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Rise of the Beasts Farming Efficiency for newbies

As mentioned earlier, definitely use the Cardinal Bonus and Daily missions to your advantage.

Low Level Players – Low level players should focus 100% on entering 1BP EX+ raids and getting a single hit in before the battle ends. This will score you between 100~300 Four Symbols Pendants per battle, which can mean 300~900 per hour of natural regeneration, which can translate to about 3600~10800 per 12 hours of play. This is more than enough to score yourself a 4 Star weapon and all of the badge rewards before the event ends.

Mid/High Level Players – If you can defeat/MVP EX level boses, it is not a bad idea to summon and defeat this boss battle over and over for a consistent amount of Four Symbols Pendants and work toward being able to summon your own EX+. You can then use your BP whenever you’re not grinding to also snipe some 1BP EX+ battles, allowing you to rack up even more points and badges.

As for 5BP EX+, if you cannot score at least 200,000~300,000 points, you will not get a 5x multiplier, which generally means it is less efficient than during a 1BP EX+. If you can score significantly more and/or MVP an EX+, you will get more points doing EX+ than sniping, though it does take much longer as far as the fights go.

As for summoning your own EX+, you get a nice bonus for starting the fight, which means if you can get a good modifier, it far outstrips any other AP usage for Four Symbols Pendants. However, given how divided the battles are now (people looking for corresponding bonus battles), you may find yourself unable to get anyone to join…

Players with Claris/Yodaruha/Thalatha/Barowa/High Damage Skills – Using these characters can allow you to consistently score 10,000 ~ 20,000 points on a 1BP EX+, which can allow you to get from a 1.2x~1.8x modifier for the bonus at the end. This is can make it even more efficient than a high level player fighting EX+ over and over, so definitely consider fielding this strategy if you have these characters available.

At least the feeling of progression is somewhat real after a while.



Wasn't there a mention that next Celestial(april) would add more weapons? That's probably when we get light and dark ones

You don't need to fully solo Extreme, just do whatever raid has a bonus at the time and drop it to 50% to secure MVP before calling the nips.

Don't worry i'm sure they are adding lvl 150 Light/Dark weapons to the next Rise of the Beasts to help those weak elements :^)

Fuck the nips. They've annihilated so many of my raids with one goddamn move that the entire
in your previous post makes me want to vomit. Fucker will be dead before you even show up 90% of the time, let alone puke out 4 attack sets with Yoda for Ultimate Flash.


Yeah it sucks but it's probably the only way new players can get some points, the instagib gets a little less cancerous outside of nip prime time though.

More like the strategy was clearly written by a native who never had to deal with anywhere from 5 to 8 timezones difference in terms of lag and connection issues.

that strat will work for the second half of the event when the yoda nips have gotten their fill and aren't grinding 24/7

also, the tier 2 fire guy (agni) seems easier to get a few hits on since there's 3 guys, so no one can just nuke it

Event theme every time, headphone users be warned


Oh man, nevermind this event just became sick.

not guaranteed a character though, satan. Buy with care

Well my choices are a bunch of elemental weapons that are shit useless in my team of light characters, some half elixirs and bits,arc angel weapons I already have like 300 of and that one useful dagger that boosts your honour gain. Already got that dagger so…

Don't forget the rupee. This event is the easiest way to make lods emone.

Sweet i can vice mvp fire ex+ with my weakest grid , were the bosses always this weak?

show team and pool (also yes primals aren't that strong thanks to hp atk buffs and several nerfs)

Feels great to bully the EX fire bird in 4 turns, compared to the last event when I couldn't even kill it on Very Hard.

I would pick up the 10 champion merits, and the berries, potions and rupies.
For a big purchase, You can buy 1 of each seal to host Hugegong/Giraffe, though you need to beat chapter 69 to host the raid. If I was exclusively playing dark/light, I can see myself buying the 10k SSR weapons and foddering them (keeping one copy of the exp/rp boosting ones).



Sure you're talking about the Extreme+ primal raids and not the Extreme four beast raids?

ezpz event

How long have you been playing the game to be able to do something like that user?

t. week old user

It's probably that faggot who was screeching like an autist about baha daggers for low to mid-tier players.

Baha dagger or no, life is suffering.

I got a full set of rusted weapons from Angel grinding. I had a shitload of weapons and summons that needed leveling and that's what ended up happening.

When does the event daily mission reset? 5 a.m. JST / 3 p.m. EST?

started in late october of 2016, so i'm on month 4 now

I just found that during the half ap event, very hard angels was actually one of the best investments for exp and class xp returns. Getting a cache full of archangels is a side benefit.

On a sidenote for this event, since I am running a wind grid, I plan on using my pills whenever Zeph hour is up for leeching for the first 50 raids so that I can get my wind harp. However, I'm conflicted whether I need the honour enhancing fire dagger (since I've yet a grid that lets me truly exploit event honour at a good rate) and I feel like I should aim to grind out 45k for the dragon spear and the talisman.

Did you get lucky with your gacha? Gacha seems to hate me to no end.

the honor dagger works in gw too .the wind lyre is only a 5% increase on class exp so you should prioritize getting the spear and one wind seal for the final uncap

Are the event weaposn good, or are my pendants better spent else where? Because I could really use the rupees for uncapping characters and merits.

what's your main element?

Is it true the MC can be a luchador?

Very lucky. For October and November's legfest, i didn't get too much, but for January, I ended up getting, Anchira, Korwa, Petra, dark jeanne, and vira, so with that i had good, clear leadins for which elements i wanted to play

Yes, its the 4th tier of the Grappler line, we like to call him Grane though

Hey Satan, do you know if the SR Draw tickets give sparks?

Time to enter this magical realm

rupee tab

If my crystal is glowing, should I pop it immediately, or wait for when it's an element I can deal with better?

your choice, it's better to blow your load immediately if the primal you are strong against is in 6 hours in case anyone needs help i'll help if i'm awake


Have fun mate!

Feels good man

Dark, with fire as secondary. I just need 100000 rupees to uncap Vira to 5 star.

suzaku katana is good , otherwise you can only just farm for kirins and consumables i guess

Okay good to know. I'll try to go for the katana, and if not, I'm going to the get rupees. Too bad I'm running low on 1/2 Elixirs because of the last event.

slime blast rooms are like 250k rupees an hour/room. maybe more depending how fast its going and if there are any rabbits or kaguya. i can host one if you want shekels.

What's the recommended power for it? Haven't done a whole lot of Co-op.

its more of a mechanic thing where slimes only take damage from plain/white dmg. reddit made a guide on it.

this is only if you want exp too though. you just need to hit it once or use a buff before it dies if you just want loot/shekels. well most people want exp too but they usually don't have the gear or chars for it.

oops. i mean sometimes instead of usually

So I can't do it currently because my luck's been in the shitter and I can't get the good stuff.

you can still get loot to sell for rupees. just not exp if you dont meet the requirements.

Think I'll do co-op for the loot. At least I get the good loot to sell.

+1 puppet knife (meaning i got a silver moon)

Bronze moon, the plusmarks are nice at least.
I always thought that if someone was to ever spark outside legfest that this kind of promotion would be best but i just realized that the only thing you can spark during these is mediocre summons. Let alone that at the point you'd consider sparking outside of legfest you'd have to already have a completed grid, all the characters you want and every useful summon mlb'd.


usually the +1 fest is good for whales so they can make their epeen go higher

Damn, all that just for a ticketable summon.

This is painful to see, yet I know I'll probably end like this if I don't get my lucky friends to do some of the draws for me.

Do the crystals from showdowns and the weapon limit for the Florenbehk for example reset between each Rise of the Beasts?

only consumables and token rewards , weapons and such won't be restored . i'm not sure about gold nuggets honestly but they probably reset

Thanks for clearing that up.

i just learned something ground breaking….for the first time ever in april there will be a gold nugget restock meaning it's better buying those nuggets now

Any chance of me clearing 45k during the event at my current pace? I've currently set an alarm to go off every hour so that I can spend that 4 ep. I plan to get the dragon spear fully since currently everything else on sales is still too meta for me.

I really hope this person started playing before tezcat was released and thus couldn't ticket him because otherwise this is prime fucking rage material.

Yeah, okay, nevermind. This person is fucking retarded.

If your only relying on natural EP regeneration, over a course of 12 hours, you can leech 36 1EP raids, which can get you around 10k pendants daily (only checking in those 12 hours). You can make it by the time the event ends.

To whoever in the fuck was in that Neptune raid, you guys fucking pulled your goddamn weight. Holy shit, that was a ride. Good work!

What if I don't sleep.

Until the end of the event? You'll probably die, but you'd double your gains.

If you haven't already, buy the 40 potions/40 berries/10 champion merits/200k rupies. That's about 30k pendants and should help you on getting your wind grid up (if you really want to save 5000 pendants, you can just buy the intial batch of 5 champion merits). The Fire Honor dagger is another thing you can buy.
Otherwise you can get the 2nd wind weapon for 30k/50k (the 2nd Qing seal costs 5k more). Don't sweat it if you can't get the 2nd wind weapon to the 4th star, as having one already will take a lot of resources to max out (Level 100 in exp is 10% of the way to level 150).

If I calculate it by the minimum leeching (150 pendants/raid), I get 10,800 over 24 hours provided I am awake every 90 minutes and run through 4 runs, followed by the fifth run that would be due to regen at the 100th minute, then I would be free for another 90 minutes. I would need to sleep in bursts I guess.


Holy fuck, bro, forget buying anything else, just BUY ALL THE GOLD NUGGETS. You'll need the gold bars for your GW weapon collection. Best clean them out now since they'll restock in the next event anyway.

aren't they just adding another bar to shop?

I got Fire Sutera from the free daily draw, is she good?

quite good

At least stock up on nuggets in the meantime until the bars restock.

Very, solid fire party member.

When is the free daily premium over? I swear I wont get shit by the time it ends, nothing but r summons and useless weapons that do not match my class.

14th I think.

Got a Neptune Raid, get in fags.

Awesome, let me give you a salute bonus.

Neptune DBE1CBC8

Thanks, fags.

I'll feel like when I do the legfest at the end of the month with 3k crystals, I'll get shit. Happened twice before.

Do you have a decent party for a couple of elements? If so, you could consider sparking a SSR top tier or a cute girl or bara man if you're into that.

Fire and Dark are pretty good since I can do the hard raids easily. My other element teams are decent expect for water since I have to use two story characters on them.

Forgot to post screenshots of fire and dark teams.

Your luck seems pretty decent to be honest, but if you want to spark, you can quit anytime.

Think I might do that just to say my sparks for characters I want. Looks like I'm not doing draws for sometime.

I wouldn't recommend you to focus on Fire because it's currently the weakest element but if your dick is pleased do it since in the end is the only thing that matters(unless you are e-sports then you need S. Zooey+Six+Korwa)

Your dark team is pretty strong, usually it's a bad idea to focus on Dark/Light as a newbie but in your case is probably your best option until you get more SSR's.

With a proper team to fully grind all the events it usually takes 10-12 months to get the 90k, without a proper team you are going to be grinding for more than a year to get 1 single character.

Are you ready to commit to the 90k spark meme?

If you want to be faceslapped by Titan wingwang, feel free to join.
Will open to nips at 20% or less.

What exactly makes Fire so weak compared to other elements, especially with the Shiva summon floating around nowadays?

Unfortunately, dark elements seems to be where my best luck is. So, it's the best team I got. And fuck that 90k shit. I think'll do 3k at the end of each month and save crystals when I go below 3k.

Lack of defensive support skills.

I actually noticed this as well. Which sucks since I enjoy using my big titty mage.

The only magna weapon they get with ATK+ is the staff, which has the shittiest stats out there.

When I started out at last week of October last year, my fire and water pools were stronger early game, and since my rolled SSR was water (Sylvia) I mained water.

Shit magna grid.

Look, if you like the Fire waifus you got then just play that element.

Fire is weak but not unplayable, i mean you are probably never going to steal public MVP's but you will be able to at least clear 99% of the content eventually.

(cont'd, my bad hit reply before finishing the blogpost)
After a month and the November RotB event passed, fire outstripped water by raw DPS (fire dagger & katana best meme), with it's only weakness is that my party is made of paper. Even with a decent fire pool, half will wipe if the omega boss gets to charge attack. It got to the point I wasted elixirs to stay alive in harder raids (noob mistake, never do that).
Then the very recent events gave us really nice wind event characters (erune loli, monkey loli), then Christmas legfest gifted me Sen which sealed my fate in the windmeme faction. Even if I also rolled a fire SSR in that same legfest, it was too late, and the difference just couldn't compare.
Right now I'm shifting to light as I've unintentionally put together an even stronger light grid (gw weapons hax) and Naoise & Albert pretty much holding the party by themselves. Setting that aside for now while I'm farming the zoo for gold nuggets.

Yeah, that's kind of why I've been using dark as my main because it's mine strongest team.


I know that feel.

It's a good feel.

Hold the fuck up, how true is this? Should I replace my SSR Albert with SR Albert?

I think SSR albert still outpaces SR albert, but only by a bit, far more than an SR should do compared to its SSR. Plus one of SSR Albert's moves is to stun himself for one turn which is awkward to use and makes the SR version easier to use. SSR albert is getting a buff in a week and a bit anyway, so it'll change soon.

Can someone help me do some co-op runs? I'm hosting with my own AP.
Room = D42E0

can the 30,000 token weapons drop from the bosses? I just had the fire badge weapon drop

Yes, they do drop from bosses. Congratulations, you lucky bastard.

The 30k Celestial weapons do not drop, just the shitty 10k weapons

It should be illegal to have that much nee-san power!

I've leeched 14.8k pendants after using about 20 pills for a final spurt to leech Zeph for the harp reward. Back to natural EP regen for me but it looks like I could pull off 45k if I don't sleep for another 36 hours.

if you need more berries, don't forget you can get them from the casino. Play some poker while your ep is regening.

I quite religiously buy my berry and half pots. Well I stock my half pots because I've been gathering up tiamat animas for the eventual Tia Omega host marathon.

Right now it's a split between watching anime, cooking food, making coffee, grinding angels and playing poker.

I wonder if one of the token drops have an SSR spear. That would be perfect to reduce for my windspear's final uncap.

Just got my first flip chest with a selfie in it. It took a while, but I finally got it.

And the waiting begins,,,

Been there.

Need some help with Agni if anyones willing.


So, apparently finishing the pinboard 4 now gives you a guaranteed SSR. Anyone can confirm?

I heard that was a change that was coming with a revamp of the tutorial. Not sure if old players will get access to that or not

Hey fags, hosting a fresh Agni.
ID: 16430014

Yes, anyone new now can get a SSR finishing the pinboard.

I really hope the other rumor about them giving out welfare SSRs is true then. Otherwise just fuck my shit up fam.

Nope. If you completed before hand, you don't get it. Fucking gay. Also got the Luminiera Omega summon and no SSR weapons to use it with. Fuck you game.

How do you retrieve it user? I went to the pinboard but nothing showed up.

You can at least put it in your support summons and earn some rupees and journey drops off it.

They're going to give old accounts an SSR ticket too, right?


Yeah but Hitler did nothing wrong


According to the plebbit thread, they will send old players who have completed the pinboard a free SSR ticket, but at a later date.



Great, I get to wait months for my gold moon.


later date could just be at the next gacha reset or something. I don't see why they'd wait a long time to send it out when it's already on the pinboard. That would just cause a flood of questions.

Also new SSR fire draph trial character. People are speculating that it could be Sturm as they have the same move name

Kinda looks like her too.

I'm pretty sure newbies get 1 SSR for clearing the tutorial and 1 for the pinboard.

Never mind, you were showing that for comparison. I should really go to sleep.


A guy can dream, can't he?

Its been that way since before Christmas.

well we're not getting that tutorial SSR, but hey 1 SSR is better than none

an SR/SSR ticket, sure

Now, I know for a fact that's bullshit because I started playing in new year's and I have no SSR since my ticket was SR/SSR.

Suddenly everyone has Summer Zooey and Cygames never bothers with game balance again.


I think I was confusing the SSR character ticket they gave DMM accounts for logins.


You want to save for Drang's eventual release, huh? I see how you swing, user

They should come in a set anyway.

He'll be like Lowain, but better

or like vira and kat. Bonus stats when together

Don't post pics that make Io look attractive
Just don't do it

Io was a mistake, should've went with Sara for the mainparty loli instead.

Here's some.Also some relevant art for the upcoming Valentines/White day.
She doesn't have much fanart especially for someone in the main party. Her official art is still the best she has.

Leeching update:

There's still 3 days in this event right? I should probably make enough to get that lvl 150 spear now.

Just as i post this i notice these somewhat recent ones.

4 days. It's until the 14th

I won one of the access and play draws

Looks like I did as well. How many crystal winners were there?


Looks like we're getting that SSR tix from pinboard >11900510 now

I have enough fire SSR's to fill in TWO fire teams, can't you give me a dark already? But iirc Aiodos is quite great so I can't really complain, bonus points for HEAVENS ON FIRE

I also got Zeta. I'm sorry.

looks like it is. It doesn't say it's from the giveaway. Grats.

I like her already.

Members of the "Where's Zeta's 5*, Cygames???" Club, unite!

Enjoy her and rake responsibility

She's a real cutie, but I don't know how'll she fit in with my other SSRs. I got Korwa, Yuisis, Arulumaya, De La Fille, and now Heles. Should I just use a Grand Order summon whenever possible?

Just play with korwa and yuisis.


I just pulled Metera off mine.

Exactly how useful is this semen demon?

Cog has arguably the best doujins(right after Nee-san) because they play him up as a pervert who can uderstand Gran's boner, the footjob one was great

Wind is meh
Fireis good

I'll kill you user!

I got Metera. I already have way too many fire SSRs

Fuck, JUST pulled that myself. Second SSR after Clarisse though I have sen as well.

With the ridiculous amount of waifus and the faggotry that is Gran, it's clear that a proper adaption for this series is impossible.

Pls halp the nips are not coming and zhuque dicked yodarha nd his ougi couldnt even do the job.

Thanks to the peeps who came to bail my ass from complete annihilation.

Did I do good?

you got the character equivalent of a kick me sign

I don't follow

He puts them on every early game monster you'll encounter.

his ult nukes everything, so you may annoy some other people in raids or co-op

If people in co-op see you using him they will kick you because you'll kill the monster before they get a chance to do anything, he's a decent character with a gimmick that gives him 999999 damage on ougi which will help you secure MVP 80% of the time

I see what you mean now.

At least I run a light party, right? I mean I wouldn't just insert him in because he can do mad plain damage would I?

I would

vira sama showed herself to me neverthless to say i was pleased


wind metera is used for lelcia setups ( attack oriented ones)



with this i can finish my brown eyes team!

I don't understand, does the AI instinctively know when an ally spells trouble? Like if Luci gets crown of ashes, you can bet your sweet pippy that the boss will now get a 1 in a hundred triple attack and nuke him out of existence. Albert uses lightning blade and the AI instantly spergs at him too.

What the shit?

ai tends to hit target who have lesser defense (naru and siete users can confirm this)

Ah, so because he's only like level 35 while everyone else is like 70. But that begs the question what's the point of tank characters without emnity increasing skills?

? do you mean threat up? cause enmity is the less hp you have the more damage you do (sara and djeanne have them by passive skills)

May be just me, but I feel like another self type skills also up hostility.

Yeah that one. FF14 calls aggro enmity.

wel most defense based units have either substitute, wall , threat up or shields of some sort new cow has passive def and threat up . the only oddity is juliet since she's defense but hits hard as fuck and her kit is mostly shields and healing


Is she good? Im the luckfag

Fuck you, lucky bastard.


She's supposedly mediocre even with a 5* upgrade, but she's due for a buff soon.

Yeah she's good. You can check the tier list for a rough assessment of where a character you draw falls on it. Though this will change when they rebalance a few characters near the end of the month

she's okay but power creeped by djeanne … top tier ass though

Yeah okay i mean he's cool and all but i wanted a female? Gacha do you have females i can draw instead of all these god damn males you've been giving me since the new years legfest?

Guess I can't complain about no SSR anymore.
I got Strong, is she good?
My only other dark character is Lowain and his buddies

Solid and sexy

damn, I wanted her. Everyone in this thread is drawing my personal list.

she's pretty good. I like her due to her kit being simple but solid (compared to some SSRs that require turn by turn management of resources to keep optimal). She's suited to long fights rather than burst, so good for soloing

Agreed on the second count, pretty cute cowtits.

Nice, there's something peaceful about soloing that helps me calm down after grinding raids, especially right before an event ends.

Same idea why my Sen gets a face full of boss wang right on the get go. Likely a combination of high attack and low defense stats gets priority.


I wanted her, bastard.

I don't know if I should use it now or what later. What should I do?


Well I used it now.

See? I told you.

I don't even know where to start with this.

Any chance they're going to fix him soon?

Not everyone can be a winner, sorry guys

A fire SSR, of course.

I got Ippatsu from the rupie draw, and had Barowa.
Should I commit to the RNG fire meme?

only for leeching

i wpuld be happy if i the damascus ingot to mlb his sword and a better earth party or if i used my earth party at all.

>De la Fille

buff soon for that 17 y/o

Enjoy the smooth pits.


I have no grid for fire though. I really really wanted a wind SSR no matte how shit because I'm running on two story characters and a rare that's just there to be a punching bag.

Oh god I just noticed. I got Noa in a SR draw, and Noa is fucking sick, and I got Naoise who's better than SR Rosamia or SR Ferry because I don't have a light tank or healer otherwise. I already had Lucio and SSR Albert and SR Feather. So my team of light characters is now an all /cuteboys/ troop.

Well, I at least have a fire SSR now I guess.

Would have preferred another light SSR to complete my lightmeme, but she's cute. Pulled some Tiamat guns the other day, so I suppose I'll put together a wind team now.

buffs turned Ghanda from meme to solid and Six from ok to Edgegod, 5* turned Yuel into fire godess
Have hope user, because I have her as well

Noa's SSR tier iirc

Feena really needs someone who can buff DATA in the team due to how her ougi works, just so you know

That's a shame, I don't have any wind characters with that buff.

Would it be possible to try and slot SSR Ferry in a team with her?

yeah sure, ferry can work okayish off element and will give Feena her stacks

get gw dagger or play sparta/sage/asparagus with di3 that works

Oh, cool. I thought putting in off element characters would be a bad idea.

at least i've got her and beatrix if i ever get a dark grid

9 times out of 10, it is, but Kurwa, S.Zoi and arguably Ferry can work decently well outside


Hosting Zephyrus, bring your crews
ID: 471B18A6

Thanks, fags.

np big guy

T-thanks I guess

Leeching update:

I can practically smell my wind spear already. Getting a fire MILF didn't help with my team one bit unfortunately. I'll also try to not sleep anymore. Wasted 9 EP doing that.

Pic didn't get attached again.

What's with the fucking connection issues all of a goddamn sudden?

maybe too many people hoping to drop a finger from agni?


i may have shit luck at gacha but atleast bahamut will always be there for me to cheer me up

I'm happy with my SSR, since the next GW is going to be wind.


It might be due to the fact I haven't even completed any of the crew pinboard shit on the third one. Well whatever, I'll continue not to do so.

The ticket is the reward of the fourth board.


Xuanwu Shellfists
worth it or not?

Co-op Dailies

Make your own crew, then quit it afterwards if you don't want it.

Post ID, I'll add you to the third crew.

Don't let your dreams be dreams!


Oh so the bank actually holds up to the last round that takes it to 30k. That's actually good of them.

it was a sorta recent change but after a certain amounts it's always better spending them tokens

10-20% (skill 10-15) echo on your 4th character,
bretty gud for lancelot or other characters with high DATA

You know, terrible SSR or not, I needed a person on my Light team to take care of party healing and she's handling that just fine. Now I can't wait for the balance patch to come by even more, especially since I have SSR Albert and Lady Grey too.

good if you have varuna meh otherwise

And time to get my spear.

Nice job, user.

This is from about 40 hours worth of leeching, some 50 odd pills taken and 3 hours of sleep. The user who posted the leeching guide at the start of the thread knows what he's on about. Now for that 15k talisman.

But then who would they pair Rosetta with?

Can't even complain since it fixes my healer problem.

new dark 5* will be vaseraga and i hope shadowverse collab will have a sl15 unk


Honestly, I was expecting an R weapon shit. Though I could of used the bronze moon.

blame cygames not me

First the little idol now nano, they need to buff water.

That's funny, the free draw gave me the R version of Anna today.

Besides the Flohrenberk, should I keep the other SSR event weapons or just reduce/skill up with them?

only and only fire staff , titan sword , nepu trident and zeph lyre the rest of the weapons are unique

Wha? Do you mean keep the 4 items you've mentioned or reduce them? What do you mean unique weapons?


the four he mentioned have useful skills for leveling
the more expensive ones like the fire katana you can only buy one of, they come uncapped to 3 stars so don't reduce them

I would have preferred Izmir, Hallessena or Razia

but I guess this is fine

B-but I'm pure dark

25 minutes of whittling down Titan.

Well, here's another one for you fags

Thanks to everyone who showed up.

thank you for the 3.8 something pendants

51141E72 titan

Not that bad since I wanna go Fire and all, but I already have Teena and it doesn't seem like she can offer much that Teena doesn't.

It's worth having backup elements, and those weapons are good starts to a new grid. What happens if you draw nothing but fire SSRs next legfest.

So do I need to wait for some autistic event or re-roll period to get into this game, or is that just a convenience for the lucky? Should I bother re-rolling at all like most mobile/gachashit games?
I need a timesink for work because I can't play emulators on the timeclock computer anymore.

Now is a good time to start as there are free daily draws until the 15th, mr quads. Re-rolling isn't that necessary, especially now that they give you a free SSR character ticket for completing the semi-tutorial pinboard missions.

You get a guaranteed SSR now Quads, and another one when you do some beginner level stuff.

Whats exactly this tutorial SSR anyway?

Once you start the game you get a ten draw, yeah? One of the chars in that is guaranteed SSR now.

Finally i managed ot join the coda club

I haven't made an account since they gave it out, but I assume the tutorial SSR is in the free-10 part draw once you create the account, it used to only give one R character and was rigged to never draw an SSR. The 2nd SSR comes from completing the pinboard missions.

The free-10 part SSR draws from a pool of 6 characters, whilst the SSR drawticket from the pinboard can get any character in the pool.

I see, any clue what the pool of 6 is?

I think one of them is the wind cowtit with gravity, a friend of mine that started last weekend got it.

Carmelina, De La Fille, Melleau, Charlotta, Lady Grey, and Zeta

Some of those are getting buffed soon too

Well, I'll give this a shot then. Thanks for the quick reply, nerds.

Make sure to post what SSR you get

charlotta for water carmen wind de la fille light zeta fire lady milf dark melleau for earth?

Yup. None of them are the most stellar SSRs however, and some like Carmelina and De La Fille are even in the running for the worst SSR in the game. That doesn't make them unusable Zeta was my first SSR and she helped me out a lot early game and a handful of them (Carmelina, Lady Grey, and De La Fille) will be getting buffed on the 20th so it'll be worth keeping them.

I'm assuming all of them will eventually get buffed/rebalanced later since they're in the mandatory pool.

possible but it also may not be true

I guess I spent all my luck on quads.

Carmelina, De La Fille, and Lady Grey are on the list of characters they are considering giving adjustments for in the next balance patch.

For Carmelina, I'm hoping that they either buff the Def Down to 25% (so newer players can reach the 50% def down cap with DF), or make the gravity not build up resistances.

I don't even remember how to get to the pin board.

zeta mellau and charlotta aren't gonna be touched at the moment though

Go to news, scroll down to Gameplay Extras and Pinboard is in there.

She'll carry you through the early game, and besides, when you complete the pinboard (4-series set of tutorials and goals that awards you weapons and items) you'll get another SSR ticket to use. De la Fille is a nice healer for your group, I'd suggest looking for a summon called "The Grand Order" for your support summon when you start missions while you're still scrounging up party members. Also note she may get a buff soon.

Thanks, user. Got myself a snaggletooth

Thanks for the tips, I guess I'll dick around with this on the side and check out some guides this weekend.
Anything urgent I should keep an eye out for?

Current event gives some great weapons, lots of consumables, and SR Weapon tickets that can, if you're lucky, pad out your party with SR characters.

You won't be able to do too much with the current event at your level, but still spend your EP (the red dots) on raiding the event whenever you can. You may be able to afford the SR tickets which will help you a lot, otherwise you can just buy the rupees, which again will help you starting out.

Other than that just focus on the story missions for the time being to get some story characters and level up in preparation for the next event on the 15th.

Hosting an Agni, get in faggots
ID: D1605D14

Where the Japanese people at the end ours, or did someone call for the nips? I was so close to MVPing dangit.

I don't know.

Hosting an Agni raid, come on in!

Can someone add 15140789 to a crew please?

Sent, Descartes.

Wasnt expecting to get good draws this week.



I want to shoot my seed inside of Fenrir

Titan, anyone?


I should look at the clock next time before I host these things.

It just took a while for the thread to auto update after no one had posted for a while. I just saw it and joined


I can believe that. Also, even though my room looked empty in the beginning as I waited for someone to join before attacking, when I finally decided to hit the attack button I suddenly saw a bunch of debuffs appear on it from others. Might just be a problem with my connection.

I may not have Sen, but that's a feeling that I know all too well.

Anyone up for Tiamat? B8020196


Is the agni fight causing network errors for anyone else? Whenever one of his satellites die it clears my skill queue and errors when I try to use a skill after that


Best fujoshi potato.

the roaches coming out of the woodworks holy shit. we should help titan build a wall and remove the wind fucks. MAKE EARTH GREAT AGAIN

Someone mind doing some dailies with me?

And make water pay for it?

niggas think they slick

They straight bustas.


So how do I buff up my bard song sub skill…its healing a lot lower than I would like.

You equipping a harp? Aside from that, there are skills and other effects that improve the efficiency of healing (like the Yggdrasil Omega summon) that could help. There's also the Class Champion harp, but that's an option for later in the game.

Either way, I wouldn't make Bard Song out to be a reliable healing method, especially if you're using it outside of the Harpist branch classes.

I kinda was because well refresh is a pretty good ability to have but I guess the only good thing to have it on is a summon i suppose.

Didn't realize you can get flip chests from the special quest bosses. I flipped a shit when I saw it.

Should I splurge on SR Tickets or should I get some SSR weapons from the event for fodder/staff stones?

they can also drop their weapons or cups (only in maniac though)

Collect seals and host Qilin raids here.


You know you can host Qilin raids even after the event's over, right?

How do I host the raids then? And what will I get?

reach chapter 69 and be rank 80+

That isn't terribly impressive tbh

Lets say I have my main summon that's aura is 100% dark attack for allies

If I choose the exact same summon for the support skill that i have to choose every fight, will it stack, giving me 200% dark attack for allies?

also chance at gold bar + chance at one of the most broken summon in the game

How is Quilin broken? I'm going for Hades.

quilin active refresh all your current abilities cooldown hades can only be acquired in the gacha at shit rate and making a pool for him is expensive in all sense of terms

How do I fight Quilin and how rare is the summon?

you either enter twitter raids or acquire a gold seal then reach chapter 69 and host it

Yes, it stacks additively, later on though you want to have different types of dark attack when your omega skill is high enough, since different boosts will stack multiplicatively.

Oh so instead of 100+100

It would be 100x125 due to them differing, is that correct?

are you running double bahamut?

No because 10% is just too low. I was thinking double grand order uncapped.

If it's double Bahamut, their multipliers count as Elemental, so they are added together. If you have a summon that says Normal attack (like grande order or Diablo for dark), it would add multiplactively, so If you had an uncapped grand order and an uncapped bahamut, it would be on different multipliers.

100 (Base attack) * 2.0 (1 + Elemental/100) * 2.0 Grand Order (1 + Normal/100) = 400 Attack

Whereas double bahamut would be.

100 (Base attack) * 3.0 (1 + Elemental/100 + Elemental/100) = 300 Attack

This isn't taking into account Weapon Skills, There are 3 different types of weapon skills. Normal (skills like Dark/Hatred/Oblivion) are buffed by Primal summons (Hades for Dark). Omega Skills (magna weapons) are buffed by Omega summons (Celeste for Dark). and Unknown (event weapons).

More like a problem with the actual game since the same thing can happen with health.

Lunalu a best!

Hoi, faggots. Got an Agni raid for you.
ID: DC71028A

I've gotten to the point where I just don't hit the boss for a refund if I see a warlock in first place.

Also we need a new thread soon. This one went fast

Am I misunderstanding something or are the fucking nips lying to me? I join co-op rooms labelled "H1" or "H2" but they're never hard stage 1 or 2 missions.

I've noticed that too. I don't get it

Who here thinks I can get 35k pendants in 1.5 days? If I do, I'll throw a Qilin raid for you all.

Sleepless leeching user here. I gotten 45k since the start of the event by leeching 150 pendants at a time. I still haven't blown through my pill supplies yet so if you can actually somewhat fight the raid boss, I'm sure you'll have an easier time than me.

I've leeched probably 85k here, though I've been using elixers and berries and the like to keep myself in the grinding game. I hope I can get it done so we can run the raid.

I do. I've been getting about 50k on average a day. Use to find the big bosses and pump them out.

The only big boss I've got pinged up on that site is Qilin, and I haven't been able to join a single raid of his, and I don't want to spend my 100 berries lightly since GW is incoming and I have 100 half-pots plus 17 full-pots I can spend on hosting raids

sorry, I meant agni and neptune and those lot. I should have made that clearer since qilin and huanglong are the bigger bosses. You can get ~1000 pendants from ~45k honour. So 30 good ex+ bosses (with no warlocks) and you'll have a weapon. You can buy berries for 100 event pendants, too. So 300 pendants to earn 1000 pendants will keep you going if you run out of berries.

Weapon? I'm not looking for the weapons, I already bought 5 gold nuggers and the Florhenberk, along with the cheapest set of rupees, elixers and berries the shop had already. I'm getting 45k pendants for a gold seal to let the thread fight Qilin.

How's about a Neptune before this thread dies?


Almost broke 100k honors, I'm getting better by the day!

And someday, you'll be able to solo an EX+