Last thread has been sitting on page 13 for a while. Time to start a new one.
WEBM Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
the thirst is real
das racis
you no rikey?
And a long time coming, Gumball rips on chinese Gumball goat ripoff
This some recent videos?
Thanks for posting this stuff; never seen it before.
I agree, those girls need a shower
This is a recent one. This was topical back in early 2016.
I made them into webms recently, though, if that's what you was asking.
Is it the flag? I've been searching a gondola in there for five minutes now.
did you really think those shoulders belonged to a woman?
Well, shes cute so I wasnt trying to find something "wrong" with her.
that not how things work around here sssssssstranger
did his channel get shoa'd?
What is that song? I tried Shazaming it, and got nothing.
Why is it so hard for SJWs to realize Cindy is a nod to Daisy Duke?
some fresh oc here you fags
Source on the song?
Mason vs. Princess Superstar - Perfect Exeeder
Pretty funny lad, thanks for posting.
and now we wait for Inel to do the parody
how about a h-game instead?
The door at the left, imagine you come and open it, what would you see?
dam what game was this, I remember someone posting it in a /hgg/ thread and all the webm's but that threads gone….
Those subtitles are too distracting
is dis E.Y.E?
your punishment shall be proportionate to your crime you may never know
no questions , only brouzouf now
Fresh OC
Duckman is more relevant now then it was 20 years ago.
What said.
It doesn't matter what she is a nod to. all that matters is that shes attractive. being attractive is bad.
Why such lousy compression?
whats wrong with this
He got upset because he couldn't eat noodles with a spoon
yep, big surprise
This video probably enrages libtards, but they fail to realize wild boars/wild hogs are murderous fucking creatures which actively hunt people
It's a classic!
It may not be morally obtuse to shoot them, but is it morally obtuse to masturbate to them being shot? I can't help the tent in my pants I just know it's there, haha! :)^
Hey maybe it's there because it reminds me of mother in a totally non incestuous kind of way. That's right, a standing memory in her name.
you're trying to hard but nice dubs buddy, on the right path
I like their screams
whats the actual cause of death in cases like this? do you just literally get cooked?
why does ISIS make all those riddiculous executions? like the guy ran over by a tank or those guys drowned in a cage and so on.
Are they perverted and enjoy it, or do they hope to gain something from it ?
The tranny's not as bad as the dyke from the rival hacker gang
It could be one of several things, but most of the time its from blood loss.
Being on fire.
Something akin to the navy seal pasta with more gravitas.
Because it's fun for them, they're larping as Muhammad-era warriors conquering the world
why does japan do this to itself. its like watching a high school friend become a drug addict and slowly kill themselves.
I think he means specifically what kills them. as in, which organ fails first. I have to go with the blood become too hot for the brain to survive, or maybe the blood being too hot to flow and becomes like black pudding.
This was my childhood user, you don't understand how much I loved this.
Thank you for brightening my evening.
this is not goom
Smoke and fire inhalation most of the time. Kkilling a human by coocking it alive takes a lot of time since the body can take heat quite well. Most burn victims die some time later due to infections and general body damage
thanks for these answers guys, im jerking myself sick to this
pretty good
If that be the case let me go deeper
If you survive high degre burns your body looses its shit and starts to get rid of the dead skin. Since there is a lot of dead skin that doesnt protect you infections and other shit start comming into the system. Imune system is still working so in order to fight the dead skin and infection blisters start forming and get filled with dead imunity cells and bacteria. Then after some time they pop and release pus, usualy no problem but you have no active skin so more bacteria show up. And this goes on for a while untill the body cant keep up. For a bonus while this is happening your nerves are preety much intact and the pain doesnt stop for a very very long time
This. The smoke inhalation may not be what ultimately kills you, but it'll knock you unconscious before the fire or anything gets a chance to finish you off so you're not awake for the end, usually.
At least tell me they're good eating, I can't fully get behind the killing of animals unless they're either really invasive or taste good after a trip to the grill.
ATHF isn't on any of the private trackers I frequent. Do you have a MEGA link?
Nothing like the sound of autistic screeching in the mornin.
What does the sign say, anyways?
Fuck. Forgot to post the webm
They're crazy invasive and are devastating every ecology they're in. They'll kill your dog and your children too if they get a chance. Fuck em. And no, they're generally not good eating because they're usually infested with parasites and disease.
Good to know someone has some sense in this godforsaken university.
Yup, wild boars/hogs destroy everything around them, and eat anything they can
Fucking wolves will from from people, boars/hogs won't, hell in the video even a few of them charge the hunters and they're the ones shooting them all
something along the lines of "god hates fags, repent" IIRC.
If I may ask, where do you find these? The first two I know, the third I haven't seen before, but is there a hub where I can follow more NPR CG work like this? It's an area I'm looking more into.
This was quite possibly the funniest thing I have seen in years dear god
Why is he so mad about there being one girl in a game about a Japanese boy band?
It's like said, beauty ain't kosher
That's a shame.
At least they did something to deserve getting shot.
christfag is that you?
No, I'm not who you're looking for. I just thought this webm was funny.
It was.
never gets old
Oh my God, this is the best thing I've ever seen.
Either shock or asphyxiation through smoke inhalation usually.
What's the song in the second webm?
your webm reminded me, can someone webm this?
Wild pigs are one of the most if not the most dangerous invasive species to an ecosystem. The uproot native plants, kill native species, destroy habitats, and generally ruin everything for everyone.
what a scrub
I would go along with that except for the fact the christian church has utterly. and completely failed in it's obligation to defend the country. It's amazing it has gotten this bad.
Fuck I meant to put a comma not a period.
He means die for israel (goy)
It hasn’t, but that’s a matter of misunderstanding.
Y'know, I agree with those guys even though they're being fags. Vidya replaces our drive to build, explore and conquer just like porn replaces our drive to find a mate and become more attractive. A little bit of either might not be that big a deal but if you've got a real habit and you're spending a significant portion of your waking life playing vidya or jacking off, it's gonna be hard to get anything significant or worthwhile done.
This is true, but some people just get the short end of the stick and video games are a nice escape from the real world. If everyone was so ambitious that video games weren't bought, there wouldn't be any janitors or sales associates either. Both of which do more for society than that preaching faggot.
Somebody needs to fix this.
If you've ever read the last quarter of Hannibal.
Man I forgot all about that. I tried to play it a long time ago when I was a kid and still thought it was too gay. I think I picked the dragon because everything else was pretty lame.
Bretty gud, but you should really do this over with raws. Push for that extra edge in quality.
So wonder woman is a sow. Figures.
What anime is the first one?
I miss these streams, we should do these again. Maybe there was one somewhat recently and I missed it, I dunno
Guys, my balls itch. THE FUCK DO I FUCKING DO!?
put baby powder on em?
They're still going, just need to catch them Tuesdays at 7PM EST.
Oh shit, thanks user. I'll check it out next week.
For a second I thought this was a JonTron video.
I could never get into Gumball because the Fishes puberty voice always made my fucking ears bleed and ruined it for me
sounds like something from Nujabes.
I'm confused. He keeps saying you can't see the sun in space, but wouldn't you still see the solar arcs then, since they are producing fusion?
This dude is making a lot of jumps in logic but goddamn that sounds cool
His therapist is making wonderful progress.
Snek is old and shed. Where is the maid dragon?
That can't be it. That's pretty good, but that can't be it.
I didn't need this, user. Or at least, that's what I'd like to say.
What song is that i can't remember?
That monster!
Guile Theme, mate.
Thanks. Don't know why i couldn't place it.
Here have a webm of it.
He's just a tired old man off his rocker. Reminds me of that movie Nebraska except with space theories instead of lottery tickets.
Get a life, loser iltf, why does it hurt so much?
Generally I find it an insult if you don't eat or preserve to eat later or at the very least make use of what you kill. But considering that invasive species do nothing but invade and kill shit around them, then I suppose a few insults will be slinged around if bellies are full.
I have to agree with everything said in this video, and I hope this attitude becomes prevalent again.
It wasn't good when video games were suddenly considered cool, letting in all the crazy parasites.
Well, after watching Welcome to the NHK, it's because we're forced to make changes throughout life that we'll never want to make. Painful changes, but necessary. And life will always find a way to beat you down, but you have to find a way to keep pressing on, because it's necessary.
gotta remake the webms with higher quality one of these days
Ghost Dog
A fucking good movie.
Nothing and I mean nothing can hype me up than a Toonami trailer.
All these memories, all those hours spent on that channel with those shows, all that hope and expectations which never went anywhere. The few people I enjoyed them with, they collapsed into themselves, and I can't say I ended up any differently. CN did the same. Where did all the energy go?
Big O S3 never ever.
is everybody on tumblr fucking gay?
quality upload
Nope, some are trannies and others are perverts into all kind of degeneracy.
Vanilla - Arrow
It's the first step. They have to be trained in how human society and behavior works first before you give them autonomy. Otherwise they just start killing people. Once they can act and think on the same level as a human, then you give them autonomy.
Someone uploaded this in a previous webm thread without audio
Wild boars/hogs are aggressive yes, but it is less about them attacking people and more about them being very invasive and damaging to the ecosystem they are not supposed to be a part of. They have voracious appetites and can do immense damage to farmlands plus they also carry a lot of transmittable parasites and diseases that can be passed to people and livestock. Most cases of people getting injured by boars is when they go out to cull their numbers or to hunt them. My uncle was actually chased up a tree once by a razorback after he had blown a fist sized chunk out of its stomach with his shotgun while hunting. That motherfucker kept coming at him and took a few minutes before succumbing to its wounds.
Not this shit again.
Just to be clear, we're talking about introduced hogs turned feral and not actual boars, right?
are you gay or something?
We are talking about both my man.
Well, I guess if hunters are going to fuck up their ecosystem with boars, the least they can do is hunt them.
Still ain't as bad as the whole mongoose situation in Hawaii.
Mmm, long time since my dick got erect on its own. Good work.
The voice is from the silver surfer game
I can't believe I jacked off to this when it first came out.
Does the first webm make the back of your head itchy?
i havent been posting for 2 months now because of work
my birthday is ending and im bored
If you've got more webm's from this game please, feel free to drop them.
Adding content to not be trash
Maybe one day.
I remember, years ago, buddy of mine told me about this board game club, where you go to play tabletop, rpgs, card games and shit. For small fee, you could gain access to collection of awesome games in a place, where there are shit ton of autist /tg/s. So, there were this two girls there. Ugly, hair colored girls, who only drawn manga all time. Never played, but just sitting in the center of the room, "arresting table for themselves", drawing mangalike pics of themselves, talking "kawai", "wakarimasen", "kaijou" (or some shit). Never touched any boardgame. Even these funny looking japanese tabletop figure game, I always forget. They didn't even bothered to play, when we were playing Big Eyes Small Mouth. They were just sitting in the center of the room and waiting for someone new (cuz no oldtimer would anymore) about their "art". Everybody tolareted them, cuz without them, it would be all guys only (gay!). They didn't like me, cuz when I first visited the place and looked at their "creations" I bursted without thinking "you will never achive nihon mastery, filthy gaijins".
I don't get it.
Am I missing a reference here?
i read all of them
i assume its pasta but i still read it
here have another
Might be a reference. Might be a memory. Might even be something you never knew you needed.
I wish it was. You can go to any tabletop club or con and you will meet shit ton of those ugly chicks who don't even play. They are there for someone to focus on them. I think that they even don't like weeb shit like normal /tg/ or Holla Forums faggot would.
Source of the movie?
Lord of War, it's a decent movie.
Nice trips fam (Webms related)
i dont know about you but i recently played werewolf and that brain zombie dice game with a cute friend
I'd watch TV if this was a thing in Europe.
Source on that music?
I think it's already been done.
And that's why I can't enjoy ATHF
Because they're faggots who can only kill bound prisoners.
Thank you
Honestly my biggest gripe with the thing is when people say that Radiation made his game as though he did everything himself, when the truth is he acted more akin to a film director than a video game one, having much more micro managing tendencies and directly creating certain aspects such as music and character designs, but even in those areas he was only a major contributor rather than the only one. This likely just comes down to another 2007 split, where when I would mention names like Daisuke Amaya or Daniel Remar, other more trendy folk would say Johnathan Blow or some other indie dev known more for their style than their game.
i know what this is but im replying just in case
It's been years since I played this game. What exactly is keeping him from being shot immediately?
If it's any consolation, you're the only one who gives a shit.
what game are you even talking about?
What the flying fuck are you talking about?
Oh don't let that speech fool you, the base of the problem is "being addicted", not "what you're addicted to"
They try to follow a buddhist approach (no terrenal attachments equals freedom of the spirit) while trying to shove that you must submit yourself to their rules to be a good samaritan
Bunch of hypocrites
ATHF can be enjoyable, I don't blame the show, I just blame the sacks of shit who felt they had to axe Big O for it. What actual effort goes into making an ATHF episode? They honestly couldn't have worked in both? Lousy bastards botched season 2, couldn't even give us a movie, and all we got was talking fast food and all the shittier shows that tried to emulate it.
Japan, you need to calm down.
You have no idea how glad I am that you don't know what I'm talking about, since it means the cancer prevention efforts were successful. This webm is partly what the scene in the romhack was based off of.
not-Taki really got my blood flowing
Shame her boobs are not as big.
There's something screwy with that mp4. It plays fine in Pale Moon, but won't play in Chromium.
the fuck happen?
Is there any moar webm like this?
The same thing that always happens when Asians drive.
Chromium confirmed honeypot.
Anyone got that Jagged Alliance 2 webm with Bobby Ray's store ?
It's not just Chromium either. FFMPEG isn't recognizing the video either when I try to convert it.
Decided to just remake it from the source on Youtube.
to remove the empathy of their goons, obviously their bosses look the other way when they are doing this, there might be some goon whit authority in beetwen to ensure that thte lower goons obey orders
The relationship between boar and man has always been hostile. Boars are such cunts, they've worked their way into mythology as well. In order, you have Heracles capturing the aggressive Erymanthian Boar as his fourth labor, the death of Adonis by the Calydonian Boar, and the death of the Crommyonian Sow by Theseus because she was attacking travelers.
It's pretty obvious what you're referring to, though it makes me wonder what prompted you to go on an autistic rant about pretending to know exactly how the game was developed.
Reminder: this didn't reach its kickstarter goal.
I don't know exactly how the game was developed, but after the game was released I looked through interviews, special thanks, and the multitudes of posts spanning sites from SA and tumblr from people who worked on it to see what I could find in that time between kickstarter funding and game release. Along with his (now deleted) postmortem on his earthbound hack and having grabbed a decompiled copy of the game a while back and looking into the files, it was actually quite easy to figure out who made what, for the most part. The rant itself came from looking at the youtube comments talking about "megalovania lol" without proper alcoholic inoculation.
Yeah, I used to play Furcadia a ton because it was like… One of the few "free" mmo's at the time and Runescape bored the fuck out of me when I wasn't playing it with friends There were some chill people on there with good taste, but holy fuck were they a ton of faggots.
I'm on to you, story user.
Does anyone have the webm of that blonde masturbating while her parents are downstairs?
Looks geh.
Looks inferior to fist of the borf star which is still updating.
What game is this?
Sage because asking to be spoon fed