Reminder that all of the Big 3 are filled with SJWs

Not a single one of them avoided this. Especially not Nintendo with the SJWs in NOA.

Sony? See Horizon Zero (SJW Zelda), among other things. Microsoft? Kek. Nintendo has its train wreck with Fates localization.

Other urls found in this thread:

And? What is your point?

Horizon Zero Dawn is nothing like Zelda, why do people compare it to Zelda?

The lead looks like a uggo Link?

Isn't new zelda fat or something like that? Anyway we know this long time ago. Video games are for children so why do you play them? Play free to play shit and don't pay them if you will.

Uh oh.

everything is sjw
the internet is sjw, themonitor im looking at is made by sjw, the chair im sitting on is made by sjw. the beer im drinkng is made by swj my family is sjw, the news is sjw rthe movies aere sjw the dvh schools are sjw and the world is sjew

wwhy bother

this post is sjw

Don't buy anything even remotely connected to cultmarxism. At most, pirate it. Problem solved.

fuuck you

You're the reason this industry is shit, libtard

why live

It's the only thing making it bearable.


And nothing of value was lost.

* Never pre-order anything
* Never fund kikestarter projects
* Never buy a game without trying it first
* Never buy overpriced DLC or season passes
* Never support companies that pander to SJWs
* Never support companies that practice anti-consumer methods in marketing/sales (EA, Ubisoft, ect)

That's like stating that the sky is blue.

Trips of truth

Reminder that we're being invaded by plebbit refugees invited by Holla Forums. Yes, exactly the same tactic used with illegal immigrants IRL.

So the same way how Holla Forums invited The_Donald to 8ch. Considering the drop in quality since then, we're in for more horrors.

You're both shit boards for letting cuckchan and reddit crossposting scum in here and doing absolutely nothing about it because you want the poor minded cattle to accomplish your objective.

Holla Forums got a fresh batch of cuckchan refugees recently when 4/pol mods started banning HWNDU threads.

more like SJW AssCreed than Zelda.

Reminder that the SJWs have infiltrated EVERYTHING!

Save for one place.

Don't even pirate it. If a game doesn't sell but gets pirated a lot, devs/publishers can still point to that as a sign that the game was good/popular. If people won't buy and won't even steal the game, it sends a much stronger message that we're sick of the bullshit.

when did Holla Forums become nothing but bait and shit threads?
I think it started when the hunger games took off

Isn't NoA's biggest issue that they specifically change things from the original Japanese release? Essentially they say the developer is wrong and make unapproved alterations that deviate from the original product purely based on NoA's opinion.

Not to say that the others don't have SJWs and whatnot, but Microsoft/Sony don't have nearly the massive track record of severely altering games for the sake of "localization."

They parodied red head.
It is more like they are retarded instead of SJW.

is there a difference?

There's literally nothing wrong with being a social justice warrior.

Hunger games started almost 2 years ago, if you really want to know where things went to shit look no further than when the election started to reach fever pitch.

One fights for idiotic ideas.
Second tries to pander to them.

So there is little if any. We would need to see if they will continue doing this after social justice goes out of fashion to determine it.

I will post it everywhere.

Since you mentioned Xenoblade, is it any good? I can get it for like 15 €, but I've heard that the text is really small and the game is kind of slow to start.

The game is very ass until you do the crazy vague mission to get the Doll, and then do even more vague shit to get the flight mode.

Once you get the Doll and flight, then the game gets enjoyable and is a decent mech rpg, but before that, the game is a slog.

Also, don't bother getting any other partners than the starting two of elma and lin because you always need them with you to advance the story.

I hate all these comparisons of Bravely Default.
They look like potatoes, anyone with jap version should have focused on dialog instead of skimpy they are.

So basically it is not worth a buy then? Ok.

Holla Forums never wanted redditors and never invited them, they actively sperg out every time someone direct linked to 8ch


It's not going to be the big three for much longer.

Sony should be able to sustain significant losses for another decade before they are liquidated.

it ain't bad. the environments are gorgeous and I enjoyed the combat but didnt like the characters.

Who cares. I don't buy any of their games or consoles.

Good! SJWs cant code for shit, or make a decent story. Their corruption will lead to the death and ashes of the vidya industry, paving the way for real vidya to be made again. And any anons planning to capitalize will reap the rewards of the new landscape.


Yeah but since Nintendo has a japanese branch do they have SJWs there, or rather I should ask, do they have Koreans there since that's where most of the SJW faggotry comes from?

Typically it does without government intervention.
Why do you think most Network Providers in america are in bed with the government?

I'll be honest with you, man, every time I see somebody start yammering about SJWs on either side of the issue my eyes glaze over.

Take the politics elsewhere.

Give it like 2 years and eventually extremists will either all be arrested or give up when they realize nobody actually likes them.
You won't really see politics unless it has a direct impact on games.

Holla Forums still trucks along.


thread theme

Yeah but the only people who really enjoy Holla Forums are Holla Forums, and people who can use Holla Forums and Holla Forums like individuals as political capital.

You're a part of the problem


You are fucking inbreds, get the fuck out.

Your friendly reminder that if you're not 100% European, wealthy, male, openly Catholic, heterosexual, and born into the right social caste, you'd be a slave right now if someone wasn't at one point willing to fight for minority rights.

That doesn't mean we should be putting transsexuals in video games, but just saying.

Not wanting sjws to ruin things isn't extremism. Do return to leftypol please.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about extremists on both sides of the fence. Not shutting up about SJWs ever could be construed as extremism of opinion


I am a Sega fan so i don't care.

reminder that all PC hardware is filled with NSA backdoors.
you get jew'd either way.

also, this.
dreamcast was ahead of its time in every way, I kind of want to get into dreamcast homebrew now and try and make something cool like a lego alpha team inspired game.


Reported for yet another d&c and derailing.

Reported for announcing reports.

Social media and MSM (((news))) websites are not "the internet."
No, it's Chinese.
Also Chinese.
Stop drinking overpriced, overhopped IPA garbage made by hipster faggots.
Not everyone lives in Commiefornia.
Kike controlled media pushes cultural Marxism? Big surprise, right?
Most places in the world execute SJWs by setting them on fire in the streets, stoning them, or throwing them from rooftops; usually in the African and Middle Eastern nations SJWs thoughtlessly praise and defend.

Save your money. You have to play over half the game before it gets decent. It's would be like if Xenogears didn't let you touch a gear until you were 30 hours into the game.


I wouldn't go as far as comparing it to Zelda
The game basically rips off a MC from Heavenly Sword, Bioware dialog wheel, the world from Enslaved: Odissey to the West, and gameplay from Nu tomb Raider with a little bit of monsterhunter thrown in

I'm not in the least surprised that they would put nigger runnign around in post apocalliptic Merica and i'm just assuming the game takes place in Merica
The problem in vydie is not Diversity itself, it's "in your face" type of diversity, FF7 was one of the most venerated games of all time and everyboddy lovd the diverse character cast
Gears of War had a Spic and a Nigger and both of them were very loved character
Diversity isn't the porblem, Hippster are
Look at Dindu dogs? with their dindu protagonist, nobody cares that he is a nigger, if people cared about that then GTA San Andreas wouldn't have become the massive hit it became, what people care about is that he is a power fantasy for emasculated hippster beta cukcs

As for Horizon, we haven't seen more than a few N(igger)PCs being all WE WUZ KANGS AND SHEIT but it'll take more than a game depicting dindus acting like dindus for me to discard it
If they start glorifying the "WE WUZ" mind set of nigger, then it's a different story but just showing dindus being dindus does not an SWJ game make

Okay and?

It's SJW Witcher 3.

People making shitty casual games is why this industry is shit m80

I'm polish. My games are dubbed (except for Nintendo, but nobody here buys that anyways). My VAs are not fuckin western college SJWs.

So stop being g a cuck and getting their games while paying for them.

It's more than just VAs. The game has Niggers.


Yes, you are absolutely right. I work Erdogan and we plan to fill your countries with muslims who will marry and have many kids while you virgin neets die. Get fucked, white infidels.



Fuck off Ahmed, don't you have a goat to fuck or something?
Drink bleach and an hero ASAP.

He's not talking about Arabs, he's talking about Turkroaches. Turkish women are also unattractive.


Don't you have children to molest in the back of your shitty churches while you spew all the bullshit about how God is 3 and a third of him died? Fucking cross worshippers.

Like in the Middle East? Look up Bacha Boys.

top kek as they say

Burn it all down.
We'll make our own vidya games.

We didn't invite anyone you fucking retard, we actually tried to keep them away from us. Holla Forums on the other hand is actively recruiting people on reddit.

sage for boardsht

GTA:SA got more dindus. Still was nice. Wait until release before you spit on something.


I haven't seen what would implicate H:ZD as being an SJW game, afaik it just happens to have a female protag, which doesn't an SJW-game make.

I like female protags, if I'm going to play a game for a reasonable number of hours, I'd rather it not be a bro space marine sausage fest.

It's a different story if the game keeps nagging on and on about it though.

well, she is also a lesbian

Hunger games threads have been around since the first exodus, dipshit.
Why have you started complaining about them anyway? Did someone post a triggering nominee that hurt your feefees?

If you were to say that you can't call it an SJW game yet you'd be right it isn't actually out yet, but the red flags are all there. We've seen this shit too many times for anyone to be naive at this point.


I hope you're ready for half of the armies present on the Eastern Front to be composed out of female soldiers goys.

If females could meet the same standard that the current male soldiers are required to meet then it isn't a problem
Though that's purely fantasy, worldwide most services and roles ask for lower standards

Remember tits and ass are the ultimate weapon against the retarded cultists.

Most of all, anime tiddies. It's fucking anathema to cucks and insecure asshurt hag cunts and people that aren't pretentious pieces of shit most often praise and joke about them.

It's mostly because there was that one batallion of Ruskies in the first World War.

I don't really give a damn about any reasons, threats aren't going to run slower or hit lighter because the target is a female.
I don't care if "equality" ruins gaming, it should just be kept out of services where it could actually kill people.

Speaking of which they might just do, since both men and women 80 years ago were much more /fit/ than today's people. Feminist history revisionists like to pretend until not too long ago the entire world was (or still is) a patriarchy where women stayed in their caged kitchens enslaved or whatever, but ask your grandmother what she thought of your grandfather and if her parents and grandparents were the same. I'm sure they loved each other a lot. Ask her about what feminists claim and she will deny it all.
You can find early 20th century pictures of women doing heavy work, and we had many female leaders (princesses, queens) throughout history. Truth is, women never were oppressed and feminism was bullshit from the start.

The future of computer games once again lies in home computers. This is unfortunate, because while Microsoft doesn't have quite as tight of control over the market as they did in the late 1990s, they're still forcing Windows 10 with the arbitrary walling of DirectX 12 and pushing their overpriced tablets moreso than Xbox, sacrificing it at the altar of the almighty profit margin. You know you've fucked things up when even Mac OS or Linux users will have a better time installing games.


weird way of looking at it, considering how PC gaming is controlled by a small few central groups and corporations and the majority of new, high end releases are multiplatform console games with abundant platform exclusive issues. And the few exclusives well…Undertale isn't exactly an icon of confidence.

PC has always been the potentially superior platform due to the ability to add extra complexity to games without being limited by the input device or the drive for maximum profit. Games like Dwarf Fortress and Aurora are emblematic of this potential, yet most dumb niggers are more concerned with playing the same simple shit present on consoles but with MUH FRAMERATE and MUH GRAPHIX. There's nothing wrong with simplistic games for a quick fix of entertainment, but almost invariably everything is being dumbed down.

PC gaming is being held back by its own dumb fucking audience. The fuck do we need DX12 or ultra expensive graphics cards for? Better graphics won't make more truly compelling mechanics/gameplay. It never has and it never will.

you live in an odd reality. PC has occasionally been the theoretical best platform based on advanced hardware, openness and input options. There's several factors holding each part back from drivers, input latency, audience size, APIs, and many more issues. Occasionally because it happened towards the end of the 90s, but was usurped by consoles, then towards the mid 2000's, but was usurped by consoles, and then toward the early 2010's but there was no market for high end PC games by that point.

It's a troubled existence, and one that doesn't look to have a strong future.


is the point of contention.

So, just AssCreed then.

I see what you mean, but it's clear that our priorities are different. There isn't much point arguing.

I don't want to bring up an argument, just a different perspective on how things have folded out in the industry

I suppose console do?

Christcucks need to be contained, but your people should get the rope, Mohammed.