
Why is that a game released around 17 years ago has better gore than pretty much any game released as of late? I'm looking at you dead rising 4

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"Why put in the effort when people will buy it anway?"



The modernized Medal of Honor game had some pretty fucking tasty gore if you used shotguns.

I miss gore when it is used to add the feel of impact to guns. There's something really about overkilling your enemy and especially when you damage a body at the right moment and in such a way that the body gibs. The final version of non-steam half-life was really good about this. If you played any campaign level with the HD pack created by gearbox (gearbox used to be decent), most weapons handled in such a way that you could gib things if you aimed just right.


Why do people have such a morbid fascination with this? It is disgusting and tragic.

Yeah, if you only play Bethesda games


There are a lot of fucking modern games with extreme gore.

Postal 2 sure has a lot of fucking gore. I mean I can't think of a game where you can do more heinous things than that. Fucking fun game with two expansions. If you're looking to kill a little time torrent it. Just don't expect perfection. But it should meet your lust for violence.

Compared to SoF II, Postal 2's gore looks shit.

Postal 2s not a good looking game in general.It's too bad the soliders of fortune series is dead as is. I never did bother playing the third one. Look like it killed the series though.

Those first two solider of fortune games are cool. Wish a few other games had used those gore engines.

Man up

is this bait?
good gore makes enemies immensely more satisfying to kill, its an instinctual thing that's built into most humans
it really drives home the whole "i just totally fucked that guys shit up" feeling

It's a response mechanic. Without gore, FPS games wouldn't be responsive.

The third one is a half finished unoptimized mess.

It's just an ordinary quake 3 engine. The difference is the devs actually spent a lot of time on modelling the gore effects. The gunplay is quite detailed and satisfying as well. It's a shame the grenade mechanics and stealth are shit and shouldn't have been put in the game at all.

watching my enemies fall to bits makes me feel secure and comfy, because I know they're dead and not going to get back up to eat me

How are you doing fellow liberal? Are you ready to put on your skinny jeans and take over the nearest starbucks?

SoF2 was the best in the gore department. Little is more satisfying that exploding heads and flying limbs. The game was also one of my favorite FPS of all time.

I thought 8kank was supposed to have good taste? I thought you people played games?
Jagged Alliance 2, bunch of little nigger faggots. A game probably older than you.

If I recall correctly they bolted their own gore software on top of it. Still, it was an impressive technological achievement. I miss late 90s and early 00s FPS games.

One thing I liked about Far Cry 3 is how transparent the stealth mechanics were. Sure, they were fairly simple, but if you're not making a game wholly focused on stealth, and especially an action FPS, simplicity in that regard is the way to go.

Checked. Underage faggots get out.

killing floor 2 has good gore combined with neato euphoria ragdoll animation shit, you shoot some dude in the head and his skull goes flying across the room and his body stumbles around reactively before falling. its neato

Was Scully the first JUST video game character ?

KF2's gore and KF2 in general just sucks. Everything in the game feels like it's made out of boiled cabbage that falls apart and a result the guns feel weak and pathetic.

ebin response my dude i can tell you've been around for a long time xdddddddd

Posting an le ebin old game image doesn't make your shit less retarded kys. Gore is just eye-candy, it's there as a reward for killing enemies. It's a fact that gore makes killing enemies more satisfying.

It's fairly simple to do these days. I'm sure the mechanics in gory games like Left for Dead 2, Dead Island, Killing Floor are more advanced. What makes SoF 2 the best is the details. A destroyed head has a visible animation of blood flowing inside it. The amputated body parts, blood colours, flesh colorus, everything looks realistic. I mean, just compare real gore pics with the ones in SoF 2, these guys must have used real mortal wounds as reference.

KF2 has great gore mechanics, but I don't like how shiny everything looks. They don't look like real blood and flesh.

Not just eye candy. Good gore system makes a game feel a lot more responsive. Just like the importance of accurate hitbox and functional sprites or models.

yes this is bait

completely disagree, the aa12 is great in that game

Left 4 Dead 2 has some pretty nasty and wet looking gore, but the effect is diminished when the zombies wink out of existence three seconds later.

wink my boy parts out of existence tbh

I'm pretty sure you can get an uncut patch these days, my australian friend.

Killing Floor 2 has plenty of gore

What happened to death-scenes aswell? They all fall the same even if you shoot them in the head or leg.

Fucking Turok and Goldeneye had more shit than modern shooters.


Ragdolls were a mistake.

More like flinch animation in general. Goldeneye's enemies react to damages differently according to the bodypart they got hit. Also, Goldeneye's death animation actually sucks because it can't be cancelled. I mean, they blocked your shots. Their death animation should stop when you shoot at them again. I prefer generic ragdoll over that.

It was shit in the first and its even worse in 2.
Feels weak as shit

Also, why the hell is with the obsession of fast zombies? Zombies are far more intimidating when they're slow and morbidly stiff like the ones in old voodoo flicks. Making them move too much takes away the impression of death and rotting corpse.

Could it be that they aren't zombies at all?

Click the link.

They're not zombies and most don't run.

What is Bulletstorm and Syndicate(2012)? Just go back to your mainstream games stupid normalfag.

Time to stop posting

Because graphics fags like op need to be gassed

By fast I mean they're not stiff enough.

They're not zombies, the fucking spider looking mutants weren't enough of a clue for you?

Well whatever they are, they look like shit.

idk if it's because I am getting older, but I am not a fan of gore anymore, except for arena shooters. If I shot my enemy with a instagib weapon I want to them exploded.

But apart from that I am not a fan of gore. Games like Mortal Kombat or Carmageddon were fun back then but today they are to gory for my taste.

They're as bad and "shit looking" as Doom enemies.
Stop posting

They look like generic modern horror scifi creatures to me. A recent game with unique enemy design would be Cry of Fear.

Stop posting anytime

If that's the case, then more devs should rip off sadako.

No self awareness whatsoever, stop postinh nigger

have you ever played a silent hill game?

They look really damn good, the execution is nice, if not unique.

Why, of course I have. Is being influenced by other games wrong? Btw, I think SH's enemies should resemble humans more.

I've never played Cry of Fear but those monster designs are a lot more macabre and interesting than KF's in my opinion. The Silent Hill influence is really apparent.

that's literally just a 3d version of an npc type from survival crisis z tbh

You have never played Rule Of Rose, have you?

And Jacob's Ladder, which SH was influenced by. I think the protagonist's struggle with trauma was also influenced by Jacob Singer's drug induced hallucination and insanity.

Rule of Rose is more sexy than scary tbh.

Rule of Rose came out at exactly the right time for its one enemy design to actually have ripped off Survival Crisis Z as well

I have played both and he is full of shit.
Killing Floor is based on a cloning facility full of mutants gone wrong.
The gameplay consists of target priotization in decently sized arenas multiplayer or otherwise with weapons you can buy which needs unique enemies and balance to achieve what it does.

Cry of Fear is based on a mind created Nightmare world and the gameplay consists of linear progress with the balance coming from weapon acquisition in certain sections just Doom or Half Life, meaning more unique can be done, which doesn't even happen past the design since their attacks and patterns are all the same shit.

Killing Floor was also released in 2009 and the enemey designs are pretty fucking good and full of grindhouse movie references and influences while Cry of Fear takes influences from Silent Hill/Jacobs Ladder.

Stop posting anytime you nigger

It's a little concept called "immersion".
When done right, gore adds to the feeling that you're effectively emulating a soldier, or an assassin, or a schmuck running away from dinosaurs, aliens, monsters, etc.
When done over the top yeah, it adds to the fun

How can you look at those models and not laugh?

I would understand if you were a little kid, drawing ugly faces to pretend and make a horror story. But now this is just pathetic.

Yes, I'm sure you and two other friends can do better on GoldSource 4free.
Nice spacing btw

I'm talking visually.

Hilariously enough, that's surprisingly close to the big twist at the end of CoF.





Nonsequitur excuse by every failed artist ever.

You forgot to mention plebbit loves his COP and sure get butthurt when you laugh at their shit fad mod

Jesus, how is "let's see you do better!" an acceptable comeback again? You can see from the design and idea of the game alone that it is not very original. It's filled with jumpscares. Enemy design is also pretty unoriginal in that it rips off popular horror movies and games, and is filled with enemies that are fast and loud so you jump out of your fucking seat every time you meet one and not necessarily out of fear.

Everything about your post just screams "I'm from reddit, please rape my face" so to that I say LURK MOAR.

But there's 4 linebreaks in
Two between the post number and first line of text, and two between the first line and second line. And 4 linebreaks for 3 lines does seem a bit excessive yeah.

It's a shit game with a buttload of jumpscares, but the enemy design looks great.

That's like saying KF2 ripped off Dead Space. The design is aesthetically influenced by movies other games, but they're quite a lot different.

I'm not saying that taking influence and copying is a bad thing, because a lot of original ideas come from people building on other's ideas, but Cry of Fear is a "dumb" horror game. It goes straight for the jumpscares and is not shy about abusing them to their fullest extent. That kind of horror gets old fast. If you've seen good horror films, you would know that you want to hold off the object of fear for as long as possible and make the viewer stew in his own dread. It's what makes Silent Hill so good. Even in the "break" moments of the game, your mind is racing and trying to anticipate what is coming next. With Cry of Fear, you know exactly what you're getting.

Once you've seen a fast little fucker come at you for the umpteenth time or get your eardrums exploded by a loud attack, you end up more annoyed than afraid. It doesn't matter how well you design a monster, overuse a trick and people will get accustomed to it, leading to more 'mild annoyance' than 'fearing for my life' feelings.

The jumpscares in CoF never bothered me. Pretty much from the beginning you're equipped to tackle like 90% of things you face fairly effortlessly if you're decent at shooters. To me it was just an average horror themed FPS.

Look buddy, I already told you that don't even like the game. I only praise how great the enemies look.

This is your average jumpscare in CoF, by the way :^)

ooh what game?

Cry of Fear

thank you, downloading now

It's pretty wild.

I'm excited. From the webm's you posted it sort of looks like a cross between FEAR and Silent Hill.

Something in that vein, yeah. The biggest tip I can offer is to play on easy. Sounds silly, but the difficulty scaling is such that it basically just amps enemy HP to the moon. If you play on normal, expect to have to kite 2/3 of enemies with melee by baiting an attack > stab in face > repeat 10-15 times per enemy, and only getting to use your guns for flying enemies and the ones in areas that are too small to kite in. Easy is actually fun as fuck and the headshots are pretty lethal.

Forgot muh webm

You're retarded. That playlist is full of videos by a guy that REVIEWS the gore in video games on a scale.

Where did I say GTA V contained extreme gore? I linked a channel that does a shit ton of gore reviews for games, and there are several on that list that qualify as extreme gore.

You having the reading comprehension of a

Thats implying most games even have gorey bits outside of scripted cutscenes, for the most part its just red mist that comes out of enemies so it might as well be rated Teen.

why? dead space had bad gore? what part of gore do you mean? technically? Creative-wise?

Witcher 3 has some pretty fantastic gore

Ragdolls ruined everything

Ragdolls can still be combined with good gore, but that takes effort so devs don't bother.

Also l4d2.

tbh because I have seen someone fucked on on drugs stabbing the shit out of another person with a large chunk of broken glass when I was away at school and I think it did something to me.
thanks for reminding me asshole, I just came here to post RE7 because it was full of dank body-horror
that fight with the infested-cunt monster was the best imo

did he died?

I suggest placing the muzzle (hole of the gun) upward against the roof of your mouth and pulling the trigger.

That and soccer moms.

I wonder if the soccer moms outraged against the fact that you could have homosexual relations with a beast in Faggot Age Cisquisition. Probably not.

That's so 2004. Nowadays, soccer moms are the trump voters.

I like how Sick Simon is just a gimp in a wheelchair

What game lets me shoot or stab a hole in something and then fuck it with a hate boner?