Is wildstar the only somewhat alive worthwhile mmo?
Is wildstar the only somewhat alive worthwhile mmo?
That's extremely generous.
Dont listen to the brain dead Holla Forums faggots here, wildstar isnt as big as wow but it is still pretty alive, many players still play.
Really fun too
You're the one playing an MMO, and a dead one at that
Shilling for fucking WILDSTAR of all things? Fuck off at least post good vidya.
Unlike you i have a brain and do what i enjoy instead of being a pathetic pawn and listening to what a bunch of autists on Holla Forums consider acceptable or not ;^)
keep being a cuck, just as pathetic as brain dead religious people following a book xD
Yes all 13 of them.
No need to get so defensive about a dead game
Last I checked this game merged all of it's servers down to a single one, and went entirely free to play.
Or am I mistaken?
Guild Wars has more players and is a better MMO, and it's also dead.
Half-decent artstyle wasted on yet another themepark MMO that turns into a boring slog right after the introductory segment.
No. FFXIV, on the other hand, is alive and well. And it looks to remain that way for quite some time, since a new expansion will be coming out in 3 or 4 months.
Of course the Holla Forumstards wouldnt like fun mmorpgs and instead fap to disgusting tranny shit ;^)
Wildstar was mechanically a stepup from every other wow clone around, it actually had some fun gameplay. The thing that killed it was the borderlands tier writing, the boring ass lore and the absolute shit story.
It's still somewhat alive though, bringing it to steam added a steady amount of players.
Do you think they'll try to make an ASSFAGGOTS or CRAPCUNTS game out of it? It's already halfway there:
I don't know anything about the skills or characters in the actual game, but I'm willing to bet money that you will find a Chain-Thrown-And-Pull mechanic as well as a small "cute" character/animal riding a robot suit in there.
This is true. I bought Wildstar at launch and had the full new MMO experience, yet the "humor" was so bad it ruined the game for me.
Oh I'm so sorry, you illiterate faggot. How inconsiderate of me! I've been living under the shadow of others!
That's it though, mister! I will no longer blissfully listen to those assholes!
I will only blissfully listen to YOU instead, homo!
Well there are no memorable characters so that might be a problem.
I honestly doubt we'll see anything else from these guys, they were already sold to the chinese if I'm not mistaken.
Which is too bad, they did actually try to redeem themselves by undoing the changes they did when journos dogpiled on them, but by then the damage was already done. I'd say the definitely learned their lesson.
wildstar was stillborn. RIFT, TESO and SOTA are far more viable and alive. Hello WOW is more viable and alive ffs.
If you're 8, yeah, probably
Maybe the problem is you being autistic because all this hate mainly comes from brain dead Holla Forums autists on chans while most people enjoy it.
You are the fucked in the head here ;^)
Nah. Wildstar is aimed for people below age 14.
Sure thing autist ;^)
Congratulations on reaching no where near the max level. Are you having a hard time finding people in game to play with? IIRC the dungeons and expeditions were pretty fun but you needed other people to do them with.
The only use for other people is for the occasional LFR raid and to be killed in pvp, they are useless otherwise
I played enough Wildstar (with Holla Forums no less) to have my own opinion. The game isn't funny at ANY point and the writing is bad and annoying.
If you want to be retarded and deny it then go right ahead.
why are you here?
Wildstar was in its death throes two or three years ago, how the fuck are its servers still up?
why and how, and didn't SotA rapidly fizzle out with backers wandering off while devs took ages trying to sort out their mess
Ask the brain dead Holla Forums drones who keep saying it is dead and hate it ;^)
They are only good for being trolled in games like l4d2
People love TES.
Also, like most TES games TESO has an absolutely eyecandy map, really nice to look at and play in which puts it above a whole lot of shitty MMOs.
Why are you trying to shill the game here if you can't stand "your fellow channers"?
Because i am not a worthless nationalists like most cucks here to brainlessly like others without any proof of them being worth while.
It takes time and luck to find worthwhile people, you have to spend time scrapping through the 99% of the trash people, which are everywhere, here is simple easier since less rules and easy to avoid bans ;^)
Wow you don't sound like you're just shitposting at all.
Go play wildstar faggot since you enjoy it so much, free us from the idiocy you constantly bring to this board.
tbh you seem like the least worthwhile person in this thread
It was. when it was alive. Rumors were they dropped the redmoon raid because it was the last bit of content they would be able to put out
Your butthurt and brain dead hivemind hate of anything mainstream says otherwise ;^)
I'm getting mixed messages here
I seem to have misplaced the WEBM of a guy standing still in a raid instance with all teh action going on around him and not hitting him.
Also there's that Dunkey video.
Also, it's an MMO that looks like every CRAPCUNTS.
Also, I don't have the time to play MMOs in general, especially the F2P grindfest ones.
Also I hate hanging out with cunts like you.
Shit, DDO is probably more active, and that game is ancient.
I strongly disagree. I don't have a steam screen shot because i had to download through non steam for weird login reasons, but I did full progression to the ability to farm ohmna and broke into the second raid whose name escapes me. Humor is subjective, but I thought the writing was spot on for the style of game it was. Yes the 47 thousandth time you hear the protogames announcer say the thing it is boring as hell, but protogames and ultimate protogames were the two best 5 man instances I have ever been lucky enough to play. The whole of their instance and raiding schemes were really good/solid mechanically and fun. I think it was by far and away the most superior MMO i have ever played. RIP wildstar.
I'm not gonna disagree that it's pretty fucking small nowadays, but be reminded that one of the major reasons it failed was that the dungeons/raids were too hard for normalfags because they actually took skill.
absolutely true. You actually had to move around, pay attention, not just stand in one place spamming one button. dodging was critical, and deaths were almost entirely your own fault.
pitiful attempt at shilling a dead game
I needed this laugh
It was so fucking dead that when you showed me that image I had an OUYA moment and drew a blank, thinking that it was a Chinese knockoff of Overwatch. I then realized only a tad bit later that it was its own MMO that was hyped up and released years ago.
post cute aurins