Hurt myself working

How can I pass the time? I don't have that many games downloaded, and I'm getting cabin fever sitting here. I can't really socialize with anyone, either, they're all busy working and I don't want to bother them.

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Play Daggerfall, Morrowind or Dorf


Are you in a hospital or what? Play the games you have until you get bored, hopefully you have something like Morrowind or a GTA game to kill a bunch of time in.
This is why you should read books man, once you get into one you can kill hours just reading and zone out completely

I'm parked at a company terminal until I'm approved to go driving again. I'm an OTR truck driver.

I have a Kindle with 3G. Got any good books to recommend?

obligatory My Struggle by A.H.

Great book, Alex Hoffman is one of my favorite writers.

Play some good freeware games OP.

Lenz by Gerog Butchner
Short read but still one of my favorites.

like downloading Wesnoth or someshit? Just download Wesnoth. When can you go home?

Way ahead of you.

Deadwood by Pete Dexter, Forty Lashes Less One and Paris Trout both by Elmore Leonard, Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins, Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.


My mom might come and get me tomorrow, I just need their approval. If they decide "hey you're all better now, go back to work today" then whatever, I'm fine with that.

But if it's gonna be like a week, I'd rather be at home.

If you end having to take a week off you could get some nice worker's comp user.

Forgot my picture.

I already qualified. They told me that it's going to be a week's average pay (which is like $900) plus a workman's comp rate.

I've been reading the Lost Fleet series from Jack Campbell. It's been really good, it's Military Hard Science Fiction. The ships are fighting at relativistic speeds and shit.

Get HOMM3, Dungeon Hack, and Wizardry 6-8. If you want something more action-oriented check out Xanadu Next. These games should be easy to get from the share thread.

If you like that you could try The Forever War by Joe Haldeman. It's a Vietnam allegory, told from a soldier's point of view, and written by a 'nam vet. Every time they go to fight this alien race they travel at relativistic speeds, so when they get back to earth everything is completely different. It's more focused on the psychological side of things, but there's some good hard sci-fi stuff.

Frank Herbert - Hellstrom's Hive

You can probably still pirate using the share thread. I suggest GBA games.

Play an MMO

You should really get your self a handheld after this whole thing blows over, a homebrewed 3ds is a godsend in your situation.

I kind of expected to be able to tether my phone to my laptop to play online games.

It worked for a while until I noticed I'd already used half my bandwidth limit in just one day of playing on-and-off.

if you're a fan of JRPGs, now would be a good time to catch up on some fan translated stuff on the SNES:
Arabian Nights - Desert Spirit King
Treasure of the Rudras

turn-based is ideal since it can be easily played on a keyboard

If it's up your alley, Fullderp is pretty fun. Mostly toying with 13 year old spics, shitting in roleplaying chat, and pissing off the mods.


Oh shit, I forgot about those kind of games. I like because I can name myself stupid shit because I just know someone's saying to themselves "Wow, thanks 'lick mom's asshole'' you saved me!" or "Dammit, that 'donkey cum' guy is really good"

Cry softly to yourself for hours on end.

Sounds like one hell of a time to stop making blogposts and start making that vidya or learning moon. Alternatively, emulate or read shit.

Could always buy some older physical games online for dirt cheap if those sort of sites aren't blocked. Don't be such a Steamcuck.

Install (((tor))) if you're dealing with blocks VPN won't work with, the speed if shit but it works.

I know that if I had a job like that I'd always carry my 3DS around for situations just like that.

Did someone say freeware?

Someone at ASUS had the bright idea not to put CD trays on their new laptops :^)

Carry around a portable HDD with games you nigger.


>hidden deep in an even more oppressive mound of bland, samey shit than the western market

You'd be better off learning it to become a liaison for police-forces or to become a paid-for translator or something.

try and find stuff by Clark Ashton smith, he was a colleague of Lovecraft. totally self taught writer and a damn good one to boot. ill link a vid of a reading in this post.
Ray Bradbury and Asimov are also pretty good. if fantasy and comedy is more your thing read Terry Pratchet, he wrote a fuckbajillion books so that would keep you busy for a while..

awesome, will definitely check that out.

Also if you like flash games, the newest monster's den lets you add custom portraits