Which of your Steam friends have been offline the longest?

Which of your Steam friends have been offline the longest?

Do you know what happened to them?

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Me, most likely

Can't remember, I have systematic prunings of anyone I don't communicate with regularly, has too many friends to notice me, or has been offline for 100 days or more. Thus has truncated most of my friends list as I don't really have friends online, just in person.


Last time I was on was 6 years ago and I had 6 friends. So probably me.

I abandoned steam due to username autism. If I can't change my login then my autism will eventually get the better of me and I'll make a new account. Because that's a waste of money I only either don't play games, or pirate them nowadays.

steamcommunity. com/id/strykery

But look how cool these people are.

http:// steamcommunity. com/id/mesh4889

"Adult Elite Gamers".

Half a year

I want your entire generation to commit suicide.

Pick up a fucking dictionary any time.

I still can't delete it


You can change your username now on steam easily, so maybe it's time to give autism another try

delete it. they don't care about you. they're probably playing some really nice vidya with someone that isn't you, and they don't care that you're all alone. do it. just do it.


Longest I've got is pic related, known him for as long as I remember and he used to be online every single day.
Now he just occasionally appears online for a few minutes then goes offline, no fucking clue what's happened.

Why would you have friends?


This guy probably, I don't even know who he is or when I added him. I have almost 300 friends now, most of them have been offline for more than a year. I only actually know like four of them/

user do you have something to tell us?

That is me *sips monster*

Dude stole from the friend group and went ultra DUDE WEED LMAO. Quite frankly I need to remove him from the list.

How do you steal from a friend group

I wonder what killed him.

Everyone pitches in to rent a room for convention. They say they left their cash at home and will get it too you when the convention is over, then they don't.

So everyone that actually pays now has to pay for, by proxy stealing from everyone in the group.

now has to pay more*

they either log in as offline or blocked you, and it updates when they were last logged in after they logged out. alternatively sometimes it fucks up and it says your entire friends list was last logged in x time ago

My housemate in university who moved back to India had ~200 days offline. He just popped back up online the other day though just said he was busy then we talked about DMC5 possibilities.


Even before he left I didn't talk to him much.

All I know is that I think I met him playing Zombie Master.

I just want answers.

Knew a guy who used to run my old Mountain Blade regiment; hasn't been online for 350 days. I remember he constantly would abandon one reg for another, fucking hated the 63e, and hated niggers too.

Probably died or got married or something equally abhorrent.

I've seen him since the last time he was online the guy just got married and only plays on console now. Wife didn't want a computer hooked up to the TV or have any room for a desk.

Oh so we're all just gonna fuckin be backwards trash now, is that it? Who the fuck raised you, you goddamn barbarian?

He went off to live with his grandfather in the woods, then moved in with some ugly trap in the Netherlands while leaving his PC behind.

No user you don't understand. I can't change my login. I can change the name everyone sees, but I'll always see that name I got sick of in the top right corner.

There was a cool fucking dude I used to play Day of Defeat with who apparently lived in the same city as me. We were planning on meeting up some day but it never happened.
He joined the Army because his parents were forcing him out. Then King Nigger sent him over to the Middle East and he was killed by Muslims.
I miss you man. You would have loved Donald Trump

i guess he would have, if he was willing to die lining the pockets of jews and their allies.