❤️ Official scootaloo thread ❤️
Shillary Binton edition
❤️ Official scootaloo thread ❤️
Shillary Binton edition
Making bacon pancakes
I am so fucking jealous you have no idea.
Im quoting from adventure time.
the springwater takes so long to go cold
no, fuck off
Muh liberties
Spastrohet se s'pihet sa shishe shet.
muh internet of things
muh smart devices
Significantly less jealous, then.
no, fuck off
night neru
Fight through the SCREAMING AND FIRE AND RAGE, THE BLEEDING AND FIRE HATE. Cause nothing can stop you now
We’ve seen better days. Trying to fight through life. Into our hearts they push this knife.
Eyes open but they’re blind. Everlasting memories inside I should’ve just used my head and listened to what you said.
I'm now Erio :^) just lil less edgy
I want to cum inside Nanana.
kermit come back!
hey kai
You want to cum inside everything
I like how Android spams you with notifications when you turn on an old device.
Good early morning.
Morning Gogs, hows it hangin?
FACT: monroe makes my dick rock hard
hej scientist
Nothing feels real anymore.
what brings ya here friendo
Hello Goggles-chan!
Why is that?
To see who is more the suggestive poster out of that Izaya guy and Clockwork; although Wish's consistency is something to consider too. How are you then?
Wish doesn't post anymore, though.
I must have meant that other Canadian who seems to be on top of his game. Is that not Wish?
Wish ;_;7
Hello, Emily.
Why is the trap always cuter than the girl in animu.
Did you sleep yet
Sorry but don't worry too much things will be okay
How was your sleep thing?
No. That's not Wish.
Eh, I'll be in Skyrim sending off another batch of bandits with my Staff of Fireballs.
Not really.
I don't know.
I don't know what that is.
Never got around to figuring out how to navigate Twitter, feels like I'm missing out. Spoilers is the newer of the mods to join, right? Anyway, no, not spoilers; I just thought it was Wish for whatever reason.
hail satan
Where do I get a trap maid waifu
your delicious depression gives me faith in karma existing
i hope kek makes you neck yourself soon
*raises paw*
no thx
Wait, why would Goggles being depressed be Karma.
Has she been a horrible person?
He doesn't know what he's missing.
he made us move thread locations like twice now because of how power hungry he is
Boo, I like you, so I'm going to level with you.
At this point, I just do it to bother people.
how could you possibly like me when im mean to you 24/7
that doesnt appear to be a maid outfit
This could have been a lot sexier if that were a bologna sandwich.
I am deprived of my Oscar Mayer loin throb. What a world.
the closest thing i have in my room to girls clothes is my graduation gown :/
actually i think i have some panties lying around somewhere
i was playing ds3 with squash and he wouldnt stop talking about grilled cheeses
Bolognese sandwich
You weren't always, so I just delude myself into thinking you'll eventually not be again.
Also, I can be a bit of a masochist.
i understand the situation
let's have peace then rin
i will only bully you sexually
Dude, toaster+microwave American cheese grilled cheeses are the superior grilled cheese.
Yiff in hell
jesus christ thats not how i make a grilled cheese
a microwave? really nigga?
im too attractive to be a furry i'd say
Works for me.
You're Jewish though.
Silly Jack.
You're in hell.
Getting a pan out, heating it up, buttering bread, frying the grilled cheese, and cleaning everything up is doing the most, dude. Just put some bread in a toaster until you have toast, put it on a paper plate in the microwave with some Kraft American Singles, and nuke that puppy for a good 15 seconds. That's the way to do it dude, the convenience makes it taste about five times better than it is.
i wish i was jewish so i could be rich as fuck and do literally nothing but travel
but unfortunately im stuck being one of the good guys
would you like a trade agreement also???
Anyone want some more pokemon before I go?
Bannerlord when
I saw a Jew child with curly sideburns and I laughed and my mom hit me
I am rich Nippon emperor. Wed to me and be rich geisha wife.
i literally almost fucking vomited dude
I bet you guys don't even eat all of your TV dinners with disposable plastic silverware. Have fun being a slave to your dishwasher.
They are delicious when you melt them.
total war eases the pain
but at night all i can dream about is raiding villages and filling my coffers with delicious, delicious butter
How rude of your mom
you are a SAVAGE
i know right
Why doe?
The landfills aren't supposed to be landempties.
When do they become landfilleds?
So much fucking two day old beef by the time you get to a town that has enough money to buy your shit.
I ain't herding the cattle there when when I've got hundreds of Swadian knights on my tail.
Alright if no pokemons are wanted then I will take my leave, laters!
When they're overflowing with Light Emitting Diodes, I guess.
All this Overwatch makes me want to play Overwatch.
Maybe you should build a virtual chastity cage for your Overwatch executable.
I surrounded it in VLC icons.
Is that enough?
Put some anime around it too.
I guess at the very least it will keep cars from hitting it.
Thank god. I was hoping it would fix that.
Everyone's got their own reason.
That was funny.
I laughed.
Well, no, fixing it would be a slightly more grim procedure.
Just marry me already.
I suppose.
Do you know when U-18chan is going back up?
Accurate as fuck.
Not sure, man. I'm more concerned about when my U-boat is going back up. It's been so long now. It's not natural for man to be down here for so long.
I don't know
Make a new Furchan based on 4chan software.
U-boats suck.
Furries suck
Fucking savage
I think there are a few guys you'll have to take that one up with.
Fuck those two.
I'll fight them.
Furries pls void self
These thugs will fuck you up. It's a suicide mission.
pew pew
I-is this the fbi
fucking sword and his ridiculous appetite ;_;
Yeah you should see me and my duo partner, Ana + Bastion in qp is just hilarious I end up with Ana's ult going almost 80% of the game lol spamming healing shots into their Bastion
just wait til the world learns of the mythical Mercy+Rein+Ana+Bastion combo
You stand no chance against a combined 80 years of tactical knowledge. Two of the operatives have tuned their skills so finely as to be like ghosts.
I can't play her for shit.
Zenyatta is my fave.
Zen is a beast now, I was pretty good with the snipers already so Ana became my bae got her cute spray the night she was released on live by ulting a reaper into a storm of death
fucking kek
Yeah. The buffs were really nice.
I got Roadhogs pixel spray my first game by pulling a Phara out of the air mid ult.
You also have to factor in Squash's butt plug, though.
That chromatic aberration tho
Hidden armaments, very dangerous in CQB.
I haven't had anything up my ass in like, half a year.
Priceless right?
Oh nice one! I can't hook people worth shit, barring genji.... I think he loves Roadhog cause my hook just gets him even when aiming for others lol
Everyone loves him.
He's perfection.
Cocks Quake Butts.
You're going into battle, Squash, it could be your last chance.
I was looking to hook up on Growlr or something.
Mercy sure does :^)
Is there a higher population city within an hour drive of you?
Something like that.
Healslut joke
Any leads? I assume you just haven't found anybody seedy enough yet.
Eh. I don't want to drive more than 20 miles, and the people in my area aren't what I want.
What do you want? Know it when you see it?
kill me, I want to fucking rage so hard at him
I should play more Mercy.
Yeah. Nothing crazy old or fat.
Something a bit more bearish.
Do you even lift
why do you continue to draw breath
Hey lenks but also bye lenks!
You should, the world always needs more healsluts. Also I'm out, lates Squishers
I like to play the support, and now that I stopped playing LoL I need my fix.
Bear is a pretty diluted term. Good luck though. Make sure to use two or three condoms during and a lot of Drano before and after.
Wouldn't dream of going without.
A gallon of Drano keeps me skinny.
And your soul keeps you fat.
Actually before I go did you read bleach for this week?
Sadly, no. I have massive trouble gaining any kind of weight.
not yet
Maybe you should opt for reverse lipo-suction
that was lord satan's get...
Bleach is still going?
Fuck, they need to just end it already.
Same with Rubber Pirate Gang.
I don't want to get fat though. Just bigger.
It's lord aizen's get now mofo
Last chapters this next month or so
Thank god.
It kind of got stupid after they rescued Rukia.
Did you read it?!
Grew up on dat shit yo, it got stupid but it's my stupid lol
What do you want?
I guess. Just kind of felt repetitive after a bit.
Ichigo trains, gets ass kicked, trains more, wins, stronger guy shows up, do it again.
tfw squashed
If it works that'd be the perfect end, the true hero of Bleach Kuuuuuuubo
The quincy arc has just been hilariously awesome though
You can't handle this much man, Kerm.
Oh these quincies were far beyond that, like one became a giant Yammy as a quincy lol
I saw the illusion be an illusion in an illusion of an illusionary future come to past from the present. Now I'm alive again aaaand EVERYONE'S bankai is broke! "but but sir I haven't even unlocked shikai" EVERYONE!
I still find the show to be dumb as fuck.
The dog guy was it's saving grace.
He pulled quite the awesome move in this arc, though you'd probably hate it this is him
I can handle squash because I have dog treats and a leash
Search your heart Kurosaki Ichigo, you know it to be true Deicide 198043109841190238.4 "Bleach the Bleach"
Eh, it's whatever now.
Ice midget is actually my favorite character.
I picked up a collar~
We can use that too.
Also if it's those fucking Milk Bones I'll have none of that.
Wanna go for a car ride? ^^
I buy the bacon cheddar bites from Woof Gang Bakery.
Can we go by PetSmart?
I want to see the other dogs.
From what to what? Are you still around 180?
I have a feeling ichigo will become the soul king
pls don't let it be so
Nah. Hit 195 recently.
I have a small pudge on my belly.
I'm banking on Aizen, bae gonna be god of the bleach world
I wam not born just yesterday squish pls
Can't fuck them through the glass at the adoption center.
How much more would you want to gain? That's already on the higher end of a healthy weight, isn't it? Unless you started lifting weights or something.
you will try
I should be doing paperwork
I want to be around 260, but I want a lot of that to be muscle.
I'm not sure what to do to get there though.
I will succeed.
Gonna sleep some for a nap for real now! Been chill talking to you two, have a great day bros
You could invite virile young men to your home and harvest their muscles for personal implant.
Nah. Might just get a gym membership.
There's one on my walking route.
Sounds expensive. And hard.
Eh, it's about time I got in shape anyhow.
Guess it couldn't hurt. I think I'll stick to lifting the spoon from the bucket of ice cream to my mouth, myself.
Jiggliest boobies.
Is that you?
the ladyboys from the other faction on the server keep talking
i cant distinguish a fucking word theyre saying
No, just random current body thread pics form /fit/.
None of them have big bellies.
lord satan!
Wow you're almost as buffed as Shiro
Why would I waste my time on /hm/ saving from belly daddy threads when I could spend that time saving from small penis threads?
Now, we all know the legend of Marcus Licinus Crassus, the member of the Caesar Triumvirate who failed in Pathia.
According to legend, Crassus was captured alive and killed by having molten gold poured down his throat, symbolic of his unquenchable thirst for wealth.
Now, It got me thinking. If I were to die like Crassus, how would I go?
I summized I would probably go in a similar fashion to crassus. Substitute the molten gold for Bourbon and drowning me to death.
What excess of yours would be your death?
Death by dog rape.
I don't need to bear this kind of disrespect. I'm going to go outside for awhile.
no bullying small penises, theyre cute
holy fuck sauce?
That poor man.
it's called a contrapasso
cuddled to death
I know. Something to do with Inferno or someother catholic BS of hell.
I just figured it'd be a n interesting little topic.
They're worthless
i like them
Penis talk once again eh \animus\¿
every day
Until the bittersweet end.
Fucking memers
You're the meme.
That's quite the lewder underwear as109 gave her tho
I didnt choose the meme life
Post more lewd of this slut
how come lewds never posts the really intense shit
like hand holding
MrBones' wild ride goes on forever
Pretty sure there's plenty on *boorus
Death by fajita.
Latino Reys be with you.
This anime what the fuck
stuffed full of meat and spicy peppers?
His dad is a fucking samurai.
Wow, crude much loco.
i call them as i see them
if people don't want me to make crude disgusting jokes they shouldn't pitch for it
In the end Tom Cruise wasn't the last samurai.
Dirty creature.
He was just a weeb.
Should of named the movie "Weeb Massacre"
It was a terrible movie.
A painful watch.
I didn't watch it but the idea of a series like that ending in a tv movie kills me
mfw touching coworkers tits in the dressing room today
I'm not a pervert like that
You have them!
If only the weeb problem was that simple.
Hm, I never read the books. But the movie wasn't that good of a watch. One of those that you watch at 1am when you cant sleep... But its pretty sad that something that was/is seen as a youngadult/teen movie blah blah blah like le hunger gaems should perish so.
Also apparently this happened.
I need to expand my collection.
It c-could still be good! Like... I am still hype... Please don't spoil this...
We just need to devise a plan which involves a time machine with the capability to kidnap and teleport people from anywhere to 1800s Japan.
yeah it'll be fun
But i want to see jared leto spilling some actual blood is all
Who knows where this initial salvo could lead... Leto has been a nutjob during production, as you'll no doubt have heard.
My friend irl is interested in seeing this as well
But all that does is make anime great again.
I am Harley hype
i haven't been following.
You mean staying in character or like production problems?
yah him 2
Via...con dios.
Not a bad way to go!
Today i was so hungover that i never was this year before
My loli cousin smiled at me at breakfast
Considering we're killing people from the future with that, we'd just create a massive loop in it all, and nothing would change.
Unless like they'd find their items and some really advanced technology like smart phones.
Or it could be like terminator-esque with the whole naked teleportation/time travel thing.
This. He's send used condoms and pig heads to his co-stars, among other weird stunts.
Staying in character. Apparently he is a method actor. And has been sending everyone creepy letters and disgusting gifts in the mail.
Jared sent his co stars rats, bullets and a dead hog
Ay papi!!!! How goes sabombastic?
I thought you were joking at first
that's fucking amazing. i mean poor will smith but 10/10 to jared I want to shake his hand.
Glad to see police in the US shoot dead people of a similar profession to mine. America. Whens it goinna stop.
I think he just did it for the luls, like
"I dont like theese people, i will never hang with them after the academy awards anyways"
Police shoot tard wranhlers?
There is no god
i think casper right. or he wanted an excuse to send margot robbie his jizz.
makes you wonder what would happen if they both did that.
Nobody wants to see naked weebs though.
I went to the doctor about my ear. Got some medicine. Feeling a little better. How's Scooting?
He just sent Will Smith pictures of Jaden and Willow being pretentious. It was the cruelest joke of all.
The more episodes I watch the less I understand.
What the fuck is up with this anime
That would just enhance the battle instinct even further and more slaughter would be going on in the field.
I am always right
I'd rather be laughed at then wrong
should have just sent him caps of the Beyond Earth wikipedia page. or just caps of Beyond Earth.
He can be heard telling officers he has no weapon, and that the other man is autistic and has a toy truck... An officer then fired three time
Who knows
Had a hard shift. Slving it with Whiskey and what not. Just chilling, thinking.
The medicine doing you some good?
Which one?
After Earth
The movie's so shit I can't even remember the name
should've plucked out jaden's eyes and fucking mailed them to will
would have been a godsend tbh
Jaden is just like any dumb teen only he gets alot of exposure tho
Don't hate, discriminate
Actually I feel like I might be being somewhat of a hypocrite.
I've seen some weebs that look good naked.
I'm a weeb.
And I'm also naked.
this isnt how you make eme quotes
American astronaut Buzz Aldrin said the movie is "quite action packed" and a "touching father/son story"[79] but is not realistic because "there was a lot of noise. In space, you don't get that much noise,"[80] a quote that is highly cited in the news[81][82][83] and misconstrued as him nitpicking[84][85] or panning the film.[86][87]
Poor buzz.
Is that about After Earth?
That movie was stupid as shit.
How about like stereotypical weebs?
Diss crime in hate
It's helping. The swelling is down and there's less pain. This happens every time I go into the ocean or a creek. Dang filthy nature water!
I did not like it, the actors were black.
I need the sauce for this.
For reasons.
What? No way.
Why are you naked?
Like the fat neckbeard ones?
Jaden's songs aren't that bad 8)
Its pretty lewd though.
In some parts of Malawi, girls are made to have sex with a paid sex worker when they reach puberty.
It's not seen by village elders as rape, but as a form of ritual "cleansing".
When is america going to chlorine its lakes and open water? Its worse than 9/11!!!!
Like how about we send them with the electric boogaloo machine?
The kid would take a picture of it and upload it to his Twitter with the caption What Could It Mean? If You Don't Know Please Unfollow Me
I don't know how we got something like that from something like this.
Of course it's not rape, they are payed
What does it do?
For scientific reasons.
I did agoof'd that one
Sends them to the middle of the field in that weeaboo massacre movie, I guess the gatling guns will take care of the rest.
Pay de gais?!?!??!?!
Now I puberty like Malawi
How is letting yourself be penetrated by a manwhore considered "cleansing"?
The more you strike it, the stronger it grows.
Pay the gay away
Spiritual cleansing, not vaginal tbhonest
I can't remember the name of it.
If the bullets can get passed that layer of fat.
Well... there goes my Christmas gift to you... Damn... The Body Shop got this wrong...
Is that what you do brolio?
Wow you should make a twitter that's almost a jaden original there sabs
Casper I have restarted The girl with series again, I love reading about your dark and horrid country
Ye, doing it for free is for common sluts
You've got too much spirit, young lady. Time to be taught what you're good for.
Why do we park in the driveway and drive in the parkway? #Think #LoveWins
I didn't think of that, and arming them with lazer machine guns would be out of question in order to maintain the world as it is.
I made a thread
you disqualified yourself from judging the quality of hip hop when you bough from hlj you fucking weeb
Lets have some fun this thread is sick
I wanna take a ride on your kopparstick
Why would you even do that to yourself?
Well, after all... Women are only good for laying and letting themselves be mounted... and cooking scones.
I'm not gonna be on for a while
Oh, that actually looks really good, the art I mean
I never bought anything from hlj!
Then you're a dumb weeb they are the best for japanese imports
oh my god why not !?