


more concerned with the incredibly shitty textures in current year to be honest.

First pic doesnt look THAT bad

one might call this Kolin cancer



I'm so glad I didn't get SFV

All the sfv girls are prawns besides a few, nice bodies but ugly heads.

where do you think you are?

I might have to reinstall the game.





Should have been a loli with superhuman strength. That's all I'll contribute to this thread.

You mean Mika Returna?

It feels uncanny.

Thick donuts





I'll bite, whats the source of the second image?


As long as they don't fuck her up by making her a charge character or something, she might be worth a try.

Face looks kinda fucked up in the default costume, but fine with the others. At this point, I think Capcom in their eternal jewry is deliberately making the default costumes look shitty so people buy their alts. (See: Akuma, Alex)

She's not even thicc to begin with, you guys wouldn't know thicc if it sat on your dick

How's this


Second image looks shopped. Got any more? Spandex is top tier

Thickfags need to be gassed.


ask /fit/ lol

She looks like a Russian Bond girl, tbh


Looks "heavily inspired" by a superior girl

That's pretty shit. How does it feel to be underaged?

Shes Gills girl, no one had a chance.


Your post is perfect. please leave and give this to the cloud: *one fuck*

if you fucks aren't going to post fit girls I will.

I'll post more if somebody wants it. Don't want jews banning me.

That 2nd one triggers me.

I don't know which is worse.

The fat shit in the back? Same.

2D is for pure dipshit. Otherwise it's just another generic looking moe.

I know I'm going to regret it when I get it but my curiosity has gotten the better of me.

You have a serious case of the shit taste.

No it's once you get done jerking off you realize the girl is using the Leg press machine backwards and she is going to throw out her back.

Asylum Demon

ASSylum demon

all I know is that VVVV on her bikini is the logo of the company that made the set
weasel something
if anyone knows more, I'd like to find out too

That first workout, what the fuck is that? Swing my arms like an idiot with a weight? Drop that shit and show me a pushup. Ohhhh no, give me back my 10lb dumbbell for muh crossfit!
Oh shit how the fuck do you use that machine backwards? The pad is there for your fucking back so you don't you know, lift shit with your back! It looks like something out of the yearly /fit/ comic.


Well you can't argue with the results. She might have a bad back or something into her late 30's but by then nobody will really care.

Also somebody else post fit/spandex I'm done.

why the fuck are her hands so huge holy shit

completely disgusting, no amount of fat ass can redeem such degeneracy



it also looks fake


I've never even gone to a gym and I can tell that second one is fucking stupid.

I won't defend myself and love for a healthy butt. I'll stop posting I guess

Still hot.