The quality of the board

anyone else notice all the shitty clearly underage or cuckchan tier posters as of late?

Anybody notice all the people who disagree with me? They must be underage or cuckchanners!

The board has been extremely bad for close to a year now. There is nowhere else to go. This is a hell we built for ourselves.

What like people crying about shills in every other thread and the only maintainable threads being console shit flinging and generals?

Just a psa, no reputable marketing group viral markets on a board with 2.2k posters and declining.

I have seen this post at least twice today. I have also seen people who are clearly not from here posting a ME Andromeda thread every day.

The board was good only somewhere until December 2014 - January 2015.

Maybe it's you, ever thought about that?

I don't want to blame Holla Forums or the election in general, but when you get cuckchan or r/thedonald Trump supporters migrating to 8/pol/ due to heavy censorship, and these people just happen to like video games even if they have shit taste, it's kinda obvious what they would do if they get bored of political discussion and see this board. Doesn't also help that some former CTR shills might also be working for vidya marketing companies as well.

There's also been more of Holla Forums and Holla Forums scraping in the threads as well and derailing them massively. Some Holla Forumssters use Holla Forums as a filter, saying stuff like "This game has a nigger character" or "what's with these degenerate cucks." And you get use to that but then Holla Forums baits them and they have to respond because Holla Forumssters tend to wear blinders and are stupid, even if it means trampling over what's left of the thread.

It does die down sometimes though but they've always gotta comment at least once in a thread, even if it's a sage post. Just use the filter or move on, I wanna talk about vidya, not weither a dark skinned character looks ooga-booga.

you're not wrong, look at any 40k thread and it gets political fast

Thats right im totally a stealth marketer here to sell you goyim ps4 pros and tbe latest in retard niche japanese games and sjw games literally nobody has ever heard of. Buy them or it'll be another shoah!

Just reminding everyone of the reality of it. Pretty much everyone talkin about a game or something they had ties to here has outright said they worked on it and wanted to talk about it with no underhandedness.

Meh. It isn't like you're wrong. We can't even have a Doom thread without someone mentioning the Moon Man and Trump wads and trying to push a political discussion for no reason.

The problems with Holla Forums started a lot earlier. There was one very good picture to display the difference, but I lost it somehow. What people don't understand it is that for most people on Holla Forums, it was a very different place in the beginning, the first exodus wasn't a problem of muh free speech, something our current Jew is very wrong about by letting a lot of cancer exist. It was more to do with with the combination the silent actions of the moderation team and the hypocrisy of moot that went against the old culture of the board. The intensity of muh free speech faggots intensified only later when the discussion started being removed from Holla Forums too. We are talking about very different people here. And even if a lot of hard lining Holla Forumsacks moved the more important thing here was that a large amount of people moved that didn't care about the old ways of halfchan, but muh free speech and the fabrication that halfchan was the bastion of free speech ever. This is a difference between old anons and people that just want to post somewhere.

They've been here a pretty long time by now, I'd say it's the election and the few times the media covered us- it's mostly on the major boards like Holla Forums Holla Forums and Holla Forums though.

why is it that talking about the problem with this board always leads to talking about Holla Forums?

Take a guess.

No. He's talking about people like you.

Because Holla Forums has a huge sway in Holla Forums's culture, and they've always been the ones trying to attract normalfags.

Really goes to show how Holla Forums is caught in the middle.

Ever since the middle of the primaries, Holla Forums has been the most-visited board and Holla Forums has outpaced its growth to beat boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums and Holla Forums, who used to hover around the top 5 before the rise of Holla Forums.

sure it's part of the problem but the other issues get swept under the rug for it

The other issues are quite insignificant. Shitposters exist and there's very little we can do about that, they'll always exist.

Unfortunately Holla Forums set out to make the website unusable for Holla Forums by derailing threads with political bullshit. They've been known to play both sides too. Add to that the fact that there has been an influx of redditors through Holla Forums and Holla Forums and that Holla Forums and Holla Forums anons are baited easily and you have a recipe for disaster.

If that makes you feel any better, cuck/v/ isn't in a better position.

Because people can't seem to notice the problems within and need a boogeyman to point their fingers at.

I don't know if got significantly worse during this election or if it's been happening for a long time, but people in all sides and places can't seem to handle different views anymore. Every community is becoming a huge echo chamber where different opinions and views get mobbed and/or banned. People who previously appeared intelligent and objective are one by one falling into the "trump will destroy everything" fake news train while the opposite side is falling into the "lol praise kek" smug shitposting train. People want to assault each other and throw arguments down the drain.

I don't know what the fuck is happening, sometimes I feel like there really is some huge mind control conspiracy and someone finally flipped the switch to people's brains.

Cuck/v/ pretty much is r/games at this point. All the overwatch threads and other shit like that. How the mighty have fallen.

sure you can but you can't do a thing about the cross posters since the mods I'm sure do that too and would rather not ban half the board

I think we're being raided, but I wouldn't blame Holla Forums just yet. I might not agree with them 100% but I've seem some really stupid stuff here, and I doubt the average pol user is that stupid.

Bless your double trips.

This. I have seen Holla Forums start shit like organised C&D, shitpost, false fagging, and so on, and Holla Forums will smell blood on the water and most of the time will respond in kind to 'save us from degeneracy'. And we, the sad sorry pricks who just want to play vidya.

I think the main reason this place is leaning Holla Forums a bit is that because at least the right left us alone for most of the time and whoever on that side dare shat on us like Jack Thompson will get condemned by everyone including their own. Meanwhile, the left caused the GG fiasco and tried to hijack us for their agenda by shit-tier games and SJW-infested gamecons so yeah. Lesser of the two annoying cunts.

These are people who believe that jews control everything. Doesn't get more stupid than wearing tinfoil on your head.

Nice numbers.

Because 8/v/ got most of its popularity by being the place to laugh about SJWs, but now this always leads to people coming to say what they think leftists are.
Shit thread at any rate.

there'd be spam up the ass that's not the usually "I got banned by the mod so I'm going to have a bitch fit" if we were being raided

The other problems were at least somehow tolerable, it could be avoided by hotpockets just deleting a few post of just filtering them.
But you can't filter an entire derailed thread full of political shitposting that leads to nowhere.

It's not cross-boarders, it's people who don't know that this is Holla Forums - Video Games. Maybe they misclicked, saw a thread that activated their autism gland, and decided to stay as a vigilant internet defender for their political wankfest.

that screams underage posters to me more then anything

But number of users diminished

More like people who haven't grown up.

Plenty of good stuff always gets posted around here still, only it's increasingly more sparse. That's not exactly a board problem, more of a vidya industry problem.

With so much shit being published today, the more people will revisit old games and subjects will seem repeated.

Holla Forums new users from reddit socialism think that there saving Holla Forums from the nazis from Holla Forums.

*reddits socialism board

Nailed. Not only most of Holla Forums userbase comes from reddit, but they also make a constant effort to derail threads by screaming >>>Holla Forums everywhere

Every fucking time. And that's when they are not false flagging