4 AM

Losing control?

Whats your favorite game where the main theme is crime?

Other urls found in this thread:


Saints Row 2. I thought I had other stuff to add but it turns out I don't. I'm actually up tonight, though. Missed the last couple threads.

Come on over to the 4 AM CyTube. Music until 6 AM, then it's whatever ;3


Being poor.

I guess GTA? I haven't played a lot of crime games. Vice City would be my favorite out of the series due to the soundtrack and visuals.

Yes I am losing control, been binge drinking tonight, more relationship bullshit. I had a friend try to tell me "Poly isn't bad" blew the fuck up on her.

Morning everyone!

Have to flip my sleep schedule a bit for some dumb family thing on sunday. Hate when this happens. They always drop it on me randomly and it sucks having to do it in just a couple days.

Still playing network transmission but will probably beat it today sadly. Bummed this never got a sequel.

undertale 7 robbery assault and battery


What you been up to the last few days?

I wanted to fuck the main pink haired chick from that show so hard. Flipping sleep schedule sucks, my family used to spring that shit on me too when I lived at home.

So, I was freaking out about this one crazy math class I was taking this semester - not sure if I talked about it in the thread, or just the discord/irc - but I ended up dropping it.

6 hours of work assigned per class, for an entry level college math class… part of me feels like I shouldn't have dropped it, that I was a coward, but pretty much everyone I talked to told me that it was insane.

I think the thing that makes it the worst, is that I actually talked with the professor - and they weren't stuck up, or a bitch, or anything like that. They had a high workload, but they were definitely open to suggestions and willing to help. Even then, there's only so much they can change and the homework - especially when every day It's an hour and a half commute one way to class, knocking 3 hours out of my day - just wasn't very feasible for me to do without having no free time at all, and negatively impacting my other classes and my work.

I hate when shit like this happens. I feel like a dick for the decision I made, but I also understand that it wasn't a "bad" decision, it just wasn't a good one. There were no "good" ways to tackle this problem.

I don't remember the main show at all. I skipped through it just for lucky channel honestly.

Wait like 6 hours of homework for every day you were in the class? If so thats just retarded. Just try and find another math teacher you can get at the school.

Boring stuff. Helping my grandmother with some stuff around her house, meeting with my kid's principal, that kind of thing. Probably going to bed before long, I'm absolutely burnt out.

Tell me a multiplayer game that is still alive that doesn't use Steam faggots, pls

Polyamory, like the bitch from my last relationship. Basically it's an "open relationship" and they justify it by saying that I can go fuck other women, but we all nkow how hard the pussy game is. So really it just turns the man into a cuck while she chokes down dicks.

I know that feel m8. I dropped out last term because I couldn't handle shit. Try not to beat yourself up about it yeah?

Open relationships never work out. They're just a time bomb for someone to explode on everyone else, or one of the slutty members of the "group" to bring back a disease.

Need some help with something, thinking of making a variant of this about Trump and the wall, but I'm having issues with trying to get something fitting for the last part of the first line. Currently have this, but something feels off:

Yeah, 6 hours of work for each classs. Twice a week.

I can't get another class this semester.


It all sounds the same to me. Call it whatever you want, I'm not going to be a part of it.

What'd your kid do?

Ew yeah slap that shit down.

Was it like a really advanced math class or something?


Sup guys? I got myself a new phone finally, definite upgrade since my last phone I got was from 2014. I got it for really cheap too.

That sucks man. I'm taking some classes right now and I'm doing okay so far, however my history class seems to have the biggest workload so far since I have a lot of assigned reading to do.

Nope, College Algebra. It's literally the lowest math class eligible for transfer credits to a 4 year university.

Keep in mind, I've taken college algebra in high school - even in a 1 semester setting, where the homework load was especially high, and the homework wasn't nearly as bad back in my high school class… and said teacher was known for being a hard-ass.

I'd like to note that my dad is actually a high school math teacher that is qualified to teach College Algebra himself and he thought the work load was ridiculous. It's the only reason my parents haven't flipped on me for dropping the class.

I'd change "My wall is so big" to "My wall is so yuuuge", personally. That's just my taste though.

She beat up a boy.

Seemed like they were laying off him the last few threads too. Kinda surprised.

I keep phones for like 5 years at a time. Only ever get hand me downs too.

Hows life?

Shiiiiiet. You got yourself a cute tomboy or something?




reminder of what happens when you bring in pleb statements to cytube

Thanks for reminding me that 2012 was 5 years ago. Fuck.

Oh well thats good at least. Plus you can get all kinds of help on that shit.

Did you go to school where your dad worked?

The 90s are almost 20 years gone at this point

One in development, apparently. Hopefully the violent streak doesn't stick around.

holy shit…

That's a good point, I'll make note of that. Doesn't sole the issue with the latter part of the first sentence though. Namely because a wall can't really "spin", nor can you unzip a wall (if memory serves that's what the original shitty advert had).

Got to ask, did he actually deserve it, or was she just being a bitch?

da weird thang iz monica i ain't even kno till da next night but w/e monica

you can keep trying to make me suck dick, Spider. It's not going to happen…. at least not tonight.

Good to see you, homie.

Yes. Junior year of High School I had a shitty chemistry class where the horrible teacher retired in-between semesters and my dad became the long-term sub for my period.

Anons, you haven't experienced hell until you've had your dad as your High School science teacher for 5 months.

Sickanon here. Its been almost 2 months and a week since i was supposed to get my meds. Surprisingly enough ive been feeling ok lately. Gonna emulate DKC 2 tomorrow. Any more reccomendations for SNES games?

I graduated in 2011 myself. Probably not as big a feel as you, but it seems a bit surreal to me that I'm sharing board space with people that were born in 1998-99, who aren't classified as "underageb&" posters as of now.

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers. The very opening of the game is you and your girlfriend hacking into an online raffle hosted by the government and making themselves the winners.
The protags all hang out together in a semi-truck that has a super computer in the back they do some hacking on, allows for quick getaways. Shit's badass.

Yeah, I'm losing control.
I'm quitting cigarettes and I've been a huge fucking asshole and don't even realize it till I've already fucked up everything. I have a online boyfriend, my only friend in the world, and unfortunately all he gives a fuck about is music and I fucking hate music. I told him so today and I made a case about how composing music is just a jewish scheme, I mean have you seen how much equipment is? This guy owns $30,000 of this fucking crap just to play guitar.
Anyway, he ran off literally crying not after saying he's contemplating dumping me over my constant shitting on his precious music and now I'm alone with nothing to do.
He knows I hate music, I wish he'd stop talking about it to me all the time. I wish he had other interests.

Getting harder ever since I got a job. I don't understand tax bullshit at all and financial aid is making me jump through hoops just so it can pay my tuition.

Cut her hair short, get her into sports, just don't let her get near sjws and shit or she'll end up lesbo. Cute tomboys a best.

Weeeeew. I was just going to ask if it was awkward having him in the same school. Same class though? Fucking hell.

Any funny stories?

Damn, m8. what you sick with?

It really hits me when I head back home and see all the kids from my younger brothers class at the bar. Fuckers need to leave.

Quitting cigs is a fucking bitch. Good luck user.

Just take it to one of those quick tax places. They'll bang it out in an hour. Or have your parents do it for you like I do.

Fellow user trying to get his meds here, insurance finally switched me over. Now I just have to wait for my gastro place to right a new six month prescription before I can get my infusion.

Also mentioned what you're going through to my mother, who works medical. She says you really need to try to get back on Remicade as soon as possible. Not just to start feeling better, but because, if she's remembering correctly, it's one of those meds you risk your body rejecting if you're off it for too long.

What sort of games you like?

Tomboys are the best. Its a shame that SJWs ruined them. Good luck finding a short haired sporty woman in todays society thats not a fucking dyke feminist

Ulcerative colitis. Im supposed to get an infusion every 2 months, but the government/doctor refuses to give me it because its too expensive. Basically i shit blood.

Go Go Ackman is pretty fun and has fun artwork.

Thats why theres waifus friend.

Constant embarrassment, or was he even harder on you than others since you're his kid?

You can erect a wall, though. That's got kind of a phallic sound to it, might work.
From what I gathered, there was an argument and she escalated it with a headbutt. So probably the latter. Or maybe she likes him and is weird about it. I don't know.


Her hair's already pretty short, but I'm not gonna force her into sports yet. If the temper stays a problem, maybe I'll look into soccer or hockey or something for her. Those are popular for girls around here.
This is hick country. We don't have SJWs. We have folks. Lots of folks.

Oh fuck. I hope i can get it soon. Im going to the doctor tomorrow and demanding it. I dont want humera or w/e the alternative is.

Dungeon crawlers or ARPGs

Well, he really pulled the whole class over for the final in that class… he knew that he was working an uphill battle for the students, since the previous teacher was so horrible.

So… he hands out the final, it's full of a ton of tough-shit questions that are still all technically within the curriculum, let us suffer for 10-15 minutes, then walked to the classroom drawer, grabbed a bunch of bags of chips/pretzels/etc, tells us the final is extra credit, and whatever grade we had before the test is the grade we have now unless we choose to do the test - and then he let us have a free period.

There were also the inevitable times where I accidentally called out "Dad" instead of "Mr. user's Last Name", which was about as awkward as you'd expect.

ogre battle
megaman exxxxes (plural shiz wut lol)
heard das sum wizardry 1-3 ish up in dat bitch 2 monica
sf2 turbo if u got a nigga
famicom detective club sumn sumn monica

dafuq dat monica? das sum toriyama art fa sho fa sho? platformer?

Shin Megami Tensei I or II if you want a game that actually makes you use your brain.

It's actually not been challenging at all, I'm having an easy time. The mood change really hurts him more than it does me, I mean I don't even notice it like I said.

you son of a bitch…

Fuuuck. I hope something works out for you. best wishes and all that.

quick question. How many people here are in their 30s or approaching their 30s?

dmx is eternal monica

Nioh is fun and I'm enjoying it a lot.

I'm 26. So I guess it was more like 8 years and change ago. Was late 2008.

Both, really. He took it as basically free reign to make as many dad jokes in class as he could think of, and he gave me extra shit if I missed any assignments since he was the teacher.

You the guy with 3 kids or?


Shit he sounds like a cool teacher. At least that probably made your classmates less weird about it.

Yeah its a short run manga he did in the 90s. Its a platformer and got like 3 games in the series. Pretty great.

Yeah, but that causes a bit of a paradox. If he's just erecting his wall, how's it already YUUUGE?

My dad's on humera, I think. It's like shots every few weeks, or something. He says it works well and has been trying to get me to get on it.

Maybe consider looking into Xak? Though, you might want to check the status of the bugfix on their forum first.

I tried my hardest o get into SMT 2. I really did. I just feel like the combat system is too much of a mess. I'll try again once i run out of games to play.

Forgot about those. After DKC2 i'll get on them.

Gonna be 27 in a couple months.

You cold turkey?

Oh hey, that's one positive about dropping the math class… more time to play NioH/NieR when it hits, Zelda, etc.

I would rather stay on what works, and only use the alternative when it stops. and i hate needles

She's not allowed to date until I'm dead, and I've promised her I'm not going to die until I'm 350.

He's a shower, not a grower. Yuuuuge is the baseline, and it just gets bigger from there, I guess.

I honestly don't really see how dad jokes are even supposed to me funny. Then again, I've got no kids.

I'm buying Tales of Berseria next followed by Yakuza and then Nier.

I'm pretty set till April at least. Gonna be hard to play with the upcoming trimester.

They are hilarious because they are stupid.

You Raugh You Rose?

Yeah, there is a shit ton of games all coming out in the same time frame. Nioh, nier, zelda, persona 5

I think someone said the dad joke was a joke anyone could understand, even a small child. Its not for anyone older than i would say 9 or 10.

Gotta go back to arranged marriages imo

How do you think you are going to feel when she get to middle/highschool and is for sure banging dudes?


Yeah I'll probably do that. Trying to also keep up with my assignments at school. I'm doing okay so far but hopefully shit doesn't turn south for me.

I also went to a korean bbq place with my co-worker that I met through this thread. Was pretty nice, had trouble with using chopsticks at first but I think I kind of got it down now.

Much as I like Tales, Namco's censored a particular scene due to child impalement. Apparently after Xillia 2 you can't get away with that and still have it be rated T.

I kind of miss those old threads on half/b/ back in the day.

I am aware, don't really give a shit, rest of the game is untouched.

hmmmm interasante monica

das ryt das ryt
sucks dat da first one is objectively da best imo tbh w/u frfr monica

iktf monica

Yep, went from smoking two packs of unfiltered a day to nothing. I just got a headache and the moodswings. I've managed to ignore the headache completely.
It sucks I had to quit, I had just found a smoke shop that sells unfiltered Lucky Strikes. They're rare as shit here, first time I've seen them in my life. I never was one to order stuff online much so to find a store with them was a new way of living to me.

This past 3 to 4 weeks off the meds has actually not been that bad. Cramps are at a minimum, no diarreha, no blood. I just cant eat candy, drink soda, apple juice, cranberry juice, and a few more things that really hurt. I could probably just live like this just fine.

The best way I've heard it explained is that dad jokes aren't actually jokes, they're revenge. Every dad joke you tell is revenge for a time your child did something stupid that was a waste of everyone involved's time, basically. I used to tell them to my little brother because he hated them and would get angry. It became an actual habit and I can't stop now.

If I arranged her wedding, the date would be "the day after I die goddammit nobody's corrupting my little girl".
Of course it's going to bother me. I try not to think about it because I know I wouldn't be upset if it was my son banging chicks in high school. I just look at it differently because I'm a dude. Her mom probably wouldn't be all that bothered compared to me, because she's a woman, and ten years ago she was banging me in high school.

most large gas stations should sell lucky strikes fam in mah experience ne way monica. das kinda strange. like dey ain't popular but dey still b sum ole timerz out ch'yea

You two becoming buddies?

They pretty light though, don't expect any extreme stuff.

Yeah you gotta go to basically just tobacco boutique places if you want luckies. I lucked out and had one like 10 mins down the road.

When I quit, I started taking walks which eventually turned into jogs and then runs. It helps a lot to keep you from smoking since each day you get a little less winded, the progress is tangible and makes it harder to go back.

You Laugh You Lose? (azn accent)

awww, anything particular or unique about him fammo?

w8 w8 monica u met a nigga thru da bread monica?

Oh, yeah, while I'm talking about public education… I really don't like bringing up politics in here, but Betsy Devos was literally the WORST choice the Trump administration could have chosen. Both my parents are teachers; she is not qualified. At all. Please do not defend her.

I've played a little bit of Nioh yesterday, I think I'll really dive in tomorrow (today?) I really ought to try to get it done before NieR.

You're just telling Namco that it's fine if they do that. Could at least wait until preowned copies start showing up, new ones go for less than full price.

You have a coworker that frequents 4 AM?

Yeah but why at the filename?

What kinda fancy place you live?

Should just lock her up in your basement now tbh

Its kinda castlevaniay you just there for that toriyama character design really.

a co-worker that also 4ams? small fuckin world mate.

Gaming stores don't exist on my island, its either digital or nothing.

Her and her sister. The boy can do what he wants, I don't care. He's a boy. He'll never learn without doing stupid, dangerous stuff. Builds character.

NY monica.

2069 Johnson Chapel Road, 38583, Sparta, TN

I guess if we are hanging outside of work, then yeah kind of. I know he doesn't really like having friends since he believes that they just screw you over. I think we both bond in the fact that our job is boring and kind of sucks.

Yeah mang. When I was starting a security guard job for a company another user said he was starting work for the same company. We got in touch and just met at work. He doesn't really come into 4 am threads at all though.

you a kiwi?

Where do you live?

Hello Mr. Fritzl.

I've gotten way too used to chopsticks recently. A really fucking nice Japanese place opened (well, technically re-opened under new management) a few blocks from my house, and I've been eating there a lot. Their curry bowls are pretty fucking nice, and their Sushi is very fresh. I think I've had almost everything on their menu at least once at this point.

good luck, fam

Just get some dat incest yuri action going between em just like my animus.

Seeing the libtards get mad about her makes me happy. Heard shes pro common core though so that sucks.


They can do whatever they want when I'm dead in 2340. Until then, nobody gets to do lewd things to my daughters. Not even each other.

dayuuum. i wonder if ja rule still cum thru


oh also if da dq3 snes version has a english translation (it should monica) it's da best version save for missin a lil of dat dang ole end game shiz at da end there dat da gbc version have if u lookin for a jrpg

How much you all have in common? I mean you both from 4am so I expect a lot.

It just werkz

What about to themselves?

Never done much with my life, thats why I'm NEET

Well he doesn't really come in here at all really. He just popped into the thread one night and said he was starting work as a security guard for a company. Turns out I started work for the same company as well and we got into touch.

I suppose so since we hang outside of work sometimes. He said he doesn't really like having friends since they tend to screw him over though.

The idea of common core isn't bad, but the implementations are the real cancer. The basic idea is that teaching kids that math, reading, writing, and basically every subject are separate isn't helpful for the real world. There are some really fucking shitty implementations of it, and it IS flawed, but not nearly to the strawman degree that people attack it.

Also, please don't be happy that people are mad about someone that is objectively not qualified being put in a position of power. I'd personally appreciate if you didn't turn a blind eye towards the person that is putting both my parents jobs into jeopardy because she wants to defund public education in general.

Nope, that's haram. When they were born I had their hands bound like this so they can't ever masturbate until they get removed when I'm fucking dead. Nobody's even allowed to masturbate while thinking about them until I'm dead. Realistically, given the way I take care of myself that's like 10-20 years from now


Been forever since I first saw someone dump that comic on halfchan back in the day.

Oh yeah, forgot you were into that. Have you had any luck finding swedish match in your area? I seem to remember you were using Camel.

It's one of the few I saw dumped way back when that I remember the names of. Such a silly comic.

gaming was so much better before stupid cunts like Jack and Anita got involved.

You ever have time for video games now fam?

Hows she putting your parents jobs in jeopardy?

Gets me every time.

You should take better care of yourself for the daughterus.

Chopsticks are just plain wrong. I could never figure out how to use them, I always feel like an ass asking for silverware at gooksteraunts.

They're not that hard to use.

I probably should. I don't drink as much anymore but I started smoking again last year. No shit, I have days where I light up three at a time and just puff away like a fucking chimney. I use a BBQ lighter for them because I can't get the regular ones to work right most of the time.

Yeah, I know what you mean. The one I remember best from halfchan dumps was "A Kentucky Barmaid in the Court of King Louis XIII." Now that one was a fucking comedy.

I looked, all the shops here seemed to have dropped it after it never really took off. Still smoking though, snus is just a good way to cut cost since I'm broke. Can go a whole day on 2-3 snuses

My ex only ever smoked half her cigs so she'd hand em off to me. I was always smoking with a cig in each hand for a few years there.


Defunding public education means there is no funding to put towards paying teachers, paying for supplies, or anything for actual students.

To put shit into perspective, every teacher I've known personally - myself or otherwise - ALWAYS spends out of pocket to buy supplies for their classroom, and their students.

Schools do NOT currently get enough funding to give teachers basic supplies for their classrooms, and this is in fucking commiefornia or all places. It's even worse elsewhere.

I admit that I have a bias with my parents and all, but anyone that is actually advocating for defunding public education in general has to have had a misunderstanding about public education somewhere along the line… it's not gonna help kids, it's not gonna help teachers, it's just going to make things worse for everyone involved except charter schools (which not every family can afford to send their kids to, who knew?)

My parents or otherwise*

I mostly just remember lolicon. Lots of lolicon got dumped there back in the day.

I don't bother dual-wielding, I just keep them all in my mouth at once. I'm the definition of a wreck. I smoke 3 cigs at a time, I nurse whiskey bottles like a baby holds its bottle, all that kind of thing. I'm a Jeb-tier mess, some days.

Clippers are A+

Isn't the whole thing shes pushing is letting people be able to get the government to pay for charter schools though?

Every time you smoke picture your sweet daughterus crying at your funeral.

Been considering getting one of those plasma lighter things. Seem neat.

Can't say I agree with people dumping it, but I miss those more carefree, "wild west" sort of days. Hell, even just looking back on old screencaps from like a decade back, there's noticeable differences in what what was funny, what was "acceptable" to post (I remember back when demotivationals were in season), and even the way people wrote.

All the booze has caught up with me.. gonna pop some pills and lay down. Night all.

No, she's pushing for the government completely defunding public education and then allocating that money towards paying for charter schools, of which she has direct financial connections to.

She has never been to a public school, she has never had her kids go to a public school, she is not acquainted with anyone that has sent their kids to a public school - how, in any way, is she qualified for the job?

Night fam!

Never used one. I got tired of trying to work those shitty cheap ones every store has, so I just roll with a bbq lighter now.

I already told them I won't die until 350. Dads never lie, so I can smoke all I want and I'll be fine.

I miss it too. You could have a video game thread with porn openly being dumped, and it wasn't a problem because the mods were in there beating off too.

Does anyone know of any youtubers that do serious videos about waifuism? I don't mean little tumblr faggots that are "dating" some flavor of the month mainstream character and have been "with them" for not even a year, i mean serious autistics.

just wondering because i was considering doing some videos about it and uh
you know
wanted to know if i'd be a pioneer or what

What, you didn't know government school is a scam designed to brainwash American children into accepting the same kind of government the founders rebelled against?


I just hope generation Z saves our asses; people say it's the most conservative generation America has seen since the 1920s.

that's the point mo'fucka expect mad tampons and porno mags cumin to u thru da post monica

ahhhhhhh…ya gonna hit up a whore house 2getha? das wut me n mah nyckas do most nyts.

user, both my parents are teachers - public education has good teachers and bad, but it's a necessary evil since otherwise not everyone could afford to give their kids an education. Not everyone can home school, not everyone could send them to charter schools. The majority of teachers I've known on a personal level aren't in it to indoctrinate, but to TEACH.

For gods sake, I voted for Trump, but the ignorance about public education people have is terrifying for someone who has seen the workings of the system most of their life.

both my parents are jews*
fixed my mens

nighty night

they do say generations b cyclical n shit monica. silent generation followed up by sum nyckas that wanna blaze out n touch nyckas feel me. then they kids b greedy and spoiled n shit w/ a clean veneer.

I don't know fam, ain't read too much into it honestly.

Suuuuure. Cut it out.

Not that I know of. Its mostly normalfag tier ones memeing.

Already got an onahole on its way as we speak.

they have no choice but to though
the curriculum is not determined by them.
if they go against it they lose their jobs.
professors have more freedom than teachers do but even they get fired on the spot if they reveal republican views, has been that way since the 70's.

I probably should. My mom's side of the family is pretty prone to cancer.

Jews wouldn't spend thousands of dollars out of their own pocket on their classrooms each year to try and give their students the best learning environment that they can.

I really, really wish Holla Forums would understand that teachers aren't the enemy, and if they're gonna make them one it's not a good idea.

specially now w/ big state exams (actually corporate shiz mmonica) is all dey fukn teach fo monica AND dem nyckas doin worse AND dey keep havin states payin out da ass fo new shit n switching standards ey year or two make me fukkn sad monica dis sum akiva bull shit

I win! Sorta

Now that's a load of horseshit if I've ever read any. The "curriculum" is more akin to retail ratios than an actual hard requirement. No teacher teaches "the curriculum" exactly, because it's almost impossible in all circumstances.

n u on 8ch monica? u temptin da devil w/ dis 1 monica

Yeah, having the digital exams handled by a corporation is a problem - but axing public education in general is gonna make it more corporate, not less.

I take more after my dad, so I'll probably never die. My great-grandma died in her 90s after living alone for 30 years, spending about 25 of them completely blind and mostly deaf. My grandma and grandpa are both pushing 80 and as healthy as ever. Dad's almost 60 and he's got energy to spare. I don't know where I stand on that scale but I know I can take a beating pretty good.

In 4am, nonetheless. I can feel the brain tumor growing by the second.

i'm not sayin axe da shit tbh. i jus wanna fair competitive market fo da shit. u kno how expensive city catholic schools r monica? ridiculous fam. n dey competitive on da elite coasts too gotta get mah babies baby einsteins monica. breakin into mah boat money monica

You need to read this book before you call anyone ignorant. American public school is a scam, a money pit (school buses large enough to serve an entire city, but only used for a couple hours a day being just one example) and is deliberately designed to make children stupid and incomplete.

^Extremely red-pilled look at American education from someone who won New York City's teacher of the year award and delivered an epic ragequit speech as he accepted it. Unlike most education books, it is not boring as shit and points out problems outside the stale class size/funding debate.

Link to speech:

How do people not commit sudoku to this?

i heard a public school teacher tellin me dey encourage teachers to text students nao cuz dat's how kids communicate. i was fukkn floored. i dun remember no teachers tryna build bridges n shit lyk dat when i was a kid n i'm not bitter about it neither monica. public schools jus seem incapable of instilling discipline into nigguhz deez days nao cuz shit is so political correct like ey nigga stop wearin a dress or w/e n dey lyk naw naw ya raycisssss noooooooo is lyk fuk yea i'm raycisss nigguh u got a dik u dum fukn nigguh i swear to gawd

yeah i'm really sure the higher ups would be cool with it if your parents skipped the lessons on the 6.6 trillion or god forbid altered them
stay jewed my mens

She was too stubborn. Eventually she went into a nursing home. I remember as a kid there would be huge family gatherings at her house, where she somehow cooked most of the food herself and set everything up, and we would have probably close to 100 people there, all related somehow. Sweetest woman you'd ever meet, too. She was always so happy when we came to visit. Hugs and kisses and talking about how big we were getting and all.

Quit reading there, user. MOST of the time, school buses aren't actually owned by the schools, and if they are, they're actually rented out for various events so that they're actually seeing use and the schools can get some more funding, because as I've shared schools don't even give teachers enough budget for basic fucking supplies.

Thats real nice. Sounds like a bad ass for being a granny.

this tbh

Puerto Rico.

We had FUCKING GAMESTOPS but they all closed down and buying it off Wal-mart is the same shit anyway.

Read the book, I'm about to hit the sack and I'm too tired to go on about it much but it will completely change your outlook on the school system and the nature of its problems. You seem to respect teachers, you might want to read a book that a teacher wrote after quitting.

Unlike most education books, the author is not just a mouthpiece for some educational organization like the NEA or some charter school advocacy group. I agree that DeVos is questionable, sort of like Rick Perry, why nominate someone who is only really qualified to tear the whole department down?

can u use amazon or sumn? or is shippin ridiculous out there?

Fine. It seems short enough, and like I said - I've got some free time now, might as well.

how true is this video?

I can't get this girl's lewd facial expression out of my head.

Any anons know this feel? Post pics if you can.

ye ye monica das ryt

spider you still on?
I've got business with you

It's not a crime

Because you and I are gonna spend some time

In your cell, you will yell

All soaps don't need ropes

Don't need lights don't need hope

I'm always there with you always always gonna