Can't deny those trips
Steam does that and I'm pretty sure they'll have an issue worse than paid mods
Cisbusters will kill PlayStation in the long term
Ghostbusters is nothing. Has sony pictures ever produced a good movie? At all?
They're banking on this to save their movie bizz…
This already happened.
Google owns a bigger chunk of the Pokemon Company than Nintendo.
Let me try this
•The PS4 momentum will drop off at around 60 million units. Lifetime sales will be around 65 million
• The Vita will be Sonys last handheld
• The PS5 will be announced in 2019 for a 2020 release
• Windows 10 continues to slowly climb up in market share despite the controversy surrounding it, but will still be deterred by Windows 7
• Microsoft will eventually be forced to address Windows 10s privacy concerns directly one way or another
• Gaming laptop sales will continue to make gains as the PC market transitions to more portable form factors. Nvidia announced in 2016 alone over 20 million GTX 9 series based laptops were sold with each costing on average over 1k. 2017 could see more
• The Switch will be a success
• The 3DS will top off at around 70 million units sold, lifetime sales roughly 75 million
• Microsoft realized the mistakes they made with the Xbox One by marketing it as an entertainment center, the Xbox Ones successor will be Microsofts desperate attempt at recapturing the core gamer audience
• They try copying the Switch by making the new Xbox a Surface Pro-like console/handheld hybrid powered by some Intel processor
Sony Pictures is also doing a lot of shitty reboots.
calling it now
He's trying to use Meme Magic m8s
The Pokemon Company was created to manage the franchise between Nintendo and GameFreak. The Pokemon Franchise used to be owned 33.33 percent by Nintendo, 33.33 percent by GameFreak, and 33.33 percent by Creatures Inc. whereas Creatures Inc. was a joint-project by Nintendo and GameFreak to fund the original Pokemon games and handle the legal shit between the two. TPC replaced Creatures Inc. to stremline franchise management better
Why would you want Fucking google to own Pokemon?
A success, sure. But a Wii-like success?
Pokemon Go 2
I'd like an actual adventure based in the real world, where Pokemon (their shines, stats, held items, etc) are carefully placed in select areas around the world. That's what I wanted in the first place. A merger between the go we have now and the handheld games.
How fucking hard is that, a lot of dreams would come true and you would get a big fat fucking paycheck every 10 seconds due to in-app purchases.
it was already meant to be
the digits to not determine the future, they just separate the prophets from the false shepherds.
VR will be a niche until the tech comes down from 800$, probably not until late 2019 or 2020.
But HTC didn't destroy occulus Facebook did
Except the surface pro is decent
If they actually market and support it properly this time that will be the least cancerous thing to happen this year.
only real meme here
Anybody that owns a location based game where you collect shit using your GPS location is going to datamine the fuck out of it. You should not want that unless you're completely retarded.
Alright, here are mine
All go down he same path of their predecessors. PS4 Pro takes a big hit for being only a slight upgrade + normalfag confusion with PS4(similar to WiiU). No one gives a shit about the new xbox with even less games than one. Switch will have one or two good games then die due third party abandonment, and for too many gimmicks+not enough performance.
This will result with mircodick leaving console gaming, Sony still holds onto their gaming division for now, and Nintendo makes up for loss of profits with mobile shit/amiibos/fan-boyism.
We are still going to be using win7 until mircosoft actually makes a good operating system. Linux will grow larger as time goes on. File size and nromalfaggotry will continue to grow as well. Devuno will fucking die like all shitty DRMs.
Still mostly shit, with the exception of a few. Maybe the new consoles failing might cause a second vidya crash.
Stopped reading right there, OP
I'm talking about a corporate stance.
And people made fun of the dark and edgy power ranger reboot
Calling it now
Ginsberg dies, Kennedy and Breyer retire and the new Trump Supreme Court overturns the NFA. Shooting based video games written by people who thought machine guns were legal till the case made the news awkwardly try to say the public having machine guns is bad.
tell that to the "Bad Juju" people, the only way of communication to developers was to the fucking lawyers (either their lawyer or their CEO's) email, and their lawyer guy had been hospitalized for months.
The trend of making surprisingly playable games based old licenses pops up again. Ones based on old cartoons have the girls put in a lot of sexual stuff because the creators
Someone licenses an old B movie that starred Ronald Reagen. The game has a voice impersonator of the future/former president fight Nazi remnants/communists with Metal Wolf Chaos style patriotic fever.
Switch is going to sell heaps solely due to there being a Zeldo, Mario, Pokemon and Monster Hunter on it.
Those 4 IPs move Nintendo consoles like nothing else in the video game industry.
Still hoping Sony dies by the 2020, their cancerous game and movie department is getting out of hand. They should of never stopped solely making hardware.
The switch will be slightly more successful than the wiiu and less successful than the 3ds and willl be broadly considered a failure by 2019.
westerners going to japan is hell
I just want vr to be good enough to become a monitor replacement. Then i can partially excuse the extra cash spent in not needing to buy a monitor.
Although i already have a good monitor that i don't plan on upgrading anytime soon so fuck it.
The only reason why Japan is so great is because of racial and cultural homogeneity. Not only will you end up being miserable in Japan from the culture shock, but the Japs will be miserable having you live there. And trust me, no amount of weeb indoctrination will make you truly understand what its like living in Japan. Things that are partially legally protected in America like console hacking will get you thrown in jail in Japan
This thread is magical, I can tell.
Sony should of made MP3 players mainstream
This will never happen until consoles stop being made, period.
Idiot! Memes influence reality now. Through memetics and repeated usage we are shaping the universe! They've damned us with their repeating digits!
Some kind of subscription service. You pay some money every month and get free vidya.
Valve locks more Steam features down because tards keep getting scammed
EU laws come close to fucking up their gambling stuff, but they quickly redefine it to skirt the law.
Switch replaces the 3DS eventually
Their online service gets one or two new features which make it better value for money
It could do party chat all along, Nintendo just sucks at getting their point across
New Paper Mario. They try something different instead of the sticker/card system but since all the toads look the same the game is considered shit by default.
Scorpio is a MiniITX build PC with upgradeable parts, and runs a locked down Windows 10
They make a new Banjo Kazooie. Whether it's good or not, it's X1/W10 exclusive so it's shit
They push mobile gaming, since the Vita didn't work out too well
Someone makes a MicroSD -> Vita card adapter.
Someone else finally blows the Vita wide open, and we have the best emulation station for a while until the Switch gets blown open.
More W10 shilling
Wine gets full DX11 compatibility
Nvidia and AMD keep halfassing their Linux drivers
ReactOS actually becomes viable
Oh my God user…
Xbox 10
holy shit
Also, the Japanese will never accept you. You will always be "That foreign guy" to them for the rest of your life.
I don't think so, they are already playing a dangerous game as far as consumer confidence goes
I thought they were already Costco of gaming
That's not a prediction, that's a universal constant.
My favorite part about the Sony issue is that Emojis are a big gamble, a much bigger gamble than the Popeye feature they had Genndy Tartakovsky signed on to direct, that is, before Cartoon Network lured him back.
The switch will be totally broken open 3-6 months after launch and will be the ultimate emulation and homebrew machine.
Please make this happen. Good luck, hackermen!
What if they call it the XBox?
Haha, Zelda killer, amirite? :^)
oh that is a good one
Skyrim isn't that bad of a game though, especially if you compare it to something like CoD or Battlefield
t. a normalfag who hates fps games
What a nintendrone thing to say
It runs a modified Android, I'd be surprised if it lasts more than two weeks.
Nintendo will never do proper mobile game because they will try to only do stuff that already worked on mobile.
I am giving this to hold true up to 4 years, but at the same time I give Germany to rename to Khalifate of Germany up to 8 so I am quite generous with these numbers.
I needed such information in my life.
Thank you user for informing me. Now I have something to look forward to in life.
What a sonygger thing to say.
There is no proof it runs on modified android. This is fake news. The 3ds uses arm9 chips and it took a fuck long amount of time to hack.
Arm9 chips =/= Android OS
According to my youtubers living in japan research, you'll be treated as a celebrity for the rest of your life, you'll be asked if people can practice their english on you, little children will swear at you because that's the only english they know, and 10/10 asian women will literally fetishize you (which means you'll have to date a lot of them til you find one that sticks)
What's the name of that one white guy that streams and has like almost a stereotypical japanese waifu? He couldn't get work for a long time and she supported him for like several years, but then they were able to open an import/export business (supposedly)?
I think he still streams and has his nippon waifu float into frame to titter nervously at the camera
mario hats for tf2, plz. (((((If tf2 survives)))))
All valve's e-sport skinfarms will die
Soon the movies will literally just be a constant play of someone's butt and it will be called ASS.
They were talking about the Switch, not the 3DS, which is still retarded because we still have no evidence of that either.
The 3DS has 2 ARM processors actually, an ARM9 and an ARM11. The ARM9 runs the kernel and all kernel mode processes (Which are appropriately named Kernel9, Process9, ARM9loader.etc) The ARM11 runs the Usermode processes like the Home Menu as well as some ARM11 mode kernel modules (Process11, ARM11Loader.etc)
The OS the 3DS itself runs on is called CTR OS, whereas CTR means Citrus, the codename for the 3DS.
Its basically a Hybrid Kernel, although some developers call it a Microkernel, but thats an entirely different argument thats been applied to every hybrid/microkernel ever. The Kernel itself is modular, making it a microkernel, but the entire kernel stack is run in ARM9 mode which makes in monolithic in nature, what makes it hybrid is the fact some ARM9 processes are run in ARM11 mode
I know they were talking about the Switch. I referenced the 3ds for comparison.
remember when the all powerful psp and vita were supposed to destroy nintendo?
remember when the ps3 power of the cell was set to destroy nintendo and xbox
Yeah I already googled that it is speculations.
Either way it looks good.
Please kill yourself, jusr say that it's false, you dumb cunt.
I was thinking… Even if Nintendo fails like Sega on hardware market, they will probably go Ubisoft/EA route with their own shit store/client (, rather than release their games on steam/gog. They are japanese equivalent of jews.
If you see my name in the obituary, it's probably fake news.
Consoles become iPhones
Not gonna happen. They just pushed out a Pro and there is zero reason to go to next gen already.
It will though
Just because its portable and plays Skyrim every single kid/neckbeard and their mothers will buy one.
Its a fucking tablet with a touchscreen and everything.
Who gives a shit you fucking drone?
Let's keep it simple and realistic here.
Everything will be shit. Worse than it is now. The Nintendo Switch? Maybe it will be okay, but if it's shit, it will be the least shitty compared to the other jew shit at Sony and Microdick.
The Jews Did This
Doubtful. They have some well liked IPs that have shown to do well on PC. They'll just migrate to the enthusiast market
I want you to go look up the Switch peripheral prices. It'll be shit.
Tell me this is a real Dredd comic, please tell me there is a comic left that isn't completely pozzed
That doesn't make a difference, you will never need more than 2 Joycons and the system itself comes with 2 joycons, when do you need a second set of joycons, that's not a question because you don't need a second set of joycons.
Shit, but not as shitty as Sony and Microsoft.
oy vey
I'll take a stab at it:
Switch is widely successful, proceeds to port over games from days gone by.
Vita comes out with a new model with extra features and a bigger screen
Xbox makes the mistake of not keeping it named Scorpio.
Persona 5 is GOTY and it won't deserve it.
There was a Sony patent filled that's a vita with r1r2 setup but that was in 2014 I think. Would be good if it happened.
Gaming gets worse. We start moving on to new hobbies.
Honestly? At this point I wNt Sony to just refuse to release a new console until the current ones limits are hit.
Pokemon MMO.
They don't?
Unless that's a prediction
More like the Wal-Mart. Costco charges you to enter the store.
I spend most of my time fucking around with random classic computers or driving my station wagon on the track.
i don't doubt they want to introduce a monthly service, i'm curious how they'll try to present it as anything but a money grab.
maybe something like for every 10 steam levels on your account you get it free for a month, then proceed to offer great deals for a year before making it utter garbage that people end up paying for anyway.
It's pozzed. Sorry. Just enjoy the classic Dredd while we wait for the new stuff to go into the oven along with the creators soon enough.
Meanwhile in 2066….
You realize sony basically having a monopoly on entertainment production software is like the only thing keeping them afloat right?
I'm honestly convinced Sony is trying to sabotage it's film department
2017 edition.
Now this is a realistic prediction.
The reality is somewhere in-between these. Of course some people will see non-Japanese as invasive(which we are) and not want us here, others are either welcoming or indifferent with the majority being outwardly indifferent but inwardly distasteful. Some elderly and business owners haven't served me but they also weren't rude or aggressive about it.
I have never had 10/10 women talk to me, in fact the only women that talk are housewife and teen types who think I speak better english than I do simply because I look white.
It's likely worse for Americans because of the wartime stigma though. My country has a decent community here so it's easy for us to immigrate due to the idea of "russian mail brides" (I don't think this makes sense)
The only "celebrity treatment" I have gotten here was from this arty guy who wanted me to help him shoot a video of some kind, and I couldn't understand if it was for a song or for a pornography.
also probably harder if you seek citizenship as opposed to permanent residence as foreign national.
Man, i really feel bad for musicfags. The music industry is in an even worse state than the gaymes industry.
I could go on about this because my "job" is helping people set up audio equipment at a venue owned by my host and at some point I got a hold of a drum machine and got sort of good at using it.
The only people interested in music are fucking psychic vampires that will eat your alive, all the "modern artist" assholes meeting the brutal culture of a "triple a" industry.
Everywhere I have been, and every artist i have come in contact with is an insufferable energy-sink
is because they couldn't charge you for playing online that's why
There isn't Monster Hunter announced on it though