

Muh competitive edge, they said.

Is there anyone not part of the game's target audience?

Finally a game where I can dole out violence against homosexuals! What's the name of the author? I'll give him my sincerest thanks for empowering me on my first step to murdering gay people.

Well thank you for virtually assuring that will happen.

What a get. Also your post became ten times funnier reading it in his voice.

Half Greek and Irish from Britain, so he should be nationalistic for the Queen and not Trump.

But who needs sense when you can just shout.

Post the reaction to the Anita game

Milo is a cuck anyway. top kek.

This was the same shit people got anally aggravated over when someone did it to Anita like three years ago.



from Vic Berger, a frequent collaborator with Tim Heidecker, who, along with Eric Wareheim, is part of the comedy team Tim & Eric. Heidecker and Wareheim also have “signed a development and production agreement” with Super Deluxe, according to Variety.

Wew, the Adult Swim betacucks who tend to cry to the execs and their fans, then to their media buddies to shut down shows they don't like, remember Million Dollar Extreme? what a fucking asshole.

Self-awareness needs to become a thing again. Everyone's losing their fucking minds when really all I want are good video games.

Let's throw all those outrage articles back at them.

How come anons are responding to the thread, but it keeps sinking in the catalog? I just noticed it.



Also #BashtheKike

ITT all the #notyourshield cucks who still haven't learned that SJWs are conditioned not to see wrong when they do it.

They condone violence on gays if they are right wing. This is and always was their default stance, you will never "gotcha" them admitting they're contradicting themselves.

You can expose them to normalfags, but it's pointless to prove them you're the better good guy here. They kill to win, it's all that matters to them. And you should care about winning too, pulling no punches.

but why it's completely vidya related? I mean I know the answer, it's because Mark is a BLM loving SJW faggot who fucks homeless niggers to ease his White guilt, but I think it should be pointed out.

Not your shield killed gamergate. It was of course started by e-celebs

what did he mean by this?

He's a kike.