What happened to the world Holla Forums?
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Nice blog. Here have a upvote
It's always been cliquey, high school never ends. If you're not a Grade A normalfag you have only yourself and maybe your family if they're not total shit, get used to it.
That sounds awful though.
You already made this kind of thread, faggot. Stop making them.
I don't remember making this thread. Maybe another guy did. If so, I'd take it as a sign that this is a trend.
If you mean blogposting about being bullied on discord and whining about circlejerks, yes, it is a trend. One that should stop.
I'm in a pretty good group, so I'm alright.
You deserve to be bullied.
Is it about boypussy, I love boypussy!!!
at least you have us faggot
Orcs are the niggers of the fantasy realm, fucking slit your throat in public and make yourself a martyr.
You the footfag that started the last thread?
I never understood online friends I have no social media accounts and all my video game accounts only have people I met in real life. If it wasn't for imageboards I'd never really converse at all with online strangers.
Nice blogpost my friend
I got a group I'm in now that's bro tier, is there something wrong with you op-kun? Could it be that you're a faggot?
Pic related it's op
It was always like that.
I'm glad OP likes gum :)
right. It's never anyone else's fault.
>>>Holla Forums6727816
Delete this
Are you the footfag from earlier? If so you deserve it, if not you have my condolences I have also lots some friends because they go full normalfag
Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, Capricorn is materialistic, calculative, down to earth and cynic. Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. Pluto is a planet that brings change, transforms.
Refer to
Nice, only 7 fucking years to go.
And there's a 300 years transition from 2025 to 2325 that wipes out this gay civilization and is full of natural disasters before a new Ascension of Ages (better times)
But that's a story for another time.
Uh huh. Okay.
Don't worry. You'll soon be able to make bros 4 lyfe in the second Civil War
You got older.
Late teens / early twenties, it's easy to find people.
Late twenties and later, cliques are formed and people stick with their friends. Bad past experiences make them less open with strangers.
This is not specific to video games and this will not improve as you get older.
fast forward to now:
god I hate life
Your social skills kept atrophying after high school and now you're so autistic that nobody wants to deal with you.
Nonesense I am autistic as fuck and have a lot of friends.
there seems to be quite the disparity between the different interpretations of the yuga timelines.
this seems to be the only one with a set time between the ages (2700+300). could you elaborate on this?
Talking with normalfags is pointless user.
We're yourbonly friends.
You made the mistake of getting emotionally invested into videogames.
Wanna talk about the absolute absurdity of how pricey smatphone microtransactions are?
You seem like the faggot I'd bully in my discords.