games
I think dominion could have felt better as 3v3 since there are 3 points.
Theoretically each team member would go to a different point and meet a 1v1 there. I guess it wouldn't stop ganking but it'd make more sense to me. It's easier to fight and runaway in that case
Hell, if they added a 4th point that is tactically advantageous like it gives access to a ballista or cannon or something but doesn't give as many points, that'd make sense too
1v1 Duels is a lot of fun.
The other modes are nice too, but I get the most enjoyment out of dueling people. Feels like you get a personal connection with the player when you face them in a best of 5.
Its the only game mode that I actually enjoy, the other modes are ok, but 1v1 it's where is at
Also so many weabos on duel it's kinda of funny
I think that would actually just exacerbate issues and you'd be better off increasing the number of players to 5v5 or 6v6. The fewer people you have on a team the bigger the swing in power when any of them die. The degree to which you're fucked pretty much caps out at 1v2 and 1v3 so even if people were to run around as groups of 4 or 5 or 6 they're really not going to be increasing the speed at which they can gank since they'll all be hitting each other whenever they try to attack.
So is it even worth the download time?
Just try it out
Also Kensei is the best samurai prove me wrong
It's because orochi is the best class for 1v1 and Kensei is the most fun
seriously, its pretty fun poking orochi, berserkers, and peacekeeper shitters to death or just dashing up and throwing them off the ledge
It might be the new Siege but its gonna have a terrible launch like Siege I bet
The DLC is free and apparently the 1st new heroes getting added is a fucking ninja and a Roman Centurion
I honestly hope the game does well. It definitely has the potential to be a good game and if it does become that than perhaps Ubisoft will stop making generic open world games and instead make interesting multiplayer games like this and Siege.
Well ultra Satan, I understand the ninja but what faction will the centurion be part of? Or will they be part of a dlc faction?
Don't the orochi and peacekeeper basically fulfill the role a ninja would?
I hate playing against peacekeepers, with their super fast unblockable stab grab bleed
How the fuck do you play against them? That bleed does a shit ton of damage.
The game says the Orochi was trained in Ninjutsu or something.
The roman is probably knights especially since the knights speak latin in this game remember this game is basically fantasy some are guessing the centurion were former knights sent south in search of new lands and found roman like people and adopted their armor and weapons.
I'm alarmed by how many people are trying the beta.
Get the fuck out
It's a demo/beta, are you expecting them to buy the game without knowing if it's shit or not?
Based on the fact no review copies are going out you might aswell try it
You mean the one that is being genocided right now with its killing of the birth rates because of putting women where they do not belong? Oh yes, you are representing that very well. Unhealthy obsession that will die by itself one way or another.
And the Bible even warned people about snakes whispering deceit in women, dragging men it their downfall.
Hi, CF
I never could find out if that girl from that movie ever fucked dogs.
Ah, CF. Never a dull moment with him.
4v4 makes sense to me
3 people for the points, and one extra to assist wherever it's needed to keep the game from being too one-sided and static
If it was a perfect match you'd just have 4v4 elimination, which is even worse, games would be decided from the beginning and everyone would just quit when they lose their 1v1s
There's actually quite a few videos, oddly enough, I was actually surprised they made such a big effort, the different champions have basic and advanced move videos, and even after the first tutorial I found out there was a tutorial for practicing guard block, parry, etc.
Now to be fair, I found that last part just today when I was fucking around in menu's, and honestly if I wasn't bored from the apparent "LOW ACTIVITY" shit tierr matchmaking apparently lacking in how to consolidate fucking game rooms I wouldn't have found that, but every class has a how to fight both simple and advanced that give you tips on everything, complete with video.
Ubishit can't into videogames, but at least they got the tutorial bit right, although maybe something more akin to a, "Here's how to do this, now try it" for all the classes might have been the right way to go, but it's not complicated by any means.
Either way, not like it'll matter. The beta is over in like a day and 60 dollars for this fucking game is way too much, and it'll probably sell like shit.
G2A had the shit for like $34
It IS shit, and I expect them to not give it any chance. If you think there's no harm in trying a free beta, you're wrong. They're collecting data and generating interest. If this console bullshit game is at all successful, it will doom the genre just as AAA has done to so many other genres.
Oh shit, well I stand corrected. If I had more friends who would play it consistently and if the factions had more classes added in for free, either early on or later on not likely, Ubisoft we're talking here then I'd give it a maybe. As it stands, it's a Ubisoft game, not bad for a triple AAA but like most of them they need to put less money in marketing and more in actual fucking gameplay.
Well it depends I usually bite the bullet on G2A the more "trusted" sellers have it for like $45
Gonna grab the season pass since the season passes on G2A can go as low as $15 but thats very rarely $20 would be a good grab.
All the content is released for free you know the season pass just gives you it instantly
Doesn't surprise me that these nu-males revolving door faggots know how to make applications and software but they don't know how to make a video game. One just requires slaving for a menial task, the other requires vision.
Yeah I just got the game for free now
What am I looking at? This is actually kind of leaving me speechless. The only thing I can think of to make sense of this is to compare it to a nigger walking into a KKK meet and trying to make fun of KKK members for being anti-white.
What you're seeing is sodomites triggered because they love laughing at niggers and spics but don't like holding themselves to standards.
Here's a TL;DR for anyone thinking about the Beta:
>Combat is admitedly neat, kind of clunky and unclear, but still lots of fun casually. Think of it like a shitty 3D fighter, similar to Dark Souls.
Give it a try if you've got nothing else to do, I'm going to dick around footballing people to death with my friend.
If you plan on buying it, just grab it for like 15$ off some website in a few months, otherwise just give it a pass and pubstomp the inevitable free weekends like with R6:Siege.
Lawbringer wasn't actually very interesting, he was basically just a shitty version of the raider where instead of a really good tackle you could do from running to move someone 20 feet and over an edge you had some really slow and awful command throws with horrible hitboxes that would maybe move people a foot or two and were generally worse than just doing the regular throws after guardbreaks that every class has access to.
how the fuck do companies manage to screw this up
NAT isn't exactly complex, and you shouldn't have to rely on clientside NAT for a fucking video game
jesus christ ubisoft
But this same faggot keeps posting shit like #AccelerateWhiteGenocide. Every one of his posts is anti-white and pro every other race.
It's kind of a clusterfuck, but being able to block and parry extra combatants more easily is nice
There are also the zone attacks which in theory are good for crowd control, but in my experience it's better to just take your chances with normal combat than to bet on a move that consumes half of your stamina
Hi CommonSpic
I wouldn't put it like that, it's more like a wake up call. He doesn't praise other races, but he realizes that they wouldn't have a moments hesitation in taking whitey's lebensraum.
Ironically the only good zone attacks are the ones that aren't used for area effect, namely the raider and warden ones. All the rest are pretty much complete garbage. You could maybe make an argument for the conquerors since you can go into revenge mode and hold down the buttons to spam it until revenge mode runs out and maybe buy yourself a few extra seconds of life but 99% of the time no one's coming and you're better off just dying and respawning a little sooner.
That's the worst gamemode, fam.
For being the flagship gamemode, it's a fucking wreck, though not as bad as Elimination with it's three-man ladder-and-bridge camps and pointless chases.
2v2 Duel is by far the best because it's all the decency of 1v1, but with only marginally worse chance for connection issues and (likely unintentional) punishment for stupid shit.
what's wrong with dominion?
Wouldn't that mean 1v1 is the best game mode
Fuck is Elimination? There's dominion, duel, brawl, and deathmatch. Dominion is by far the worst of them all, and there's not even a remotely close second.
It doesn't work with the game mechanics at all. The soldier grunts are totally pointless, there's very little motivation to avoid dying since you just respawn like 5 seconds later, and group combat is way too frequent.
Duel and brawl are the best gamemodes since they're much more single-combat oriented, which is what the game was built for. Gear stats also don't work in those gamemodes, which is a huge plus because stat changes outside of the current match are complete bullshit and should never ever be put in a game.
Deathmatch kind of has the same group combat issue as dominion, but to a much lesser extent since each round starts with players spawning in groups for 1v1. The group combat happens when those 1v1s start ending and whoever has the better teammates gangs up on the worse team. Really fucks you over when you're doing just fine in your fight, but then 3 more enemies show up to rape you. It's still infinitely better due to the lack of soldiers, and having powerups on the map can at least change things up.
Dominion is literally only in the game to appeal to the moba market.
I must've called Deathmatch 'elimination' by mistake.
Yes, but 1v1 doesn't have children caps-locking in all chat over me reviving my teammate or bitching nonstop when I walk up behind their 'honorabu 1v1' and toss them off a ledge.
How do you block with Orochi goddamn
Chivalry had the same problem up until mouse-dragging became even more cancerous. But following the same line of thought: you have these excellently balanced shooters like Battlefield, where each class can fight in its own way… and then there are snipers, who just exist completely separate to the rest of the game. World of Tanks has the artillery units which might as well be like playing a different game, etc.
I don't know why but devs always jam shit like this in the games even when it's not fun. I am so happy For Honor has no fucking archery, but it definitely has its own faggotry to deal with.
Just because Dominion isn't a Blade Symphony clone, doesn't mean that it's a bad gametype. I agree the respawn timer should be at least a few seconds longer, but the idea that dying has no effect on the flow of gameplay is just wrong. If you're just running in and getting slaughtered, you'll lose the initiative and the match.
As for the MOBA thing…. I guess? I see very few similarities between the soldiers in Dominion and the mobs in MOBAs other than the fact that they small, weak NPCs that come in hordes, and I'm not sure that's of a similarity to make the comparison. Dominion certainly doesn't play like a MOBA at all.
Does anyone have advice on how to properly pull off the Warden's Shoulder Bash? It's nearly impossible for me to do with any consistency on M+KB.
Someone hasn't met the weebs in the shittier gamemodes.
I REALLY hate dominion. I played it once and never again. It's just not fun. The combat does not work with that game mode at all. Like the other user said, dominion is basically just a shitty version of deathmatch.
1v1 has too many fuckawful maps where you spend more time looking at the round start and round end screens because you tossed the other guy off the two foot wide bridge with no hand rails three seconds into the fight. I don't have anything against the idea of environmental kills but so many of the maps just make it way too fucking easy.
are you just running into combat without backup and getting double-teamed or something?
So who are you guys gravitating towards?
I think the gooks are fun. Nobushi is fun zoning and Orochi makes me feel like Yoshimitsu.
I've been putting all my time into Nobushi. So far that seems like the most entertaining character to play.
I sided with the Vikings though, 'cause Skyrim is for the Nords.
Dominion is a better version of elimination
Or rather, it would be a better version of skirmish if skirmish was in the beta
The capture points and trash soldiers serve as necessary distractions to prevent group ganking as much as possible, which is a huge problem in the other modes
It not being split into rounds with no respawns like the other modes also may be a plus or minus depending on your perspective
The only thing that drags it down is the bullshit gear stats
Warden is the best because deus vult
Way back three betas ago I was all in on Kensei and Warden
Next one I was mostly playing Warlord and Nobushi
Last beta was Warlord and Kensei with a little Orochi
This beta Warlord and Conqueror though I've barely played at all. I think Warlord is just one of the better characters overall, he doesn't particularly excel against any other class and isn't going to get the giant kill streaks the assassins will but he also doesn't have any really shit matchups, you can play him both aggressively and defensively, and him and Conq are basically the only classes with any chance of surviving ganks and holding points in dominion.
Warlord is the best to headbutt weebs so they lose the fight initiative and same goes to conquerors since they are so used to being safe behind their shield
all in all I may consider the game via g2a when it launches its ok for a ubisoft game
Playing warden and Conqueror, the executions are too good to resist
So does anyone want to play the beta together?
It ran really well for the first few hours and now it's behaving like fucking SFV.
I'm trashing it if it persists.
Last night I ended up playing with bots 5/7 matches I played and the two where I did have human opponents ended up with them leaving/ disconnecting mid-game.
You'd think that a company with money like Ubisoft could afford dedicated servers. But I guess P2P it is.
I hate that mode, we were 3 against 1 and we run after him for a minute and still couldn't get to the guy.
What ever happened to that pair up mechanic that was in the game when they first showed it off? The one that worked like the salutes from MGO
how many forced stronk women and diversity are in this one?
You can play as a stronk black female vikang.
Forced? None so far
Three, actually. Peacekeeper, Valkyrie and Nobushi can't be male.
You can change them, just have to get up to renown level 1 or some bullshit
You deserve this, OP.
Now if only breathing could become part of the alt right. Then all the tards would just die of suffocation.
You can't, even the loading screen tips tell you that they're exclusively female.
For whatever reason I can't get a screengrab, but if you buy Nobushi and scroll down to "Renown 1 level 0" there is a male icon.
That bug has been in every single beta so far
I only really play the viking classes. I like all of them. Sometimes I'll play Warlord. I haven't even touched the weebs yet. Only Orochi looks fun, the rest look like spamming attacks from everyone I've played against.
it's a feature
I wish Dominion was more like Dynasty warriors and not a faux MOBA that completely shits on the games fighting mechanics
Q U A L I T Y voice acting.
I have no clue how guard break fucking works. Doesn't break on reaction, doesn't break on prediction.
All the female voice acting is pretty shit.
I dont understand any of the mechanics really. They seem to work sometimes and sometimes not.
you have to mash it as they hit you with the guard break, not while they're winding it up
started as warden and peacekeeper ended up mostly conqueror and a bit of warden, knight only don't give a shit about vikang or nips.
the ratio of nips player in EU is over the chart vikang are a rare sight.
only encountered one bug the blurry screen one
and only one vikang laggy fucker in 1v1 it was very frustrating.
It's really ping dependent. If you try to roll, and some angry BR with a 690ms ping guard breaks you, he'll stun you every time, but if you try to guard break a guy starting his roll, you'll bounce off of him like he's a wall. Also, the worst part about the guard breaks is that they don't stuff attacks, but attacks beat block breakers, which makes block breakers complete shit.
Guard breaks are gay
The way you can spam them even after you counter it is shitty thought you can light attack and you will not be affected by it
You have to hit it exactly once very shortly after the enemies guard break connects. If you hit it too early it locks you out of being able to do it, if you hit it too late and they've already input a throw or an attack then you can't break out.
I can't wait for the shitty cancerous generals that you faggots will spawn with this slog of a repetitive broken game full of netcode issues and SJW pandering.
You're talking about buying a Ubishit game and not a even a good game at that.
This fucking board really has gone to total shit, goddamn.
other than making me want to commit weeb genocide every now and again the game can be fun. Perfecting someone in duel feels great.
that's like saying having male characters is alt-right pandering. Stop being a fucking retard.
The state of this board really depresses me
holy fuck stop being a retard
Goddman fucking shills
if i tell you that you were asking for it and deserve what you got, is that victim blaming?
Suspension of disbelief is a thing, like adding niggers and abundance of semi auto rifles and SMGs with no trench warfare whatsoever.
The only reason those people didn't fight is because they didn't come in contact with each other and lived in different time periods, it's not a far stretch to say they would if they did. The idea of women fighting especially in melee combat is laughable. Melee combat is 90% endurance, something no women will ever have.
To WWI misclicked
Aside from cherrypicking the single retarded argument he made and disregarding the rest he is right though. Having an active Overcuck general is enough proof of the sorry state this shitty board is in. Won't be surprised if this flavor of the month shit manages to get a general too
Stay asshurt faggot.
I don't recall women being knights or vikings, and they were mostly screwed by both knights and vikings if they were on the wrong side of a viking attack (they were forced to do whatever the knight wanted if the knight helped them)
Fucking sjw-shill retard.
Seriously nigger?
This is some cuckchan tier shit
Actually make an argument or get the fuck out.
Yeah, medieval/feudal fantasy with designs based on reality and authenticity even if gameplay is arcady, Chivalry was also fantasy.
Why are you pretending like Ubisoft isn't doing this to pander to SJW scum?
They're not even pretending anymore
Are you fucking stupid? The setting is a post apocalyptic world where the different factions are fighting over resources and land. So just like any other post apocalyptic world they are going to make use of any able bodied person to fight for resources. Stop being a fucking stupid nigger who gets triggered over female characters in a fantasy post apocalyptic world.
user I played the beta and in the opening cutscene the land LITERALLY IS RIPPED APART AS THE HOME KINGDOMS OF THE DIFFERENT FACTIONS ARE TELEPORTED TO SOME FANTASY LAND. Realism is not the intent nor desire.
Oh yeah, I forgot this shitty game had a story.
My bad, I guess I overreacted
Who is the highest iq character?
So the answer is no, the servers are not working any better than they were when the beta opened.
I decided to try it out and upon launching it immediately bottlenecked my CPU.
Oh I also forgot something else awful about dominion mode, the match can go on for like 5 more minutes after breaking starts with zero chance to ever respawn so you just have to sit there for 5 minutes waiting for people to die. Real engaging game design choice right there.
maybe try not dying
also nice quads
Not always an option, even as a heavy with gear all picked for boosting revenge mode you still are basically guaranteed to die nearly instantly when the enemy 3v1s you as your teammates are busy trying to chase a single fleeing orochi instead of holding points.
That's nonsense. Did you even try to shoot them with your gun?
What a massive waste of resources. Sending women to war is the worst possible idea.
There is also a flail, non-historically long Japanese blades, non-historical viking armor, and non-historical fighting. This game is not meant to be realistic, but it still is terrible at being fantasy.
Skyrim leather armor type, or?
Chain mail. They wore chain mail over padded linen/cloth. Axes/swords with round-shields, and (inferior) longbows. This is what they wore. Since we're speaking of knights and samurais then we must assume that the vikings are as equally well-off as their opponents. Basically an inferior version of the plate-mail wearing knight.
I'm still mad that nobody else cares about the real issue, that most of the female character options are just the male ones with extra chest polygons and a different voice
Goddamn, quick reply has made me a lazy son of a bitch.
It's like those retards don't realize that they don't have to stand near ledges or get guard broken endlessly
If you get thrown off a cliff, it's not some unavoidable bullshit that brings shame upon your famiry, it's your own goddamn fault for not being good enough to stop them
I am actually somewhat good at this game. It kind of makes me feel bad shitting on people worse than me.
People bitch for no reason
better yet
Sometimes people are bitching about the grabs completely. If you get grabbed by my Conqueror you deserve everything that is coming to you.
Honestly, fuck these "Honor" fags. Play to win son.
Take a look at Sparta if you want to see what women do in a warrior-obsessed culture. Women become extremely conservative, outgoing and athletic. Still, they only produce children and take care of children. They become the closest thing to a perfect woman, but even then they don't go out to war. While the men are at war the women take care of the village/town, you can't send everyone to the battlefield to die. There must be people to raise children.
I have to wake up and go it at 4 in the morning to work support for this shit.
Fuck my life.
What's it like working for soulless, shitty company like UBI?
They pay okay. I can swear at my coworkers with impunity.
that 3rd execution is pure bliss
In the bullshit fantasy world ubi has constructed to explain why different cultures from different times are fighting each other on small plots of land, there is literally nothing to do but fight
At the end of the single player campaign I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled a "u wer in vallhalla da whole time!"
There is no greater pleasure.
Additional notes from continued play: Gear Stat gamemodes are absolutely fucking terrible; I threw together all my Revenge-building equipment and even in 1v1s after 30s~ I can pop revenge, it is entirely retarded and wins me so many goddamn fights effortlessly.
Ubisoft isn't being subtle with their hamhanded forced equality on the Faction Map; it's obvious that there's 'help' or at least different allocations of Assets when you're pushed in and out of areas that don't belong to your faction originally.
Oh yeah that fucking faction war, I haven't seen rubberbanding that hard since mario kart
Why can't any game do that sort of thing right, it's such a neat concept
goddammit ive been trying for almost half an hour to get the Nazi symbol just right after i saw one of you fags using it.
Please explain which symbols your using? i tried using lines but not enough layers.
I can't play anything other that 1v1 anymore. Errors everywhere.
This is supposed to be coming out in two days, prepare for a shitstorm.
Seriously OP you flaming homo, fuck right off.
good enough
Lol, nice. I fully expect Ubisoft to ban for things like this.
Is it because of the axis?
Predicted Dubs!
nah weebs are autistic and autists always win faction wars just due to the sheer amount of effort they put in, plus nippon steel.
fucking nice dude Im gonna try to recreate that i knew i picked samarai for a reason
Expec daily generals about this trash as well.
Ubishit shills are in full force from the Division to Siege.
Imagine doing the 3rd execution on one of the females
Are we looking at the same maps? My map looks like weebs have taken over the world.
The female voices suck ass
Male Kensei says Muda Muda when you parry/counter guard break and male orochi screams NANI when they are parried
the females just grunt
Literally hours before it was the Knights who controlled 1-2 zones out of their own territory. Hours before them was weebs, and before that Knights and Vikings. It's just rubberbanding.
I'd put my money on a large group of normalfags over weebs.
normalfags choose nippon steel like 90% of the time man. i work with like ten people who are all going to get the game, and only 1 of them is going viking, another knight not including myself and the rest are going nihongo
Why are normalfags picking nip shit? It doesn't make any sense.
it's accessible (show me a normalfag who hasn't seen or didn't like The Last Samurai or that Keanu Reeves movie), but "different" enough to seem exotic. plus, at least with my sample group, they all to a man believe the glorious nippon steel folded one mirrion times meme
I like Kensei though
That really is the case, can you find me a normalfag that doesn't think Knights are 'boring', or at the very least 'normal and generic'? How many normalfags do you think hold 'guys with beards and axes' above 'MUH KATANA' in terms of coolness? Appreciation of the other two factions requires some level of hobby or historical interest in them; like being into medieval arms and armor or growing Anglo beards.
normalfags playing Knights are the same kind of people who play Ryu and Mario when over to play with their friends. Vikings are played by the minority of 'masculine' gamers. Everything else is a bulging hodgepodge of easily allured faggots and a massive pool of weebs and autists.
they're fucking you all right, but only because you're bending down and spreading your cheeks
Other than that it's kinda fun, really punchy, feels like shit is heavily out of balance though.
noice emblems mate.
im thinking about making a Islam one and jihadding infidels for salt.
You, could, but that would involve the opposite of kebab removal.
true enough, my latest creation.
You know if you switch to viking you can get a circle for full nazi
good thing i found out about this on the last day of the beta
goddamn is it heartbreaking what they've done with this game. like for real. i just got out of a two hour or so session and it just breaks my fuckin heart. what a great melee combat system that the game encourages you to circumvent so you can rack up a sick KDR. what fantastic-looking heroes that you need to grind to unlock or pay real shekels after buying an eighty dollar game. what a brilliant package for what they've essentially turned into a F2P game that still costs money to buy, and even more if you want non-plebeian Premium status in. i know, ubisoft etc but jesus
You only need to unlock the characters for customization, you can play with them just fine
stop buying ubisoft games what the fuck is wrong with you people
99% of shit they make is shovelware to fill up console libraries
Refer to
this is the most comfy I have ever felt.
Peacekeeper is best girl, also
Peacekeeper porn when?
yes I understand that. Don't buy this.
I understand you can't have 0 fast classes in the knight district but spear with pokes and such is already pretty fast, and she could have an off hand short sword like Hilde from Soul Calibur. They could have done a little more than nothing at all.
There's the Lawbringer, which isn't in the beta but has a poleaxe
I don't think there's any gameplay of it floating around yet but by all accounts it's the big boy version of the Warden
Also fuck historical accuracy I want full plate armor and a greatsword
I don't need historical accuracy either, I just want the fucking knights to all look like knights, every other team is represented well enough that it's very weird to me that they chose something that is not at all a knight to be in the knight team. I understand what they meant was medieval europe, but thief girl looks dumb. I want my fucking lancer.
Goddammit. Women can never sound fearsome without also sounding dykey and bitchy at the same time.
-5/10 would never have a woman leading sheep into war
>texte en Français
too bad he is not in the beta the emote and execution are cool
There are 3 characters coming that match none of those descriptions.
Samurai get the Shugoki, who is a big guy UUUU and uses a kanabo
Knights get the Lawbringer, who has a halberd
Vikings get a Valkyrie.
Because I'm french
Ubisoft doesn't quite understand how swords work.
Work on your bait.
Also, I'm getting absolutely livid with this glitch where my FPS drops to 1 when locking on to an enemy, it has lost me so many fucking games its starting to be unreal.
It's for fighting people in armor.
Color me retarded, I was trying to reply to the same guy.
Are you dumb? You can tell us if you are, it's fine.
When your enemy has armor, which is like a shield for your body, people have a hard time hitting you with a sword, as is the intent. When a sword reversed, the cross guard can be used like a pick or a hammer for denting and impacting the metal better than the blade, which is made to cut soft fleshy bits and would break if you smacked it on armor made of a metal of similar or greater whatever-it's-called-where-one-thing-can-scrape-another-thing-if-it's-hard-enough. Equally, you use the pommel, which has been designed to act like a big ball of metal, like a club, to impact armor in a similar way, but it's better than the cross guard in some ways, because of the extra length creating more weight and a higher velocity when swung, as well as most often being circular or basically thick in shape so it can be used every time as a hammer instead of the cross guard which is usually pointy and thinner. When you impact metal with a hunk of more metal, it's going to dent, especially with plate, which was designed to be thin enough to not encumber the wearer but thick enough to prevent a blade from sliding against you and cutting you up. It was also designed as a better alternative and partner with chain mail, which was often too heavy to be worn fully, since it's a bunch of thick metal rings, and had too many holes which created fracture points; hence the term, the chain is as strong as its weakest link. Furthermore, while armor does have holes in it where it was possible to stab into and gum up the machine, like cutting the soft parts of a crab's legs, their joints, you need to also worry about your enemy moving around and trying to do the same shit to you.
When bashed squarely upon the head, a pommel will create a shock in the helm of an armored opponent that will usually rattle them and make them unawares for a good minute, meaning that when a commoner who was put in the army with little supplies, they'd need to use a sword in creative ways, taking them in the opposite direction and killing the knights by knocking them on the head and striking while their senses took a moment to come back.
TL;DR Halfswording is great and you're fucking dumbass
Muh dick
Now that the free beta's over, r8.
I ain't buying though, the online seems busted.
jolly cooperation
Shanking LARPagans and weebs with the Peacekeeper is fun, but the servers are utter garbage and the game crashes all the time. In its current state, it's not even worth 20 bux.
It's really a shame, I'd be willing to buy it I've succumb to the jew in many ways in hopes the industry will get better if I patronize things I like but as of yet it still reeks of Ubisoft Jewery. I wish I got in on the beta sooner though, the game has this candy like feeling of killing guys, and I only realized after a few games that it was basically a moba with knights and vikings and weebs
I have to agree, after the nonstop errors, gamebreaking bugs, and shit-tier balance I can't help but feel the launch is going to be even more of a disgusting wreck than Siege's was, and I still haven't even bought that.
Maybe if the game gets PC-oriented support like Siege did for a while then it has a chance, otherwise the game's going to die pretty quick. There isn't nearly enough autism appreciation and skinner box content to keep a healthy pool of normalfags, and the game simply isn't polished and refined enough to keep a large pool of dedicated players.
That, and pretty much everyone I know that played basically gave up on the game after either getting dumpstered by bleed/viking throw spam or the faction map auto-balancing.
I don't even have all those problems with it, I just believe in the moral value of not buying games that are unfinished, ie don't preorder, and ubisoft doesn't know how to not jew it out so I can't trust them. It's addictive as shit though.
This is one of the only multiplayer games I've been even mildly excited for for the past year, I hope this ends up like Siege and gets better after launch, along with a price cut
As it is I can't see the game having any lasting value, which is a shame since there are loads of good ideas in there dragged down by a heap of shit
I've found a fairly legit site that sells it for a bit above $30 but I still think it's overpriced.
Very fun though when it works.
ayy i played and enjoyed the open beta because there was so much delicious salt to mine.
plus i enjoy rainbow six siege and this looks like they will put in a good couple years effort to improve it.
so i bought it.
at aus prices.
The Deluxe Edition
At 63$AUD because it was discounted and i used a 20% off coupon as well
god help me.
The CAD has really gone to shit its worth the same as AUD it seems.
didn't your gay butboi leader sell all your gold at a shit price or something?
come on fam