The King of LOLs is about to come back to the mortal realms, will you be there for its arrival?
That thread is dead, good job OP
does that count?
This really is kinda tame due to the fact thay I've seen people spam real gore like six gorrilion times on 8channel
That's why I'm posting not-gore for now ayy
why is it called assigned male? Why not assigned man instead, at least then it would make sense from an SJW perspective. But this way it would imply not even recognizing biological sex, which is just asinine.
because there's not a single man on their side, just males and manlets and they know that very well
whats the blue one mean?
This is surreal.
forgot the term for it
it had to do with technology and its misuse for dumb shit
I'm really glad you can see the skeleton. Too bad it's weebshit.
that was it, thank you
This is getting worse than Tumblr's gender spectrum.
Talking about tumblr-tier shit. There are Tumblrites genuinely buttmad at Blizzard for finally confirming that Mei (the THICCCC chink with ice/snow powers) isn't a fucking landwhale underneath that snow suit.
I don't even play that shit, but the reactions were quite entertaining.
there were equally as many landwhales cheering for the reveal because they think they're like her in that they only look fat in thick clothing. it's safe to say both sides of any given conversation regarding that game is tumblr.
I'm ready
The Morpheus Ending was the worst one in the game though. Dark Ages is the good ending.
I bet you like the Ghost in the Shell original OVAs don't you
I'm just a passing shitposter.
You are blocked.
No matter how much i see it, i'll always question myself why i find it humorous i think i read it backwards
that's a lot of projection there
I'll block your boipussy, faggot
Tracer Tong did nothing wrong
Why does the writer characterize his voice as a woman of color?
It took me a while to figure out what the fuck those were.
They're definitely no switch dog
but most real gore is tame compared to the idea that some nutcase took the time to draw that shit in detail because it was someones fetish. I mean killing your enemies makes some logical sense, but a fetish based on inflation and necrophilia is just fucked in the head. Hell real gore is not even as bad as the cartoon bestiality furfagots post. The only way you can top that would be real necrophilia.
you need to go back
What the fuck are you going on about.
Block me daddy!~
Ok, that one's pretty clever.
Who made this
checked I guess
I got them from a secondary source.
I can't go back if I didn't go there to get them.
Knew about this before the thread started and fapped to it already.
Why am I seeing these first on Holla Forums
why does Holla Forums suck so much…
After season 1, jhonny test was all on warner brothers hands.
Half/co/, 8/co/ is slightly less cancerous. Only because it's so slow.
I have video games too but I'm holding back because of janitor dump squads
Someone post the Revenant version.
at least these libshits admit they lost
Bowser is generally a better leader if you listen to his minions' dialogue in the RPG games or look at Neo Bowser City compared to the mushroom kingdom
adult swim is too raunchy
nickelodeon looks like she'd be too messy
cartoon network is a slut
disney is best waifu
But Katie is actually funny
Tans are cancer
I was born ready
literally the Fried Seltzerberg of Animation
It never ceases to amaze me how one guy managed to create this amount of butthurt
holy fucking shit. Minus? I read this while it was releasing back in college. I forgot it existed. thanks for the memories user
I just wanna read JoJo tbh
I just wanna fuck JoJo tbh
I could give less of a shit about the comic, the Bizzare JoJo adventure is very lacking in bara doujins and general yaoi.
kek's not a faggot, is he?
Kek is a balance between good and evil, he or it is bisexual.
Not she?
not >she
you're thinking of kauket the wife/sister/r63 of kek.
why live?
Seriously though I'm just drifting through life and I can't bring myself to care about anything. Why do I live? It doesn't even really feel like I'm the one living my life. I feel like a mindless automaton. I just do whatever anyone asks or suggests because I have nothing else to do and have time to fill. Send help.
You spent too long being (((educated))) and have now been successfully stripped of your free will. There is only one way to escape and that is to look deep within yourself and to figure out what you truly desire.
You could always kill yourself.
Oh boy.
Tell me more about pizzagate.
pedophiles use front-businesses and coded lingo to traffick humans.
Kikes have been running a child rape (and sacrifice) business in hollywood ever since they got INTO hollywood. You want to hear about Weimar Germany’s public child brothels?
That's stupid, Hillary Clinton is 1000% trustworthy and as a woman, she would have saved America single-handly. If it weren't for Trump rigging the election, the world would be safe.
Why is this funny ?
Isn't Prince of Macedon a haughty faggot though ?
Oh, so it's interpreting random shit as evidence. I expected better.
Are they not self-aware?
Just made this
r8 my epic OC
Bowser is pretty great and that's why I'd totes marry him, he's grade A husbando material
Hey there fellow geeks and gamers! what if trump was [INSERT VILLAIN FROM WHATEVER THE PLEBS ARE INTO NOW]? That never gets old!
Farmville has villains now?
I'm having a hard time trying to decide if that line was meant to be serious, satire, or purposefully toeing the line of Poe's Law.
Actually I think the whole clip can be summed up like that.
I can't tell where the fuck they're trying to go with this and it's bugging the shit out of me. It pisses me off even more because I'm not going to watch a shitty, preachy movie about identity politics to find out.
never minding of course the various games in which Bowser is a hero
"The Niggers"?
I like this! I did that, and it helped a lot. Now i feel despair because these vermin haven't been dealt with.
See above, start expanding yourself to different things. Try to see the world from different realities, break out of your shell, you bubble, etc.
Wouldn't that be "Der"? As in, "Der Juden"?
der is for male things, die is for female things. The poster shows sheboons.
Fuck off Sarah, I have a boyfriend
Bowser literally did nothing wrong
It was ok until I clicked it and saw "don't mess with the KKK'
That made me smile
user, it became a gender spectrum as soon as they started adding things to the end of "anarcho-". Here are the ones I can think on the top of my head
they laid that on a bit thick, didn't they
The Anarcho prefix just means they support abolition of the state, it's a valid and not terribly confusing distinction. Additionally Anarcho-Feminism is the designated shitposting flag.
You can feel free to explain how every single one can result in a completely different result each time by merely abolishing the state. And mind you, what I mean is abolishing the state and keeping it abolished, not "we're not government because we got rid of the last one, meaning we can just start having a small group of people whose job pointng a gun to people's heads if they do something we don't like, like starting a business"
I'm not an Anarchist, go ask them.
You made the claim that it is valid so now you can explain why it is valid.
I said the Anarcho prefix is a valid distinction_ between - for example - Communism and Anarcho-Communism.
What's the difference? They're both going to be failures that resemble a Theocracy more than a working economy.
That's a strange way to characterise the right wing.
But Sarah isn't a shortstack.
I wan to fug that little boy.
Anarchists want abolition of the state, but not necessarily communism. While the end goal of Communism includes the state being abolished, they generally believe that the state should be utilised during the transition process, Anarcho-Communists believe the state should be destroyed and not involved in the transition process.
The fact that it is a distinction and what kind of distinction that is, is fairly evident from the need to distinguish it by adding "abolition of the state" at the start of it. But by saying that it is a VALID distinction, you are giving more than just an explanation as to the use of the anarcho- prefix. You have had plenty of time to talk to them, based on the fact that you admitted to being from a board filled to the brim with anarchists by calling anarcho-feminism the "designated shitposting flag", so by adding "valid" to it you are saying more than just how it works.
Still qt
I thought Drinking Jewish Semen is Haram
You mean the fucking Travel Ban that's completely within the President's Constitutional prerogative?
we need porn of the real thing
What a cute girl
We're reaching shitposting levels which should not be possible.
The constitution was made by a bunch of WHITE FUCKING MALES anyway, we should use the new constitution.
1. Islam is the most peaceful religion and the one all must obey. Especially the law and the state.
2. Hate speech must be abolished, especially if it silences certain groups of people. Those groups are chosen based on their race and gender.
Why does that girl in the first image have cum stains on her mirror?
She is a qt3.14
How to save her from the liberals?
by chaining her up in your basement and planting lots of babies inside her :^)
Maybe by making her a woman?
how does a movie like this even get made?
Nice plan however there is an ocean between me and her.Some burger should do it though
Maybe she is secretly smart and is exploiting liberal women. She doesn't seem fat or ugly enough to have crippling complexes or some other shit
Are these parodies or actually drawn by Sarah? I'm guessing parodies but I can't tell
The same way any shit movie is made, it's a money laundering scheme or an insurance scam.
1. Get some scapegoat college student to write the script
2. Run the scam
3. Scapegoat Student now has a bad reputation due to their utter failure
4. Your hands are clean and your tribe friends can continue to run the industry
She's a tomboy, thanks to tumblr all tomboys are permenantly ruined now.
I've met some clinically retarded girls with a 9/10 look. It helps that she's a bit sporty and loves to play in the kids playground. But you maybe right, girls are good at controlling my dick retarded or not.
Definitely 100% OC content by the creator herself.
Well I got my hopes up for nothing.
Exiling women aged 16-60 wouldn't be a very popular policy.
Anarcho nationalism is the only way to go
Deal with it
What meme even is this?
Libtards don't know how to do anything but label anything they don't like as literally hitler
These people want to have discreditation based on something to be one-sided so desperatively they even bend the very definition of terms to fit this.
Racism and sexism they're the most used have absolutely nothing to do with power or disadvantage. It's about having bias for someone else based entirely on someone's race and sex respectively. It's a pendulum that swings both fucking ways. If a hypothetical white male employer turned down hypothetical black woman worker simply because she's black or woman, disregarding her proving to have way superior personality, skills and experience than other competitors, that should be called racist or sexist or both, depending on why the fuck did they turn down superior competitor. The same shit applies if hypothetical black woman employer turns down hypothetical white male worker only because he's male or white despite him proving to be superior to other competitors. Both workers also did fit well in collective. In both situations there's an example of employer being racist\sexist but by going their dumb ways of putting "black" and "woman" to very abstract position of so called "disadvantage" and "white" and "male" to also abstract position of "power", only the first situation can be considered racist\sexist.
I'm so fucking angry at people bending such terms like a fucking playdough without expecting it to backfire someday.
Works both ways since it's cukooland once you reach far left or far right.
The one that only lasts for a limited time and will be lifted once shit is in order anyway?
I need source, please.
Maybe if you sage properly next time.
Thank you, Sir.
Throughout Earth’s history the largeness of the woman has been considered a virtue.
That shit belief will never die out, will it?
Well the libtard thinks it's fat women people wanted, they didn't, being fat back then was a sign of social status because food was hard to come by
People have always wanted to fuck attractive people, fat supporters just want you to think it was desirable that long ago when it was not just because royalty "Ate like kings" so to speak and thus looked the part
But muh fertility statues
Even romans had both people who were healthy and HAES tards.
Fetishes are the same through all history, even fatty chasers
The only reason why people think this is the case it's because people with this belief tend to show Rembrandt painting fatties as beautiful women. What they don't know is that Rembrandt was a fat fetishist and there are tons of other artists of the time which did beautiful women at normal weight.
I reminded leftypol that spook is a derogatory term for black people and they gave me an 80 year ban!!
Oh shit i remember how comfy this is
I wonder how it end-
I'm still fucking confused and distatisfied with the shit ending, way to waste a (mostly) lighthearted adventure of a reality warper and her friends
I'm sure Japan could still well supply that niche for years to come, atleast until they stopped making babies completely and die of old age
If someone shooped the rocket into the KKK's mask or a burning cross then it would be better
Imagine trying to make Aqua a responsible, reasonable member of the party and a good, fun person to be around, instead of an insufferable petulant child.
Now apply that situation to sarah andersen. I'm not sure many of us burgers would feel like walking up that mountain for the slim chance of gold at the end of the rainbow.
The cock is mightier than the liberal.
"The liberal fears the cock" t.Samurai user
gib source, tomboy are 11/10
i could dump it, but seeing how pissy the mods are these days, might as well not
as for source, i posted the title so find it yourself
Didn't notice the title, but the third one doesn't have one though.
They'll take any villain apparently.
right, my bad
How long till KC Green comes out as trans?
Ultra kek at this faggot getting shocked.
As you should, for bringing idpol in.
That's EXACTLY what they want the rest of us to do, not notice that they're the gender they are. Same goes for women who bleat about harassment (where harassment = a man noticing you) they want us to be gender blind, regardless of the implications for society if that were even possible which thankfully it isn't.
He's the President while they make salt. Wonderful turn of events.
Libshits hate "HIStory" but make an exception when it conforms to their pathology.
Those….aren't girls user. I know that's the point, but just in case anyone falls for it.
Anarcho-communism is an oxymoron, you moron.
ah I get it. the title is referring to the digits of profit they can't find.
He’d kill everyone in the Federal Reserve and melt their corpses into diamonds, so that’s probably the single best pick out of any real or fictional character.
nice try
I expected better.
That's Scrooge's rival, Glomgold which makes more sense.
I don't disagree with quote but Aristotle never said that
>accidentally stumble across some great LOL material while looking for maid doujin
Should I do it anyways?
I don't why this made me laugh so much
Do it then get banned like a man
it sounds more like something Plato would say.
If its not 30 posts long and doesnt have an eyeraping colour scheme its probably not going to get deleted.
Oh, it is, isn’t it. I’d forgotten his name.
LOL threads are a no man's land; iif you get banned, appeal by pointing out there's no moderation done in here, webm threads, or 4am threads.
plz be my gf sarah
If only it worked that way, the cutest girl I know is batshit insane.
I need more rare ISIS k-ons
Alright, here it is.
Over the line
If the dump gets deleted I'll post a sadpanda link.
It gets much worse.
Degenerate. Hilarious. And yet strangely arousing.
post sadpanda, I'm gonna need this for later
I could handle the feet but this goes too far.
Almost done.
how does a doujin go from arousing to mortifying so fast?
my dick feels like a fucking slinky, and it just slunk.
And done. Here's your SadPanda link, enjoy your LOL
What the actual fucking hell is this shit?
The vomitorium was, contrary to popular belief, not a designated area for one to vomit in.
Classical latin "vomit" is roughly translated to "exit", so thus the verb "vomiting" is a polite word puking, "exiting of the stomach".
The term "vomitorium" was discovered on a doorway in the colloseum and the term went from ear to ear, and some outspoken unintelligent bastard must have made the faulty conclusion that "vomitorium" was a place to vomit after watching some gruesome fight.
Actually, vomitorium simply means "exit-way" or something like that.
It's just an exit.
Now I'm not even disgusted, just sad.
I fucked up
And that's where even someone like me draw the line
oh how the mighty have fallen.
This is just depressing.
I know that feel.
Life is already shit as it is, give me something romantic and cute and not gay, so no buttfucking user. Appeal to the lonely and depressed man
This is why you read the tags carefully when you're trying to find an ara/gentle femdom doujin with maid outfits. I just wanted something cute and ended up with this abomination instead.
you really fucked up; nice trips tho
You guys are so stupid. Don't you get it? By spitting on him, she showed that she really did love him. She gave him exactly what he wanted, which was ultimate humiliation and scorn.
How do you dummys not even understand a simple H-story?
What a disgusting doujin.
Do you get off to corruption and mind-break, by any chance?
What she did isn't disgusting. It's him that we're all disgusted by and/or laughing at.
Pretty much gave him exactly what he wants, no idea why they didnt stay together after the mansion got sold though
Worth it, those two last pictures only made up a minor percentage of the whole thing anyways
If you click it and it isn't animated, you're either using Google Chrome or stuck on Internet Explorer and a complete a faggot.
I knew that kind of ending was coming, and yet I'm still disgusted
There was this time when I was sitting on the bus and a girl sat down in front of me, she had that effect, just everything about her you know turned me on. Her reddish-brown hair, how she was bigger and older than me, her cute face, the short jeans, the nylon on her legs, those small kinky shoes… I got a diamond boner like never before, a lot of things went through my head. I quickly got away from the bus and rubbed it off in the backyard of a church.
A damn good fap, that's what it was.
That's some hardcore denial.
No happy ebdo this time user, just sadness.
The guy ended up a mind-broken homeless masochist. It's like watching a druggie get giddy over finding enough change to get their next fix.
they used the wrong onomatopoeia I think
So what you are saying it's that he's Anthony Burch?
Shit, that's right. Is he worse than Burch or not?
nah I don't think burch took it in the ass with a strap on.
there's only one person that's sunk that low
Now put this one in.
He never put on make-up and female clothing. He also didn't get cucked (yet). And the girl did supposedly love him. So he's still a step above Anthony Burch.
Let that sink in.
responded you cunt
Forgot about that guy for a second, you got it closer
But doesn't Burch have for now a house?
Calm down Tesla.That was fucking clear, it still didn't make it less shit.
At least this guy got some
where are the tits? Even on a flat chest you'd see nipple before the bottom of the frame. On a big saggy chest you'd see cleavage. WHERE IS IT?
The author of that comic has great Krillin x 18 comic out at least.
transhumanism was a thing loooong before tumblr buddy. Literally the ideology of WHATEVER MAKES US CYBORGS SOONER and its better than burgerlands establishment ideologies at least because cyborgs are fucking badass
7 legit ideologies, 1 school of critique, and then an-fem, liberals in disguise
you mother fucker
Claiming it doesn't make it true
I'm going to be a lich. Unless I die before
Fuck youre right
There's nothing legit about ancaps
It's brilliant, thank you.
>>>Holla Forums
this faggot didn't do his homework
was the koopalings shit ever sorted out or was that just NOA being morons and making them his kids.
im getting PTSD when fumitan died
I like the blatant attempt at deflection by dismissing ones you don't like
But didn't the Greeks binge on food to point where they threw up just so they could continue eating? Honestly having a room where people could throw up after watching men kill each other isn't exactly that big of a stretch. Also you're talking about a loli-rape-vomit Dojuin. Historical accuracy probably wasn't at the top the translators priorities
She probably got another job as a maid and the kid most likely didn't have many skills to make it in the world, and is said to have gotten everything taken from him.
Some audible representation of him jerking it.
Stop violating the NAP
Well fuck you too user.
Have a nice day
if the daytona usa theme started playing while I was beating down the bush snake i'd probably lose all sense of my sanity.
fuck you.
This is a future I can not have.
how do you people maintain the will to live?
Why would you do this.
Now this is how you get (you)s everyone.
But I am black
Okay so what are those teeth, did he paint his upper lip or are they some kind of nasty wax or some shit?
Everyone here is either gay or a perma virgin.
Fucking ancaps, this time you gone too far
I'm breddy sure you have to die in order to become a lich, buddy
Adventures are always fun heh
Don't encourage him.
Inchlings are for adventures, caring for, and tenderly loving. Shinny needs her own adventure game.
exquisite taste tbh
But user, I'm a NEET.
Now that's shitposting.
I cant fap to this, I need vanilla maid lovely dolly stories!
Don't threaten a man's waifu like that.
fuck you
It isn't you fucking nonce, read a book.
You really underestimate how popular pegging is nowadays.
Dude, his wife was a fucking escort, to say nothing of the open marriage.
pls be my GF, sarah
You will suffer greatly in your life, user
you're a piece of human garbage
I didn't open this but
six million hours in Photoshop
It's been done before.
I'll be a cuteboy and get fucked in the ass.
You'd probably get off on being the "wife"
But will you wear a frilly dress?
how rude user, not everyone knows every single mario game ever made, get a life you gamesplainer
The font is too big. The thumbnail is still legible
you know he will
getting worse? those stupid political labels have been around for as long as i can remember.
shes fucking FLAT
「F u c k Y o u」
you bitch
Tame, there's better guro with tohous.
Try the sumirenko one.
fuck you
I hate niggers
That isn't Seven. Seven is much cuter.
God I hate the normalfags who originally posted this copy here, does anyone have the triple-k mafia version which included the license plate?
I hate you
plz be my gf sarah
I am into short girls with flat chests and also tomboys anyway
oh fug
The elites are the true fucking racists
its here
Moonman did this song. he he he
Is there anyone left who hasn't been granted meme immunity to these yet?>>11889914
"die" is also for any gender plural:
It gets more complicated when grammatical cases are involved, a concept that doesn't exist in the English language (note also the extra "n" in "Juden", which does not appear above):
> Vergast den Juden: Gas the jew