What happened to this faggot?
I haven't heard about him in ages, I wonder if he finally ended his pathetic life?
What happened to this faggot?
I haven't heard about him in ages, I wonder if he finally ended his pathetic life?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's on Holla Forums right now
seeing if anybody cares about him
How about you simply look him up instead of making a pointless thread?
I dont even know what his thing was
Never really cared enough
Apart from looking like a complete tard, what did he do ?
Last I heard he became 3.3 Million Dollar Man's personal DJ, legitimately.
Basically this.
And this is the story of Fish.
He was also "hacked" apparently. I just think he was just a plain hack.
Isn't he making a tetris-like game for Sony?
Currently working on his new album i presume.
It has been a while since he re-opened his twitter account to make an ass out of himself before rage quitting the internet forever again.
What happened to Yandrefag? Is he still milking money while producing nothing or did reddit catch on?
You expect too much from reddit
Sometimes I envy of reddits ability to eating shit and enjoy it.
You can have it to user, just give yourself brain damage
He is bitching about Twitch banning his game.
He worked on a vr game.
Don't forget the awards Fez "won" and why.
while also doing another vid a few days later apologising for his tone and being too critical of twitch
what a cock sucker
who is more cucked, fish or burch?
I guess not sticking to his guns is a foregone conclusion at this point, wasn't he bending over by cutting some of the more "risky" content to appease SJWs?
webm related
Burch is definitely the more pathetic of the two.
Fish didn't get his Wii-U taken.
Oh shit, I didn't even know he was only the idea guy. Fuck, I never expected to squeeze one more laugh at Fish's expense in 2017.
He's dead.
Controversy for the inventory system?
Aye, some user made a small pastebin pastebin.com
didn't mean to sage
Apparently I found the pics in question on google
Well, that was stupid.
dead in a ditch someone?
working some street corner for tricks as an undercover tranny?
autistic screeching amidst a million homo faggots in some gay night club moshpit in montreal?
smearing peanut butter all over his phone and licking it up with his tongue as a means to shitpost on twitter?
getting reamed by saint anita and the clique?
who knows, really.
he's gone mad
I was in that thread, people were very pleased with the idea of this skirt inventory, there was even discussion on how it should open, either like in those pics, or if it would open on just one side. Then after the poll, anons started to critique him, and I guess it was the straw that broke Yandere's back(people criticized a lot of his dumb ideas like making an open world city or implementing a Yakuza style fighting game).
In a game that has panty shots as currency
He really, really, REALLY wants the game to be unbanned from twitch, and from his latest video(yeah I watched it), he doesn't know why it is banned, and is ready to make almost any change to the game, just to make sure that his game is unbanned.
What bother me the most is he could have made much more money, friends and fans had he not been acting like a narcissistic "I'm always right and you have to agree with me" faggot. He would be making more indie games and doing alright had he not taken himself so seriously and had he not been such a thin skinned faggot.
He wouldnt make more games because he cant and doesnt know how to make them
You may be right if he knew how to code as said
He was talking about phil, yandev actually has some base knowledge
I was referring to the fish man.
This looks like that visual basic course I took a long time ago. I assume there's a better, more efficient way to write this code and achieve the same thing, right?
He's an approval-seeking pussy. It's probably eating him up inside that a big site like that has effectively just said "no" in response to the entire game. Plus, he probably wants all those shekels that the twitch audience would bring.
He chocked on it.
Is that a serious question?? Burch obviously, DJ Phil Fish is a hipster leftist faggot, but he isn't really a cuckold.
Fundamental thing in programming is to avoid repetition, huge blocks of if/switch statements are the prime example of repetition.
You can report for that now.
Not everyone's as autistic about amount of replies as you are.
A stopped clock is right twice a day, who knew Phill Fish could accuratly identify why his pretentious bullshit is both not tolerated and openly mocked.
Fucking hell America… Those puritans really did a number on you, huh?
t. (1) and done type of OP
The (1) and done, isn't just a meme, it shows the level of interest the OP has with his thread. If OP doesn't post in his thread, it means that he really doesn't care for the subject at hand and just wanted to make a bait thread or just wanted to fish for replies. I strongly believe that the quality of the thread is in direct proportion with the involvement of the OP. Now how about you go and fuck yourself you colossal faggot.
He could've gone with a bag slot expansion and maybe pocketing things between leg and panties would've been good. Still wouldn't be censored but it would have less emphasis on skin. That would have been enough.
This game need no censor. He's doing it for the wider audience. for the money.
This, some faggots arent able to see post count in context and realize what it means. If someone is (60) in a thread with 100 replies it also shows what you're dealing with.
It's an anonymous message board, why do you care who posts and how many time they post?
The whole point of it being anonymous is that the discussion matters, not who is discussing it. If you are that bothered about who is saying things then go to a normal message board with avatars and signiatures.
he would've been better off doing the inventory in a purse or schoolbag. Having it be a wierd combat-hotpants-under-skirt thing just screams "I have no artistic integrity."
I think you mean (2), you fucking faggot.
Not only not but it's actually another bad habit that came from reddit. Had to do a assignment a while back and most of the places I needed to look for sources were linked in reddit where I noticed that the majority of threads and questions were posted by OP's who never bother to reply back to their threads, thinking they did a good deed of contributing to the site by making a thread and just fucking off. When I was browsing through the shithole a lot of the post and formats were eerily familiar including the (1) and done OP's. It's just another type of shit that come from redditors or crossposting faggots from halfchan which are essentially the same.
Even when OP turns out to be another (218) sperg or "Todd Howard is a visionary" type? Not really much quality going on there.
The quality of the thread is more based on all the posters - more dedicated posters can salvage a shitty bait thread while good OPs can always go to waste thanks to shitposting. That's the point of an anonymous place for discussion - the people posting doesn't matter, it's content that matters. That's not to say shitty bait/template threads won't attract more shitposting and more thought out OPs won't dissuade regular shitposters, but the impact is less relevant than you think.
Like I said, its about context. This thread turned out alright
I think this habit dates back from Yahoo answers and can also be seen on StackOverflow. Basically some dude asks a question, he receives a few answers, puts a ribbon on the best one and is done with it.
Perhaps, I was too quick to judge, maybe it's more of a bell curve, or it's the quality and quantity of the OP or maybe it's like said. Sure there are lots of cases where anons can salvage a designated shitposting thread aka a template one, but I think that since Op are the ones who created the thread, should at least try an steer the conversation to the destination he wants, and not let it devolve into shitposting. Sure if it's a template thread, or if someone gets a quint he can't do jack shit, but he should at least try.
Right now we are derailed from the original discussion for instance
That's what sage is for.
yeah, you are right