dumpster diving master race:
Throw in some more ram to taste, and you're pretty much golden.
Can't wait tbh.I bought all those remastered versions of PS3 games but they just wont run properly. Maybe this will help.
mark please. we know this is you.
I'd laugh but this is just sad, is the industry so fucked that people will buy a new console to got 3-4 more FPS(and have it still be sub 60), but think PC gaymen is too expensive?
This is literally impossible.
Why not just get the console with the best games and not care about the graphics which will be bad no matter what?
Sony is at fault here for trying to market to core-users after muh graphix and then not delivering
Look at the bright side: the normal, 3 frames less PS4 will go to the bargain bin now (because, like, it's 3 entire frames lesser than the PS4PRO!), so it will be very cheap to get a Bloodborne machine soon enough.
Ok, but the real question here is: how is Neogaf control damaging this?
What the fuck is with this trend to build the same console, but with a little more power, anyway? Just pure, unbridled semitism?
That was the beauty of consoles. You buy the machine. You buy the games for the machine. Developers develop the game specifically for that fucking machine. They work, hopefully well, on that machine.
Now it's like PC used to be. Honestly, there hasn't been any reason to upgrade since like ~2009 if you had a decent setup then, since current gen games are more or less last gen games in HD, so at whatever point you started being able to play lastgen games at 1080p and maxed settings was the point where you became futureproof. Nobody bothers to make PC games that push the limit anymore, enjoy your ports and indie shit
Now you buy a console, and then the games that come out for it run worse and worse, as they're no longer designed for your console, but rather a similar one with bigger numbers.
All the proof is there sonybuddy
the same way the guys on the video are. By pretending 3 frames is a BEAST MODE of a difference.
Yes, they do, this piece of shit is selling more than the Slim.
I bet you think people complaining about Nintendo having paid online is console wars as well.
Is Digital Foundry on Sonys payroll?
They've become increasingly more Sony focused over the years.
It is :^).
It's also great to see that a fucking 2D Unity game can't even hit 60fps on either version of the PS4. Whatever happened to console optimization? Even nuDoom's dynamic resolution scaling is acceptable compared to the chugging framerates consolefags put up with now.
Holy mother of newfag
how is this thread console wars?
I don't think you fully appreciate the joke here
The only joje here is that he wasn't alive during 4th Gen.
>mfw I can still get 60 fps on any modern game that isn't shittily optomisied (dark souls 3)
no dubs but complete truth. I got a GTX970 in 2014 and can still play brand new games on ultra and get 60fps on 1080. A few years down the road I'll be hitting 30 everywhere but that's what consoles do now? We can buy 1 graphics card every 4 to 8 years and they have to buy their consoles TWICE a generation. The kicker is games aren't demanding resources at a breakneck pace like they use to and fewer games are even good to play so we'll get much longer mileage this past gen than ever before.
Looks like a good time to buy a ps4 pro
All those 9 games shown are terrible.
Every platforms rabid fans are retarded, I mean there are lifelong Xbots that are now Sonyggers after 2013.
No, not decent human beings, but Sonyggers, its like they never learn.
The problem with Sonyggers is that they're the majority.
in order
marketer, real, marketer, real, real.
I met a dude who actually acts like this at my work. He really is the type of dumbass you thought wasn't real. The lost causes really do exist.
Knack truly is Next-Gen
u jelly pcfats?
ya u jelly af tbh
If I wanted to play Playstation 4 exclusive I could subscribe to PS now.
One would abandon PC gaming to get rid of all the shitty greenlight indie games and then find this.
Dear god why? It might have great mechanics but those graphics just destroy it, it would be better as a 2d game and those only sell on PC.
At least the tiger is black so it's progressive.
And two worthwhile exclusives. Truly, the PS4 Pro is the console of choice for the hardcore cuck.
I got a pro used It was for yakuza, BB, and Nioh If I payed as much as I would for a standard is it still bad?
This entire console generation has caused me excruciating amounts of distress.
When you say you got one used do you actually mean you bashed the previous owner's head in with a brick?
well the previous owner was an idiot that thought there was a component port instead of just HDMI, so he couldn't use it without buying a TV too, so I bought it off em for more then the used stores ever would since it was out of box. $400 Canadian. The usual price over here is $500 for one without games. I got DIRT and FF X/X2 with it. I realize that op says 400 but we both know that's money that actually has value instead of monopoly money
Real talk though. How can anyone be content with sub-60 fps and sub 1080p games in CY+2?
What is wrong with these savages?
I feel bad for anyone who got suckered into this shit.
Doo doo
Pee pee
Console gamers are bad consumers
Boight me PS4 at Costco
Returning for 400 dollariedoos
Kiking kikes
It's funny because Sony fans will see this as a plus and something to gloat about somehow, and when the Xbox Scorpio comes out they will shit on it even though it will more than likely provide both boosted performance and higher resolutions simultaneously, and will probably actually boost performance properly unlike this joke boost. Most of the PS4 fans who will shit on the Scorpio are probably the ones that play mostly the multiplats like Cod, Fifa and Battlefeels. Can we end consoles now, I'm ready to end consoles.
Fucking sand niggers.
Fucking nigger.
From my understanding, the boost mode for unoptimized games is basically like overclocking. 10-15% improvement seems normal since those games aren't designed to address any of the additional rendering hardware. Still not buying a PS4, but I think you're exaggerating this a bit.
what additional rendering hardware, faggot?
all it does is slightly overclock because that's all they did besides slap on '4k' and raise the price
You're asking a haruhifag to explain his reasoning.
Source? I know news sites are fucking retarded but I doubt they are this retarded.
No you don't.
You don't increase shader throughput by more than double by simply overclocking. The GPU hardware on the SoC has been increased. I know it's a bit much to ask Holla Forums to understand the tech they're bashing, but please try to base your complaints in reality.
NO ONE is saying this is on par with PC. My PC can run circles around this and the games are free, it'll last longer, blah blah blah…
I watched this video earlier today, and the OP is being blatantly dishonest about the average performance shown.
The video detailed about a dozen separate games at length, and the screenshots the OP pulled from it are of the most poorly optimized games shot at the worst performing moments in the video. I don't know why the OP would go out of his way to cherry pick the worst parts and try to deliberately mislead people. Broforce and Bioshock are shit ports, Unity is a mess, and Killzone is a launch title.
Most of the footage showed a pretty consistent 7-15 FPS advantage and showed clear benefits to mitigating frame drops in titles with slight frame drops that otherwise stuck to a capped framerate. It also helps eliminate the rare instances of performance drops in games that are steady most of the time. Those games had a much more consistent experience on Boost than off of it. Also, you get faster loading to reduce texture pop in.
Of course it isn't some big game changer for all the older games and the PS4 Pro is a bit underpowered relative to where it should be, but objectively if you look at the eveidence put forth, it is clear that it will help plenty of games run a bit better.
You're wrong. There PS4 Pro has over 2x the graphics capability of the original, which is obtained by them just putting two graphics chips in it instead of one and then upping the clock speed on both by about 15% over the original. Memory and CPU get a smaller boost as well.
Unless a game specifically supports the PS4 Pro, it only runs on one of the graphics chips, with everything being at the exact same clock speed as original, to maintain compatibility. All Boost mode does at the moment is enable the older games that didn't support PS 4 Pro to run with the higher clock speeds that the Pro normally runs at, still without touching the other graphics chip in the Pro.
Are you serious, I just watched the video, in spite of a greater than 2x boost in gpu power Assassin's Creed Unity manages to just meet 30 fps, Knack already runs at just under 50 with drops and with Pro power it gets to just under 60 with drops, the only point it meets 60 is when it's looking at a few platforms and a wall.
It's 2x the fucking power, what an absolute fucking joke of an upgrade, and consumers are digging this, oh they are fucking loving this.
So basically all this shows is that when it come to supporting more than 1 hardware setup console developers are even lazier than PC developers who at least provide SLI profiles for their games.
WeW fammy.
Good job Sony, good job at doing something of no fucking value, I'm having a good time, all these consumers got memed into buying what is basically a promotional system designed to increase the uptake in 4k tvs, but the best part is no-one wants Sony's overpriced TVs, everyone is buying Samsung or LG TVs instead.
It already is, pretty much
I got one for 170 bucks off of ebay the other day
2x the GPU power, not 2x overall system power. Its GPU is pretty much a Radeon RX 470, but its CPU is still a piss poor tablet-tier AMD Jaguar. It's still only got 8GB of slow as fuck RAM shared between the CPU and GPU.
Increasing the resolution on such a setup is much easier than increasing the framerate. While the GPU is ultimately in charge of rendering the frame, it's the CPU that processes the game logic and assembles all the draw calls for the GPU . If your CPU is really weak, no amount of GPU power will get you a consistently high frame rate.
Consoles should focus on good first party support, reliability and ease of use. Having different hardware sets, 10+gb day one patches, limited libraries and a bunch of useless non-gaming features results in being a 2nd rate PC without any of the benefits.
As b8y as that may be, it's true.
Console games more often than not are optimized to be as pretty as possible in typical scenarios as that's what influences scores given by incompetent journos. Running them on the original target HW then leads to insufficient performance in more stressing scenes. Running them on better, yet still compatible HW leads to sufficient performance even at those stressing scenes. Normally, a remaster should perform as well, but as a new release it's again optimized for first impressions, not for high level play. A fully compatible system with higher performance solves this problem.
A PS4P is the right machine to play PS4 games, including PS3 remasters. An Xbone is the right machine to play 360 games if they're compatible, which many are not. Scorpio will be the right machine to play Xbone games.
Y'know, just like current PCs are best used for old games @ max quality.
So I can play upscaled games at a lower fps or play regular res games at similar fps.
So this is the power of the PSpro.
I hope you're willing to have everything made in Unreal 4, because it's arguably going to dominate more than 3. Why develop your own engine when you could just buy the license and have your staff learn it in no time at all, and be able to port it to every system
except Switch
Are they? I was hoping for the PS4K before they outright lied, but everyone I mentioned it to didn't care, and those who did were in "wait and see" mode. Now that it's revealed, the response was considerably weak. No one wants to pay full release price again for a minimal performance boost under specific conditions. People either don't care or know better.
I think it's a tricky thing for Sony to market. The basic model is a lot cheaper, so people who just want to play the games are probably going with that option. And people who want more performance are probably also on the fence, wondering if Sony is going to screw them by releasing a better revision in the future. Since all PS4 games have to run on both systems, it's sort of awkward to make a case for the Pro. How many devs/publishers are going to bother implementing support for the Pro's added features? It seems like the strongest case for it is PSVR, but that supposedly works on the base PS4 too.
As an aside, I think it's funny to see the lowest common denominator principle holding back consoles for a change.
Nah, it can maybe only do basic things at best. The base PS4 is too weak for the PSVR.
I dunno, guys.
The visual evidence speaks for itself.
At best you can get an extra 10 fps and possibly a constant 60fps. At worst, you get 3.
Honestly it would depend on the games and how much it benefits them. It would depend on if one has a ps4pro or not. If they don't have a 4k, don't care for vr, and there are not a lot of pro supported games, then it would be a mediocre upgrade.
Now this is damage control
Yeah, I'd consider getting a Pro if I didn't think the next Playstation wouldn't be fully backwards-compatible. But a x86_64 SoC is pretty much guaranteed.
How are either of those posts damage control? Both seem to say the Pro is a waste of time, which it is.
Eveything thats not "the PS4Pro is a way to revise and iterate on consoles and make consumers ok with it" is damage control.
How? Both of them simply point out the reality of the PS4Pro and the few things its good for but overall its not worth the money.
Personally, i am waiting for some CFW to start going on where i can play pirated games just like on the PS3.
''Everything that isn't exactly the way i say it is and isn't full 100% cynical is damage control"
Yeah, I remember fags like you when DLC and microtransactions became a thing.
And before thag was: "digital will make games less expensive"
Keep that apologist behaviour though, I'm sure the censorcucks are loving it.
Clearly you have serious reading comprehension problems.
When i say good things i mean the fact that it allows for VR because the base PS4 is too weak to pull that off and the benefit of a higher resolution if you have a 4k TV.
No one here is saying that the PS4Pro is good or that anyone should fucking buy it.
Stop being such a fag and seeing shills everywhere you go, just because not everyone is making short posts purely shitting on the Pro does not mean anyone recommends it.
The Pro isn't even native 4k. Its 1080p upscaled to 4k. According to the PS4 Pro teardown its literally just an overclocked PS4. Thats why it can't play 4k Blu-Rays, because the AMD Jaguar core used does not have 4k video decoding hardware.
The CPU pretty much is, but the GPU is a newer architecture similar to that found in AMD's RX 4xx graphics cards. Its rendering resolution depends on the game, usually around 1440p. Some demanding games are only 1080p and it's only really indies that are native 4K, and 30fps of course. It's a pretty poor show overall.
You can't just overclock something and suddenly be able to display at much higher resolutions with similar fps, even if it ain't 4k. There is a 2nd GPU put in to achieve the resolution but due to the fact that the hardware just isn't enough only indies and maybe 1-2 PS4 exclusives like TLOU are able to display true 4k.
The reason it doesn't have a 4K Blu-Ray isn't really because of the weak CPU, its because they cost money and Sony probably didn't want to put too much money into the thing considering its a risky move and their awful financial situation. The real embarrassment here is the fact that the Xbox One S actually includes a 4K Blu-Ray, and thats supposed to be just a slimmer version of the normal Xbone.
Going from 1.8Ghz to 2.1Ghz isn't gonna help much on CPU limited situations, turns out most of the time the PS4 is CPU limited.
If not for all the crazy shit happening in politics, I would say this is the worst timeline, but so far it kind of balances out.
Dude, you literally uploaded a 1080p image. It's UPSCALED, not actual 4k.
are you fucking retarded
have you not seen Doom 4? or Halo 5: Forge? The requirements for those (while imo grossly inflated) are not easily supported by lastgen hardware, otherwise my 'futureproof' shit would run it just fine at anything other than the absolute lowest settings, 30 fps.
Eh…yeah, i did. And? It was just a random image i picked out.
The fuck are you on about? Yeah, the PRO upscales when it comes to most AAA games, i already said that, but its not always upscaled 1080p, sometimes its higher.
But, what does my image have anything to do with it?
Games aren't even getting that much better-looking though, just more hardware intensive. Thanks Wirth's Law.