E3 to start allowing people in again


Wait, what?
Were they not always open?

IIRC when it began it allowed anyone, then closed it to only the press, then now they're allowing normalfags in again

They stopped allowing people in back around 2010 or so. Wanted it to be more of a "Trade Show" than the celebration of gaming it had become.

Feels like we're pushing gaming back in time.

Why would someone pay to go to E3?

If only they had something to show.


Now, when are they going to allow good games to be shown?

When companies make good games for them to show.



When devs stop filling the troughs with shit.

it was 2007 immediately after the embarrassing PS3 showcase.

Reminder that soon Dark Dawn will have gone longer without a sequel being announced than The Lost Age

what is there even to show at the next E3?

After Dark Dawn that's probably for the best.


Games with a dead man's name on them.
Just Dance
New AssCreed

Censored shit



Bunch of animu shit. Best in show.

I still contend that Dark Dawn would be better than Broken Seal if not for the points of no returns.

This is on a whole new level of utter idiocy.

This is going to be hilarious. There are some people I'd buy a ticket for just so they could be there to stir shit up.

Mario Odyssey
that's it

On the one hand, it'd be nice to just mindlessly fuck the one on the right as it flails around on the beach, because it's basically a free set of moist holes with no brain. However, on the other hand, the one on the left actually looks like a wimminz, and I could just have her suck me off, and maybe she wouldn't understand language, but she could make cute faces as I talk to her and share my stupid pointless thoughts. I guess I'll choose the one on the left.

it's not new at all.

Metroid Prime steak
Super Mario Odyssey
Fire Emblem Warriors
Fire Emblem Switch
Project Octopath Traveller
Pikmin 4
Ever Oasis
Story of Seasons Switch
Animal Crossing Switch to coincide with the mobile AC game in accordance with their mobile strategy.

Nu Souls game

Beyond Good and Evil Nu

Star Wars Battlefront 2

Call of Duty Nu

A bunch of films from Sony
A bunch of third party exclusives that are the only thing that make any Sony platform even remotely valuable.

Crackdown 3, rumoured to be a remake of the first one.
Sea of Thieves
Halo spinoff or Halo 6 announcement
State of Decay 2

Fallout Las Orleans or Skyrim 2 announcement

New Batman game
New Lego game

Something new from Platinum

Cyberpunk 2077 will finally be shown properly

Mighty No Nine 2, aka Shenmue 3.

So Anons, What are your predictions for [CURRENT YEAR] E3 this year? I'll start.

-Will be as shit as last year's but somehow even way worse
-Nu-Battlefront 2 will just be a WEWUZKANGZ 1 reskin
-Hardcore (((DIVERSITY))) pushing

Actually, who fucking cares about Mircosoft's E3 this year and onward? They have successfully killed their own brand that even that XbonePro won't make the cut.

-AMD shilling….Again
-If Scam Citizen makes a showing, it will be shit
-All of the PC games in the show will have Denuvo and will be crack less than a week by CPY

-More Tom Clancy shit
-That Meme Nig-chick again trying to make forced memes
-Nu-Prince of Persia will be a AssCreed reskin
-Blood Dragon 2 never ever
-Rayman is still dead

-Nu-Commander Keen is real
-Nu-Quake is still shit and a shit Overwatch/ASSFAGGOT clone
-Elder Scrolls 6 is a Fallout 4 reskin but with swords

-Nu-God of War is shit
-That Spiderman game is actually a movie based game based on the new spiderman movie
-Last of Us 2 is the most SJW propaganda game ever with totally not-Trump as the main villain
-Little to no exclusives
-Is that Dreams game ever going to be a real thing?
-Crash Bandicoot remastered trilogy is multiplat

-All of their game will be ((((Localized)))) by the Marxist SJWs at Memehouse
-They will fail to make the Switch interesting
-No Third Party games
-Mario Odyssey is cool I guess


I want another moment like at the PC show last year where Cliff Bazinga just flat out says the game isn't balanced and the announcer guy just looks at him for a few seconds.

Are they doing this because they think the casual/SJW audience is the majority?

Are they hoping the ramped up cost will somehow keep autists and meme magic away?

The way the industry currently is, this cannot be good.

Not to mention the streams are more enjoyable- lag and all.
Why queue for 3 hours for 10 mins of gameplay when you can pirate on release and (if you're a moral fag like me) buy it if you like it after a while.

pretty sure they're trying to cash in on the fact that kids who played Minecraft when it came out are now teenagers with some spending money.



I want to fuck that skeleton

Scam Citizen is in a league of it's own. but you better not be trying to imply Shenmue 3 won't be anything but a joke on release, the salt will be delicious.

E3 hasn't been good in years, there is no point in going now

I'll watch my stream at home with lots of booze and junkfood like I've always done thanks.

$150 ain't that bad actually. That is how much I spent on going to AX if you count hotel as well.

Though I doubt it will be that fun and be more like waiting in line simulator.

The only good thing about this years E3 will be that since the Switch is region free, we might be able to play the games uncensored. As long as they don't do what Hyrule Warriors, Kirby Robobot, and the 3DS Yoshi port did. That is, it just automatically sets the game to your console's region regardless of the game's region (you can tell this when you pirate it). So I guess you'd still have to buy a Japanese Switch, or set it up to be Japanese, but it would work.

I just want Bannerlord, Serious Sam 4 and Ace Combat 7.

I wonder why. (((Sony)))

Holy shit I wasn't aware those games did that. I had been wondering what the fuck Nintendo's angle was with going region free knowing there past and NoA's recent shenanigans. I bet you all first party Switch games will do that.

I honestly think it's a personal reaction to them seeing more people liking Ouendan than EBA.

That's cool, hope it's a good sign that E3 is going to be great again.

Feel out yet?

Like I said, it's easy to get around it. Worst case, buy a Japanese Switch. Second worst case is you'll have to set your Switch to Japanese first thing and can't change it. The latter is more likely. Other less likely options are being able to change the system's language at any time, or actually being able to pick your language at the start of the game. Only NoE and recent mainline Pokemon games tend to do that last one though.

E3's been going downhill over the last few years anyway, I don't know why anyone would willingly pay money to have these advertisements shoved in their faces (or pay money for the official streams for that matter). Hell the industry itself is starting to pull away from even doing E3 presentations.

Were there not enough hype monkeys and drones last E3 for them to block out any criticism?

If you asked me 10 years ago, hell yeah I would have paid to go to E3, now you would have to pay me not to burn it down.

Not with those trips.

I would go for free, I live close enough in the shithole to drive there just to watch the worst e3 live, and laugh at all the cringe.

Too late too little, ESA. The last ~7 E3's have been on a steep decline; I doubt this year's would even be worth the gas money.

Ha ha, thanks E3! This probably means (((video game journalism))) has been fucked up so badly they need to open E3 back up to the public or else's it'll be virtually empty.

I'd go, but I'd need to have all expenses paid.


Why did they give Link hips in the 3DS remakes?

This is going to turn E3 into a Japanese style merch profit situation… probably. No more free swag, no more getting free ship for going to events. Everyone charging $20-100+ for some stupid thing that people will buy because they are idiots.

I can do that for free by going to the nearest Apple Store.

Oh boy I can't wait to pay two hundred and fifty fucking dollars to see how the industry has dumbed down videogames even further this year. Especially because I can find that out for free on the internet.

This. So much this.

It was clear that companies would have to go back to pandering (even if it's just a little bit more) to the consumer.
Really, what where they thinking?! Try to apply this logic to ANY other market, see if it makes any sense.

So far, so standard. Now comes the twist
Now, any idiot would hear this and say "w3hat the fuck are you talking about yyou little bitch? Consumers pay my bills, if they don't buy my product i'm screwed".
But because we live in bizarro land, videogame producers sayd "OK, I'll disregard my consumers and invest heavily on your narrative, media-san"

The current videogames crash is long overdue. I'll love to see companies tumble and fall. Not out of schadenfreude. Not out of sadism. Not out of hate towards said media outlets.

But simply because a market that I used to consume from might go back into making things I'll pay for again.

And this turn of events happening to E3 is one of hopefuly many symptoms of a gaming industry turning back to consumers.

This year will be the worst just wait until you're told you can be apart of the ESA's personal army and can fight for propaganda games in school.

Nothing that interests me. The only things I am even remotely interested are already going to be released (Yooka-Laylee) or are in Early Access (Divinity: Original Sin 2, Endless Space 2).

Stuff I hope happens






Or you just can wait for "20xx e3 in a nutshell" to see how the cancer has progressed in under 30 minutes. For free, without leaving your room.

But chatting with anons friends while the trainwreck is happening is a blast.

Fuck right off with your "friends" bullshit.

But user I know a lot of anons friends!

Watch this with your "friends", fag

What's hilarious is the press are assblasted about it because now regular people can come in and tell everyone about how shit it is, rather than the marketing department having their hands lodged up the "press"'s asses and using them as meatpuppets.

E3 every year is the gaming press bitching and moaning about having to go to E3, talking about how it's a pointless waste of time, and how it'll be dead soon.

And then bitching and moaning that the plebs are allowed in and they don't feel as special and elite anymore.

gaming journous: all cunts. True as it ever was.

But you guys ARE my friends!
Oh friend!
New friend
A friend
My friends

So is E3/Developers starting to realize they need to start selling to gamers instead of game journalists again?

Bill Trinnen looking nerdy as fuck.