To all of you poorfags who support piracy, take a look at this image.
Justifying piracy is like justifying theft. There is no justification for it. You are a thief. Someone actually worked hard for this game and you just stole his work and are playing it for free.
Stop stealing games. If you dont like the game dont buy it, if you like the game buy it.
Piracy hurts the video game industry
To all of you poorfags who support piracy, take a look at this image
Other urls found in this thread:
How do I know I like a game without playing it?
yeah, well what if i want to hurt the industry? did u ever think of that?
So you want video game industry to die out? Do you want to go back to the 60s?
This is 100% irrefutable considering most games don't even have demos.
Ok then. I'm sorry.
Give me your email and I'll return all those games I stole :^)
Are you joking?
I honestly don't give single fuck about what you think.
seems like everyone is making good choices.
The free market wins again.
Nigger, I have no remorse for the things I take irl, why would I give a shit about a vidyo gaem?
Deal with it fag
I'm not a pirate or anything, but this comic implies we actually care about people or game companies. Especially AAA companies.
You faggots get stupider with every passing day, I fucking swear.
nice strawman, corporate fuck
Also, i wanted to add
Boy, this thread is sure a shitposting smug piratefags bait, OP, just leave these faggots alone, they enjoy their resources being drained to make bitshekels for the crackers and be smug about it anyway.
People are still buying most games way more often then pirate them.
And you still have to substract the people that would not have bought it or bought it anyway.
Also you are most likely a hypocrite becouse these songs an movies on your computer didn´t download themselfes.
What you fail to understand is the lack of ability to get a refund on video games (even Steam's refunds need less than 2 hours of playtime) mean all the risk is on the consumer.
Often unrepresentative of the full game and often modern games do not have demos anyway. Also am I free to pirate any game that doesn't have a demo?
Additionally what about review embargoes? These also hurt my ability to ensure the product will be of a fair quality.
That comic is wrong because it makes the assumption I advertise pirating to other people.
Since I don't, and since the videogame dev agreed with me before I started advertising my piracy, then I win.
take that bait to 4chan pls
Is this a thread where we check em?
let the numbers decide
Here is a fact: you can't stop piracy.
You just can't.
You can't with DRM.
You can't with an appeal of emotions.
The only way you can try to make piracy of your game less severe is if you make an actual good game and people decide to pay for it to reward you of your job.
Oh gee wee golly look, an MS-Paint comic. I guess I better stop my pirating ways right this instant.
Put more effort into it next time bucko
thats a big girl
Quentin, is that you?
This is bait but you're pretty much a complete faggot if you pirate anything but abandonware.
Mostly because new games are shit 9:10 and take up a boat of space.
And even then in most not shit states and countries, downloading abandonware isn't even considered piracy.
You're not important enough to be the red guy, you're one of the green masses.
Actually, yes. We want the industry to reset so we can get good games again. The problem with the game industry is just that - an industry. The people making games these days aren't in it out of passion; they're just businessmen looking for an easy, quick buck at the expense of code monkeys' family lives. We want devs to be passionate about what they do again, and not because they're SJWs.
kys faggot
why hasn't the jew enabled dice rolls god damnit
top kek
Not my fault his is a sucker, should have used Denuvo… HEH
No reason to buy a single player game after pirating it and playing
Good. You think I give a thought about any industry?
Except software/movie piracy is stealing in the same way copying a recipe is stealing.
When did you last see a restaurant trying to sue someone for "stealing" a recipe for some fancy soup? Yeah exactly.
I want the game industry in the fucking shambles and everyone working in it – out of their shitty fucking jobs and out on the streets.
I want the only things vidja to be old games from disbanded devs, indie shit released by enthusiasts for free, and kikestarter scams/projects.
As bad as that future would be it would absolutely be preferable to the >game "industry"
If me pirating videogames could hurt the devs, i'd bloat my electric bill and hog all my bandwidth if only to chip in to that kronenbergian monster's death.
But unfortunately data is not scarce and therefore can be neither an economic good nor property. Only thing i can do is give new releases bad pr.
Keep it up lads, and remember that intellectual lightweights, shills, and actually evil individuals will not stop until they hold complete control over all the information you use.
To all of you singlesfags who support normal digits, take a look at these dubs.
Justifying singles is like justifying bait. There is no justification for it. You are a fish. Someone actually worked hard for these dubs and you just bit the bait and are getting singles.
Stop getting singles. If you dont like the dubs dont post it, if you like the dubs check em.
Single digits hurt the repeating integer industry
thanks for killing the integer industry m8.
Well, either way I win.
7.7 is as dubsworthy as 77. Face it. Embrace the real numbers
This is how is done.
The one thing you forget is that in computer programming, the data type "double" represents real numbers, not integers. Checkmate, I win.
No, Piracy is when you steal other people's ships on sea. You fucking idiot.
What you're referring to is copyright infringement. And copyright infringement isn't theft because no physical good gets stolen.
Sounds like someone didn't pay attention in class.
it's close enough
I came here to roll.
Okay, let check some shit.
well, here goes
your waifu has a cock
Those aren't just integers, they're whole numbers. Fuck (((integers))) and their attempt at lumping negative numbers in with hardworking natural numbers.
Not really, since you still have the original copies - most people don't even know how to torrent, and a majority of people torrenting games wouldn't of paid for them anyway.
Honestly, I feel like the second hand market has done actual harm to video games.
Isn't that one of the reason why day one DLC became a thing?
I'm ok with this.
Nah, that's just what faggots like AbsoluteAsscancer will tell you in order to justify kikery. The truth is that we've had digital distribution for a long time now, and prices should be dropping as a result, but instead they use it as just another avenue by which to maximize profit. Why get rid of physical copies when the brick and mortar retail outlets will bring in more shekels? It's just called "casting a wider net"
fuck it
I agree OP. I would have a lot more respect for pirates if they just admitted they were stealing. But the vast majority of them have to come up with bullshit excuses.
And I hate the excuse "Oh it doesn't have a demo, so they must be hiding the fact that its a shit game. I HAVE to pirate it to see if I'll like it!" No you fucking retard, that may have been true in the 80's and early 90's but we have this thing called the internet now. If you cannot make the decision weather or not you'll like a game with the ridiculous amount of information that is spewed out (Reviews, watching other people play on streaming sites ect) you're probably retarded.
Fuck you, Ill pirate it, see if its good, get it immediately if its fantastic, like Dark Souls, or get it when its on sale if its good, cause I ain't payin 20 dollars for Bioshock 2.
But they are in the form of sales. Steam started the trend, but now PSN (not sure if Microsoft does it) has a few sales every year too.
Granted I do agree that a digital copy should be less day 1. Theres no reason to charge the same price when you don't have to package/ship the game.
what are you, the Chinese military? most of their hardware is infringed. the Infringed army.
Sales are done only when it stands to benefit the publisher or platform. They know, because of the existence of physical copies, that their product will depreciate in value, and they want to give you an incentive to keep giving them direct cash money, instead of some used product vendor. So, they have qualified professionals whose job it is to constantly watch the statistical fluctuation of a game's price, popularity, player retention, among other things, and use that information to strategically lower the price on select products that aren't doing so hot anymore, in order to boost said product's sales. Often, they'll drop the price on the base game, but leave DLC and other microtransactions at full price. Even if you don't buy all that other stuff, you still gave your money directly to the publisher/platform for a new copy, rather than for someone's used copy. In this way, they're combating used sales while trying to rake in even more revenue from older products.
I'm not saying it's right or wrong or anything like that, I'm saying that you shouldn't get it twisted. They're not doing you any favors by having sales, it's all done for their own interests.
Except they're not stealing. If anything they're infringing copyright which is by legal definition not stealing.
I would respect you more if you admitted to getting aroused by little girls, because by my own definition anyone who posts little anime girls is a pedo. See how that works?
Yes and thanks to this wonderful thing called the internet, offering demos would be exceedingly easy. With Steam even easier.
A demo would allow me to see if the game works well on my PC, if the UI and design decisions is solid, and if the game engine is actually good or if its coded like shit by a bunch of pajeets (Eg. Assassins Creed).
Oh you mean by the "reviewer" sites that are KNOWN for accepting huge amounts of cash from EA and other studios in exchange for rating their games as being excellent?
Or do you mean the youtubers who gets sent a copyright infringement takedown because they reviewed the game as being a buggy piece of shit, and thus don't dare speak ill of anything because they want their youtube AdSense cash?
Ah yes, you mean sitting through hours of streaming with some 13 year old breathing into the mic while playing on a toaster, talking about his school life and spending 3/4ths of the video laughing at some meme reference or missing some key element to a mission or whatever, making him sperg out because the brightly colored key on the table that the story highlighted previously didn't have a giant neon arrow bouncing above it.
Yes, surely that is a superior way of gauging the game, compared to taking 5 minutes to torrent it and then playing it myself for 15 - 30 minutes to see if it's shit or not.
Piracy killed westwood, bullfrog, origin, and allowed EA to thrive. Piracy brought us Denuvo.
Thanks pirates, you ruined a number of good things. You are the assholes ruining it for everyone else.
Wait are you legit shitting on people for killing the biggest spyware platform known to man?
You mean the thing that shits on legit customers while allowing pirates to thrive?
Isn't that more of an issue with the studio being retarded and deciding on implementing shitty spyware into their games rather than dealing with piracy in a sensible way?
Yeah I'm not saying having a demo wouldn't be the best thing to do, because it is. But theres no pleasing "gamers".
So they can put out a demo, and people will still find justification to pirate.
And yeah paid reviews are a thing, but my point still stands. You don't have to go to the big sites, you can go to some backwater site where some dude reviews game in his free time, you can come here or halfchan where you can ask the opinion of hundreds of people for unbiased views on whatever game you might be thinking of buying.
Big businesses using piracy as a scapegoat for their exploitive practices is not piracy's fault. It's the business's fault. If piracy didn't exist, they'd just find another scapegoat to employ equally awful practices.
Remember Colonial Marines?
Why are you such a fucking newfag?
Forgot my sage as I realize that this thread is now a dubs thread
I pirated your pic m8, I am basically a thief.
I hope you go broke now that I stole your image.
Demos are common in 2017, you'd know that if you actually launched Steam instead of pirating to save money and figure out moral rationalisations after the fact.
roll out
steam reviews
filter "all negative"
parse for gamebreaking issues
"gamename gameplay"
volume to 0
click halfway through video
It's literally impossible to make a wrong purchase doing this, unless you're a mouthbreather who needs other people to spoonfeed you even when you have game footage right in front of your eyes.
Of course, a retard will lie, cheat and steal before making any attempt to improve himself.
Dwarf Fortress is one of my favorite games of all time and they never demanded a single cent. Even though they've had this policy, the brothers Adams have been able to make an honest living on entirely voluntary donations. If b8, gg; If naive noob fgt, go fuck yourself with a knife.
Gib monster gril
dont be a clintrump cuckitalist
Sounds like one of these "alternate facts" liberals are fond of.
Actual fact: game quality does not matter.
If you want to get game sales, design it to be appealing to casuals. Make it online multiplayer and somewhat competitive, either directly or through some kind of survival mode. Add in-game purchases. Sit back as money flows in. Enjoy the tears of pirates who complain there's no good single player games anymore.
Top 10 games on Steam by hours played, number of players in last two weeks according to SteamSpy:
F2P, online multiplayer, competitive, 10m players.
B2P low price, online multiplayer, competitive, 9m players.
F2P, online multiplayer, competitive, 1.7m players.
B2P high price, online multiplayer, casual, 1.4m players.
B2P low price, online multiplayer, competitive, 1.4m players.
Bad game, B2P medium price, online multiplayer, survival, 800k players.
B2P low price, online multiplayer, casual, 1.2m players.
B2P low price, online multiplayer, survival, 1m players.
F2P, online multiplayer, competitive, 1.3m players.
B2P low price, online multiplayer, survival, 750k players.
Not a single good game in that list. But yeah, keep hanging to that idea devs "just need to make good games", because not only you're a cunt, but you're such a whiny cunt you need a moral justification to convince yourself you're not a bigger cancer to the industry than normalfags and EA/Ubisoft.
yup, and I buy those on steam all the time. a lot of really good ones. You know what I don't buy?
If someone is poor, they're not going to buy the game either way, simply because they can't afford it. They might as well get free entertainment where they can.
Well shit
Give me cute or give me death
Kek bless this post and show the world my love for Saya by granting me 02.
Lamia. Want them snek hip-
You can't tell me what to do, faggot
The first wave of priacy, you know when 2x cdrom burners were just coming out, had games release met with low sales but everyone was playing them. EA bought these piracy weakened companies. Software Piracy are the Venitians sacking constinatiople and paving the way for the turks to take it.
let me guess user, you were bathed too hot as a child.
listen, i'm not saying you should like every game on the list but come on, not everyone likes your weeb games. and you know what? The the king of shooters, CallOfDuty, is not on the list. Nor is Battlefield.
OTT: Piracy is hurting games in an unquantifiable way. No one can say how many games are not bought because they're pirated.PERIOD. the argument that not ALL games pirated, are lost sales, is clear but you god damn well know that not all games pirated would've never been bought in the first place. Even worse, every game you pirate instead of buying means that the games you like, are less likely to get continued. Means you're your own worst enemy when it comes to piracy.
Then just buy the game without the dlcs
Golly gee, is it 2006 already?
C'monnn Oni
no i totally agree with you but i feel kind of downtrodden so i take what i can get. i guess im a nigger
its hurting them with as much money as its saving me, its absolutely quantifiable. dont bullshit