/fgg/ - Fighting Game General: Ice to See You Edition

The vote for EVO 2017's ninth game has come to a close with Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 winning with $71,590. Congrats to Marvelfags.
EVO has announced that they will be supporting tournaments for Pokken throughout 2017 with $10,000
SFV's next character is to be revealed on Feb 9th, with a teaser screenshot having come out today.
Eliza has been confirmed for Tekken 7 as a day 1 DLC character. If you don't pre order Tekken 7, she will be released as a DLC character sometime later.
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is coming to PC and Xbox One next month.
Killer Instinct will be releasing more DLC characters in the future, and will be adding Ultimates in a future update.
KoF XIV's 1.12 patch has been released. The issues with Netcode have been fixed.
Black Canary has been announced for Injustice 2.

Beginner's guide to KoF(Recommended if you wanna get into KoF 98 or XIV)
Sirlin's Super Turbo Guide(Recommended if you're just getting into fighters or looking to relearn the basics. Or you just want to learn Street Fighter)
Guilty Bits(Recommended if you're looking to get into Guilty Gear, just note that not everything in these videos may apply to Xrd.)
Guilty Gear Crash Course(Recommended if you're looking to get into Guilty Gear Xrd or other anime fighters. You practice what you learn in each episode before going onto the next one.)





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Here are the threadly mains templates.

I've been trying to get into GGXrd and each character has so much gameplay I'm a bit overwhelmed. How did each of you guys find your main chicken when you started playing fighting games?

Reposting question

Thinking of getting one of these, the HORI mini. I think I have given all I can with a fightpad. Games like GGXrd push fightpad usage to the limit and beyond. So I might as well learn how to use a fightstick if I want to gitgud. Fightpads have maybe one or two objective advantages but everything else is a sacrifice for preference which I've known for a while. I guess I was just hoping I could see how far I could take that.

Are there any other choices worth looking into for a beginner fightstick or better? Also, I don't really want to buy something with an inferior stick and still be handicapped by that. General recommendations help too. I'm still skeptical about the value of "beginner" sticks in general.

So is Capcom the new Sega?

The character themselves is what makes me interested. I'll try learning any character if I like how they look and how they fight. Sometimes just mashing buttons in training and seeing what happens feels right and that's all you need to start learning how to play as them. Generally, if you can't get into the action then what's the point of even learning that character? Fighting as them should feel satisfying.

As for GGXrd, if you haven't played a GG game before, then it's no wonder you're having a problem finding your main. The usual fallback choices of "go with a character that reminds you of __ from __" doesn't really apply since each character is really unique even for fighting games. When I first picked up #Reload on the PS2, my fighting experience up until then was various KoF games. I tried out Jam because she's archetypically a martial artist, and I think Anji, but I stuck with Jam for a while before moving onto just about anyone else. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever found my main in GG to this day.

I normally try a bunch of characters and see how their moves feel, just experiment with them. First and foremost I need to like their design though, I can't really play an unappealing character to me because then I'm not interested in seeing them on the screen.

>The usual fallback choices of "go with a character that reminds you of from " doesn't really apply since each character is really unique even for fighting games.
When I first tried +R I found that Ky was my best character mostly because he's the closest thing GG has to a shoto similar to Ryu or Ken. I tried branching out from their and now I main Baiken in +R, but I'll play Ky if I feel like my Baiken is shit.

Oh yeah I'll post my mains

I go through arcade mode with every character in the roster, write down the ones I feel the most comfortable with and then start messing around with combos with them. Eventually I notice which ones I preform better with and then I just work on best ones. I do that every fighting game to decide on my Main + Sub and Teams.

Rule of thumb - if it tickles your pickle, pick it.

Pick a few that look interesting and pray they click with me.

When's the next MvCI character being announced, and do you guys think Daredevil will make it in to this one? Now that he has his own show, he very well could, if that happened, would other marvel shows get their characters put in?

I ask myself which character has the combos with the most DPs in them.


a really good question.
usually I lab all the characters, sometimes most or half and just see there normals and specials, find the ones I like most and with that handful practice combos and the character that has the funner combos and game-plan wins out for me.
I'm in the middle of the process for Tekken since I stopped wanting to main Mokujin and wanted a stable play-style, Leo, Kazuya and Paul are the funnest to me but I'm holding out doing any heavy lab sessions until 7 is out.
sometimes the character them self can do the job, with Dedede being my all-time favorite vidya character and fap-fighters having a cowgirl.

to be honest I don't grasp why so many people pinpoint Sega as the worst company, yes they've neglected a lot upon a lot of IPs and only focus on Sanic but I don't recall them doing heavy jewing with DLC and season passes.
is there something I'm missing?

I would be in a great deal of disbelief if DareDevil isn't in Infinite

I narrow the choices down with the designs and personalities I actually like first. I couldn't get into Sin because he looks and acts dumb. I liked Ky and May though, so that's who I played

Philosophical question: How do I be happy knowing I'll never be the best? Am I supposed to just revel in tiny victories over myself? What's the point of doing anything if you don't leave a lasting legacy? Why even bother with anything at all? Even the greatest of all time at any given thing get there and find out they aren't any happier than when they started.

How do I tame this wretched thing called the will?

Well, why did you first want to get into fighting games? Also you can always be disappointed in one aspect of the genre and like the other parts; also since you're in Holla Forums I'm guessing you play more than one type of game and have to fucking move on anyway.

"Who looks cool to me"?
It has failed exactly once and that's only because I'm shit at fighting games.

Because I saw that Daigo video where he countered that entire super and thought it was cool as shit. I wanted to do something that cool, generally speaking.

It's not that I don't like fighting games. It's that my I need to be the best at something in the world to satisfy my ego, and somehow profit off of it for doing so. I don't even give a shit what it is. I've mastered nothing in this world and been a filthy casual my whole life.

I don't want to die a filthy casual.

The problem is twofold. Once you start putting in the time, training becomes an obligation. This makes training boring because it is now a thing that limits your freedom. The other problem is time. As a full time worker, I don't have consistent amounts of time to put towards mastery of any given skill. This also causes suffering.

I guess you'll just have to deal with it then. You're not going to train and play. You have to just love the game rather than loving being good at it.

Know that glory days even for the best don't last forever. Look at those crazy seemingly unstoppable Japanese legends of ages past, now they've moved and gone and looking at the ones now is sad because for all their victories and smiles now, it'll one day very soon come to an end, like all things. So aim to be the fighter who grins and fights because he wants to fight.

You should break some really obscure Guiness World Record then.

No one loves losing though. It breaks your spirit and people start to wonder why you keep throwing yourself against an unbreakable wall. They might even feel bad for you. It could become an embarrassing ordeal.

I might also be talking about fighting in real life.

Oh yeah no one likes losing but if you don't have the drive to enjoy improving to fix that then you're never going to be the best. If you've been losing a lot in matches, just take a break and practice some combos and oki or reaction or whatever in training mode. Nothing insane but enough to restore your faith in yourself and improve a bit. If you notice a dude has been hitting you with an overhead heaps, go into training mode and just practice blocking it. You'll feel better and be getting better at recognising it.

I want to get into KoF, what game should I try first, and based on this, what characters do you think I would like?

Try Ryo or Kyo.



Is Mortal Kombat X considered a good or even competent fighting frame? I played it for the first time recently and was taken aback by how clunky and unresponsive it was, how stupidly easy the dial-a-combo was, the ridiculous X-ray attacks and just generally how bad the animations look.

The entire game feels that it's more gimmick over mechanical substance. My friend, on who's console I was playing, said that he beat the game's 10 hour story mode. Except, he had no idea how to play it well. He just seemed to get excited over the gore.

thanks,i'll try them out… now, should I just get KoF14? or is another one better for beginners

Ed Boon's games are sort of their own thing when it comes to 2D fighters and personally I don't see the appeal. For example I know there's shit with the block button where if you're just crouching you can low profile stuff but if you hold the block button you'll block the move and be in block stun but still-

Daily reminder that Chaka is a fairly reasonable character that isn't unfinished like Khan or has a reputation as a noob nad nuker like Black Polnareff

Virtua Fighter uses a block button.

Ed Boon and his lackeys are people known for making fighting games without understanding what's fun about fighting games apart from the casual stuff, so they keep making fighting games without learning how others work completely. His art/animation/design/entire visual team is also pretty trash.

Looks like you need to do a little reading.

I didn't realise it has been the one bloke for all these years. How has he not figured out how to make a fighting game mechanically satisfying?

Are there any in-depth analysis on everything wrong with Mortal Kombat X? Was there ever a good Mortal Kombat?

Apparently Ultimate MK3 is great but I'm not sure why, and I can't tell why from watching matches.

Try getting Fightcade and playing the older ones first.

It's already decided that I'm never going to be the best. I'm just trying to figure out good reasons to not become an hero beyond lolhedonsim.

Thanks for the headsup.

KoFXIV is closer to 2002 in terms of design and balance. XIII console and steam edition was nicer to beginners because of the extra modes and difficulty levels. If you play arcade versions of the classics, you will get your ass handed to you even by the CPU.

I still haven't beat Omega Rugal on anything higher than level 5 difficulty

Capcom finally makes a character with ICE only powers.

I'd put my roast sausage in Kula's rear microwave.

Who is ready for more disappointment from Ono?!

Maybe it's because I haven't played a decent fighter since Tag 2 and I got sick of the fgc's bullshit (ghetto/sjw shit, but my beef with the fgc is for another time), but I just feel so burned out and disappointed with fighting games and the scene for a long time.

The only current game I really want to play is KoF14, but I'm not buying a PS4 for one game (I'm hoping there's a legit way to get it without Steam through something like GoG). I guess my question is how do you guys deal with frustration like this, or get your groove back? The last time I really had fun with a fighting game was when I played Tag 2 with somebody I met from a freemium game. I got my ass handed to me, but it was so much fun pulling out my Kuma again. I wanted to get to back into it, but the person I played with blew me off when I asked her to help me get rid of some rust (I don't feel like playing it with random ass-holes, Tag 2's seems kinda dead, and I got a real bad feeling about 7). There's Fightcade, but as much as I like Jojo, Super Turbo, VS, KoF 94, & KoF 98 I'm not going to see events with these games in my area because I'm not in Japan/shitty Socal. I guess I should just move on from fighting games then. I had way too many shitty experiences with 3rd Strike and it's community to justify going back to that game. I could man up, but really fuck that game.

MKX sucks. The fatalities weren't even good compared to the fatalities (why were the brutalities better than the fatalities?!).

UMK3 fixed everything wrong with Vanilla MK3, and the mystery behind a fake character who became a real boy a few years later was kind of awesome back then. At least MK9 was fun.

Yea Boon is a hack. Even Tobias got sick of him, and Tobias is a bigger hack than Boon.

Stop being a fucking faggot and find time and resources to travel to a big event, hell go to Japan for a weekend even

Hedonism is enough of a reason for me.

I cant wait until it wears off because you've abused your pleasure center to death and you're as miserable as me.

As an added bonus, actual accomplishments will also no longer do it for you

I'm pretty much in the same situation with you, except for Melty, Fightcade and emulator multiplayers I don't really know what to play. I guess I could return to USFIV but I just don't want to use Steam

I've been trying to play SF3 third strike on fightcade, and i am really fucking hating this parry mechanic. I can understand its a way to make it "high level" or something, but when every time i even try to attack i just get parried and countered, it really just feels like attacking is just dumb to do.
I'm pretty sure that if parrying was removed i would enjoy the game five times as much

I would be really, really surprised if Daredevil and Punisher didn't make it in considering how popular season 2 was.

I latch on to the first character that looks of interest to me and stick to it.

The book was really helpful by the way. Thank you so much.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are just throwing out specials willy nilly.

You gotta use footsies and poke with your low medium kick, and make sure you link every connected hit into at least a 3hit combo. No single hits.

Don't play against really good players for long periods of time if they just keep body-ing you. You wont learn alot that way. Humble yourself and try asking them for advice.

No one knows at this point. Capcom might have announced it too early and we'll be waiting a long while. PAX East in a month might be the next best guess. Ryce said he's pretty sure at least the returning characters they may reveal are a re-done Rocket Raccoon and Spencer (Back to his BC Re-Armed design).

Daredevil seems a good pick though apparently Capcom had a fairly complete Elektra that didn't make the final cut in MvC3 so they might revisit her instead.

For some reason I tend to gravitate towards characters who are complicated to learn how to play properly.

Parry is too good and hype but it dumbs down the neutral to a guessing game.
Just Defend is more balanced.

Parries make projectile attacks almost obsolete so unless you're close to the opponent dont throw them out.

Parries aren't used as frequently as you'd think, have a watch of corporation cup its a tourney with all the best 3rd strike players.

I'm not traveling to Japan to play one game.

No one can parry everything on reaction but parry makes zoning useless especially fireball zoning. 3rd strike becomes a game of random rushdown…

You're not forced to play one game.
You can just go casual-like playing in the arcade with other people in whatever game is available and doesn't have big lines.
Playing video games isn't the only thing you can do in Japan either.

No problem, he has a manga out now as well and did a cross over with a manga called High Score Girl.

what game has the best tits and ass?

Rise 2: Resurrection

You sound really short-sighted. Losing doesn't break your spirit when you finally realise that it is an integral part of getting where you want to be.
Hell, that is how learning and getting better works. You lose. You learn. You don't learn by winning.

When I started playing I got really really salty when I lost, I would break my controllers and be fueled with rage and all that shit.
Then some day my attitude changed and I realised that you can transfer this to nearly anything, you only get better when you fuck up.
It is a valuable lesson.

Oh no, im not just spamming specials like that, i try to footsie as much as possible
I guess i just get too impatient, i always try jump ins like a retard when it goes 20 seconds with no one attacking
And i do play a bit better in other street fighter games without the parry, so i guess its just a system to get used to

What? Daigo draws?

You sound like a teenager. Either kill yourself or set a goal and work towards it. Nobody can think about his misery this much and not understand how to fix it.
Give it a fucking rest.

Thank you all for your input. I was initially set on playing Ky, since I had heard he was the game's shoto and a good way to learn the systems of GG, but there's something about all his different special moves and normals and grinder setups that I just don't like.

Once I go through arcade mode with all the different characters, I figure I'll end up playing Faust. He was one of the characters I first saw when I was looking up GGXrd footage, and I love how wacky and dumb his design is. The item throw and his more deliberate playstyle suit me, too, so I will have fun playing him even when I inevitably take him to some weeklies and get my ass handed to me.

I was susprised at how much I like the concept of Ramlethal, so I may end up branching out to her at some point, but she seems like hell to play on a pad.

A year or two ago his career was adapted into a manga.

Oh, I thought he was the one making the manga.

Damn… Daigo is a real celebrity over there, isn't he?

Gee, I wonder where I'd seen that before.

Also, what's up with this new OP? EVO autism "voting" as a gaming news, nothing about AH4 confirmed for Steam, Skullgirls updates and recent drama nor KI Ultimates.

No, that's useful for all the regular KOFs and where are the wikis?

Anyway, I remember anons talking about Leona, balance and stuff. Maybe later I'll try to answer looking into the archives.

And here are videos of the 16 finalists of KOFXIV's WCS: evernote.com/shard/s334/sh/8f53a1d9-d808-49fa-9133-8b8623044c81/e3ec6494cb9a2917fb82dce54f4c66bf

KOFXIV is great for beginners because of the slower jumps, generous input reader/buffer, diverse cast and it has the best official online experience still uses input delay netcode though. The tiers are somewhat manageable compared to older games and has probably the larger number of viable characters to date.
I still have '98/'98UMFE as my favorite one. I'm not a fan of low damage on normals and the reliance on MAX cancel combos for some characters and on the meta in general

Anybody know if pirated USFIV is still alive? Perhaps Tunngle or something I don't know


Dammit I was gonna post that. Anyway what is up with kolin's face?

Good old capcom

Also Lupe's music doesn't fit with the trailer at all but

When will Capcom go under?

Sorry, I really needed the dubs. :^)

Yeah, it's noticeably different.

Capcom Exec 1: People are talking waaaay too much shit about T7's OST.
Capcom Exec 2: gotchu fam

If that thing about them going full VR is true, I give them a couple more years. Might be even faster if SNK pulls back and poaches the rest of their talent.

Gameplaywise, looks like a better Laura, I guess? Some zoning, some grabs, some get in your face quick.
Waiting on the Gematsu article. They usually have all the info and stuff.


What the fuck is this "martial art" and blonde girls?

Also, can I have the japanese trailer without this shitty song?

They are trying to force more VR shit and SFV already flopped really hard with little of the E-sports scene still playing it. The only people who defend it now are the massive SJW shill faggots who defended the censorship of Mika, Juri, and cammy like Maximillion. I also heard super became a faggot, but I am not sure.

Marvel does it again!

MK9 is fun and has more original characters than MKX. The only characters that actually play decently in MKX are erron black and Leatherface. The rest are kind of varying levels of being similar with clunky moves.

Capcom doesn't have any talent at this point. Maybe the one guy who made and ran the netplay system by himself but I'm still not sure it would be a good idea to poach him.

MK9 was Ed Boon trying to retcon years of his fuck ups in the PS2 era with stupid new gimmicks, terrible new characters and pretty much tons of lore rape.

Then in MKX he just went right back to the same mistakes he did in the PS2 games.

I made this forever ago, I just wanted a reason to post it.

What the fuck did they do to her face? Do they have western artists designing the characters?

I'd say it's more about Kolin likely being Russian.
Marie Rose is the Bob of DOA; Bob's fighting style is "being fat" and hers is "being a loli" because all that cutesy prancing and hopping hardly qualifies as Systema.

Apparently MvCI is being made by a lot of people who worked on the older MvC games.
But as for the well-known names, they still have Itsuno though he hasn't worked in FGs for quite a while.

I'll admit I think the new look fits her original design better as the slimmer features are closer to what she looked like at first.

Not really, SEGA just seems to hate gaijin money, I think it's because they were burned in the past with how badly some of their games like the first Yakuza sold overseas despite good marketing and the fact that they're good games, so nowadays they don't even bother localizing some of their games until years later (if ever). Then there's other similar retarded moves they make, but it never amounts to kikery on the scale of other developers like Crapcom.

I believe that SFV is now an experiment on how much money and time they'll be able to milk out of idiots by combining the worst ways they themselves can shoot themselves in the foot amplified by making mistakes of other fighting game developers. First they mess up their face, then they've heard that Tekken 7's soundtrack is atrocious so they have to get in on the action.

They outsourced some of it to France.

Copy-paste from EH.

V-Skill: Inside Slash
Apparently her V-Skill functions as a counter. After absorbing a hit from her opponent, she'll strike back from a good range.

V-Trigger: Diamond Dust
Kolin will be able to use her V-Trigger up to two times (similar to Ibuki and Urien, for example). Upon activation, she'll strike the ground causing ice to jut out from the ground.
While the V-Trigger is capable of dealing damage and stun, it also has the unique property of freezing the opponent's stun gauge. If the opponent's stun meter fills up completely during this, then they will become frozen in place.

Critical Art: Frost Tower
This appears to start off as a single strike. If the strike connects, it'll go into an animation in which Kolin will summon multiple icicles from the ground that will strike and lift the opponent.

Diamond Dust, uh?

My expectations get lower and lower with every piece of news Capcom shits out.

Blame the US fgc niggers for this lupe fiasco shit.

Oh man, poor Itsuno. Him and the Monster Hunter team are the only reason Capcom have made anything good in years, and the MH guys mostly work separately anyway. It must be lonely being talented.

Thats how they fucked Kens face, they tried to make it look like his sf2 character.

Everyone's copying Shiva now.

Not sure about that now that Generations and it's bullshit G-rank rerelease are coming out now.

It think a major problem is the multiple movesets for the same character. You can tell that they ran out of ideas on how to make them different or even stand out. They all end up feeling similar to other characters movesets or even similar to the same characters other movesets. Tremor is one of the worst characters in regards to this and so is Reptile. They could not even make Original characters that good or play well which is impressive in how much they fucked up. It is kind of disappointing where some random movie tie in character and a new character with revolvers have a more unique moveset and style than other established characters.

Because the rapper beat up Daigo.

She does have some nice thighs

Lupe said on twitter it was staged

you better link the tweet then or I'll beat you up.

Daigo was clearly just playing around.

Kolin looks like Karin + Kula

Carl from the Walking Dead is finally down the path every child actor eventually does.

Please don't insult Kula.

Hell, Erron Black himself is basically the movie tie in of every spaghetti western gunslinger being thrown into a blender, which makes it even more sad on how they fucked up.

And having Decapre's blade moves qualify? I think Japan has no idea of what Systema actually is. But both her and Marie Rose have counter moves.

KKKolin mixtape feat. Moonman when?

It was like 6 months ago, find it yourself.

The burden of proof is on you.

Sorry, K'

oh, shit.

Gotta put those models to use somehow, I guess. Can't wait for Decapre and Gill to appear as DLC later.

Nuclear Negro was all over this for weeks. It was staged indeed. He made plenty of videos showing how it was a promo to attract more people. The same thing they were doing with other celebrities.

Reminded me of some things.

Wasn't it obvious that Diago was going easy on Lupe and it was for promotion? All I know is the mistake that Diago thought It was a first to 5 instead of 3 which is why he didn't really try the whole time. Is there something I'm missing that made this corrupts

Yes. They treated it not as a casual match. They treated it as an "official" match.
And there is also the fact that one of the big players lost to a nobody for money. That was sad.

I think Kobayashi's (DMC3, Basara series, Dragon's Dogma alongside Itsuno) pretty talented too but the guy's only ever given peanuts to work with.
Capcom also has plenty of good artists and composers but either don't give 'em any work (Shinkiro) or overload them (Bengus).


More Kolin stuff from Gematsu:
After working in the shadows for Gill and the secret Illuminati organization, Kolin makes her Street Fighter V debut. First appearing in Street Fighter III, Kolin works behind the scenes in order to fulfill the Prophecy of Miraha and stop any who dare stand in Gill’s way. She is typically calm and collected, but can suddenly fly into a rage when anybody threatens Gill and his plans. Spoiler-alert, she resurrects Nash and uses him as a pawn too, showing she will do anything to achieve her goals.

Kolin excels in the Russian martial art of Systema, utilizing the opponent’s momentum against them and executing various slash-like attacks and knife hand strikes. Gill has bestowed upon her the power of ice, allowing her to augment her fight style with frigid blasts and deadly icicles. She is often heard speaking condescendingly towards her opponents, knowing they don’t stand a chance before her, let alone Gill.

Where did her hatred of Shadaloo come from and how did she originally become involved with Gill? Be sure to check out her character story to find out!

Future Characters
We also want to let you know too, expect to hear more from us about each of the remaining four characters every other month beginning in February. That said, in months where we won’t have any new character info, we will have new information and content to talk about. As previously mentioned, we have been analyzing player performance since the Season 2 balance changes. At this time, we can confirm additional changes are in the works to bring characters in-line with how we envision them to perform. We can’t share all of the details quite yet, but we are anticipating an announcement early March.

Spoiler alert: Alex and FANG are gonna get nerfed even more.

Sorry some of us actually think about things instead of working like an animal all the time. Some of us need a reason to bother. If I could "just like do it bro" I wouldn't be here posting.

I already got the help I needed though, so go fuck yourself with your useless post.

I'm going to be buying a fightstick soon, as i want to play games other than the ones in the arcade.

He looks like an alien.

I wonder how she could say that to characters like Gouki, Bison, Ryu, Cammy… They probably would clear the floor with a girl like her, haha.

Is there anything the western side of the FGC can't not fuck up?

Some of this is nightmare inducing. Halfway through they decided 'oh right, this is anime' and fucked it up.

I can't wait to see how terrible hers will turn out.



Well, I like western pure 2D fighters. Some 3D are alright too, like LASTFIGHT

Being the best is overrated. Sure, it's great to be on top, it feels awesome and you get the envy and admiration of those who are not the top. But once you get to the top, you'll soon learn that it's going to be a neverending battle to retain the top position. Everyone wants to be at the top, which is why the true legends are those that can stay there long enough to make a difference, or those that go and win against said legends.

My advice? Get great at whatever you're doing. It doesn't matter if you're in the top or not, just try to be the best you can be and aim for the top spots. Never forget that this is all for the fun and sports (and prize money) of it, not for the spot.

I thought he's been sayin' it for years. :^)

How long until Bengus commits sudoku?

I'm a bit curious how nips are taking this Lupe fiasco. During the butt slap controversy, I recall they were fearing that Capcom's eagerness to please the gaijin piggu would fuck them over. Wonder how they feel seeing a new would be waifu BLACKED right in the debut tailer.

It'll be just like the rest of them.

More like decades

Reminder that didney worl is getting rid of the five story arcade and replacing it with a basketball exhibit

Short answer: Yes.

http:// mariempepin. com/#/sf5/

why are all the characters in SV5 so fucking ugly?
Why do they put nigger music in the reveal? I know the FGC is full of black people but that doesn't mean they should ruin the trailer with rap music.

I hope MvC infinite is free of western marketing shitting up games with wubwub or rap

Also, isn't Systema the one where fat guys get punched in the gut and repel it with squatting ki?

Because it wouldn't be a total fiasco without it :^)

Black music is no new for Capcom fighters. SF III, some SF IV, CvsS2 in a way. Even MvsC2.

No it's clearly the one where blonde girls do whatever they want with a few counter moves.

Maybe the japanese trailer will have a different music. I hope

And this is what developers actually believe

One nigger song every now and again isn't too bad. Embed related. I just wish Capcom hadn't seized on Lupe like he was some kind of "relatable" figure in the FGC; his partnerships with them, especially after the staged fight with Daigo, seem like an out of touch publisher desperately trying to grab ahold of the latest trend, whose absence caused SFV's reception to be a commercial flop.

I don't know if you pay attention to comics, but this is more or less the video game equivalent of what Marvel has been doing for the last few years after it handed its established characters and series off to millennials, trannies, and faggots. There was a sharp sales decline which never picked back up (turns out people don't like spending money on thin comic books which preach at them and have shitty art), and apparently the execs at Marvel are so blind as to what caused it they're trying to fill in the gap with promo covers, variant covers, meme covers, you name it. All while constantly rebooting the overall continuity and riddling what little intact continuity there is with crossover events.

SFV hasn't received any sweeping system changes, by virtue of Capcom adhering to a seasonal patch system rather than something more intermittent. In spite of that, they are walking and quacking like a duck, and I've seen this particular duck before. DoA levels of sexy costumes, microtransactions, a rushed launch, the crippling lack of what actually attracts casuals to a game rather than what doesn't push them away, etc.

I don't know what goes on behind corporate doors, but I cannot fathom how any single group of people can be this consistently stupid.

I did a little research. I was almost right. :^)

It's probably gonna be worse. One one hand, you got gaijin-dick craving Capcom and, on the other, Didni/Mahvel who love shoving theirs down everyone's throats. It's a match made in [CURRENT YEAR] heaven.
I don't think they'll do anything really retarded like add Tumblr Squirrel but making a sanitized product for esports/ESPN shekels will likely be their top priority.

Isn't Laura absurdly good now? Haven't watched much footage besides Infiltration's Juri/Ibuki but read a couple of comments about that.
Meanwhile, Chun and Nash are apparently shit now.

Nuclear Negro called out the later's dickriders over some shitty pot shots Lupe took at the community. Guy seems like a bona fide cunt.

Gotta I admit I hated the TS:OE OST because they cut out the mix 2 versions which are my favorites.

If by that you mean every time something backfires, they'll double down - yes.

It's like a slav Voldo. Slavoldo!
Jokes aside, that looks pretty damn hard to pull off.

That's kind of crazy, silly music aside.

yeah, i'm probably gonna main her(sorry urien and gief) because I like ice/water characters, and because muh wreckas

It's several levels of multiplication above that, actually. No matter what happens in the FGC, be thankful you aren't the comic book industry.

I think that might be it. Higher ups that don't know nothing about the craft, bu own the company, or some higher ups who knows about it, but want to use the media to push whatever they thing is important, independently of how much it will hurt the company, because they already made a name for themselves and the media will lick their balls no matter what.
I am a huge fan of MK, and I can't conceive what happened to Nether when they developed MK X. The game is good. Might not be great, but it is good, but it's hard to understand what happened to the studio that did pic related to think this was that people wanted.
I am not looking for realism when I play a fighting game like MK. For that I will try UFC, not a game with colorful ninjas and Ultra Glasgow Smile girls.
It's insane but these developers lost touch with the community and with the products they create. It's so weird.

Rewatching the trailer, personally, she's got the same problem as Laura - I think she'd be better without any elemental powers.

…what do you mean you don't want to read the latest adventure of Captain I-hate-America? You horrible racist!

What was silly about MKX is that they made all the women ultra bland because we must have (((realistic depictions of women))) but the men still look as silly.
Maybe Boon and co. are such raging misogynists they want the women to look extra realistic for when you rip their spines through their ears. :^)

last gen graphics tranny looks hotter then any of the sfv girls

I'm going to fucking call it right now.
she's the original Cammy. and Cammy and Decapre are clones/sisters of her, and she's the first one out of the brainwash-lab.
I didn't bother even touching story mode or watching it, she doesn't have interactions with Cammy that would make my guess wrong from the get-go right?

It was all fake hype, Daigo was trying to parry everything and you know if you've watched Daigo play seriously he rarely parries at all in sfv. It was some thing with mad catz as well.

It's crazy how far SFIV's models came from vanilla to USFIV. They almost look like different graphics engines.

Sonya was supposed to be a fucking MILF in MKX, with Sindel, but they had to fuck that up in both cases!

I wanted to play her based on the leaked information but now I'm not sure. She really doesn't seem all that different to Laura at the moment, except for having Geese counters.

Never underestimate how far out of touch with their audience Capcom is.

She's turned into a 50/50 monster from my understanding. I don't play her so I don't know the specifics, but you fail to block one mix-up and you're either stunned or close enough to it that it doesn't matter.

Well, to be fair, Sonya was always a cunt poor Johnny. Her looks on MKX just reflects that better. Now what they did to Mileena was a travesty.

It's not all that implausible.

Didn't want to make Sonya too good looking or else Buzzcut Burch would look even more repulsive by comparison.

People wanted Laura with a hair do that isn't criminally ugly and Capcom went and did a whole new character just for that. Aren't they thoughtful? :^)

So she's the new Mika?
Little Laura gameplay I saw was all about using the V-Skill dash to get in and command throw or low/overhead then set the projectile after the knockdown.

Mark? What the fuck?

Basically. Though I'm having more of a problem with Laura than I ever had with Mika. Maybe because Laura does stupid amounts of damage.

Johnny had a hard life. He likes his ex wife, but she transformed from a no nonsense sexy woman to an old bitch. And her daughter is a fucking Burch, that is probably going to be a lesbian. And he is is doing his best during all the MKX story mode to keep them safe and help Earth. Pic related is how much he respects Jax, even if it was never reciprocal.

But Mileena didn't suffer alone. Look what they've done to Sheeva and Skarlet. And remember, Skarlet have the power to absorb blood to become stronger, and yet, they cover her up!

Is that Bengus? Man, he really went downhill. And what is worse is the fact that Crapcom paid the artist from One Punch Man to do some arts for SFV, and they look fantastic!

Kinda curious on how she climbed the ranks because in S1, most tier lists would place her on bottom 3 with Gief and FANG.

Nah. Tetsu, a fan artist. Just my pleb 2 cents, but I really like his work.

Like I said, I dont know the specifics since I dont play her, but I believe they made her Vskill dash faster and it seems like they made her fireball stay out longer and her elbows safer, giving her ridiculous pressure after a KD. The part that gets me is her st.mk, it has to have a better hitbox or something because it seems to stuff just about any button outside of Urien's st.hp. All that combined with the mix-up game she already had in S1 just made her pretty much brain-dead in S2. She effectively can win a match with no concept of a neutral game at all, throwing out st.hk or one of her elbows anytime she's out of st.mk range.

tl;dr, Laura's st.mk is the new Irish Whip.

I've been learning more about SC2 recently. I want to learn either Astaroth or Seong Mina. Anyone have any advice for learning these characters? Besides the Aris videos?

That does explain a lot. And the s.MK stuff reminds me of the Chun-li salt.

And it begins. Probably gonna be shortlived though. Most new FG girls aren't getting much love from artists.

I think ut have more to do with the fact that he don't want to hurt his only daughter. In the comics they make it clear that without the gauntlets, Jacqui is kind of useless.

And, about the art, it's just that I would expect more for an official thing, of from someone with such a reputation.

What? Man, go on deviant or tumblr, a hell lot of hentai artists and such use tumblr too, and type Laura, or Ramlethal, or Jack-O. Games that don't have many arts are usually MK and Tekken. Those are quite forgotten.
By the way, talking about KI, what do you think are her chances to enter?

After watching the trailer again and some thinking, I don't think she'll be like Laura, it's just a case of them propping her up in the trailer to make her look better than she actually does. Pic related, you are probably safe if you back-rise or take the knockdown and damage doesn't seem huge if you just go for this repeatedly.
She still has some stupid stuff though, like cancelling EX slaps into a normal rekka backdash, and a target combo that probably won't drop due to range which can be cancelled into specials, so maybe the backdash rekka too.
PREDICTABO for her v-skill also seems really stupid because the capcum-unity post shows a version where she dashes forward to attack and parries during it while the video shows it's an instant counter.

She'll probably be a turtle but not like the zoners, but whatever.
I wonder what the balance patch will have.

So now that KoF XIV's arcade release is nearing release; when are we gonna get the PC version?

inb4 they just revert to S1

I know the lady tried to do a Widow, but damn, she ended up looking a lot like modern Joanna Dark.
By the way, here are some other fighter cosplays.

parrying is just another layer to situations but it means you can't really play 3s the way you play other street fighter games.

if you're getting parried frequently it means you're being too predictable with you approaches and with your mixup. you need to balance out your good buttons with smart risks to increase the efficacy of both

why do they all look like they have really small legs

I think it's the same woman and she's just short.

Well, I'm more of a Pixiv person.
Definitely forgot the Aria clones though. They're pretty popular.

It wouldn't surprise me if this was Capcom's actual thought process.

Death is preferable.

Third strike had a single rap track with vocals, which was the title theme. 3S had TIGHT AS FUCK 90's drum and bass and jungle tracks.

The character select is also voiced in 3S. I do like some earlier mixes of Jazzy NYC better though. My favorite is the arranged version.

I always thought the 3rd Strike Brazil theme would fit as the main theme to a 70's cop show.

Ah yeah and the character select, my bad. Anyway my point was there is fuck all rap, but IMO the jungle tracks set the theme and it's hype as fuck.

Is mkx worth a pirate?

Not really

Here's a webm of my favourite track. The audio is FLAC converted to MP3 V0 ripped straight from the Dreamcast disk by a friend of mine.

Why did Pokken have such a hard life bros? What did it do to deserve this

Going for quality over quantity pretty much ruined it.
Harada should have tried to basically make TTT2 with Pokemon from the get-go with as many favorites as possible instead of trying to make players like the given cast by making detailed personalities for them (through their animations and moves). They could have also brought over more actual Pokemon related mechanics if they went with a team based fighting system too instead of… bringing pretty much nothing over.

It was also pretty abandoned at arcades, and it took far too long for the meta to develop as people realised how the game was supposed to be played, cutting its lifespan shorter.

It was also released during a flood of new fighting games. Trying to establish a new one in an environment where all the old favorites were getting re-done over shadowed it. As far as not making Evo it's in a lot of good company in that regard if anything that's a sign of a good game these days.

Also the 1,000 versions of Smash that have to be played at every major helped kill it too. People that aren't interested in watching Smash get sick of sitting through Melee and whatever other version is going to be played. They see another Nintendo game and they expect more of the same.

The Wii U, really. If it had been playable on a real console, and I say that as a Wii U owner who enjoys the console and its library, it would have had a larger, less painfully niche audience. Come to think of it, however, I think a more traditional interface would have helped a lot, too: requiring two fucking Wii Us to play with your friends is too much for even furry autismbux to put up with.

That's the problem with gimmick consoles: the few good games they have get dragged down with them.

that may be so, but consider this. Pokken is the superior game riding high on a tide of otherwise shitty fighters.
you cant really expect the legions of plebs to appreciate quality when they only like whats shoved in their face constantly or has the best r34. Keep the community strong, keep cranking out quality content (vids, fan art, etc) fuck the rest of it

Passion > Glory


I actually like it as it is but I would have preferred it to be made the way I said. It's very bad as a "Pokemon" game.

There were chargebacks, but not from the guy in the image that had the facebook logs, as all of his donations are still there and it was a confirmed fake/



How bad is it?
I don't play fighting games often.

Does capcom forget how unpopular sf3 was at the beginning because of how many new characters they put in the game?

sfv has sold like shit and for this year they wont be releasing a single popular character. I wonder how many sales they have made with the release of Kolin?

Yeah I didn't like 3 because it felt so alien with the new characters. I straight up didn't touch it in arcades after 2 plays. SFV is so bad they release new characters that alienate people bust still have a small roster. KOFXIV all day every day.

On the other side of that coin. Almost all of those characters are loved now and are requested. This pattern will probably remain with the new SFV characters as well. Capcom's ability to only be on ends of the spectrum with releasing legacy characters and new characters is fucking stupid but a fighting game should put in new characters or things will be stale.


no one should ever be reminded
I hope he's in MvCI because he fits better than Rashid does

He was a cool character, shame he amounts to fuck in the whole street fighter history.

wasted potential is going to be said a lot with MvCI decisions. If it is anything like that fake roster leak I will be surprized

Nothing wrong with new characters but sfv has sold so poorly its like they're trying to sabotage the series so they can go do their VR only thing.

Anyone with business sense would look at the popular character polls and put in either sakura or sagat this season at least.

Don't you mean CAPCOM?

Topanga League live right now, all the best Japs playing.



Joanna might have a chance. She might as well be in KI, since nearly half of the fucking S3 characters were nostalgia-based or MS-shills (Raam, Arbiter, Rash). Better her than another Glacius clone.

Sheesh, Capcom's 3d guys can't make any decent models.

No. It's shit with some microtransactions and social justice shit shoved down your throat.

Almost every game with a third(second?) sequel was a "WTF" to some people roster-wise. AoF, SF, Tekken, SamSho, and MK got rid of a lot of old characters in their part 3s, yet only Tekken and MK were the least offensive (Some people were kinda disappointed Namco cut a lot of characters, but they got over it with the new guys like Bryan being pretty cool).

Tekken 3 and MK3 were the least offensive when it came to adding new characters because they were just more fleshed out. If AoF3, SF3, SamSho 3, and even Fatal Fury 3 had more attention and fleshed out the characters and their stories they would have been more popular (Fatal Fury 3 had some great new characters, but no one really played it). No one they added in SamSho 3 was really likeable or memorable out of Zankuro, Basara, and maybe Gaira. I liked Dudley, but the other were…just meh.

Except nobody likes Rashid out of tiers, and it took 2 updates to make the SF3 characters likable and memorable. Even with Third Strike, Remy, Makoto were forgettable out of gameplay and tiers (they weren't fleshed out). Q isn't what I call a good character in terms of storytelling.

Laura is also a wasted character too. Want another kicker? Rashid is the new guy Capcom is forcing you to like, yet nobody really likes him (It didn't help that Twitch got rid of the Rashido meme to make him likeable).

I'm always triggered to write the garbage that's Genzoman's art even though we all know how much of a hack he is nowadays. How hard is it to use different backgrounds colors beyond blue, green, yellow, and red?

FANG was the only good new launch character. Didn't help that the story was total dogshit, pretty much just a series of events that progress the story with no flavor at all except the Cammy/Juri bits with a hard maybe.

I hope FANG is still alive since they're probably doing a second story mode. It's a shame Rashid didn't die.

You want another chapter of Rashid's Bizarre-Refugee Adventure: Social Justice Crusader (Guest starring characters you actually like and Ryu, the guy who was supposed to be the main SFV character)?

Rashid has complete total closure and there are a few characters that don't. If they make him the main character again then I'm gonna crash a septic tank into the next event Ono attends.

As long as you kill Ono and maybe some sjws or douche bags like Lupe, Justin Wong, Mike Z, and some of the other fgc guys, I'm okay with this. Just make it look like ISIS did it.

haha poop penis

Oh hey you're the guy that was burned out.
To be honest you just need to be less pessimistic and anti-social about things because it really shows. You're not burned out, just really angry at everything and since this is Holla Forums I can't argue about anything you brought up without looking like a shill but you probably wouldn't accept anything I say anyways.
I'm not saying "things you think are bad things are good things" I'm saying you need to find more weight in your choices and to look from a different perspective, especially in the search for fun
MikeZ is a cunt

Why do you people still care about early access fighter V?

Morbid curiosity and schadenfreude.

Sometimes you want to see things go from bad to worse, or chaotic to more chaotic.

It was supposed to be a dark humor joke.

Anyway, I want to play KoF14 whenever it comes out, and I really tried to like KI. Yea , Mike Z is cunt. I am kinda burned out from shitty fighting games and the scene being shitty, but that's really my problem. I should look into other hobbies, but it's fun to make fun of shitty fighters sometime. I wish there was a fighter I could enjoy (Didn't mean to go /sad/ here. I just wanted your take on feeling like this. Thanks).

If they had made their interaction make sense, maybe. FANG and Gief were the only tolerable parts of that entire fucking mess.

First Ken banana hair, then Karin macaron hair, Alex fries hair and now this. I was calling this game Blonde Fighter 5 but now I think I would call Hair Food 5.

Shit, my mistake. Can't even keep track of wich company is fucking me over anymore.

Looks fine to me.

He's a victim of the mass slashing SFV got. It's obvious from looking at stuff like Gen's Disciple's backstory that Necalli was planned to have a bigger role in the plot than what he has now.

Has a shieet character design.

They're already trying to reboot the character.







Which piece triggered you?





content of your post.

But that formatting sure is eye-rapingly atrocious. Have some consideration for your fellow Holla Forumsirgins.

The way this game looks, especially its characters remind me a lot of Saints Row The Third, except it had a lot less clipping. Can't find a pic of exactly what I want using google, but I'm sure if any of you had time and the game you can make that character in SR3

all makes sense now.

Well, real life gooks do look like that.

Are they still doing that march update? Daigo is gonna have to drop ryu if he wants to have any success this year, he wont win a single tournament with Dan tier season 2 Ryu.

No one wants realism though

Gen's Disciple is next?

Watching it crash and burn is more fun than playing the game.

But we got a hue hue monkey instead.


Gen's disciple kills Gen while Akuma tried that shit a bunch of times and it never worked. That's like getting fight-cucked or something.

Anyway, for the next characters, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say some will be Ed (the kid who has to take Boxer out on walks and pick up his poo), Azam (the big kebab) and Abel (the Shadaloo uniform might be his story costume).

It's OK, guys. SNK got us covered with Antonov.

IIRC the thing about this character that was going to be used for Laura was that Laura was supposed to use her clothes as bindings.
In any case, Laura would turn out pretty good if they went by the concept. I'm still certain CoA were the assholes who got her [CURRENT YEAR]'d.

Judging by Pixiv and Twitter, nips aren't all thrilled over Kolin.

Theme preview.

Not all that interesting but it's not an all out assault on our ears so I guess that's a plus.

Would anyone here actually like this design of the character after hundreds of hours of gameplay? I like TnA as much as the next guy, but having battle damage tear off a character's clothes like that is too stupid even for me. I'd rather just have be a regular wrench wench with overalls and a tank top or something.

This is a fighting game character theme? Christ.

I'm sure the idea is that Gen's sickness got even worse and so Disciple finished him off in a cheap way.


Better than the one we have.

Crazy how much a hairstyle can change a character, isn't it?

Depends on how they'd go about it. If it's exploding pants a la Soulcalibur or DOA, no; but if it's as they proposed and she'd use her own clothes in her moves, I think it would be interesting, if not just to see that applied in terms of graphics.

Akuma always trying to get that raw Super stylish finish with Raging Demon, knowing full well that Gen ALWAYS avoids that shit. Akuma's a fuckin' scrub.

Ed should happen. I'm picturing him similar to Dudley, with a little but of Psycho Power thrown in. I'm still holding out hope for a Darkstalkers crossover character, maybe Demitri or Talbain. I know it's SFV at he'll probably be shit, but a man can dream.

I can't wait for the best capcom girl to be revealed next.


Guilty Bits is cancer.

Still outsold Street Fighter V lol

I keep hearing people say this about MKX but as far as I can tell it's just shitposting and paranoia.

Apparently this is English translation of the location tests for GGXrd: docs.google.com/document/d/1jdGV-Eoz460xO1BE630afqrO3KomCyYxzdmjFzoxjFk/preview


*this is THE English translation

Actually, SFV sold 10% more globally

user, i'm legimately asking.

Not a MK player but from what I gathered, there was NRS' talk about "more realistic depictions of women" which translates to them being more covered up and less curvy (men still look like walking refrigerators though) and the all new Team Diversity of white woman WITH ATTITUDE, strong black woman who don't need no man, Scorpion Jr and a gay chink.
That said, I think the gay dude was handled decently. There's a subtle nod at it and that was it; dude doesn't go full Bioware "Man, I could really go for some dick right now. Guzzality, amirite?".

I completely even forgot Kung jin or whatever his name was was gay.

As far as the realistic depicitions of women, I took this less as "we are toning down the sexy stuff just MUH SOGGNY KNEES" and more that they wanted character designs that actually seemed feasible and looked cool, while also trying to spin it in a way to appeal to the actual SJW's./

For what it's worth, I think Kitana and Mileena have the coolest looks they've ever had in the series in MKX by a big margin.

Imagine all the Trump comparassions if they've made the President Fighter?

Kitana is okay, but Mileena wearing pants is fucking bullshit.

What I really don't get are the people mad about her mouth/lips/

It looks way cooler, it's more symbolic of her character and personality as being sexy and seductive on the surface but actually being batshit, and it also makes her look a bit like an Oni with the knarled curled teeth which fits into the whole asian aeshetic the series has.

Actually I'm pretty sure the mouth thing was explicitly stated to be for status since Shao Khan is dead. The baraka people are considered lesser, so Mileena needed to look more like a lord.

Part of Mileena's character is that she was created by magic or something, right? So she just uses her physique to manipulate and seduce people? The almost literal floss bikini costume she had in MK9 was dumb, but from what I remember it did make sense with her backstory in a similar way to Mai Shiranui fighting while bent over at the waist since that's what kunoichi did (loosely) to distract their assassination targets.

My point is it seems not to make any sense for Mileena suddenly to care about covering herself up. From an outside-the-game perspective it makes her less distinct from the other colour coded tittyninjas, and from an inside-the-game perspective it contradicts her origin (I think).

I think the IRL reason was probably for facial animation not looking like shit.

What's your favorite boss theme in a fighting game? This one's a pretty good contender.




Never played the game but embed related, hands down.
Incidentally, now that TRF2 got emulated, I'm hoping to get the OST. Been craving that boss theme for years.

But, overall, I'll say KoF has the best boss themes - Fairy, Trash Head, Origin of Mind, An Improvised Concerto, Requiem for 50,000 People, Dear Falling Angel, SLASHER ZERO, Cutting Edge, Independence from an Aggregate…and those are just what popped into my head.

Why appeal to SJWs? It's like appealing to newcomers who don't play games & are a minority to annoy your established audience.

It's like catering to soccer moms and not their kids.

Generally, I agree, and I have no tolerance for appealing to idiocy, but, I don't actually think they are.

It seems to me the decision was made internally to just have actual designed outfits instead of the bimbo ones and then they realizrd they could also use it to make themselves look good after the fact.

I have to admit I don't like rashid, seems generic as hell, and I don't want to see him again. But you know someone who started with SFV is going to bring him up in future installments

Hey I like necro and oro. And people didn't MAYBE want alex, there was big enough demand to get him in the game in the first place.

Also there are a lot of people who want makoto in but I do agree with Laura being generic as hell when we already have a better green electric brazilian.

I'd say progressives are the new mainstream and a loud one at that. Devs read these "concerns" and think that appealing to them will expand their costumer base. And they also take the established audience for granted.
Capcom and NRS (likely at the insistence of WB), being the shekel-thirsty fucks that they are, swallowed that hook, line and sinker. Then there's also the esports side that demands for something blasé (violence is OK but titties are worse than ISIS) and I'd say that's a more driving factor than SJWs.

I really liked how the stage and song changed for Unknown in TTT2. A nice subtle touch.

She's supposed to be ugly and psychotic, not psychotic and hot. Her whole gimmick was to feel sexy, but be ugly as fuck.

It looks fine if you haven't seen the same damn pose in every picture, and you haven't noticed he only uses five colors for his copy-paste backgrounds.

To this day, no one has brought up Twelve from Third Strike, or any loser like the Star Gladaitor/Plasma Sword characters (No one really cares about Hayato). If a character is shitty, chances are it's not coming back unless Ono feels like fucking with everyone.

I disagree, it's been to be hot on the surface but ugly and monsterous underneath and to have a contrast between those twi elements.

Note how in prior games a lot of her animations and costumes still focus on her being overtly sexual, even moreso then kitana and jade.

I guess picking on video games is easier than improving yourself irl

I liked Twelve. I mean, I hate playing as him or against him but I like his design. Was cool to see SF get their share of weirder characters. Q and Necro are almost just as weird.

I want Twelve to come back so bad.

Twevle was a victim of great design, but just flat out shit.

I think you're the only person who wants him back.

The thing is he'd be great in any game that isn't SF3

Characters in that game had cool designs and finishing moves. If only the gameplay wasn't fucked they would have something really good. I wish they would revive that game, I would like to see it done right.

I can see twelve being a darkstalker character. But if blanka is a street fighter and can make it in so can twelve. All it would take is for Capcom not to fuck him up which is the bigger issue.

I never played it or really watched it. Is it actually good or is it just Tekken with Pokemon?

You know…you're right.

It's not the issue of Twelve fitting, but more of him being complete shit to use. I guess he would fit the Terminator-robot-monster theme in Darkstalkers a la T1000.

Dude, most of those designs sucked, and were mostly copy-paste.

It's not Tekken with Pokemon and it's it's one of those games that won't be exciting to FG veterans until they reach a very high level of play.

It's nothing like tekken.It really don't compare well to any particular other fighting game series.

Just in terms of subgenre, closest comparsions you can make is that the field phase is like 3d arena fighters like the gundam vs games or dissdia, and the duel phase is a traditional 2d fighter, but even then it's not particularly like any single 2d fighter.

I think that was the worst thing about Plasma Sword. Half the characters were clones, only thing that changed were the supers.

Rain and Darth Vegas were pretty cool though.

A better comparison would be to the latest Naruto games, for example Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. In reality it should've been like Clash of Ninja instead

It's simple:
eat her face without thanking the favor.**
Imagine you made Ken bald, or Baiken have two eyes. That's how much the change was weird.

They probably wanted to justify that by the position in power. Almost all the classic ladies had some political power in the game in one way or the other. But it was really stupid in the end because they also changed the costumes that, supposedly, were used by them during MK 9.

People already posted plenty of good things here. If we are talking final boss only, this is the one for me.
But we all know the best theme is Geese ni Katakori

It's a product of the board room user. A company can not just sustain itself on a decent profit now. To appease investors profits must always go up. They take the core fan base for granted because they'll assume that fan base will just buy the next installment no questions asked (they're often right). So instead of focusing on the core they pander outside of it in the hopes of bringing in new blood/money. It always ends the same way.

Don't forget to buy those season passes and DLC that wasn't included with it user. Don't dare complain about it either or we'll call you entitled and racist/sexist.

It's really not like the naruto games at all though.

The movement system is entirely different, the sense of which it's a 2d or 3d fighter is different, and Pokken is, you know, actually competitive.

Jesus fucking Christ, how do you fuck up like this?! This is even worse than the official Capcom art!

Seriously, Genzo made her hair even worse. How?!

He forgot to give definition to the cornrows so they look like they're tattooed on.

What's suppose to be wrong here? It looks just as shit as the character it's based on

Field mode is, and the 2D mode only serves to ruin the pacing of the match. Naruto does that right in that there is no "mode change" only the fight continuing up close.

Except duel phase is where most of the gameplay takes place in pokken and your moveset in field phase is heavily diminished,

There was no claim to the contrary. They are similar games, of the two only one has jarring mode changes while the other is much more seamless in its transition from field phase to duel phase and vice-versa.

been practicing Yoshimitsu to switch from Lee

bad thing is that ive been playing T5 Yoshimitsu when current Yoshimitsu is vastly different from T5

Her hair looks like it got attached to her head, definition in the wrong places (clothes that shouldn't look skin-tight or reveal camel toe instead of her hair), & pose looks completely unnatural, shitty background as usual.

There are some videos of the Japanese using him in Tekken 7, but it's not much.

I don't mind game expansion (called DLC these days). What I do mind is getting nickel&dimed especially for something that isn't ready yet. Pre-ordering and Season Pass can go suck it.

They revealed what the new items are a few weeks ago. There's a firework, a single huge meteor, a few other things. There's also a chance of him getting a pumped-up version of a regular item, I might be remembering that wrong.

Thinking about it I'm pretty sure the fireworks was the pumped-up version of the bomb and the giant meteor was the pumped-up version of regular meteors.

Friendly reminder the FGC is a containment for niggers and you should not give it awareness/word of mouth/ viral marketing

Remember to keep it to this thread.

Actually the explanation for why Akuma never killed Gen was that he realized Gen had a terminal illness or something and withdrew from making a finishing blow. Kinda like Predator-logic when dealing with unarmed people, he decided that killing Gen was not a valid move because he was sick or dying. Can't remember the exact specific reason but the point is he could've killed Gen but chose not to.

Yeah he didn't kill Gen because he didn't consider it a fair fight after realising Gen had leukemia.

There are giant mini-Fausts, giant meteors, golden hammers, and fireworks. Probably more, but that's what we know from the last lok test.

Since everyone is a May main in this thread, me including, Ensenga? has a weird wallbounce property on the first hit now. So you don't get a knockdown unless you're in the corner and somehow avoid the wallbounce or something like that. I like the Raven changes a lot though, it's what I thought he was originally going to play like so I'm pretty excited. You also get excitement levels from your specials now, and the orb # of hits is based on your level, so he's less braindead now. The meter also drains if you don't gain any for a while, but it should be easy to manage with stance.

i keep hearing pokken stopped being shitty and boring after evo, do any pokkenfags have an example/video of what they'd consider a good match?

how does this game keep getting worse?

he'd be more suited to mahvel tbh but that's a pipe dream

It turns out it's not so bad. Ensenga first hit always knocksdown but it launches them fullscreen. Either way, Rev2 is going to shake things up a lot

I play Baiken and Ky.

Meanwhile the only change Ky gets is losing his best oki against Faust and Chipp

I wish I could find a main in that.

If a newfag like me can jump in and have fun dicking around in arcade mode, I think you can find a character you like, user.

Wait so does it wallbounce and the fall whiffs now or something? that sounds pretty bad

Thats awful

GG and I have never gotten along sadly.

Its okay user I still play the fuck out of it. And Im B1 and Play Gengar SHADOW M2's RRRREEEEEEEEE But hey TOKAIGI 2017 is today so we might hear about DLC around then

But hey

ill just wait


First hit guarantees a knockdown, wallbounces, are blows them back pretty far. Second hit is retarded and lets them tech out so you have to avoid it somehow. It seems like midscreen it'll let you get out summons more easily but you lose oki. I really don't know what kind of character AS wants May to be. She was a mini setplay character in Xrd, but she might lose kd from air combos now. Her current neutral and the other changes they gave her don't do enough to compensate for this either. Oh and when they made it easier to do dolphin cancels, they may have made it easier to fuzzy guard some setups, but we'll have to see.

Tokaigi is actually tomorrow night, not today.

Kolin moveset released.
I just hope she's fun.

Delete Raven.

Isn't that like Akuma's air fireballs?

Arksys is hitting him in him the legs with a bad it seems for Rev 2
Actually needs to do stance and build guage to do the shit he can now, can't even fly oki.

He seems pretty fine in loktest2. His specials build meter now, and his stance builds meter faster than it does now. He really shouldn't run out of meter unless he's stuck in the corner for more than 10 seconds

Akuma can't do it from a neutral jump and Kolin sends the ice ball behind her, not in front.
I also realised the PREDICTABOs are qcb and not v-skill so at least it'll probably not be easy to abuse.


Speaking of Loktest 2.
How is everyone feeling about their characters from what it says?

it's been about a year, and, I have to say, Street Fighter V was one of the biggest let downs in recent memory, lack of characters, removal of 1 frame links, muh 8 frames of lag, baby mode combos, no fucking variety in gameplay, ugly ass characters, stupid censorshit because "lol E-Sports", way to much focus on offense, HAVING TO PAY ANOTHER 50 BUCKS EACH YEAR IF YOU WANT MORE CHARACTERS, or you can grind for days to get one character, fuck capcom, fuck this shitty industry, I just want fun non-jewed games

3d was a mistake, can we please go back to 2d

Same but not happening :^/

It'd look just as bad but in 2d and they'd scream how you don't know the cost of 2D animation if you complained.

I learned a neat throw setup with Venom. The opponent is probably gonna be holding down back to block the second ball, so you can catch them sleeping. If they start to wise up and jump out or tech it, you can start going low instead. It should be safe against wake up Blitz, because the 5P never actually touches the opponent, just the 2 balls you set up. This is the throw part…

…and the low option.


Indifferent because Arcsys can't be arsed to address any of the flaws my character has and instead opts for a bunch of almost entirely useless micro buffs that won't change anything out of fear of making him good again. I wish I had anything to be excited about like most of the other low/mid tiers that seem to be getting awesome buffs or even completely new moves.

What character?

I'm going to assume Pot or Slayer

Just want to point that Pokken had a really hard time getting some attention in Japanese arcades, and some of those places even got rid of the machines on it's initial release.


Now you know how I feel with

Is anyone even thrilled for KolinCancer? It's like asking for a pepperoni pizza, but the owner gives you toppings you never asked for. He and his employees call you a cis-privilege-white cunt because you wanted the pepperoni pizza instead of taking the shitty pizza he gave you.

I can't see anyone being excited about her, but how bad do you think Rashid's guardian will turn out when he's eventually revealed?

Waifufags and self-loathing betas are always happy on principle when a pair of tits/almighty uterus is added. Probably the same for XNALara/Filmmaker types because they got a new model to fiddle with.
Player base will depend on how good she is.
The rest, who give even a bit of a fig about the characters, would almost certainly prefer a veteran.

My humble two cents, anyway.

Hope it gets patched into the console version or PC version


Slayer got that buff where his bite guarantees whatever hits next to be a counterhit. That's definitely something to be excited about.

Poor Potemkin, I feel his struggle watching matches with him.

There are a few characters they don't give a shit about. Iroha was literally made to cater to them years ago, and now she's more or less forgotten.

Yea, but then the character is forgotten

More like tiers determine her popularity. If she's shit, then she's useless. Rashid and Laura are supposed to be pretty good in season 2, but no one really likes them.

Pretty much.

Laura has a bad character design and an annoying personality. Rashid is an Affirmative Action newbie. Go figure.

Then FANG is bottom tier and hardly anyone remembers that other guy.

Full animation of Kula's super.

Incidentally, because two nukes weren't enough, nips also got the blacked trailer even though the characters voices' are JP.

I can't tell which voice is worse, Both seem to portray shitty Russian accents.

Thanks, Capcom.

I wonder how much longer DOA5 is gonna get supported
