Classic Ubishit liberals rewriting history
Game set 12000 years ago
Tell me more.
Nigger, the game's colour palette is washed out as all fuck and that's not considering how you spend 50%+ in the completely desaturated crutch vision.
Lindybeige did a cool video on it. In ancient greek and roman texts, they described the skies as orange and grey, but never blue. The expanded perceptible spectrum is a very recent human evolution.
Shit, no wonder games are all dumb shit when such uneducated plebs like these are the 'gamers"
Classic Ubisoft atheists rewriting history
what the fuck is this shit
And all you have to base that on is some greeks and romans being retarded? You better cough up some actual evidence.
Or is this going to be one of those since I cant disprove you that means your shitty evidence must be true?
Its a pretty reasonable conclusion that we just couldn't see blue yet as a species because they never described water, sky, types of flowers or things of that sort as blue. Its a phenomena observed across several ancient cultures and leads to the conclusion that we just couldn't see blue.
lol, lets point at this homosexual and laugh
Even EA isn't this fucking awful, at least their games aren't all AssCreed reskins.
IOm pretty sure they used trained monkeys as testers. All they gotta do is hold down two button t o finish those games
Not posting evidence, but many peoples have fuzzy distinctions between blue and green
Its a pretty interesting topic.
he often makes interesting points and sometimes he actualy does enough research to know what he is talking about, but more often than not he presents contentious theories as absolute fact.
My guess is that they use game journalists as playtesters, because I guarantee you that a trained chimp plays better than those vermin. Making a game the journalists can actually beat is pretty much ensuring your product is retard proof.
They evidently had the colour blue in their range though: woad, indigo, lapis lazuli and so on. Is the sky really blue most of the time?
I'd like to see spandaucuck explain why there is a word for "blue" in most languages, then.
Educate yourself you double nigger.
thats explains why their games are so full of bugs, journalists wouldnt play past the first few cinematics
I'm still surprised they didn't try and merge the FarCry universe and Asscreed one. I was certain that the twist was going to be that you were an assassin all along fighting against the ancient templar for the Apple of Eden.
You dumb piece of shit.
Are you retarded son? they couldnt see that shit as blue, it was another green to them
holy shit you guys are fucking hypocrites
Here you go, now fuck off.
oh Holla Forums
It's not proven at all. It's a dumb theory by idiots who don't understand that different people described things different back then.
The ancient turks for example used colors to describe directions. Black was North, white was west and so on. So they called the Mediterranean Sea white and the Black Sea black.
That doesn't mean turks could only see black and white though like chucklefucks like OP would probably believe.
If they saw blue as green, its interesting since they also use red, and red + green are high contrast
thats another poster, im based on science , not going to spoon feed you mongloids when you are a click away from goolge
fucking niggers, i swear
They desribe the hair of certain people as blue (or rather lapis lazuli) however.
Gladstone is a hack. Get a better source.
Gee thanks
according to the etymology of the word blue, it stretches back all the way to circa 1300. and that's just the word alone in English.
you're an idiot OP
If you're going to tell someone to use a better source, don't go for the broadcasters taken over by leftists and revisionists.
OP is a faggot and we've had vision of what we currently call the visible light spectrum for thousands of years.
Unless you can point me to a peer-reviewed, well-tested and accepted scientific journal that proves beyond reasonable doubt that we couldn't see blue, I'll play along with this meme thread.
gee, this year is really looking up for this place
not for 12000 years, the earth would still be flat acordding to dumb niggers like you that cant even use google
Are you a benzo-addled Australian, by chance?
The explanation I heard for this in Uni was that they just didnt have a different word for blue, or thought it was a shade of other colours (light blue sky = a shade of grey).
I don't think you can take this one fact and extrapolate out that humans hadn't evolved to see blue yet. It's like saying humans hadn't evolved the ability to survive going over 100mph untill the first cars were invented. Correlation does not imply causation.
So you're saying in 2000 years humans developed a whole 1000000 colors in their visual spectrum?
Nigger do you into evolution?
Oh wait!
the stupid one here.
How fucking high are you m8? Aren't you fucking Queenslanders meant to be shagging your sisters at this time of night?
Drink some XXXX to clear your head.
I'm of a similar opinion on this. They just didn't call it blue, and blue was later derived from other objects that were blue. Like lazuli. That was a mineral called lazuli, then it was accepted as a term for that shade of colour.
granted, blue was a rare pigment used by prehistoric humans, especially so in europe, but that doesn't mean we couldn't fucking see it you dumbass.
prehistoric humans obtained blue pigments from azurite and lazurite.
Pure coincidence.
Lol, these cucks are about to pull out their black lives matter banners and r iot because i wont spoon feed them the scientific papers they are entitled too
lmao dealing with dumb niggers never changes
I… what?
No. For the first time in recent memory, Ubisoft is not the one wrong. Fuck outta here nigga.
blue hair? Were they ancient aliens or something?
There were no colors in oogabooga days.
I'm sure Lindybeige is going to make a video about it soon.
Hair dyeing isn't a new thing
What the fuck happen here?
Also there was no word distinction between yellow and orange untill the middle ages.
Does that mean that mean that untill the middle ages people were not able to see orange?
Just because these was no word for "blue" or maybe "green" doesn't mean people didn't see it. They just didn't bother to make the distinction. Japanese is a very good example of this, since there is not much distinction between midori and ao which both could mean blue or green although midori is more green while ao is more blue.
Holla Forums really is retarded
That's not the point. OP Talked about color viewing not naming
Hair dye was invented in france in the 15th century, and was originally blonde only.
So SJW's were dying their hair blue even back then
The whole point of seeing colors comes from the fact that ancient languages had no distinction between blue and green and used the same word for both, which is retarded. Just because they didn't make the distinction in their language doesn't mean they couldn't see the color.
And I agree. OP is a fag to claim that humans couldn't actually see the colors rather then call them with those specific name
Lol then why can both romans and non romans see blue today? Did the "blue vision switch" just turn on at some point for all humans worldwide? No, more likely that a single roman was colourblind
OP confirmed for massive retard
check em
Hello lindybeige.
Modern hair dye yea, but prehistoric man was crushing all kinds of different coloured things with liquid and using it as war paint and hair colour.
By who? I'm archaeology major with 7 dig sites on my plate (one I even managed), including cave site of middle paleolithic period. What you are writing is complete bollocks. Please give me a source of your "glorious research" to read, to verify my "inferior" 10 years of study knowledge to your superior 15 minutes of internetz 9gag tier wisdom.
OP is king of faggots - claims this random user