Just give me a simple bullet point list of the good and the bad of both of these games, please

Just give me a simple bullet point list of the good and the bad of both of these games, please.


Expect QUALITY port

Repetitive? Restrictive? Boring, even?

Someone who's played the games give me the details, please.

How about you check the catalog and see if a thread on a subject exists first before making another thread on it?

Don't bother until they (never) fix the port.

Buy it if you want to melt your CPU. The great port eats that shit up but your GPU runs at less than 10%. Holy shit it's not even worth a pirate

Weeaboo shit of kawaii girls doing kawaii shit.

Are japs even aware of devices such as dedicated gpus?

Its already fixed

why are you lying shill? they haven't and probably won't ever fix their mess.

there, all you need

Bad: Weebshit

Kill yourself

Good: Cute girls
Bad: Rug munching dykes
Send 'em to Pence.

Fuck off fag.

You can't impregnate them.

Fuck off, weeb. Responding after a /thread is generally considered stupid, newfag.

Pretty sure this never happened here for a while other than gamefuckz

Okay, but is there some form of gameplay involved or is it just an anime with button prompts?

you didn't even read it shill

You collect materials and craft weapons or items to sell or deliver as quests.

The crafting system generally has enough detail that it can get fairly autistic regarding item quality and inherited attributes.

Atelier is typical yuri read: anti-male propaganda bait.

Kill yourself A. Autist.


Port quality applies to both, there aren't a whole lot of differences. It's okay. There's some work you have to do for initial setup (fixing the CPU bug, fixing the controls for NoA, setting a custom resolution through a registry edit if yours isn't supported), but the good news is that the games run well once you do that.

Nights of Azure:
Interesting mechanics. You build a party of four demons (with 20 or so to choose from, all of which do play differently from each other and can be customized to a limited extent), and then combat is ARPG-style (somewhat like Ys, if you've played that) with the MC also issuing commands to the demons. The core combat systems all feel really good.
Good music. This goes for everything Gust makes, but I thought NoA was a standout even for them.
The story is actually good. The translation has a few problems (weird phrasing, inconsistent tone) but there's no censorship and I liked the characters.

Visually, the game is sort of mixed. Characters are some of the best looking anime-style 3D I've ever seen in a game, but environments look almost like something from a PS2 game and animations are sometimes janky.
It isn't nearly difficult enough. Bosses only start to get challenging at endgame and even then you feel like you're barely scratching the surface of what the game should be. Bosses all have interesting mechanics and are well-designed, but for most of the early and mid-game nothing hits hard enough that you actually have to pay attention to it.

The crafting mechanics are very good. Atelier always does this well, but I thought this was an improvement over the Dusk games (not as good as the later Arland games, though).
Combat is very standard turn-based JRPG stuff. It's not awful, but it also doesn't have a whole lot to set it apart.
The story feels much more aimless than a lot of the previous games in the series. This is partially down to the absence of time limits, which helped keep you focused and made you prioritize what you actually needed to do in previous games.

Read the whole thread.

Atelier is always good
i want Arland series to get into Steam

you didn't even read it shill


1 0 0 % C P U

Isn't this false? I've not played the game and used to think that as well but then I looked at some videos of the combat and it looks like you decide all attacks at once and then they and the enemy attacks play out in one string instead of you picking an attack, it playing out and then you picking the next attack and that playing out and so on like it does in standard JRPG combat.

I don't know how Atelier does things, but the combat in Dragon Quest is like you describe too, so it's not like that would be unique or anything.

I guess it's not that uncommon. I'm just so used to all sorts of time bars and pseudo action/turnbased combat from new FFs and the likes.

So, if there's even one more thread about this game now, a game that nobody ever played or about this series, which only a tiny fraction of ever knew about, I'll start to report these threads as Marketing shilling, specially because all of them keeps telling:

If you want to shill this hard for this game, wait for the fucking release and pirate this shit. Never pre-order/order something you know shit about - play the game, see if the company is engaging in non-retarded activity, and then decide if you want to give them your money or not.
I advise not, why? Because games are a non-productive sector of the economy, specially if it's digital media, and contributes nothing to the real life economy like sectors such as Farming, Construction and Industry.
(You would also be senting money to a foreign Country, which means you're contributing for the further impoverishment of where you live).
Do not think you live in a bubble and that your actions are devoid of consequences which don't interfere with society.

there are two threads about Sophie it sperg. report it as a duplicate if you care so much and hope the mods can be bothered to deal with it. if they don't then just contain your seething autism and hide it.

Did they fix the CPU bug and allow you to rebind keyboard controls yet?

Fuck off retard.

Fuck off, retard.

Good. Kill yourself.

Any of this 60fps?

Fans fixed the CPU bug. No idea about keyboard controls, I've just been using a gamepad.

Yes. Both games will run at 60 FPS.

We already have a thread for these faggot

Nights of Azure
-Arnice is top tier waifu
-Decent art direction
-Everything else.

Dunno about Atellier, never played it.

When the fuck are they gonna patch the item pick up glitch for azure nights.

Yes im mad


Fans haven't fixed it they simply made it so you run on 1 core not the entire CPU.

KT said they would be releasing a patch to fix this soon.

Lesbians are degenerate and you have shit taste.

Steam will end one day

OP is a fag
Already a thread on this

More bad:
Forgot to sage (my bad)

Retards like you need to be gassed.

No, actually. The .dll fix spreads usage across cores, it's only changing affinity in task manager that runs 1 core at 100%.

So Azure is cute, sexy anime lesbians raising and commanding monsterbros?


Who are you quoting?
Now, user I know you just came here from reddit, but not all of us are hostile 24/7, you won't fit in just by being angry all the time.

So Sophie doesn't have time limits?

The one thing I couldn't stand about Atelier games was the time limit.

Nice try scaredfag. I CONTROL bitches like you when they try to go after my fellow man. Scared "people" are the ones that deserve death the most, even more than your lesbian mistresses.

CPU issue has been fixed.

What hasn't been fixed is the low-res 2D assets and I think some framerate issues with menus

Since no one in this thread asked it. How's the pantsu content? Is it good? Can I look up skirts?

makes you cri evry tiem

Dats some heavy marketing tactics, next time log out of your account before you take the screenshot.

I edited the image to say that intentionally


No skirt peeking, there is webm related though. Also I'm pretty sure Cornelia is nopan.

Either you play the game for moe or you don't. Simple as that. Atelier is more grindy while Azure is more straight forward. Both have their merits and both contain cute girls doing cute things.

Whenever it is "good" is subjective to the person who plays it and how much the want of the given content.

Excellent. I can always count on Japan when it counts.

What's up with all the anti-anime games lately? It seems every single thread is being bombarded by these mouthbreathing cucks. Are we under serious cuckchan invasion?

where the fuck have you been the past 6 months

I've been here man, but it hasn't been this bad. Always a few retards here and there, but goddamn, it's like every single response in here is some damn 12 year old sperging about babbies first cute girls doing cute things.

It's gotten so bad recently I've only been in the fightan and vita generals since any other thread is filled with a million retards. Why the fuck are they still coming here?

Retards will destroy their own "arguments".

Stop worrying and point out why the game in question is good and why the retards are full of shit rather than just posting smug to mock.
