Rainbow Six: Siege: Velvet Shell Bugs Edition

Velvet Shell is now live and with it comes a shitty UI that's somewhat better and bugs such as the drone spawning off map.
Are you season pass goys enjoying the new ops? How do you like the new map?

>Patch notes (Not noted in the patch notes: Valkyrie looks slightly less ogre-like still fucking hideous and Hibana looks Japanese now.)

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I can't get into Jackal but Mira is really good and fun to play, though her Vector is pretty ridiculous.
The only time I got in the new map I got pic related.

Anyone could post all the remodelled character faces?

Twitch looks honestly alot better

waiting for the update to finish for me since i just got home but sounds like ubi made a bit of a fucking mess again, i got the goy pass though so at least i can dick around with the new ops in t-hunt

I really like what they've done to the aimpoint despite the fact the reticle is fuckhuge now.

i'll take some screens once i'm booted up

mira confirmed best kebab remover

some noticeable tweaks

Were Twitch lips always that weird, or is it just the low graphical settings. Also Hibana looks way too fucking old, but at least she looks Asian now.

jesus christ



i'm on v.high

this is what happens when you buy a goy pass, you get renown and nothing to spend it on because 90% of the headgear is ugly

Well, now you no longer need to buy the year 4 pass, goyim!


I have 50k and don't have any of the passes, I saved up specifically for the new ops. It's not hard.

Good job.

So is Jackal actually balanced or no?

That's ubisoft quality for ya.

i saved and bought ops in season 1 but i decided to goy out on season 2

Guess I'll repost my screenshots that I took while the servers were fucked up and letting me view all the operators

El Dorado looks amazing on just about everything.

So. Anyone have ideas to counter Jackal? I find that he has been fucking me up because as defender, I re-positioning often, leaving footprints fucking everywhere.

Don't move at all.

Caveria's silent step doesn't count.
Also, wiggle like a worm.

Also, on the bottom left you can see when you're about to be scanned again, so you can play mindgames if you don't immediately die after the first scan.

Try it on the SAS shotties.

Not a big fan of it on the M590A1. I prefer Fujin Raijn or engraved.

My gun-game is shit, I usually win by killing operators where they don't expect me and they're still looking at where I was at last.

I play as Smoke and Jeager when I roam, and even when I stay near the objective as Frost and Mute, I still move between rooms adjacent to it. You're right about doin the worm, but that'll be a bitch trying to capitalize on flanking a point in a short amount of time (five or ten seconds).

This seemed promising, but its how the fucker can see what tracks are freshest that has made my attempts at this end in my death.

Damn, I thought maybe the stock would have been completely brown. Would have looked better.


Because of the Ultra HD texture pack.
Still yuge at 7 GB.

I just wanted to see if valk and hibana still look like men…

Here's Valk before and after. Twitch looks worse now, Hibana looks more Japanese overall?

Valk just looks like she isn't scowling, which I think she should always be doing. Hibana, last I saw, now looks old as fuck.

Now she has those "deer in headlights" eyes.
Maybe we just need to accept that she's ugly.

They should have kept the lipstick on Twitch. I thought it was hot.

they should just fucking put a balaclava over her like everybody else, since its obvious they can't model human faces at all

It felt like it was very French to have her go into battle with it on, so I thought it matched her character

Run down of the new ops from my experience.

didn't screenshot it but it looks like they gave pulse more hair on his character model too

Usual here
What the fuck happen to my waifu?!?? Where is the chin gone?

this seems to have happened to all the chick operators models

They made her look even more like a trap


I got this 2 days ago on the 50% sale. Seems fun but people camping in weird places at weird angles sometimes really rustle my jimmies. ANy anons playing together? Also Fuze best operator

In the matches I've played he's actually not entirely essential, or maybe I just couldn't get people to drop IQ/Glaz/Buck as counter roamers to test this.

We led a Jackal into an ambush, knowing he was doing some chasing.


I would think Twitch would have some sort of fiber optic shit for her gadgets.

Holy shit and Twitch has her drone pre game. Mute is pivotal more than ever.


also they changed monts mask so he doesn't match his render anymore

Tachanka has bug eyes now…

Extremely so. As Mute I made sure the area was secure than then ALWAYS had jammers guarding her windows.

I thought they remodeled his head a while ago when they gave him the shield, made him look more like his voice actor.

Which new operator get, also how is the new map?


First for iq fuck my ass


I wish there was a way to try out DLC ops like in a single player mode or something. Would make it a lot easier deciding what ops to buy first.


Is that drawfag from last thread around? I wanna request Megumin as fuze.

>shield squad

They're both really good, however Mira is more useful.

Did they do any buffs with this update? I just want Blitz's shield to be made out of a material other than paper.

Stop with this meme

Making the side of his helmet not count as his head would help too.

metal gear "jackal can eat shit" ass


i don't think anyone hates rook

getting a kill from a broken corner of a barricade while repelling

spawn killing, even though it's avoidable


anything other than house is incorrect

anything other than favela is incorrect

most of my deaths due to peeker's advantage, but it's almost always my fault. i'm still shit at this game after all

no u

Am I the only one seeing this?

imo Hibana and Valkyrie are the closest to "must-have" DLC operators. I think Mira is a strong contender now too because of how she changes defending the objective. If you prefer roaming over sitting in obj, Caveira. If I had to put them in order based on how they change the game:


Capitao had his frags taken away and replaced with a Claymore, and IQ received Capitao's frags. All of the other balance changes are supposed to happen during mid-season reinforcements. Also shield clipping issues were supposed to have been fixed when they received a buff against c4, but Blitz's earmuffs count as his head and they keep refusing to change it or resize his head hitbox.


What do the new IQ and Ash look like?

That's a nice little buff.

Gotchya fam

I have almost 40,000 renown and never bought a dlc operator. I'm thinking Buck and Mira unless someone has an objection.

Welp, time to dust off my IQ.

Good to know the aryan and kike still look good.

Well, you have to wait a week for mira, but buck is a good choice. Depends on what you like. Personally I'd say hibana and cav because they're the most useful in my opinion.

I'd get Hibana over Buck, honestly. Not saying buck is bad, but I just find more uses for her breaches.

I have both, and I've found I pick Hibana if I have a team I can rely on, or when I can't trust the team to be competent and their are very good hatches I can use. I use Buck when I have to lone-wolf it, he's a purely killing machine.

People say buck is a blast to play as. I always buddy up with my cousin who always plays thermite so hibana would just be second fiddle in my case. Though I usually play thatcher to take care of shock wire and jammers. Decisions decisions….

Has anybody ever had an issue where you spawn with your camera stuck inside the ground?

Go for Buck then, having a DMR + Skeleton Key + 2 Frags on a 2 speed 2 armor operator is great.

I have buck and love him, so if you already have a thermite then do it.

I think I might. Murdering the fuck out of someone trying to touch my thermite is a viable strategy, no?

>Getting matched against

I think I might. Murdering the fuck out of someone trying to touch my thermite is a viable strategy, no?

IQ looks more beautiful. I could just stare at those eyes forever. The kike looks as pretty as always but the eyes are a bit too bif if I am seeing them correctly. Many muppet eyes lately.
Hibana is looking better than before, I like her now.

Huh, didn't think that first one posted. My bad.

you switch ips or something? Cause you have a new id now.


Yeah, I was phone posting then caught my wireless as I got closer to home.

He's gonna send you to the gulags comrade.

Why would they do such a fucking stupid decision is beyond me. Are there any ops who look even worse after the update?

Other than the female baguette having lips which can suck your dick off your crotch


also she can place all her pellets before detonating and really shake people up by placing them all in different spots

I dont know what to say. She is beginning to look like a Mass Effect 4 character but she is still pretty female and alright looking.

Except beautiful IQ and Ash. Twitch and Hibana are passable.

Thermite looks fucking badass.

he's always been a badass even with his slightly goofy old look, thanks to having the best lines in the game

One thing I've noticed is some people will drop Mira's window before the Hibana charges finish, effectively doing their job but netting her no points. I've thought about putting the charges underneath the window instead to prevent this, since in THEORY it'd be just as effective, if not a bit more unpredictable.

Hibana should be spooky.

i was thinking about this myself, especially maybe putting the pellets at foot level near the mirrors

Truly, a great time to be alive.

And then she'd crawl up like the Ju On bitch and everyone would scream to death.


In fact, all SWAT ops look fucking badass, and the jewess is cute.


There are some pretty badass niggers out there. And are you talking about Pulse or Thermite?

Oh nevermind I thought you were talking about two ops.

I am, I'm calling pulse dumb looking.

We both got dubs. But Pulse looks somewhat cool.

Pulse looks like a dickhead who thinks he is better than everyone else because he served his country. INCLUDING other people who have served thier country.

Thermite looks like a wierd cooky uncle who has great christmas presents usually some trinket he made.

Castle looks like he wishes it was superbowl weekend

Ash looks like she is still butthurt about whatever mira did to her.

Monty looks like he is tired of seeing teammates die
Twitch looks like she loves having a good time
Doc looks like he cant wait to get ahold of your organs
Rook looks like he wants to fight

IQ looks like she has been awake far too long
Bandit looks liike he feels sorry for what he is about to do
Blitz looks like he isnt sorry at all
Jager looks like he would rather be player Pilots in the backyard

Thermite and Castle are on point. I have no idea why you would describe Pulse as that, but I guess its something cultural? I love Ash too much to say anything unbiased

Glaz looks pissed his art isnt in a museum
Kapkan looks like he is pissed and drinking vodka by a firepit
Tachanka looks like he is completely comfortable killing chechnyans
Fuze looks like he really wants to be taken seriously as an operator

Tachanka looks like a fucking wartime muppet now.

Almost everyone in the SAS doesnt even show you thier eyes. but we know
Thatcher is a pissed off old limey who is tired of these new fangled gadgets
Sledge wishes sheetrock was MORE standard
Mute may or may not be a sadist
and smoke is a boy from brazil

Frost looks like she trying to look cool
Buck looks like diarrhea just striked but he's determined to keep eating Poutine

The shaved head and wrap around shades tend to be hallmark signs of a faggot.

Jackal looks like he gets WAY too into boxing
Mira cant fucking wait to take a selfie with the hostage
Hibana wishes she was in an anime
Caviera looks like she makes interrogations sexual uncomfortable. and thats her thing
Capitao is severely unimpressed by youre life choices
Frost would have a playful knife fight before having awesome intense sex
Buck just wants a little romance in this cut throat world.
Echo might actually have autism. his bio supports this
Blackbeard looks like his real name is don. he may have a drinking problem and beat his wife

I enjoyed that far too much. Ubisoft should hire me for character autism. they envy overwatch.

i dont play overwatch

By the way im going off character portraits not in game models

Fair enough. He kinda looks like Bono, who I cannot fucking stand.

oh my

you know what im going to refine these and repost them next thread.

according to her bio she's a bit of a wrench-wench/tomboy

therefore best girl

> Not wanting a grenade launching kike

seriously, sometime it'sbest to justl look.


i'm not into redheads

there is much learning to be done



whats wrong with you man

Some of the people playing this game are just legendarily stupid. Last night I was playing thatcher, and I was trying to get a friendly thermite to blow a reinforced hatch. He's rappelling down the side of the building and I tell him to come in the room. He doesn't after I say it five time so I walk up to the window he was rappelling in front of, he looks at me for five seconds, then shoots me in the face. Fucking free weekends drew in a lot of idiots.

post free weekend is wild

I thought they were joking when they said this is what would happen in the future of FPS. All it's missing is an oxygen or shield bar on the side.

I miss when people used to make these.

Thankfully you can turn them off, I'm just lazy.

Any "how to not be shit" videos?

especially for someone on console

I was about to argue with you and then I realized that you're completely right


What the fuck? Is my install messed up or is that actually what it is? I see the console versions are half that.

If you have the giganigger free turbo HD texture meme pack, then you get yuge downloads, if you don't, it's still yuge at 6.5 gigs.

What the fuck Ubisoft

that's enough rainbow for one night

This game and its playerbase gets worse every time I launch it.

(nice trips)

I had the same problem earlier today. For me, my camera was stuck in a pile of tires in that killhouse/training level. Had to exit the game.

Well I got my spot now

What the fuck is the point of gun skins when there's no downtime to be sitting around admiring your gun

play terrorist hunt?

I've been pretty lucky so far, after the Free Weekend Holocaust finished i didn't see much dumbshit.

Though watching the enemy team get decimated by their teammate chink screaming "PLEASE HELP ME!" in the mic every match was amusing.

I have no idea, it seems like something else to spend in game shekels on.
It isn't like you'll buy and use every single operator, at most you might have 4 that you really like and use for all your matches.

You will take this OC and like it.

Pulse is an American Jason Statham.

Sometimes this makes me wish the UK was successfully destroyed by Germany…


But why


these type of kills make me hard

Is it just me or does the vector suck dick at hitting people behind shit? I feel like mute and smoke's smgs seem to pen far better than mira's vector.

Maybe if you weren't so bad the game wouldn't break trying to find someone of your level

:^)I stopped lurking just to make this terrible funpost**

Fucked up six ways to Saturday.

you fucked up the spoiler, user

I noticed that the moment I posted , Go back to playing your game and ignore my mistake

Did a few multiplayer rounds today and its more cancerous then before. Enemy team spamming insults after the match. I get it, your team won. No need to shove it into the other team's face. Having 4 people and getting spawn killed really show skill.

Metro style UIs need to die.

Lmao can't handle the banter faggot you just gotta GIT GUD hehe xd fucking owned faggot

You know, I expect that kind of behaviour from League of Legends or Counter-Strike players, but it's always weird in a fucking Tom Clancy game.

kapkan because he

slow and steady wins the race
all of them
That russki one with the train wagons
>most retarded thing to happen recently
I fuzed the room beside the hostage room yesterday and one of these fucking pucks flew through that little airvent-ish hole where drones pass through normally.

I've been getting some really good results as montagne, killed three dudes in a round once. It's baller when the teammates are on point and flank someone who's shooting at your shield like a retard.
A Buck on the team is almost always good
Twitch, before her retarded redesign
Fucking favelas, ugly and confusing as shit
Me as Montagne seeing a guy with his face buried in cameras two rooms away, and sniping his face with my handgun. Must have been an embarassing kill cam.

Anyone else enjoying the new aim down sights change? I think it's nicer that it isn't a glorified zoom-in with your optics blocking part of the screen now.

I will never understand how the guy who's supposed to be an avid hunter and wearing a partizan with viper hood is as slow as Tachanka, Montagne, Twitch and Rook with all that gear. Why they buffed Fuze but left Kapkan to be 3 armor/1 speed is beyond me.

you would like to get fucked in the ass by iq wouldnt you faggot

C'mon son.




Is this game well optimized? I'm interested in giving it a shot since I finally got Uplay running on my system and I've read nothing but good things about it.

It's not outright shit (on my GTX 1050 which can run it smoothly at medium settings with AA all the way off), but I don't have enough of a toaster to really comment on that
The destruction physics are probably taxing, but I think if you can run games like Serious Sam 3 or TF2 on the highest settings, that you shouldn't have any problems

I'm not sure, server issues aside it seems to run fine on my somewhat higher end PC and I haven't heard many complaints about it being unoptimized so take that as you will.

If you're asking if it can run on a toaster, then probably nor.

IQ, Thatcher, Ash and Frost. Pretty hard to choose just one.

Castle, Pulse as an enemy, Montagne

Mute, Thermite/Hibana, Glaz

Flanking and synchronized breaches/attacks. Any new and creative way to take the objective.

Spawn killing. People who do that essentially just prevent the other team from playing, like cowards. I mean active spawn killing, peaking outside windows in itself isn't bad.


Kafe Dostoyevsky, Border, Club House

Yacht by far. Then Hereford Base and Favelas.

Several team mates shooting each other when an enemy ran in between them. Any kind of team kill really.

I'm putting 60fps generally on medium. most of the effects are off though

IQ's top tier waifu material.


It runs alright most of the time on my ~5 year old rig with the exception of regular 10 second stalls in the prep phases as presumably the CPU maxes out.

Runs fine on medium with my 660 ti

What's with these weird comparisons? TF2 is known to be playable on mostly any toasters and SS for being greatly optimized.

Is that what those are? Those happen to me too, but usually only for a second or two at most. If it's that much of a hog on CPU usage then I wouldn't call it incredibly optimized.

Download more ram.
Seriously, you're running out of ram. Turn off as much shit outside of the game as possible, or turn texture quality down.

Who doesn't have 16 or 32 gigs of RAM at this point? Shit is so cheap to pickup.

Are you some sorta IT?

He got quads, user.

Nigga I have 8GB Ram with nothing else running when I play. If this game is hogging all of that then I guess the dude got his answer.

Or maybe devs ought to do their work a bit better.

I recently upgraded to 16. I've never gotten those afterwards.

It runs fine. Just be prepared to have absolute shit ping pretty much always.

Should've added that it was also on ultra. I'm a tard.

Nigga I am just browsing with a few misc programs running and I am using 6.5gigs out of my 16 gigs of RAM. This isn't the mid 2000s 8gigs of RAM just won't cut it for gaming nowadays and with the cheap price of RAM there is really no reason to not be using 16gigs.

What the fuck are you running? This isn't normal.

I have a good GPU but 8 gigs and I have yet to run into a game that won't run smoothly.

A bit off topic, but i'm running a gtx760. Any recommended upgrades whenever I get around to doing so? I can still run any game, but that time is passing.

Eh its mostly my browser tabs since silverlight likes to eat up memory. Steam, uplay, nvidia, logitec and malwarebytes also eat up some memory.

But why won't you pay like 30-40 bucks to get 8 more gigs of RAM

I have purchased RAM in the past, but when I don't need it, I don't need it.

Shame that modern internet browsers eat ram like a horse.

Because its rendering the kike's pretty face

fucks sake

dude ps4 lmao

Absolute bullshit.

Regardless of certain hardware being dirt cheap, urging consumers to "just buy more X brah" so that devs can slack off and sit with their dicks in their hands instead of optimizing their games is bullshit and I won't stand for it.

There is literally no downside to having twice as much RAM and you will likely only get performance boosts. At this point it just seems like you are trying to justify your stuttering ingame on ubishit instead of the fact that perhaps the game plus whatever you run in the background might be a bit too much for just 8 gigs. I remember having a similar problem when my PC randomly decided to not detect half of my RAM and I had to reseat all of the sticks to fix the stuttering.

I mad.

It was dead a long time ago, man

Not like there's much worth upgrading for is there?

Because no other games do it.
At this point it seems like you're justifying developer incompetence(something that isn't a rare thing to see at Ubisoft) on just needing better hardware instead of the fact that while by and large most AAA games haven't improved in crazy amounts when it comes to graphical fidelity, hardware intensive game mechanics or content, they keep demanding higher computer specs and hog more and more drive space.

You may be fine with that, but anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together will see an issue here.
I also want to remind you that the original question was if the game was well optimized or not.


These games are barely comparable, but even if they are, people don't just stop playing a game that's good just because it's similar to another.

Wow just wow


We used to have swat 4 threads here. ;_;

rad corps never dies

We had one last weekend didn't we? I didn't play sadly, but the few times I've played with Holla Forums were really fun. We should have them more often.

what the fuck triple monitor support broke mid game and now i cant fix it.

So what's your favorite operator quote?
I'd love to hear Thatcher react to that.

"Time To Make a New Door"

Thats some beta tier shit. Id rather suck a real horse cock than let that happen

Buck Bandit
Bum rush
Pixel peeking
The fact that women are in a tactical shooter is beyond me. Ubicucking
Chalet/ suburb
Favela nippon

Apparently ubisoft is aware of the issue and looking into a fix for it. still pisses me off. it worked when I launched the game and then it letterboxed mid match. anyone have an idea how to fix this bullshit?

If it was Lara Croft it would be fucking different.

Anything Blitz says. Too bad he's not that good of an operator choice.

Remember its a music thread at 300 posts

Leave faggot

Leave horsefucker

I'll be there friend.

yeah goyim

-hibana before blowing a wall and killing 2

they probably misinterpreted "lol why is she wearing lipstick" as a complaint

anyone find any cool new tricks with mira and jackal? i was playing a bunch last night but went to play some Nioh since the game bugged out on me and i took a break

My bros.

I actually like her new look

Footseps dissapear on death. if you see footprints you know they are still alive and kicking.

It's better than Montagne not even matching his art on top of looking dumb.

To be honest, I cant really call any woman in this game ugly, except maybe Valkyrie

Also, off topic, but I just fucking realized that without the moustache, Tony Iommi and Ritchie Blackmore look the same.

Holy shit it's nice. That rate of fire and recoil after buying a grip and compensator is just right.

New fucking waifu, step aside IQ.

That and her gadget's actually very useful, so you can waifu and be credit to team.
Her voice is also better than IQ's


Is the netcode absolute shit now or what?

it wouldnt surprise me. they broke triple monitor support

A lot of TH matches have been laggy as shit today, yeah. I think there was a maintenance earlier today, probably the cause.


To be honest, I'd better be off fucking a deep fryer.

If anything the amount of leavers in casual is driving me insane. Bunch of fucking wankers.

I love that mode but no one fucking play it on hard which is the one that give you at least a challenge without being BS like realistic….everyone just use it on normal to grind the renown

>smack down 12 mission before reaching barcley UNI with yellow gas

Yeah, I would rather fuck echo than valk being him more feminine and I'm not a faggot damn it!

I am afraid I have bad news user…

You are super gay

Really ? I have no problems getting matches on my end. And yeah, it's a good setting to make terrorist hunt actually fun. Except the bomb defusal mode, that one will always suck.

I always thought her gadget was kinda lame before getting her, but it does come in handy and helps the team.

Maybe if hard gave more renown. There's not much reason to play it other than the challenge.

No….it can't be….you are lying user!

I am not, the only cure is to shoot yourself to not taint the Earth

Well I'm on ps4 so I can spend usually a good 2min before find 2 player that still drop off without waiting

Well technically the hard have a + and realistic have a ++ when you look at rewards….but isn't really that much and realistic is half a step before cheating with the AI

Thermite for badass quotes



fucking why?

What did I do?

Why bump the thread? It wasn't low on the catalog.

Everything wrong.
warn me when the servers become not shit again

I thought it would bring some more people in the thread and more attention towards it

it works pretty well but now how I expected

are you from fucking reddit?
the people who want to play seige and talk about it on Holla Forums are already doing so. anytime this thread gets attention we are accused of shilling even though we ALWAYS say dont pay full price.

Time for bully.
Lurk more faggot


I can't get over how they called rook's elite set the name of his CTU. I mean, what does that make his non-elite version, guy who isn't even part of the GIGN but got accepted in team rainbow on a technicality ?

Oh man I just bought and played Buck. I do not regret that decision.

Went 6-0 that round. It was nice.

i'm mad

Mindgames son

That only works in concept as there are tons of new players now which wouldn't pick up on that shit.

Regular is his regular police outfit I guess
Elite is the same dude but he's moved up the ranks to do the same shit but for higher paid smaller crews

Thing is, the gendarmerie, a sort of mix between military and police, is the name of the whole corps. The GIGN (national gendarmerie intervention group) is the elite special forces part of it. So the elite set has the name of the non-elite part. That just strikes me as odd, but to be fair it's not like I have better suggestions.

So, let me guess, online is still shit?

It's not any better, but it's not worse either.

Terrorist hunt is a lot more manageable today than yesterday, but that just might be the off hours. Speaking of TH,


Is pinging bugged or did they change it?

Check the controls.
Z is now the default key for pinging. Just change it back to whatever you used before. I don't know why they changed it.
Did they? I don't remember if I changed it myself or not.

Anyone else finding that the objectives haven't been rotating every round? Had the same objective for attacking and defending for an entire match.

that just happens naturally in casual, RNG decides.

Z was always what I had it bound to anyways.

It sometimes just refuses to work properly now after the patch.

Happened to me as well. I thought 5 games of hostage in a row would not be defined as random.

That's because your brain is good at recognising patterns.

The more I play with Twitch the more I like her.
That was so much fun. Admittedly the enemy team wasn't very good and their mute placed his jammers weird, but still.

Not sure what's up then. I always used C for ping. Doesn't seem to have any problems on my end.

Well, the whole uplay "service" is just straight up down for me at the moment.
Hopefully we'll see a booster out of this.

same here
Thanks Ubisoft, truly you are my greatest ally.

Well sorry niggers, my bad.

I assumed if a lazy cunt didnt want to search for the thread because he is indifferent it would be easier.

In case you're wondering who the pro-league approved™ ops are:

Does anyone even care about that shit?


Well color me surprised

I don't watch or follow it but it is kinda interesting to see what "muh meta" is.

I bet those people had a gun pointed at thier head to make them play Capitao.
"Capitao is good" is just a meme designed to extract your grindbux or shekels, don't fall for it.

How can a operator with a LMG and a FAL be bad?
Caveira's weapons on the other end are unexciting as fuck

I'm just salty that the cross bow of cuck +10 is so underwhelming and should be cathegorized as a gimmick.
like half of other unique gadgets, but others are at least somewhat fun and not as depressing

Pulse looks like a man suffering from constipation.

Niggers like you belong in a furnace.

That is one of the best OCs I've seen yet.

I'm more bothered by high how Blackbeard is.

I didn't make it

You wot.

why is the p90 with extended barrel such a wonderful weapon

SPAS-15 needs to be in more video games.

Same goes for USAS-12.

>50 round per clip :^)

I wonder why.

ping has bugged out for me in the past it took a full game restart to fix, only happened once

What the fuck is this? How can I see this match and why the fuck they have such a stupid management on choosing?

Max Payne 3 and Modern Warfare 3.

Here ya go.

I'm pretty sure it's just because he's speed 3. I watched a couple of the matches they were streaming for their big tournament thing and it was basically 90% speed 3 operators. I don't think his crossbow was even used any of the times he was picked.

can you customize the entire face saints row style or do you have to chose between pre made characters? Because those girls look like shit.

This shit really is fun. It's just the right amount of difficulty so a victory where everyone survives feels satisfying.

No, only change headgear and uniform on premade characters.

wew, did you guys pay money for that shit game?

Like 20 bucks.


music thread goys

Have we hit that magical time?

Vegas 2 allowed you to scan your face using your web cam, people used that to recreate them as Hitler. Sorry got no screenshot of that wanker. Customization was a nice part of previous rainbow six games.

c&c games have best soundtrack

just headgear changes, its all fluff really, barely noticeable in game on top of that

Yeah, I wish there was more customization for characters or maybe design your own via the recruit.

Oh fuck yeah bud

yes we have


fucking vpn

Massive Attack really gives me Vampire: The Masquerade vibes for whatever reason.

Wow, two whopping games. I want more.

There you go.

i always get headshotted by sledge tbh


It was in VtMB.

wasnt the usas in bf3 and 4?

you guys know fitgirl?


I think the difficulties need to be reworked. Hard is too easy, and Realistic is too bullshit. Why are Terrorists allowed to spawn outside?

None are allowed to spawn outside, terrorists have just four different AIs. Bombers, engineers (litter the place with nitro cells and reinforce), campers, and roamers. Human players just tend to imagine the fourth type doesn't exist.

I will never understand why people like this design and not XM8's/FN2000's.

Also I almost forgot.

why do people hate best raifu

I honestly can't stand the l85's recoil. HK33 4 lyfe.

so, in russia you can buy physical pc version for 3$ right now
is it worth it? are all those season passes required content or are they just skins?

kek fucking russia man. Yeah sure it's worth 3 bucks. Season passes are for DLC operators, they're certainly not required to enjoy the game.

k then. link for ruskies ITT

How come it's so cheap there anyway? Lowest I've seen it go here is 20$

they are regionally restricted to ex-USSR, and are cheap because people are poorfags. the sale is probably because no one gives a shit about physical.

In russia a lot of games end up going cheap super fast because they are region locked to Russia and other former USSR states.

Season pass gives you the new DLC ops a week early, but that's it.


this is surprisingly good operating music.






That's bollocks.

I made a new thread.

mira is loads of fun

How to react to the other team spawnpeeking 101.

How the fuck is this thread under 300 posts again ?


Some hotpocket deleted some of the music posts I guess. Don't know why just a part of them were deleted and not all of them if he's going to be a no fun fag.

Do we just post here or use the new thread? This one's auto-saging again.

Well, on one hand the rules say this thread is the active one, but on the other hand, it's only on page 4 because of hotpocketeering.
I'll ask here. Got enough renown to unlock a new DLC op (already got hibana), I'm hesitating between Frost and Caveira. Knowing my peeking game is shit, which would be recommended ?

Apparently starter pack is back permanently. 7,50 ain't a bad price for the game if you don't mind a grind.

I generally see more use out of Frost. Learn where to put her traps for max efficiency and she's basically a lot like Kapkan. Caveira you have to be constantly mindful of and really be sneaky with her, which is tough with so many people actively picking Jackal.

I do get some good results as Kapkan, which is why I was considering frost. Caveira was more because most of my kills are flanking ones, but yes I do suppose now's not the ideal time to pick her. Frost it is then.

No prob fam


Why the fuck my post got deleted? Fucking kikes.

Who thought scanning the footprints was a good idea?
Just being able to see footprints, who they belong to, and how long they have been there is already incredibly powerful.
So many easy kills thanks to this thing.

It doesn't make any fucking sense either, does it?

This is why I exclusively use Caveira. Even then, it's still a bitch to mask your footprints because you need to be prone when silent step runs out.

Last few matches I've been in the players playing Jackal said that shit wasn't even working half the time, the footprints weren't showing up with the op they were following was only a few feet away from them.

You obviously missed the actual reference. Its another vintage skin just like the others honestly it should be called Vintage Gendarmerie. Sure they kept his body armor, but they added in the leather straps and that old ass police helmet from like the 60s or something.

Hawt. I swear sometimes, Siege is seriously a /k/ game.